Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 471: Are there six broken creatures?

"Can you calm down? You won't help me." Wang Xuan felt that he might have been discovered. After all, he was an alien!

The most important thing is that this is not hell. The myth that the ultimate true immortal is invincible will be ruthlessly penetrated in the face of the reality after the return.

In the present world, the transcendent peers who have broken the limit many times, as well as other people, can seriously threaten him, not to mention the true saints and prohibited items.

"She is in a special state, and she didn't find you in the real world of Shenyou Dao. Besides, her place is good, and it will be of great benefit to you!" The mobile phone strange thing responded.

Wang Xuan found that there was really no movement next time, the grand formation in the palace was not activated, and Li Lin in the origin of Jinbei did not look at it.

"That's the Origin Thousand Magical Golden Shell." The strange thing on the phone told him, exclaiming repeatedly, saying that it was a wonderful thing, a rare treasure of good fortune.

Wang Xuan questioned and said, "Is it an outlier in the golden shell of Origin? It's too exaggerated to be so big. I don't know how many times bigger than the one I got."

In the sea water, the golden shell was 100 meters long, and the cloud was steaming, overflowing with chaotic matter.

Li Lin sat cross-legged, intertwined with thousands of mysterious Dao patterns, resonating, her complexion was snow-white and crystal clear, her eyes were closed, and the lines of imperial Taoism spread all over her body, powerful and sacred.

Accompanied by the light and rain, she became hazy and ethereal, as if she was about to disappear from the real world and escape into the avenue, as if she was about to truly detach.

"What I got for the price was ten-patterned golden shells. Her golden shells have thousands of lines, so they can be called treasures. They can carry the tangible charm of the Dao. the benefits of."

"Huh?" Wang Xuan was surprised, the difference was so big.

The strange object on the mobile phone informed: "On this extraordinary beach, one or two golden shells can be dug up every year, but most of them only contain a strand of the texture of the avenue, as well as ten-pattern golden shells, white-patterned golden shells, and thousands of magic golden shells."

Without further explanation, the golden shells with more avenue textures are rarer.

The Origin Thousand Magical Golden Shells can't be dug down in an era, and they are regarded as the rare treasures of the universe.

Of course, its real size is not that big. The giant shell more than 100 meters long in front of it is a wonderful sight after being activated by a secret method.

If you want to hold gold shells into the origin dojo, you need ten-patterned golden shells in some eras, and hundred-patterned golden shells in some periods, depending on how much is produced.

"Why do I think she is strong?" Wang Xuan asked.

"You don't need to think, but she is really strong. Compared with the past, her Taoism has improved a lot." said the mobile phone.

"By leaps and bounds?" Wang Xuan was surprised.

"It doesn't count. She has this kind of Taoism herself, but she didn't show it in the past. She is practicing a special exercise, which should be inspired by the origin of Qianhuan Jinbei, and she split her own Taoist texture. , each group of important textures has evolved into a clone."

The strange thing on the mobile phone speculates that she may have split dozens or hundreds of fleshly bodies.

At the moment, she should gather once and feel the results of her practice again, so she looks strong.

"You can still practice like this.\" Wang Xuan was fascinated and a little inspired, but he shook his head again, this is not his way, what he pursues is the only one, the only one, even Lu Renjia has to be taken back, dividing so many bodies, He can't accept it.

"She must be united in the end, of course, that needs to be when she hits the true saint level." Comments on the strange objects on the mobile phone.

"You know her well?" Wang Xuan was surprised.

"Of course, after all, it's the girl I've been focusing on. Unfortunately, when I discovered it in the last century, she was already in the late stage of super peerless and didn't meet my selection criteria."

It is a pity that the mobile phone is a strange thing, it has always been selected from the "bottom real fairy".

"It's so dangerous, she's just passing by the **** of death." Wang Xuan sighed sincerely, thanking her for her, if this was selected by the mobile phone, there would be no Li Lin!

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know yourself?" Wang Xuan said bluntly: "If you choose, there must be one less top alien in the world. Even, she is expected to be a true saint."

"Well, she's gone, you can go in." The strange object on the phone reminded him that he didn't want to talk to him about this issue. In fact, he really had nothing to say.

Li Lin got up, the blue silk and the beautiful face were covered with water droplets, and the skirt gauze sprinkled with crystal water (this chapter is not over!)

New Chapter 471 Are there 6 broken creatures

, her feet are snow-white and slender, like a hibiscus emerging from water, she disappeared from there in a flash.

At the same time, the golden vortex-flicker disappeared from the palace, submerged in the golden shell of the Origin Thousand Illusions, and sat on the land of creation all of a sudden.

"She just left, and I came in. The seamless connection is easy to be found." Wang Xuan said, feeling very dangerous. He agreed to go to the Tattoo Palace and Shi Shitian's wool, why did he come here from an acquaintance.

Even in the face of the thousand magic golden shells that he could easily find, he was embarrassed to start.

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "You have to believe that the bracelets mixed with various prohibited main materials such as Primordial Mithril, Everlasting Black Iron, Wanfa Stone, Origin Bronze, etc., help you hide the secret and are difficult to trace. Besides. , what are you thinking? Who told you to steal the Thousand Illusory Golden Shell, just borrow the ground to practice here, and it's empty now anyway."

According to it, all kinds of golden shells can only be used in the Sea of ​​Origin and cannot be taken away, because after leaving this sea area, those textures will be blurred.

In general, all Jinbei are referring to are the avenues of this sea of ​​origin marks.

Then, Wang Xuan began his journey of cultivation by borrowing the ground.

Now, after he broke the limit 5 times, there was naturally only one goal left, and he broke the limit 6 times as soon as possible. After breaking the so-called ultimate true immortal, there was only promotion, and there was no such thing as a stronger true immortal.

For a time, this place was hazy and misty, and Wang Xuan seemed to have entered the depths of a mysterious sea. It was full of rich Dao rhythms, and the textures were intertwined in every inch of the void, making it easier for him to understand Dao.

He meditated quickly, here in sympathy with the texture of the avenue.

Then, he began to sort out various methods, from the Xinghe Body Washing Sutra, to the Extremely Cathode Yang Chapter, to the Four-page Sword Sutra, and then to the method obtained from the wonders of the dusk.

He caught the gods, the sage emperor, the Lord of Ashes, and others, and took them to a "life-and-death replacement", releasing a group of geniuses who were famous in the ancient extraordinary history.

It's not just recruiting like-minded people, he's also getting real benefits, with everyone giving him a real secret or two.

For example: Kaitianquan belongs to the old holy boxing scriptures, and is extremely domineering. Since the past dynasties, few people have been able to practice it, and the requirements for the physical body are too high.

Many people have not practiced the boxing scriptures yet, so they have no choice but to give up their practice.

This is what Wang Xuan got from Cheng Hai.

When they met for the first time, Cheng Hai was a sluggish middle-aged uncle with a cigar in his mouth and a drink of wine.

For example, he got the "Yuanshen Sword Sutra" from Feiyue, which can be combined with the four-page sword classic obtained from the Scarecrow in the backyard of the true saint.

In short, there are many secrets on him that can be called extraordinary books that are shocking to the world.

Apparently, some of it comes from genuine biblical texts.

However, since those people are only in the alien realm at the highest level, there is no complete holy scripture.

Even if some people come from the true holy dojo, it is useless. Only when they are close to the corresponding realm will they get the corresponding scriptures.

Wang Xuan went through all the secrets, and after verification of the strange objects on the mobile phone, some of them are indeed holy-level secrets, and the value is simply incalculable!

Wang Xuan was in a trance, this trip to hell, the greatest good fortune was actually obtained in the Yellow Exchange, the gods, the emperor, the Lord of Ashes, and others are so worth it!

However, some scriptures, such as: Primordial Spirit Controlling Dao, Nirvana, etc., cannot be learned at all. At least he needs to enter the realm of aliens to practice.

Just like in the chapter on washing the gods in the galaxy, the various magical uses of the primordial spirit are very attractive, but Wang Xuan can't use it at all.

Because, only by becoming a foreigner can the primordial spirit begin to officially become a Taoist.

Before that, no matter how amazing you are, it is the body of the body.

"Before the 6th time limit was broken, there were not many scriptures that I could practice, such as the Kaitian Quanjing, the Xing Xing chapter, the Intercepting Dao chapter... um, the so-called 'Jie Dao\', shouldn't it be the cutting method? A secret method of the sword left in the world, right? "Wang Xuan doubted.

"It is indeed a chapter left by it. If you master it, it will be amazing." said the mobile phone strange thing.

These secret techniques that can be practiced were placed in a secondary position by Wang Xuan, which made the strange objects on the mobile phone startled and puzzled.

He was identified as the first choice, and the areas to be studied were those classics that explained the imperialization, and those strange bones of the imperialization.

(This chapter is not over!)

New Chapter 471 Are there 6 broken creatures

He believes that if you want to break the limit six times, you must start from this direction!

"Are you still obsessed with 6 broken? What is the age, this outdated theory has been falsified and completely abandoned." The mobile phone said.

At the same time, it was in a trance and did not try to discourage it.

Next, it pondered for a moment, looking for effective clues from the disordered memory, and finally determined that even in the old holy period, there was no breakthrough record in this regard.

It calmly told: "I can't help you, all the people in the past have failed, and there has never been a successful creature. No matter how amazing the extraordinary, the 6 broken real immortals are out of reach after all, to be exact no ."

"In this world, wandering freely, and maintaining health, do these three great realms have six broken creatures?" Wang Xuan asked it.

"In my long memory, there are some suspected cases. In the earliest days, in the world, in the free world, well, the highest is the health care master. There may have been a single case of 6 breaking, but there is absolutely no extraordinary case of connecting 6 breaking. By."

Then, the mobile phone strange thing added, saying: "Also, the single-6 broken creature is also the result of the true saint's experiment. It is forced to advance, and it is impossible to connect two great realms with 6 broken. After breaking it once, it will naturally follow. It's more difficult to continue."

"Some of the true saints have participated in it, and they actually promote this kind of thing. They really pay attention. Are they purely researching, or have they seen something?" Wang Xuan showed a strange look.

"Single 6 breaking, the meaning of existence is not very big, I have investigated secretly, those suspected cases were later broken," and they can't go on at all. "The strange thing on the mobile phone said a few more words, in order to wake him up, recognize the current situation, and don't waste time.

It used to say that Bai Po refers to 6 Po in the realm of immortals. Now, when Wang Xuan asked about the realm of Xiaoyaoyou and Health Master, his heart suddenly became agitated.

It sensed something, showed a strange look, and said, "You... shouldn't you have broken through a single 6?"

Wang Xuan studied the scriptures and said: "In the world of great competition, the stars are shining, one after another genius is born and rises, and the light is destined to illuminate the sky of history, but the place where I stand is full of brilliant stars. ."

"If you keep pretending, believe it or not, there will definitely be a thunderbolt to hit you?!" The strange objects on the mobile phone can no longer be seen, no longer poking secretly, but clearly threatening.

"That's not what I said. The recent reports have been criticized by others. I just feel it." Wang Xuan said, unmoved and indifferent.

If he changed the place, he would definitely be struck by lightning. In this Origin Thousand Illusory Golden Shell, it is not easy to make a huge noise with the mobile phone.

The strange thing on the mobile phone saw him so calm, the key was that he felt that the confidence in his heart was close to "arrogant", and it asked hesitantly: "You really have broken 6? Shouldn't it...have broken 6 twice once? Bar?"

"Guess." After Wang Xuan said, an important scripture appeared in front of him, and the pale gold text floated up.

"I... hack you to death!" The mobile phone wonders don't want to talk to him about martial mother universe, 269 years have passed, the extraordinary has ended, all methods are corrupt, and everything is moving towards the extraordinary. end.

Today, it is the darkest moment. The invisible umbrella, due to cause and effect, slowly descends, and the essential radiation arrives, which is the ultimate eternal silence.

Ordinary people can't see it, and still live a normal life without any impact. Only the extraordinary can be seen, and the mist is falling, but how many extraordinary creatures can there be in this era?

The Umbrella of Eternal Silence, this most mysterious phenomenon has appeared, it is extremely terrifying, and it freezes the remaining Transcendents in an instant!

The old land, Wang Xuan's hometown - Yuncheng, his parents Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun, soared into the sky, walked through the fog, and walked in outer space.

They did not escape, nor could they bypass the Umbrella of Eternal Silence that affected more than one rotten universe. The two of them crossed calmly and walked towards the depths of the thicker fog.

New Chapter 471 Are there 6 broken creatures

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