Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 842 Letter

Not long after the journey to the end of the world began, Duncan made an agreement with the black sun - when he arrived at the frontier of order and confirmed the cornerstone of the new world, he would respond to the other party's wish to build a new world in the new world. Obtain a request for a location, and at that time, the Black Sun will also show him a "clue" related to the new world.

Now, the Lost Home has arrived in this sea of ​​ashes, and the time has come for the appointment.

Deep in the captain's cabin, Alice sat on the bed with her back to Duncan. The navigation key slid into the keyhole of the doll and turned with a slight friction sound - the familiar slight dizziness and heavy perception. After leaving it behind, Duncan's side had transformed into the spacious and gorgeous, but extremely gloomy hall of Alice Mansion.

The mansion door, which was dark in color and covered with complicated lines, stood quietly at the end of the carpet. There seemed to be faint sunlight floating in the gap between the door, and the projection of the black sun should still be waiting outside the door.

However, Duncan did not go directly to the door to attend the appointment. Instead, he turned around and walked deeper into the mansion. He found Alice in the navigation cabin who was holding a drawing board in a daze, and then returned to the hall with the doll and arrived. In front of that door.

For some reason, he hoped that everything he would experience in this "end of all things" would be witnessed by this doll.

Alice didn't think too much. She was just happy, as happy as she was every day. She seemed to be looking forward to meeting that "big ball of flesh on fire". As a "high-ranking anomaly" who had not lived much in human society, she seemed to be both He was not afraid of the black sun, nor did he show any resistance to the dangerous "ancient god".

Duncan came to the front door of the mansion, and just like last time, he effortlessly pushed open the ajar door - accompanied by the creaking sound of the door shaft, the door seemed heavy but actually seemed weightless. It opened, and the dazzling but not burning false sunlight rushed towards his face, filling his vision with splendor and splendor.

In a shell of bright flames, the pale and deformed accumulation of flesh and blood slowly expanded and squirmed. The huge eyes were half-open and half-closed, as if casting a gaze in sleep: "Ah, Fire Usurper, you have appeared... …Are you here to respond to me?”

Duncan faced the sunshine that hit his face: "I have now reached the end of all things and confirmed things about the cornerstone of the new world. Now as agreed, I will come to meet you."

The flesh and blood tissue inside the Black Sun seems to be a little more active. The flames on its outer shell slowly rise, and low-level tremors are heard from the countless tentacles and swellings: "Ah, it sounds like you have made great progress... So regarding my initial request, my position in the new world..."

"Okay." Duncan responded concisely before the other party finished speaking.

Perhaps because the answer came so quickly, Black Sun seemed to be stunned for a moment. The squirming and trembling sounds of its flesh and blood paused for a few seconds before hesitatingly speaking again: "Are you sure..."

"Yes, the new world is big enough to leave a place for you and the 'home' in your memory," Duncan said with a serious expression, "but only if the new world can be completed as planned."

"...Aren't you worried that I will become a 'dangerous factor' in the new world?" Black Sun became confused at this time, "My tribe and I have been exiled by this sanctuary for ten thousand years, and you want to put me and the sanctuary Are you worried that other ethnic groups will be brought to the new world together? "

"I said, the new world is very big," Duncan said calmly, and emphasized again, "It's very big - your civilization is not an immortal species, and the 'hidden dangers' you talk about will exist in the vast space. The scale and the accompanying time scale are eliminated. Within a sufficient safe period, your civilization will not have the opportunity to contact other people. As for yourself..."

Duncan paused after saying this, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

"As one of the 'Ancient Kings' when the Sanctuary was founded, you are familiar with the original blueprint of the Infinite Sea and all the system loopholes. Based on your current understanding of the 'Sanctuary', I guess... this world In fact, there is no ability to 'exile' you at all, or in other words - if you want to return to the boundless sea, you will come back as early as the day when the ancient kingdom of Crete raises Vision 001 to the sky."

He raised his head and stared quietly at the huge eye in the center of the creeping sun disc.

"During the process of building this sanctuary, there was no record of war between the ancient kings. Everything was the result of negotiation - you were voluntarily exiled, but the heirs and residues that grew out of you... Things got out of control.”

Black Sun was silent for a moment, and finally spoke slowly: "The establishment of the shelter was very 'extreme'. At that time, there was not even a trace of extra resources and time to waste. Long Ye failed twice, and we must succeed the third time... No one has a choice."

"Thank you for your rationality, so please save yourself the unnecessary temptations and assumptions. I have my own arrangements for the new world - now it's your turn to fulfill your promise," Duncan changed his tone and his expression became serious. "You said you had 'evidence' of the New World, what exactly is that?"

The black sun did not speak, but slowly expanded its tiny tentacles on the edge of the sun. On the edge of the burning false corona, a limb suddenly extended out - something seemed to be rolled at the end of the limb, and it spanned the long The spatial distance was accurately delivered to Duncan.

Alice, who had been wandering around for a long time, was startled and immediately came up curiously: "What is this?"

"A letter." The trembling voice of Black Sun echoed in this void space, and then the "tiny" tentacles slowly expanded, and an object appeared in Duncan's eyes.

It was just a silver-gray cube, like a metal ingot, with a side length of only about ten centimeters. There seemed to be some lines engraved on the surface. Although the shape was somewhat curious, it was not what Duncan thought it was at first. "Something amazing".

He looked at the small metal cube in confusion, and noticed that the surface of the cube had a vague, translucent texture - considering that what came here was just the projection of the black sun, obviously, the cube it displayed was just a projection.

The body of this block should be with the Black Sun, somewhere outside the dimension of reality.

Duncan frowned suddenly, and he noticed some lines on the surface of the cube.

Black Sun seemed to have expected it. When Duncan's vision changed, it thoughtfully sent the projection of the cube in front of Duncan, and slowly rotated, showing every surface of it.

Duncan saw the outline of a human figure standing on a coordinate chart with many markings and reference points.

On the second surface he saw a series of circles, arranged from small to large.

On the third surface, he saw intersecting lines, and the intersections of the lines seemed to show some kind of mathematical law.

On the surface, the fourth one looks like a crooked picture like a child's graffiti. The immature brushwork seems incompatible with the previous several seemingly precise and seemingly profound patterns.

On the fifth surface, there are countless concave points that seem to be randomly distributed, which seem to be...a "star map" representing constellations or similar celestial systems?

Duncan's eyes fell on the sixth surface.

It's full of distorted symbols!

They originally seemed to be many different words, but under the influence of some kind of force, all the words, or the information represented by the words, were distorted into something that was completely unrecognizable. Duncan even felt that those distorted symbols were alive. , when he stared at them, each of their lines was shaking and reorganizing themselves, making it impossible for him to distinguish their true outlines.

Duncan subconsciously stretched out his hand towards the cube, but his fingers directly penetrated the phantom.

The voice of Black Sun reached his ears: "Its 'entity' is not here, but I can describe its state to you——

"This is a metal ingot with the hardness of steel, but it is surprisingly light; it is hollow inside, and there is a powerful energy source hidden within it, and I cannot peek into its interior without damaging its integrity. Specific structure; it seems to have some kind of powerful 'institution' that releases information to the outside, but this institution is also hidden within it.

"And one last point: it seems to have originally carried more intelligence, including the unreadable 'text' you noticed, but none of this 'intelligence' can be read.

"It even made a sound at the beginning, but it was just chaotic noise. It kept releasing some kind of 'signal', but even I couldn't understand what it was. And now, its release process It has basically stopped. I can’t tell whether it is because of a malfunction or because of energy exhaustion...but it should have nothing to do with energy, because until now, the energy reaction inside it is still very strong.”

Listening to Black Sun's story, Duncan didn't speak for a long time. He just stared at the constantly rotating cube quietly. After a long time, he finally broke the silence: "So, this is a letter, a letter from 'New The world's letter to the 'old world' - is that what you mean?"


"But how are you sure?" Duncan couldn't help but ask, "How are you sure it's not another 'relic' from the Great Annihilation? Just like the other twisted fragments."

"Because it comes from a place where it is theoretically impossible for any 'fragments' to exist." Black Sun said calmly.

Duncan suddenly frowned: "A place where there can't be any fragments?"

"…the creation of the world."

There was silence for a moment.

Duncan opened his eyes slightly, looking at the projection of the cube in astonishment, at its every surface trying to convey various information, and at the erased words.

This is a letter.

But this letter... was sent by who?

(Recommend books! "Invite the World to Die" from Yan ZK, a touching oriental fantasy, produced by a great god, if you are interested, you can check it out!)

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