Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 483: Yudaoyuan Pond


Li Xu, a handsome young man who owes his mouth, asks for a hammer. On the same day, Li Lin beat him badly. He was very dissatisfied, and felt that his aunt's reason was too sloppy, saying that he was standing there, and his figure blocked the flowers and plants she kept.

"What kind of reason is this!" Li Xu still wasn't angry, didn't he just want to pick him up? The reasons were so crude and bullying.

However, there is nothing he can do. This is his own aunt, and he can't even say harsh words.

Wang Xuan just laughed,

He had been reminded and warned long ago, but who could blame him for not listening?

"Can you be tougher?" He urged Wang Xuan. After all, this is the actor in the scandal, and he always thinks he has a good temper.

"What do you want me to do? I'm not your aunt's opponent either." Wang Xuan said gently.

"That's it!"

In the following time period, Wang Xuan studied various scriptures, such as: the 14-style origin sword scripture mythical cage fragment, and the Yandao boxing and the shape-cutting chapter brought out from the twilight wonders.

He lived a very fulfilling life, and he had a very full schedule every day.

Of course, what he cares most about is "6 broken", which is a field that no one has ever set foot in. He naturally cares very much.

He is waiting for the transformation of the pillar keel and Nirvana. Every day, part of the royal road pattern flies into the parietal bone. This is the dragon's ascension.

His parietal bone is like the "source pool" which became the origin of Yudao.

The texture on the vertebrae is "migrating" to the core imprint of the parietal bone until it is fully submerged, where it will be reborn.

During this period, he also visited Qianhuan Jinbei from time to time from twice a month to four times a month recently and now six times a month.

Li Xu found that Master Wang, who was not strong enough, seemed to have a closer relationship with his aunt, who often haunted the palace of the Moon Holy Lake. In particular, he deeply realized that the number of times he had seen Li Lin recently was not as many as that of Master Wang.

In his opinion, Master Wang, who has a strange temperament and a "soft" temper, is almost out of play, but now it seems that it is still possible to become his uncle?

Wang Xuan and Lu Renjia talked on the phone and said, "What's the matter on your side? It's hard to ask a lot of questions - I'm still groping.

At present, he has not yet spoken to Lu Renjia about the "reunification" of the royal road pattern that is bred to the pillar dragon.

He hoped that Lu Renjia would also make some progress in conscientious research and speculation.

However, Lu Renjia just sighed that his path was a bit difficult, and now he is not even the ultimate true immortal.

"I understand that let's go with the flow, this kind of thing can't be forced." Wang Xuan nodded and ended the call.

Even if the body condensed with "Hunyuan Shenmu" is known as a rare "Tao body" on the transcendental road, it is not omnipotent.

When Lu Renjia encounters some situations, he is good at comprehending Tao and studying scriptures, etc. No problem, but he still can't get close to the ultimate true immortal.

On the other hand, the mechanical bear made a good progress. It actually got a new tinder fragment from the mechanical holy temple.

Wang Xuan thought about waiting for Lu Renjia to see if he could become the ultimate true immortal in the 5-breaking realm. Anyway, his own keel nirvana will take time.

He realized that the ultimate true immortal is indeed not easy to be born, the main body is achieved, and the incarnation is 30 years late, and the result is still not enough to explain the problem.

"His Primordial Spirit is slightly weaker, and there is also less of my 21 kinds of supernatural substances in the rear, 7 of which are not in the mythology lineage."

Wang Xuan wondered whether Lu Renjia's lack of these would block the ultimate true immortal road?

"Perhaps it's also because I've come this far and he's actually me - it's impossible for a person to become the ultimate true immortal twice, so his road is over?

Li Lin pays more and more attention to the core imprint of Wang Xuan's "Origin Pool" parietal bone. This is not a fixed royal road texture. If you go deeper, it looks like the cosmic star sea is spinning and brewing, and it is also like the prototype of the avenue vortex. It's amazing.

Based on the principle of only reading a part of it, she approached it cautiously many times and then studied and analyzed it by herself, but as time went on, she found that she had acquired a little more. But she paid more attention.

Because she vaguely discovered several mysterious factors in Wang Xuan's "source pool", which were quite special and had the same origin as Wang Xuan invited her to drink tea.

She couldn't help but wanted to get in touch with that source pool through Yuanshen exploration.

In fact, when she discovered and captured several kinds of mysterious substances, Wang Xuan felt it on the spot.

He was surprised and then pondered that he was sure that this was not the extraordinary factor he mobilized from the rear of the life soil.

He carefully observed that there are various mythical particles in the Yudaoyuan Pond, which are the same as some of the extraordinary factors unique to the back of his life soil!

This surprised him even if he didn't know why.

Although the mysterious factor in the parietal bone imprint is only overflowing in a small amount, this phenomenon is enough to show that the Yudao Yuanchi should have a deeper secret that even he himself did not After Li Lin caught a small amount of particles in the haze Suddenly, like a treasure, she was deeply researching and quietly exploring other parts of Wang Xuan's body and found that there were no other body parts.

Because when Wang Xuan and her were together, they completely isolated the world behind the life soil and did not use those 21 super substances.

"His royal road imprint overflows with extremely rare particles that are not recorded in the mythical genealogy. Is this his core secret?"

Li Lin found that she was a little overwhelmed and couldn't help but continue to dig to explore further.

She thinks she's touched the ultimate secret!

Perhaps because she is not a true sage, her vision is limited, but so far she has not heard of anyone who will have a special extraordinary factor in the mark of the royal road.

She knew that very few people possessed the Mystic Power Pool, but it had nothing to do with the texture of the Imperial Dao and was the product of accidental excavation.

Yudao Yuanchi is different. In her opinion, this is because the body is automatically born with a strange factor overflowing from the Yudao mark, which is brewed the day after tomorrow.

Li Lin felt that if she groped

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