Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 837 Going Home

Slight dizziness and a vague sense of disobedience permeated the air again. At the last intersection on her way home, Heidi stopped in confusion and looked back in the direction she came from.

Mist covers the streets, clouds hang low on the roofs, the street lamps emit a cold and dim glow, and some shadowy, swaying and wriggling shadows rise and fall in the fog, occasionally emitting chaotic noises that are incomprehensible to humans, like a dream, Nothing seems out of the ordinary.

She frowned, and out of the corner of her eye she saw a line of text carved by someone on the wall next to her. The crooked symbols on it gave her a headache.

Not far away on the street, a sturdy lady was standing at the door. She probably noticed Heidi who was in a daze on the road. The lady cast a curious look: "Good evening, do you need help?"

"No," Heidi hesitated and replied, "I'm fine, just a little dizzy."

"Please pay attention to your health. Dizziness is not a trivial matter." The strong lady showed a friendly smile. "If you feel uncomfortable, you can come in and sit. I have hot tea here." "

Sensing the pure kindness of the other party, Heidi smiled and waved her hand: "Thank you for your kindness, but I am much better now.

'Yeah? It seems that breathing fresh air is really good. Today is a good day.

Heidi nodded, politely thanked her, and then looked away. Then, she saw a stranger wearing a long blue coat walking through the fog. He was holding a heavy-looking package in his hand and walking in a hurry. , with a bit of fear in his eyes - as if something terrible was chasing him in the fog, making him look around anxiously as he walked, but he didn't dare to make too big a move, as if he was afraid of disturbing him. Something in the fog.

Heidi frowned subconsciously and walked towards the frightened man: "Hello, sir, are you in any trouble? I'm a psychiatrist.

The man in the blue coat was startled. He stopped and stared in Heidi's direction with wide eyes. He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to speak, but then he seemed to find something on Heidi, and his eyes suddenly flashed. He became nervous and alert, waved his hand almost rudely, then turned and walked deeper into the mist without saying a word.

Heidi frowned in confusion and looked down at herself, feeling that there was nothing objectionable about herself.

The slight dizziness and vague sense of disobedience became intense again.

Heidi felt a faint vigilance in her heart. Although she didn't know what she should be wary of, her spiritual perception that had been dormant for a long time seemed to suddenly revive. In the streets around her that looked like everything was normal, she gradually felt the danger. and cold.

There's something wrong, it's in my sight, it's around me, but I ignore those things that are against my will

Heidi quietly retreated to the side of the road, carefully observing her surroundings while silently chanting Lachem's name. She lowered her hand, and a sharp golden awl slipped silently into her hand.

But she doesn't know what kind of "enemies" this golden cone can be used against. Are there really enemies?

The pendant on the chest emits a slight heat, as if it is reminding him of something.

Heidi's eyes swept around her, and the "graffiti" carved on the wall by someone unknown came into her eyes again. Those crooked lines were creeping, shaking, and suddenly appeared to be readable. : "waves, death, the temperature of fire

Heidi froze suddenly.

The whistling reason and memory surged in like the waves that once disappeared from cognition, and inevitably came to her like death. She began to understand, began to perceive, and began to realize the changes that had taken place in the world, and The panic that had been suppressed for who knows how long almost knocked her down in the first second - but the mental training she had carried out for many years allowed her to stand firm. With an adaptation speed faster than anyone else, she forcibly maintained her reason and courage. , and looked up and looked around.

Dark red shadows like flesh and blood filled the night, covering all the surrounding walls and roofs. The clouds hung upside down like another piece of earth crushed down. The cold brilliance of the creation of the world penetrated the clouds and turned into A series of irregular, weird and trembling shadows licked and moved over the entire city as if they were alive, and on the streets covered with mist, the hazy human silhouettes swayed like a walking zombie, emitting low murmurs and whispers. A whimpering sound.

A man in a gray coat walked over, holding a rotten and suspicious substance in his hand, and stuffed it into his mouth while mumbling.

A bicycle with no one controlling it walked slowly and alone on the street. The rotten wheels and chains made a creaking noise. There was only a squirming shadow the size of a human head on the seat.

A huge limb of flesh and blood emerged from a house not far away. Thousands of eyes at the end of the limb blinked in the fog. The terrifying piece of flesh turned around. In the cold night, those eyes Looking randomly in every direction around him, a human-like voice came out of the lump of meat:

'Good evening. It's a nice day today. Heidi took in a breath of cold air. The coldness that could almost freeze her heart and lungs penetrated deep into her blood vessels. She suddenly remembered the extra graffiti and graffiti she had seen on the road every day these days. The carvings reminded me of the inexplicable disobedience I felt, and the man in the blue coat who was walking around in panic and in a hurry.

Thinking of my mother who is staying at home!

She took a sharp breath, turned around and ran towards the mist-shrouded street, flying towards home as fast as she could -

Someone seemed to be whispering in the fog, and someone in the distance seemed to be calling her name. The dark red flesh-like shadows on both sides of the road squirmed and trembled together, and then slowly separated to both sides in a disgusting way. Next door Gunshots were heard in the neighborhood, as if someone had caused a commotion in fear. A steam walker with many eyes and mouths staggered from the opposite side, with a pressure pipe cracking its mouth and humming a weird monotonous song.

But Heidi didn't seem to hear or see this. She blocked everything that could disturb her mind and just ran through the whole street without any distractions. Through the mist, the light at the door of her house finally turned on. loomed in her field of vision.

She grabbed her long skirt and ran the last few dozen meters without a ladylike manner. But she stopped for a moment before opening the door. She hesitated and handed the sharp "golden awl" to her left hand. , adjusted his breathing again, then carefully took out the key, unlocked and turned the handle.

The door to the house opened, and the cold and bright light in the living room came into view. Heidi saw that everything in the house seemed to be the same as usual—

-Although you can still vaguely see some creeping shadows in various corners, it is at least countless times more "normal" than the streets outside.

Mother was sitting by the fireplace at the end of the living room, seemingly engrossed in reading a newspaper that had been delivered at an unknown time.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the old woman by the fireplace raised her head with a gentle smile on her face: "Heidi, did you go well with your visit one by one?"

My mother was still her usual self, and there were no expected "intruders" in the room.

Heidi quietly breathed a sigh of relief, put away the golden cone, then straightened her face, and walked quickly to the fireplace: "It's too late to explain, mother, you come with me now, we have to leave this place, this neighborhood is not safe, there are Something is outside

As she spoke, she paused hesitantly.

Because the mother only had a gentle smile on her face, without the slightest surprise or doubt. After Heidi stopped hesitantly, the old woman nodded, then got up and walked to the stairs on the other side of the fireplace.

She retrieved two suitcases from under the stairs.

'The necessary things are all here, the shelter has basic living facilities, and the supplies are quite sufficient - Dante Wayne has always done a good job.

"Your 'medical kit' is also packed and is on the table in your room. Go get it yourself. They are still needed in the shelter."

"Take your revolver and a few extra boxes of bullets - try not to use them, but if you must use them, shoot well, the bullets are still effective against things that are flesh and blood and crawling around."

As the old woman spoke, she came to the fireplace again, stood up slightly, and with some difficulty took off the old rifle hanging on the brass hook.

After a few clicks, the old woman skillfully checked the condition of the gun, pushed the bullet into the chamber, then withdrew and refilled it.

‘I’ll just use this one. I used it when I accompanied your father on outings. This old guy is very reliable and can shoot every cultist. "

Heidi stared at this scene dumbfounded. It was only then that she gradually came to her senses and looked at her mother in disbelief: "Mom, what are you...

"They were ready when they posted flyers on the telephone poles for the first time, and the rest of the day was just waiting for you to wake up," the old woman looked up at Heidi, "It's not bad, they didn't wait. Too long. "

Heidi was shocked and speechless for a long time. It wasn't until her mother began to urge her that she finally woke up and hurriedly ran to her room upstairs. She found the small suitcase and handbag on the table that her mother had helped organize. There are several cardboard boxes next to the box.

Opening the carton, there are shiny yellow pistol bullets inside - each bullet has the sacred motto of Rahm, the God of Wisdom, printed on it with special ink:

"Let knowledge enter the mind."

Heidi looked at the yellow bullets, calmed down, hid some of the bullets in several pockets on her body, carefully wrapped the rest and put them in the medical kit.

After doing all this, she turned around and ran downstairs quickly.

"Mother, I'm ready, let's

Heidi stopped suddenly on the stairs.

She saw the door to her home open, and a familiar figure standing at the entrance.

Wearing a slightly old but clean woolen coat, a monocle, and a pipe in his mouth.

Father came home.

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