Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 493: The transcendent new covenant vows of yesteryear

Wang Xuan stood still, the charred cortex on his body fell off, his new body was crystal clear and full of vitality, and his hair grew back quickly. He put on new clothes.

Just now, the magic lamp, the small red umbrella, the short cannon, etc. have all evolved, and they have followed in his footsteps and have been promoted to the realm of the fourth heaven.

They cannot be 6 broken, however, are otherwise unaffected.

By the side of his Primordial Spirit, the sacred relics that really belong to him have naturally evolved, and now

Up to 6 pieces, which is consistent with the number of negative poles.

For a time, Wang Xuan was a little ecstatic. He never avoided the number 6 in many things in his life.

For example, even when he was born, he had three older brothers and two older sisters.

As for his "6 broken", there are 6 holy relics, etc., there is no need to elaborate. However, these are not coincidences, they are the result of his difficult breakthrough.

"Nephew, why don't you go to Yaoting with me to see his old man?" Wu Liuji's eyes were eager.

If it hadn't been for him, Wang Xuan would have wanted to cover his mouth. Finally, he told very solemnly, don't tell the old... true saint about him!

Leng Mei's blue silk was falling, her complexion was as white as a creamy jade, she said with a smile, like ice and snow thawing: "Nephew, let's go together." "

That is, Wu Liuji is by the side, otherwise, Wang Xuan promises to clean up her.

Seeing that Wang Xuan was very disciplined and didn't do anything, she was finally happy. If she left it in the past, she would either be educated or have a tattered dress thrown on her head.

"I'm going to retreat to consolidate my practice, and the goal is beyond peerless!" Leng Mei said, in hell, although she went to the real fairy area to participate in the war, but that was temporarily transferred.

She and some 5 broken wizards, such as the fleeting year when Shi Shitian died, and Wu Mingxiu of Wujie Mountain, were originally in the heaven-level domain.

"Cow, wandering for half a lifetime, and finally meeting the master of Ming..." Fu Dao Niu also eagerly came over.

As soon as he heard this, Wang Xuan gave it a slap and said: "Okay, Niubo, I understand. You go with Leng Mei and them first, I can't take you now, it's too dazzling.

"Master Confucius, please rest assured, I will definitely work hard and try my best to catch up with you. However, before you leave, take a look, can my bones and bones be combed into 6 pieces?" Fu Daoniu stepped forward very diligently.

"Look, there is no drama for 6 broken, give a visual picture, study it yourself, and seriously optimize the texture of the royal road." Wang Xuan said.

He did not underestimate this mutated Daoist bull. This legendary strongest mount claims to be able to carry the shape of the Dao, and it has boundless potential. He also hopes that it can improve a little and try to touch the threshold of the true immortal.

"Xiao Niu is grateful and will definitely work hard. In the future, I will strive to suppress the enemies from all quarters without the master's action, and I will be able to clear the road for Confucius and cut off those thieves."

"Can you improve the texture of the Royal Dao for it, as for me, has I finalized your aunt, is it too late? Leng Mei asked before leaving.

"When I catch up with your realm, I will help you to see if it can be sorted out." Wang Xuan said, and then slapped her white neck with a slap. Fortunately, there was no head at the critical moment.

Even so, Wu Liuji's eyelids twitched, and he stood on the side and glanced at him, then decisively took Leng Mei and Fu Dao Niu away.

Wang Xuan entertained his old friends and chose an extraordinary restaurant on a prosperous mythical island in the Sea of ​​​​Origin, and invited Zhang Daoling, Lao Zhong and others to drink.

Seafood is the main ingredient here, all of which are longevity species, such as sea snails, fairy mussels, shrimp soldiers, crab generals, and turtle prime ministers. All kinds of ingredients are available, and even a full feast of sea dragons can be made.

When he was drinking to the point where he was happy, Wang Xuan patted Teacher Zhang on the shoulder and inadvertently touched the back of Lao Zhang's neck with that hand.

In an instant, the cold hairs on Zhangjiao's neck stood on end, and a layer of goosebumps appeared, and he said angrily: "Boy, do you really want to discuss the so-called 2.0 version with me?"

"Sorry, I made a mistake." Wang Xuan laughed.

Then, as soon as Cult Master Zhang turned around, he saw that Chen Yongjie's eyes were not right, and his face was black, and he said, "What are you all doing? Can't you change your goal to surpass it?"

"I'm leaving." Old Zhang was half-drunk, and said that he was going to retreat, accumulated a lot of money, and must rise in the Transcendent Center. One day, even on the big stage of this central world, the name of his father Zhang will be spread.

He was in a hurry and wanted to take the regular flight from Jinbei Beach to go back to the Jiulingdong Dojo in a place other than this world.

After all, there are many true holy palaces in the Sea of ​​Origin, so it is very closely connected with the world outside the world.

When he saw him off, Wang Xuan passed on a spiritual imprint, both of which were scriptures and secret techniques, obtained in recent years.

"We have just opened up this new route, and we have to expand our business. We will stay for a while." Chen Yongjie said with a smile.

In fact, he, Lao Zhong and Aoki wanted to get together with Wang Xuanduo for so long, and it was not easy to get together again, but now he really had to deal with the matter of the new route.

By now, they all know that the old board may be playing a big game.

The routes opened up by their Shuntong Logistics Company had been instructed in advance, and now they look a bit like some kind of vast array of stars!

Aoki, do we have any disciples in the ship repair line? " asked the mechanical bear, it is naturally very close to Aoki and Lao Chen, and has helped them with babies.

Aoki shook his head and said, "Where is the time to teach the disciples, I myself have not yet become an immortal. Let's go and take a look at our battleship.

"it is good

On the other hand, Wang Xuan took Fang Yuzhu to his Dragon Clan Bar, where he was going to give her some scriptures, real bones of the Imperial Way, etc., all of which were harvested in recent years.

As for the strange things in mobile phones, after witnessing Wang Xuan 6 breaking, it is still in the depths of the sea of ​​origin and has not come back.

Wang Xuan's Fuyu chain is taken off and activated, and hung in the room, which can effectively hide the mystery. After all, there are not many aliens near the recent Sea of ​​​​Origin, so you need to pay attention to it.

"Sister Yuzhu, this is the origin of the 14-style sword script, which is quite extraordinary, as well as this book of Severing Shapes and Kaitian Fist, which are also very powerful.

In outer space, in the Dragon Bar, Wang Xuan handed her the scriptures written by himself, and poured her a glass of amber-colored liquor.

Fang Yuzhu looked at it very seriously, her flawless face was filled with divine brilliance, and she couldn't help but be moved, because some of the secret techniques should be true saints.

At least the 14-style origin sword scripture is definitely a true holy practice

"It's too precious." She whispered softly without being pretentious, studied it carefully, and accepted the gift.

In fact, before Zhang Daoling left, he also obtained the scriptures recorded by Wang Xuan's spiritual imprint.

Wang Xuan said: "Sister Yuzhu, you don't need to see outsiders, I think it's easy for you to become an alien in this era. That is the holy road, you need to have a solid and solid foundation.

Fang Yuzhu smiled and put her hands around Qingsi. She was still very confident about her practice, and she had a certain kind of spirit. When she was in the mother universe, she could only explore on her own, and could not see a further way.

Now that she came to the great world of the transcendent center, everything is different. The big environment, the clear life goals, and the top-level scriptures have all appeared. She will live up to her years and the courage to cross the transcendent sea of ​​light. Take every step of the extraordinary road.

"What do you wish for after entering the Transcendent Center?" she asked.

"Peace, there are no enemies." Wang Xuan said, that's what he really thought, he didn't want to fight all day, wouldn't it be better to be calm and peaceful?

Fang Yuzhu's beautiful face was slightly startled, and said: "This wish is a bit big, unless the true saint can be surrendered

"Then let's talk about it. I miss the home-cooked dishes in the old land." Wang Xuan said with a smile.

Afterwards, Fang Yuzhu started cooking. After so many years, her craftsmanship is still top-notch, not unfamiliar.

In the age when the myth of the mother universe was decaying, Wang Xuan once ate home-cooked food she made in Ancheng.

After many years, in the new universe, he once again tasted the familiar taste, not precious ingredients, but he felt very sweet.

After the meal, he brewed a pot of Hengjun tea and poured a cup for Fang Yuzhu. The familiar aroma of tea brought Fairy Fang's thoughts back to the mother universe era.

"That tea tree has changed because of its good fortune with you. At present, it is considered a "Dao Medicine" level. In the future, "True Medicine" can be expected." Fang Yuzhu looked at the crystal tea fruit in the teacup and said.

Then, she was stunned and tasted many kinds of extraordinary factors. She couldn't help but be surprised. She knew that there were mythical substances behind Wang Xuan's life soil, and tea trees were planted. She didn't expect that there are so many different extraordinary factors today.

Wang Xuan realized that this kind of tea could only be given to acquaintances in the future, and could not be easily shown to others.

He picked a large pot of tea fruits of various colors and handed them over, but told Fairy Fang that he could only drink it himself and not give it away.

I know the weight.

"Sister Yuzhu, when you signed the transcendent old covenant, and the mythical new covenant later, what oath did each of you make?" Wang Xuan asked.

Hate, did you do it on purpose? It is rare for Fang Yuzhu to have such an exiled mentality and expression, the tone of voice is different from the past, and the white face is slightly red.

"I was just curious, so I asked along the way." Do you really want to know? "

"I will listen carefully to what you want to say.

"Okay, little bear, very discerning and unwilling to be an extraordinary light bulb." In the distance, on a battleship, Lao Zhong smiled and praised the mechanical bear.

"Xiong looks small, but he's not stupid. Thinking back to the past, Xiong alone drove a battleship and swept away all the evil spirits in the mother universe. What big scene have you never seen?"

Then, they set off to expand their business in the nearby giant city.

Near the Sea of ​​Origin, there are places like Jinbei Beach. Naturally, there are large cities, some built on islands in the sea, and some built on the coast, all of which are extremely prosperous.

Soon after, they were in a daze. In a super metropolis, how could they have seen Fang Xianzi and Wang Xuan?

"Isn't that Xiao Wang?" Aoki was about to shout.

Chen Yongjie covered his mouth and dragged him into the crowd of people on the extraordinary commercial street.

They actually saw that Wang Xuan and Fang Yuzhu actually went to an extraordinary cinema.

Chen Yongjie said: "Don't think too much, this is recalling the past and experiencing the life of the mortal world, be strict with your mouth, and say you are Aoki!

"Master, you really think I'm not as good as a bear, don't worry, I don't think much about it, I won't talk nonsense!" Aoki said.

Fang Yuzhu stayed here for two days in Yuanyuan Sea, and then left from the Dragon Clan Bar.

Wang Xuan personally sent her to board the super spaceship leading to the world outside the world, so don't worry about safety, that is the route operated by several true saint dojos.

"Sister Yuzhu, I will go to Sanssouci Palace to see you in the future." Wang Xuan secretly transmitted his voice.

"Don't, the world is not safe and there is a true saint looking for you. I will come to see you in the future."

Four days later, the mechanical bear came back, his nose was moving, he was stroking around, and said, "The home is really fragrant."

"You're a mechanical panda now, not a bear. Breathing back and forth with your nose, what are you looking for?" Wang Xuan slapped it.

"So many flowers are of extraordinary categories. They are so beautiful, not only in the vase, but also in the empty wine bottle." The mechanical bear was surprised and praised.

"The weird-looking bear, how can you learn so badly?

Chen Yongjie and old Zhong Qingmu didn't leave. They opened up a new route and negotiated business here. During this period, Wang Xuan went to see them, and the three of them also came to the Dragon Bar many times.

Wang Xuan gave them some scriptures, and secretly gave Chen Yongjie and Lao Zhong a holy relic each.

Aoki is very envious, but he has not yet become an immortal, so he can't control it.

"Lao Qing, don't worry, take your time. In the future, I will find a holy relic that is most suitable for you." Wang Xuan said.

"This is..." Lao Zhong was shocked. He got a sacred silkworm, which could spin silk to form a net of stars, which was extremely powerful.

However, even if he became an immortal, it would be extremely laborious to motivate him. This is still the result of Wang Xuan's efforts to help him refine it, mainly because, as Wang Xuan broke through to the heaven-level domain, the "sacred silkworm" also evolved.

In the past, Lao Zhong was really kind to Wang Xuan, and he opened his study to him, letting him and Lao Chen go and get those scriptures.

In that era, Lao Zhong's study could be said to be the biggest mythological treasure in the world!

Even among the classics, there is still one that has not been thoroughly studied by Wang Xuan, and that is the five-color jade book.

At that time, he couldn't understand it at all, and his eyes were darkened. In the transcendent central world, he can study and gradually comprehend.

However, for a long time, Wang Xuan didn't practice the Dharma in the five-color jade book, that is, he read various scriptures in the extraordinary light sea, and only picked it up again in recent years.

He felt that the five-color jade book was at least written by an extraordinary person.

If you are lucky enough, this book may go further.

Wang Xuan gave Chen Yongjie the magic lamp that could imprison time and space, which was more suitable for him.

Both Lao Zhong and Chen Yongjie were more excited. Although the heaven-level sacred artifact was extremely difficult to use, it could really save lives at critical moments.

If you change to other true immortals, you will definitely not be able to motivate this sacred object.

However, after Wang Xuan helped them refine these sacred relics with 6 Po's coercion, one silkworm and one lamp surrendered.

The mechanical bear could only stare at it with big eyes. It didn't become an immortal. The main reason was that it and Wang Xuan crossed the border relatively late. It entered the transcendent center universe, and it was only 171 years ago.

There are very few people in this world who can become immortals within two hundred years, even in the transcendent central world, it is almost impossible to find them.

As strong as Wang Xuan, in the era of exhaustion, because of the mythical material behind his life soil, he did not waste time, and he became immortal at the age of 199.

Apart from him, the fastest record in the parent universe in the past was Fang Yuzhu, who was a little over two hundred years old and became an immortal in the old soil.

"As a landlord, I'll take you around for a walk around the Sea of ​​Origin, such as going to the secret world under the sea. As for the Hall of Wonderful Sound, forget it. I heard that there are all fallen fairies there. The Beast Fighting Palace should be good, but it can be go and see."

After Wang Xuan finished speaking, he contacted his eldest nephew directly, because he had never been to those places, and Li Xu told him at first.

"Little Li, what are you busy with?"

"Thinking about life, I always feel that I have forgotten something." Li Xu responded from the transcendent communicator.

On that day, after watching Wang Xuan's Tribulation, Li Lin took him away, and then chopped off his memory. Of course, the Dao Yun that he absorbed was kept for him.

Mainly, Li Lin was afraid of his big mouth and leaking secrets.

Therefore, he has been doubting life these days, and he always feels that he has forgotten something.

In fact, Wang Xuan felt that it was not that serious. Li Xu's character was absolutely decent.

"Come to the Dragon Clan Bar, and you will take us to the Beast Fighting Palace." Wang Xuan shouted.

" to experience the red dust?" Li Xu suddenly came to the spirit, where is he still in the mood to reminisce about life, think about the past, and immediately said: "Okay, I think the Hall of Wonderful Sounds is good, it should be the first choice! "

However, his suggestion was useless. Chen Yongjie, Lao Zhong, and Aoki all wanted to go to the Beast Palace to open their eyes.

The Dou Beast Palace is not in this world. It hangs high in the sky and is the location above the fairyland corresponding to the starry sky at the edge of the sea of ​​origin.

This place is one level higher than Immortal World, similar to the place where the longevity fruit event was held in the past.

Out of the sky, Beast City is extremely prosperous. It is a perfect example of the combination of technology and mythology. The permanent population of the city is at least 50 million.

"That is····"

At night, they came, and on a tall building in the city, they saw a promotional video of a certain Colosseum. It was a stereoscopic projection, and it was actually displayed around them.

Wang Xuantong's hole shrunk. In the promotional video, there was a round-faced girl fighting in the beast fighting scene, fighting with blood and scars, which made his heart contract violently, because that was an old friend.

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