Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 458: Correct the trajectory of **** (Part 1)

Hell, Fengqi City, the sun shone through the entire giant city, but the atmosphere had nothing to do with the splendor, and the tension was so tense that the top of the Hell Legion continued to enter the city.

Heavenly God, Lord of Ashes, Mechanical Saint, Sea Lord of Undead, and the Four True Immortals of Extreme Dao joined hands to kill Wang Xuan.

For a time, the entire city was shaking, the beams were surging, the rules were like a star chain, and the sky and the ground were all Dao rhyme, wrapped around the cage constructed by the dragon lock pile.

Hurry up, if you let him escape, what face do you and I have in hell?

The mechanical saint said that he is like a cold machine.

You guys are already faceless, what about the duel in the realm of the ultimate realm? In the end, they still got together.

Wang Xuan opened his mouth.

He was using the wordless tactic and wanted to disappear from the boxy sect-locking cage, but he was really reluctant to cut off even a single stake, so he chose a very radical risky plan.

Because you may be out of line, you are the ultimate true fairy.

Lord of Ashes said softly, she is the only woman among the four great masters.

There is really nothing wrong with this kind of rhetoric, so Wang Xuan has nothing to say. Originally, he didn't care whether he was besieged or not.

His figure was slightly blurred, but he was somewhat blocked between the four holy locks, and it was a little difficult to break free from this place. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation in the real immortal field.

He should be able to break free, but it will take time.

Now, his fingertips, the hourglass is spinning, and it has a tendency to get bigger, and it is turning faster and faster. At first, he started to show his power. People outside wanted to combine the holy lock to refine him, but the hourglass swallowed a lot of Dao. There is also a chain of rules.

The gods said: It's just a holy thing, but it actually kept him? They all shot and killed him. If an ultimate true immortal were to die here, it would be considered a feat, writing history.

At this time, the four real immortals of the extreme path brought the awakened ones who had broken the limit five times, such as divine envoys and mechanical beasts, to refine the cage together, and the city was filled with the divine chain of order.

Layer after layer of Dao rhyme, overlapping and overlapping, converged towards the dragon lock pile.

Will Wang Xuan be in trouble? Leader Zhang's heart is throbbing, how many city masters are attacking? The accumulation of the past dynasties of **** far exceeds the present world.

All right now! Wu Liuji spoke, and they retreated to the city wall on one side.

In the distance, all the extraordinary people from the world were shocked. Kong Xuan was not crushed on the spot by many real immortals and real awakenings? It makes no sense, even if he is the Supreme True Immortal, he will be killed.

The Sea Lord of the Undead said solemnly.

In their expectation, after the lock holy pile trapped Kong Xuan, they gathered the members to work together, and they could directly kill the other party tragically.

Wang Xuan really fought hard to get the holy lock.

His whole body was transpiring with mythological substances of various colors, all injected into the hourglass.

A small group of sacred objects revived and turned with the hourglass. After being swallowed, the light of the rules imposed by the sacred stake was continuously smashed and obliterated.

At the same time, Wang Xuan's body also became blurred again.

dong ◇ The boxy cage constructed by the holy stake shook violently, because Wang Xuan's hazy body seemed to be about to break free from it.

how is this possible? He's not dead yet! The 5 limit-breakers who haven't entered the city all come to me! The gods shouted that this is a frightening monster, and it will not be able to trap him? Outside, Guixu, Time Sky, and the Tattoo Palace were all shocked. The explorers in the Star Sea in the present world, as well as the extraordinary people of various religions, were all moved.

Kong Xuan's combat power is truly reflected, how terrifying is this? Fighting alone, you are about to break free from the sect of the Hell Legion! There is no city lord who has entered the city now, only some of the people who have entered the holy imperial city, because the strongest is dead, no one can directly order them.

For example, Qingling County Master and others are watching.

I'm in town too! The awakened city lord couldn't help it, because he saw the hope of destroying Kong Xuan.

The situation is not good, Mavericks, I will attract their attention.

Fu Dao Niu spoke, afraid that after the remnants of the Holy Emperor entered the city, Kong Xuan would be under even more pressure.

It jumped off the city wall and was recognized by Wu Liuji.

Wu Liuji took Leng Mei and Leader Zhang, and stood on the city wall, shocking the remnants of the Holy Imperial City.

Mavericks, I'm here too, I want to fight with you here! Bringing up this campaign in the future proves that I am also one of the main players.

There is no doubt that this is bound to be a World War I that will go down in history.

Fu Dao Niu rushed out of the giant city.

Calf, I want to fight you.

Besides, my friend also wants to end, do you dare to come? In the distance, the Feitian Yubing, whose body had been cut off twice by Fu Dao Niu, opened his mouth.

Fu Dao Niu was very tough and said: "Dead bug, this is the third time. Why are you here again, don't you just want to bring people to besiege me?" Lord Niu is not afraid, I'm going to slaughter you here today, you two should climb over! Before leaving the city, it asked Wu Liuji to help it refine the newly acquired black horn into one of its own horns.

Therefore, it now has a natural sense of superiority and a high spirit when facing its defeated opponents.

Roar! No one expected that a cow and a centipede would grab the limelight, and of course a rhinoceros monster with a dark green sky knife would also end the field.

They fought swiftly, and it was incomparably fierce.

Dead bug, this time I have to cut you vertically, let me see how you can live! Fudao Niu cried.

Then, it screamed loudly, was stabbed on the buttocks, and was slashed in the right buttocks by the rhino monster.

You actually know how to travel through space, shameful! Fu Dao Niu was angry and fought to the death with the two city lords here.

Obviously, recently, it watched Wang Xuan's great power, and was excited by the excitement, and felt that he could do it. However, after the end of the game, it realized how difficult it was to beat two top city lords.

After all, it didn't take long for it to break the limit 5 times. It has never experienced the precipitation and baptism of time, and the other party doesn't know how long it has been polished.

Fortunately, it now has two holy relics! After the fierce fight, it shook the rhinoceros monster holding the dark green sky sword, its horns glowed, and secretly used the holy artifact.

With a bang, it shattered the heavenly knife, and the horned spirit picked up the rhinoceros monster in time. The sacred object was indestructible. With a thud, the blood splattered, the rhinoceros monster exploded, and the Fudao Niu killed a city lord.

It didn't hesitate, turned around and stared at the flying centipede, and had to end it.

How about the Fu Dao Niu as my mount? In the distance, the tall knight General Fuyou, whose main body is a mayfly, shouted, and he was obviously interfering by soliciting in public.

Go away, you give me a mount, I despise you.

Fu Dao Niu's nose is almost crooked, and there is such a shameless person? The knight in the bronze armored stomach would throw down his mount and run away alone at every critical moment. He even killed the white unicorn and the dragon. It was poisonous and had the spirit of riding to death.

Fu Dao Niu sacrificed the sacred object one - purple ring, with a strong Dao rhyme, and finally locked the flying centipede with a buzzing sound.

Do not! The strongest city lord from Insect City was flustered.

Fu Dao Niu slashed the head of the flying centipede with its horns, and penetrated its primordial spirit. Then, the sacred object shook and smashed the flying centipede with a puff.

In this battle, mainly the sacred relic of Fu Dao Niu played a huge role.

I can be considered a powerhouse who has killed 5 real immortals in a row, laughed.

Indeed, under such a big scene, it ran out to fight and grabbed some limelight, which surprised many people.

Then, it was extremely happy and sad, and flew out with a bang, the ribs of the beef were exposed, and it was almost cut in half.

If it wasn't for its sharp response, and the sacred object dripped with purple energy, covering his whole body, it would really come out! It looked back suddenly, and found that it was injured by a hazy picture scroll with a picture of ten thousand swords painted on it, just before the sword light started, it was extremely terrifying, and it could kill the person who broke the limit 5 times.

Cheng Dao, it's you! It stared there, looked and looked, saw through the other's disguise, and called out his identity.

People were in an uproar, the tattoo official's 5-time limit-breaker, and the original owner of Fu Dao Niu, actually ended at this time, and went to the Hell Legion. At this time, I ended up and went to Hell Legion P.

If there is no contact between the two sides, and there is no collusion, no one will believe it.

Beast, I'm here to take the risk to save you, go back with me immediately.

After Cheng Dao was called out, he was very calm and said so.

Can not go back.

Fu Dao Niu rubbed its head, and although it was almost beaten by the waist, it was very calm and did not speak maliciously.

Do you want to die? If you don't go back to the tattoo palace with me, you will die without a place to be buried! Cheng Daohan said that he really wanted to take this afternoon away, because it was too useful.

When breaking the barrier in the future, Fu Dao Niu can pick up the traces of the Dao, which can help people to break through.

Cheng Dao, I have been with you for several years, and I have eaten the magic medicine that you hand-fed. Although you almost killed me just now, but we got to know each other... Let's go, I don't want to fight with you.

Fu Dao Niu looked at the figure in the distance and said calmly.

You bastard, betrayed the tattoo palace and fled to the enemy, today I will clear the door! Cheng Dao Senran said that this used to be his cow, but now it doesn't belong to him, and he has a strong killing intent.

It's not a defection. Back then, I was captured by the Tattoo Palace and imprisoned me for more than 30 years. I had to bow my head.

And this time into hell, I did my best in the battle of the city of God, but in the end I was captured by Kong Xuan, I am worthy of you.

Fu Dao Niu said frankly.

You bastard, your wings are hard, and you dare to talk to me! Cheng Dao started directly, and offered several tattoo pictures on the spot, especially the sky picture, which was looming. Fu Dao Niu knew that the picture containing the old holy study was the most terrifying, and it didn't dare to be careless at all. The moment it saw the opponent's action, it directly shot out its own sacred object, flew to the sky map, and prevented its full activation.

Boom! The battle between the two sides was short and urgent, but extremely violent. Hundreds of thousands of lights of rules flew out, and various sky maps emerged.

The four hooves of the Fudao Niu are surrounded by fragments of time, like webbeds crossing the river of time and space.

Its sacred object, the Fu Dao Ring, locked the sky map, did not let it revive, and prevented it from appearing in the world in advance.

puff! During several collisions and confrontations in the city, Cheng Dao coughed up blood, Wanjian Tu was pierced by a bull horn and was destroyed, and he was hit by a bull's hoof at the center of the mouth, breaking six bones and flying out.

Let's go, I hope you won't be an enemy next time! The Fu Dao Niu stopped, the hoof could have stepped on his head, but it didn't.

You... Cheng Dao's mouth and nose were covered in blood, he felt tightness in his chest, and his whole body was shaking. He was defeated by his original mount.

Fu Dao Niu obviously did not kill, otherwise, he might be dead! This ending made his heart block, and it was more uncomfortable than death.

Cheng Dao, come back! The super peerless shout of the tattoo palace, and he gave a stern order. Now is not the time to act with anger, and he will really die if he delays any longer! Under the watchful eyes of the public, Cheng Dao was defeated, and he retreated with coughing up blood.

In the distance, there is silence, and many people are in complicated moods.

Kong Xuan's mount can suppress the strongest disciple of the tattoo palace! This situation has greatly touched all parties.

Cheng Dao is simply a cow herder who lost a cow that was more powerful than himself.

Among the spectators, Huang Youcheng, a strong man in the Yellow Immortal Cave, sighed that he is also considered a celebrity. During the battle of Shencheng, he used his farts to go far away, and it still makes people feel very tasteful in retrospect.

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