Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 644 After the destruction of all things

The aftermath of the big explosion shook repeatedly between the two worlds, and the chaotic wind disturbed Vanna's long silver hair. She raised her hand to shield the wind and sand in front of her eyes, watching the ghost ship burning with blazing flames slowly. Landing slowly in the sand sea, I saw the huge black goat walking down from the clouds and walking step by step to the side of the Lost Home.

Then, a flame fell from the deck of the Lost Home like a meteor, and suddenly spread into a door in front of her eyes, and Duncan's figure stepped out of the door.

"Captain!" Vanna immediately came back to her senses. She stepped towards Duncan, but as soon as she took half a step, she felt her body sway and almost fell forward to the ground. At the last second when she was about to fall, she used the giant The remaining cane supported his body, shook it twice, and finally stabilized.

Duncan quickly came to her: "How is the situation?"

Fanna held the cane with one hand, raised her head with some effort, and smiled reluctantly: "This time it seems... I'm really tired."

Then she casually let go of the long sword in her other hand, reached into her clothes again, found the "sun" that was still emitting bright and warm light, and handed it to Duncan with a slight trembling. : "Here you go, this is the 'sun' Tarrikin left behind... intact."

Duncan noticed the name immediately: "Tarekin?"

"Yes, that giant... His name is Tarijn," Vanna nodded slightly. "He is the god who records history. A long time ago, he fell on the day of the Great Annihilation."

Duncan frowned tightly and stared at the ancient "star" that exuded warm brilliance in Vanna's hand. Amidst the ups and downs of countless thoughts, he finally reached out and took the sphere.

A warm touch came from the palm of his hand, and the slow-moving flames on the surface of the sphere gently licked his palm - but there was something more important now.

Duncan casually put the "sun" into his arms, stepped forward to hold Vanna's arm, and used his other hand to take over the huge cane that looked like a rough tree trunk that the latter was holding - he It can be seen that this beautiful young warrior can hardly hold on any longer.

Fanna was not polite. She breathed a sigh of relief and put most of her body weight on the captain. At the same time, she raised her head and glanced at the huge black goat still standing quietly next to the Lost Home, and asked thoughtfully: " …Is that ‘first mate’?”

"How did you recognize it?"

"Although the face is magnified many times, it can still be seen," Fanna said, and couldn't help but add, "In addition, I can also use my brain to reason."

"It's indeed him - I repaired the keel of the Lost Home and gave him part of my flame so that he could restore this posture in a short time," Duncan said as he led Vanna towards the Dao still stayed at the flame door on the edge of the dune, "We will discuss the specific details later. Now go back to the ship. The matter is not over yet."

As if to confirm Duncan's words, before he finished speaking, a low and weird roar and an unsettling whistling sound gradually came from the distance, as if two huge millstones began to crush and tear each other again, terrifying Vibrations and loud noises echoed in both worlds at the same time!

In the distant horizon, the "collision" that had stopped for a while began again. The mountains were collapsing, the clouds began to boil, and in the sky, a huge fire appeared again in the depths of Silantis, which had been turned into ruins. It had been almost completely destroyed. The forests and earth swallowed by the darkness were gradually reshaped as if time was reversed, but in the process of reshaping, they took on various twisted and terrifying postures - and the next second, those resurfaced and twisted forests and earth quickly collapsed. , once again swallowed by darkness, the whole process starts over and over again, moving towards madness step by step.

Around Vanna, a terrifying violent wind rolled up again in the boundless desert, but this time it was not her control of the "storm" - there seemed to be countless roaring and ferocious phantoms hidden in the violent wind, each one The phantoms are shouting out the names of those who have passed away, and the huge sandstorm wall is also taking shape in the wind, with the illusion of cities and mountains vaguely emerging within the wall.

The final collision and fusion of the two worlds begins.

At the last second when the storm hit, Vanna was dragged into the rotating flame door by Duncan.

The next second, she was already standing on the deck of the Lost Home - the blazing spiritual flames formed a wall outside the ghost ship, and the horrific scene when the two worlds collided turned into a twisted and hazy image outside the flames. However, even through this layer of flames, she seemed to be able to hear the roars of two worlds at the same time, and the terrifying roar when everything collapsed!

"I thought it was all over..." She looked at the world outside the deck that was falling apart in astonishment, feeling the increasingly intense shaking coming from the deck, and suddenly seemed a little unresponsive, "Why... "

"We just eliminated the sun's descendants who invaded the Dream of the Nameless One - but Silendis's nightmare will not end with this," Duncan's voice sounded from the side, "This is the deepest part of the memory of the elven race, during the Great Annihilation. The scene is deeply imprinted here - the collision and annihilation of the two worlds is the destined ending of this nightmare."

The shaking of the whole ship became more and more intense. While Fanna was trying to stand firm, she stared at the scene of everything collapsing in the distance with wide eyes. She finally couldn't help but say: "How should we stop this..."

When Duncan heard this, he just turned his head and looked into her eyes quietly: "Prevent? Prevent what? Prevent the collision of two worlds? Or prevent the Great Annihilation from happening?"

Fanna was startled when she heard this, and seemed to gradually come to her senses.

"The Great Annihilation has already happened - in real history, as the beginning of the Deep Sea Age, it has already happened and ended, and what is left here is just a 'memory' that has already happened. We cannot stop it, and there is no need. Stop it," Duncan slowly shook his head, "What we have to do is just stop Silantis."

Fanna stopped talking and just showed a thoughtful expression.

Duncan slowly came to the edge of the deck, looking into the distance, looking at the doomsday scene of the world being annihilated.

The fusion of the two worlds began - at the end of the "collision", the two pieces of land hanging upside down did not really overlap in the physical sense, but fell apart before that, being reshaped and twisted again and again. It gradually turned into some kind of dark and chaotic... "thing".

Above and below the Lost Home, around the decks, and beyond the ship's side, the forests, mountains, deserts, and rivers were torn apart and rapidly losing discernible color and outline, and the light of the entire world was After that, the large and small debris gradually turned into "lumps" with chaotic outlines in the darkness. These masses floated in the endless darkness, further colliding and merging with each other, turning into more twisted and grotesque shadows.

Then an unknown amount of time passed, and among all things that had almost completely sunk into darkness, a chaotic and dark stream of light appeared - as if it were the remaining soul after the world was burned out, as if it was the last bit of fire in the embers, and the dark light flowed out. Now those grotesque shadowy masses flowed disorderly across Duncan's field of vision.

In the depths of those dark and disorderly light streams, among the wreckage and ruins of the collision of the world, in the end there was only a shape whose outline could barely be discerned.

That's a huge tree.

She floats quietly in the dark depths where all things are annihilated, floating in the time and years that have stopped flowing after the Doomsday.

She was already dead, completely dead when the world collided. The conflict between law and order annihilated all things. God died first in the process, and the World Tree created by God was naturally no exception - Sirandis was just A phantom, a phantom that has long since disappeared.

But she couldn't really die.

Because deep in the memory of the "elf", he always remembers that there is such a world tree.

Even if it is an elf that has been re-created, even if it is an elf that was restored by the "Holy Lord of the Deep" in the third long night - after witnessing the truth of the Great Annihilation with his own eyes, Duncan has been vaguely aware of the current deep sea era. What is the essence of "all things"?

Nothing can escape the conflict of laws in World Collision, not the kingdom's most powerful warriors, not the World Tree created by the gods, not even the gods themselves.

Duncan doesn't know what kind of existence the "Four Gods", including the "Eternal Burning Fire Tower Ruijin", are, but one thing he is sure of is that strictly speaking, the entire Deep Sea Age is actually only in the third century. After three long nights, Holy Lord Netherworld recovered from the "blueprint".

All are embers.

Duncan stared silently at the Silantis floating peacefully in the darkness, at her remains and the chaotic shadows around her that had once been the homeland of a race.

Strictly speaking, this "World Tree" that appeared in the memory of the elven race was actually a replica - but she couldn't understand this.

Likewise, she could not recognize the "elves" reshaped from "ashes".

A glimmer of light gradually diffused from the remains of Silendis.

Little bits of light were like fireflies, slowly seeping outward from the remains of the giant tree, and gradually converging into a river in the chaos. This river meandered, gently surrounding Silendis's feet, like A long time ago, in the forest of the elves' homeland, there were rivers running through the land, nourishing the World Tree.

Every point of light in the river is a sleeping mind.

Under the "nourishment" of this river, the remains of Sirantes began to grow again - in the state of still dead "corpse", the branches of the World Tree began to strangely rise, extend, and grow from the edge. It has gray-white, fine and twisted leaves, like a zombie standing up from the grave, crawling from the kingdom of the dead into the world.

Ted Leal's last stand failed.

Duncan reached forward.

The Homeless Ship sailed silently in the darkness towards the pale and twisted "Tree of Death" that had been burnt to ruins but was still growing and spreading.

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