Deep Sea Embers

Complete remarks

It's finished, it's finished, let's celebrate~~

Captain Duncan and his friends lived a peaceful and fulfilling new life in the new world (accurate).

As usual, I still have to say a few words after the book is finished.

First of all, there should be some extra chapters after the book is finished (theoretically), I will take a break these days and think about what to write for the extra chapters...

Then, I plan to take a break for four to five months after the book is finished (tentative), and think about the new book in the meantime.

Finally, about the new book - what I can reveal now is that the new book will be a more relaxed and enjoyable experience + adventure story, the protagonist and his gang members are all very interesting guys, and the overall world view should not be full of "doomsday feeling" like Dawn and Deep Sea - of course, there will be no shortage of crises.

Everyone can look forward to it.

At the end, as usual, the real finishing remarks -

Oh my god, I can finally take a break.

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