Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 455: known to the world

The giant city was very quiet, and Wang Xuan's injury was no problem. He used the wordless tactic many times to remove the rhythm left in the body of the holy artifact, and the wound healed and completely recovered.

The red sun was to the west, and although the killing intent was pervading outside the city, and the banner was fluttering, the Hell Legion did not intend to do anything.

The cities rising from the ground are dotted on this flat land. In the sunset, they are solemn, solemn, depressing, and shocking.

The high-rises such as Tianshen Mountain, Holy Imperial City, Ash Ridge, etc. are very calm, and there is no rush to attack, because when the city is besieged, it is already late.

They were worried that if Kong Xuan could not be solved before the sun went down, after the wanderers from **** came out in a large area, it would seriously affect the hunting.

The night of **** is very terrifying, and it is equally dangerous for the Awakened. Without the protection of the city, the entire field is **** and brutal.

Eventually, the sun went down on the horizon, and the battle didn't break out.

The dark blue moon rose, and the rotten giant bird like a dark cloud turned into the sky, covering the moon, and a terrifying wanderer of the alien level appeared, and took one step to land on the moon.

Everyone knows that the war will start in the Qing Dynasty tomorrow. From that moment on, the land outside the giant city will be dyed red with blood!

Hell this night is spooky and different than usual. The deceased Jidao Zhenxian cried, showing the rhythm of the Dao, the gods wailed, and the deep night sky poured down heavy rain. If you look closely, it is actually bright red, and the ground is flowing with a river of blood, which is extremely rare in the past.

This doesn't look like a good sign!

The giant towering into the clouds is extremely huge, his rotten face is full of blood and tears, and he keeps falling from the sky.

Even Wu Liuji in the city looked solemn when staring at the giant whose soles were higher than the city.

Farther away, a huge figure with an iron spear stuck in his heart, an alien whose head was even pierced by arrow feathers, lost his mind, opened his mouth, and wanted to swallow the blue moon silently.

In the True Immortal area, there are dozens of figures wandering, and the soles of their feet fall, enough to smash the giant city. They are all wanderers and come from the depths of hell.

In addition, a large number of wanderers, bathed in blood rain, crying and screaming, disturbed this rainy night, and there were even more terrible blood-colored lightnings that pierced the sky from time to time.

In the rainy night, all kinds of monsters, shadowy, dense, the whole **** is full of terrible energy.

Extraordinary people from various religions, foreign explorers, and bounty hunters are hiding in the city, and they dare not let the atmosphere out. This night is too special.

The true saint who died in hell! Wu Liuji's cold hair stood on end, and he quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at it again, that kind of monster was completely out of line.

If it really attracts its attention, there is no solution in hell, and there is no way to escape! Where? Leng Mei is still young in the end, there is still curiosity on her fair face, the appearance of a true saint who died in hell, this is a magnificent spectacle that is rare to see in many eras.

Don't look! Wu Liuji shouted with Yuanshen and stopped her.

Wang Xuan only glanced at it, and immediately lowered his head, at the end of the horizon.

A terrifying figure stands on the ground, towering into the sky. Although his Dao rhyme is vast, but most of his body is rotten. If you don't look at it, it will be fine. If you look at it, your mind will burst!

The rotten figure seemed to squeeze the entire transcendent central universe at once. All kinds of runes, tattered star seas, shattered galaxies, broken prohibited items, etc., were all revealed.

Wang Xuan used the wordless art six times in a row to cut off that terrifying projection from his heart!

The wreckage of the true saint did not take the initiative to attack people, but once you look at it, there will be a supreme Dao rhyme coming along the light of the mind, enough to drive ordinary extraordinary people crazy.

Wang Xuan seriously warned Fu Dao Niu, and also reminded Master Zhang not to peep.

At the same time, he glanced at Leng Mei who was standing beside him with the most curiosity, patted her snow-white neck, and then pressed her head down, she really wanted to see.

This night, in some cities, some young people who didn't listen to the warning went crazy, and some people even broke down directly.

In fact, it didn't stop there. At midnight, there were two more true saint wrecks. As for whether there are still at the end of the earth, it is not known.

Anyway, no one dared to look at it again, even the aliens lowered their confident heads and hid in the city low-key. Everyone felt that this time was different. The must-kill list might appear, and all kinds of omens were too embarrassing. with terror.

Hiss, yes, it might be coming! In the second half of the night, a foreigner reflected the strange heat through the lake of God, took a peek, and saw a rotten, but still intact true saint walking out of the depths of hell, holding a jade box in his hand.

what is that? Could it be the half of the list in the legend? In the middle of the night, the extraordinary secret network of **** is extremely busy, and all kinds of latest secret reports are passed on to the world.

The half of the list is very relevant, some true saints want to cross out their names from the top, and some true saints are afraid that their names will be rewritten on it.

Once it appears, it must be boundless **** storm!

In fact, the starry sky in the universe was not peaceful at first.

At this moment, on the Transcendent Network, the major mythological platforms and the Transcendent channels are all talking about Kong Xuan's confrontation with the Hell Legion.

By now, some things are impossible to hide.

Some time ago, many truths in **** were reported, and there was an uproar in the sea of ​​​​stars. People already knew that Kong Xuan did not deal with the Paper Temple, the Tattoo Palace, Guixu, and Shi Shitian, and had fought fiercely.

Not only did Kong Xuan not die, but he also broke the limit 5 times, beheading the fleeting years of Shi Shitian, Zhou Tai of the Paper Temple, Xiang Shan of the Evil God's Palace... After these news came back, the Xinghai earthquake!

Earlier, when the fleeting year first appeared, there were people who boasted that they were pushing the flames to help, thinking that a generation of gods and gods would rise, and as a result, many of the strongest disciples of the True Saint Dojo were killed by Kong Xuan alone.

Many people know that Kong Xuan is almost a loose cultivator, and he is nicknamed a quality inspector, mainly for those who have broken the limit four times.

When the news was initially revealed, all parties could not believe it. This was truly shocking.

Therefore, in recent days, Kong Xuan's name has spread all over the place, and the entire Transcendent Internet is talking about him. His outrageousness and transcendence have made everyone lose their voices. Some of the videos captured by Hell 5 Po Immortal are long overdue and finally released.

People were shocked to find that before Wang Xuan broke the limit 5 times, he had killed the city master monster in the city of God.

Under the siege of 11 5-time limit-breaking city lords, he is still alive!

Afterwards, there were even more terrifying images of him surviving the calamity, as well as outrageous images of him chasing and killing the coalition forces of multiple giant cities, which simply subverted the cognition of extraordinary people from all over the world.

Do you know why Kong Xuan didn't die and could rise rapidly? Because he bought my "Guide to Living in Hell" and got a lot of good in hell!

Yiren is new to the heat, selling books and selling necessities of hell.

There are all kinds of reports, all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods have come out, and there are too many discussions to see. For example, someone swears to mention that Kong Xuan is actually the illegitimate son of a true saint.

There is also news that a true sage fell in love with him and wanted to accept him as a closed disciple, and even wanted to recruit him as a grandson-in-law.

Of course, there were also many people who slandered him. He was about to die. Guixu, the Tattoo Palace, and the Paper Temple would not let him go. Kong Xuan could not do without hell.

Therefore, now the latest news from **** came, saying that he was going to fight in hell, which immediately caused a heated discussion, and this topic was all over the Transcendent Internet.

Ling Xiaosan, are you going to hell? Take a look at Kong Xuan's decisive battle.

Auntie An, what is your state? Is it because the alien avatar is so active? In Xinghai, many people want to go to **** to watch the battle in person, because they feel that this may be a landmark event that will be mentioned in the next few years. If you miss this battle, it is bound to be a pity.

I'm going to **** to watch the second father's battle and cheer for him! Five Tribulations Mountain, Langtian could not sit still.

Brothers go, go to **** in a group! The Bear Mountain of the Black and White Bear Clan also got in touch with the Wolverine, Ten-eyed Jinchan and others in Wujie Mountain at the right time.

That's my brother! Liuhua City, Gao Lao Zhuang, Zhong Cheng excitedly muttered to himself that he wished he could rush into **** immediately.

Outside the world, in a very remote area, in the dojo of Chongxiao Temple, the miniature sword fairy is angry: Don't stop me, I'm going to hell, I have raised swords for more than two hundred years, and I want to cut out the sword in my heart! Others don't know who Kong Xuan is, but she knows! Junior sister, calm down, you have reached a critical moment! Someone discouraged.

Especially at this time, in the depths of the dojo, there is a trace of true saint-level ripples.

This night, many people were talking about it. People in this world already know how vast and dangerous **** is, and the whole transcendent world is paying attention.

Outside the Transcendent Center, it is already the outer universe area. A tattered black wooden box glows, intertwined with the texture of the avenue, and spreads into the central world ahead. It can understand all kinds of information in the sea of ​​​​stars.

Penetrating through the past, now, clearing the fog of time, there is a high probability of seeing the truth... He is here. Then, the rotten wooden box glowed, and with the supreme supernatural power, it expanded its texture, and the rays of light entered the sea of ​​stars in the present world, activating a battleship, and sending a message outside the image.

Chen Yongjie, Kong Xuan in **** today, may be Wang Xuan. On a certain mythical planet, Chen Yongjie held an extraordinary communicator, which immediately petrified, and muttered: "Xiao Wang, he himself... is here?" ! right. Wait a minute, who are you? Chen Yongjie asked quickly.

Ancient and modern. Wouldn't you want him to return the favor? There is no need for him to play for 800 years. It is not necessary. At the critical moment, he only needs to make a few shots.

Master, who is it? Aoki came, just finished practicing and was covered in sweat.

Wang Xuan, may have come to this world! What, Xiao Wang, he really did it? Traversing into a new universe by yourself? ! Aoki was shaking with emotion.

...hell, darkness ebbs, the most terrifying night is over.

The sun jumped out of the horizon, the golden glow was shining, the legions of **** rioted, and flags were erected in the Holy Imperial City, Tianshen Mountain, Ash Ridge, and the Holy Mechanical Temple.

The attack is about to begin!

In the distance, extraordinary people from various religions in Xinghai, as well as masters of other world dojos, as well as explorers and bounty hunters, have all appeared, and no one wants to miss this battle.

The people from Wujie Mountain naturally came, and they were fully prepared, and Fang Yuzhu also stood in the distance.

Shang Yi, who changed his face, also sneaked over from the super peerless area.

There are strangers in Shi Shitian, Guixu, Paper Temple, Tattoo Palace, Evil God's Palace, etc.

Kong Xuan, come out! The awakened ones from **** shouted loudly. In the morning glow, countless armies roared, shaking the heavens and the earth. That kind of spiritual energy gathered together, it was like a **** blocking the killing of the gods and Buddhas.

In the giant city, it was very quiet. Wang Xuan walked out of the palace where he was meditating and put on a brand-new battle armor. Overnight, his spirit and energy reached its peak, which was extremely fulfilling.

The Holy Emperor is here, and Kong Xuan comes out to see the Emperor! The commander of the Holy Imperial City shouted.

God is here! A divine envoy shouted at Tianshen Mountain, which boosted morale instantly.

The Lord of Ashes is here! Obviously, after the ruler of this series was called out and mentioned that they were there in person, the fighting spirit of the Hell Legion was directly raised.

The mechanical saint has arrived! Outside the giant city, the awakened, monsters, all rioted, extremely active, and the strongest creatures from the depths of the real fairy area of ​​hell came together.

In this situation, who can compete? They thought they could sweep all the outsiders, not to mention only targeting Kong Xuan!

The expressions of the transcendents from this world have changed. This kind of scene makes the masters of the true holy dojos throbbing and feel helpless!

do not worry! Wang Xuan looked back at Leng Mei, Leader Zhang and the others.

He took a deep breath, and then disappeared directly from the spot. He entered the fog, looked down at the outside of the city, and approached the past. Outsiders could not perceive it.

At this time he took out a short cannon, which was one of the most sacred relics captured from the end of the mysterious world behind the twilight wonder!

Wang Xuan opened his spiritual eyes and looked for his favorite target. Naturally, he had to choose a typical one for the first strike, and choose the best prey.

The next moment, he stared at the Holy Imperial City camp, and felt a powerful energy. There was a man in a purple robe standing in the depths of the monster group. On his head, he wore a rune inscribed with the imprint of the Supreme True Immortal. The holy crown, tall and majestic, is surrounded by fragments of the supreme Tao.

In the early morning, a dazzling light, detached from the world, walked along the path of Taoism, suddenly descended, and hit the ruler of the Holy Imperial City with a puff.

In the morning glow, the famous Sage Emperor, who made all the lords of the giant city surrender, his head shattered with a puff!

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