Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 498: launch!

City of Beasts, mythology and technology coexist, the distant dragon, the supership that is taking off, as well as skyscrapers, sky gardens, suspended islands, etc., are harmoniously combined.

When Wang Xuan and the others came, they naturally changed their identities.

In the past few days, they have been separated from each other to learn more about the specific situation of the Beast Fighting Palace, the distribution of the famous extraordinary people in the city, and so on.

The suspended islands hang down with silver waterfalls\'under special lights\'flowing colorful rays of sunshine\'beautiful.

Underneath, there is a wetland\'prehistoric ancient trees\'there are red-billed black cranes and other alien species\'walking erratically\'water plants with a silvery inch long in the middle of the water\'Baxia' swimming.

In a giant city with a population of more than 50 million people, you can still see such pure natural beauty everywhere. The ecological environment is really good.

There are also ant hills in the city\'this kind of creatures feed on metal\'the hills where they live are gnawed and there are caves everywhere\'flowing metallic luster\'like a special art.

In addition, there are also the Giant Dragon Valley, the Golden Crow Magma Lake, the Archaeopteryx Nest built in the clouds, etc., which have become the famous scenic spots of the Beast City, and can also be regarded as tourist attractions.

"The three foreigners are all masters in the mid-to-late stage!" Wang Xuan and Fang Yuzhu briefly bumped into each other's head\'I have already figured out some situations\' attach great importance to it.

They pretended to be outsiders\'integrated into the city of beasts\'admiring the beautiful scenery during the day\'going out of the major Colosseum at night\' to watch the **** fight in person.

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There is no need to take the risk of asking \'they have learned enough valuable information through all parties' talks\' and side-by-side discussions.

\"There are prohibited items in the biggest beast fighting palace!" Two days later\'After the first person in the mother universe, Yun Shuhe and Wang Xuan met in the ancient times\' informed the news.

Yun Shuhe is surrounded by feathered flags\'The woman in red is a special treasure\'Based on her sensitivity to the same kind\', she discovered a wisp of Qi leaked by the other party.

Fortunately,\'they all have "big gold chains\"\'effectively covering themselves\'the other party can't sense it.\"

"Fortunately\'the problem is not very big!

Wang Xuan felt that \'the Yudao flag must be released\'must be prepared for the worst\'Who knows if there is a second prohibited item.

And \'What if the opponent's camp is not only three aliens\', but also the fourth and fifth people? Everything in 7u city is business as usual\'but \'Wang Xuan and their super luxurious lineup are already in place\' just waiting Earth-shattering blow\'Do it in the territory of the supreme creature.

As for the strange thing on the mobile phone, it has already flown away, \'It is reassuring to have it to find and contain that **** and mysterious monster\'.

"Niu Bu\'Where has your master Kong Xuan been recently?" On the super network\'many people are asking\'leave a message on Fu Dao Niu's social account.

Fu Dao Niu\'has been very active on the Internet lately\' is also considered a famous cow\'If you have nothing to do, send some life insights\'What time is quiet\'Clearly participate in Zen meditation\'Or take a pose\'Post a selfie \'Almost become \"Niu Yuan\".

Last time \'Wang Xuan called it back after the cow cloth\'although I didn't understand what it meant\'but\'it sometimes called itself like this

Now\'it is in the demon garden\'safe and secure\'there is someone instructing you to practice practice\'if you have nothing to do, just attend a tea party\'or the enlightenment meeting\'to live comfortably and comfortably.

Of course, \'this is the surface\' in private, Niubo is also very hardworking\'because it feels that it will go on like this\'It is completely at the root of Wang Xuan's pace.

"Confucius has gone against the sky. It's a pity that I can't talk to you in detail. If Confucius turns over and makes a slight movement, it will be a shock to the world. Just wait." One day, you will understand. \'I am fortunate to be born in the same era as him.

Niu Bu's remarks immediately caused some dissatisfaction among the disciples of the True Holy Dojo, such as the Tattoo Palace, the Time Sky, the Returning Market, and the Paper Temple.

If you can find this cow along the network cable, the tattoo palace would have been activated long ago.

It is a pity that \'this cow is in a demon court\' and attaches great importance to privacy protection\' so far it has no flaws.

"Then tell me \'When will Kong Xuan come out\' why is it so shocking?" Someone asked in a message.

In fact\'every party wants to know\'nearly a hundred years\'Has Kong Xuan left hell\'what is he doing now.\"

Wang Xuan has lived in the Sea of ​​Origin for 85 years\'I can't see him stirring up the wind and the rain\' is really not used to it. After all,\'every time he appears\' can contribute a lot of enthusiasm to the supernatural world. \'However, in the past few decades\'he has been a little too low-key.

Over the years \'hell has lost his figure\'there is really no topic that is too outrageous\'even the process of fighting and finding the half list\' is not so intense.

Wait.\'When Confucius reappears,\'the situation will be turbulent\'The whole transcendent center will tremble three times\'Shake three times\'Everyone will bleed\'The road to true sainthood is not far away."

Fu Dao Niu finally closed his mouth\'I didn't dare to say anything about the true saint.

Speaking of which \'Lu Renjia\'Sun Wukong\'so many years have passed\'where have you gone? In those days, he was as famous as Kong Xuan\'even\'Sun Wukong's fame was bigger than him.

Many people feel that it is a pity that \'in front of the real fairy 5 breaking field\' some of the early brilliant geniuses were stopped\' fundamentally rhythm. Some people speculate that \'Lu Renjia and Sun Wukong failed to break 5\' so no would like to be born.

"Yeah\'It's really a pity\'In those days\'Sun Wukong was 'extraordinary'\'more powerful than Kong Xuan. He dared to carry an iron stick\"Three dozen ladies"

\'Across the Sea of ​​Stars\'There are no rivals in the same generation. Ah\'Daoist friends in Xuankong Ling, don't think too much\'I didn't mean it and didn't mean anything.

At night\'neon flashing, the city of beasts is magnificent\'magnificent\' high-rise buildings\'hanging caves\'all brightly lit\'resplendent.

Because \'night is the essence of the city of beasts\'here is dominated by beasts\' and even\'there will be an inhuman-level duel in the Colosseum every year.

Therefore\'this place is very famous in the supernatural world\'there is a constant flow of passengers all year round\'a large number of extraordinary people come inexplicably every day.

Tonight\'Little White Tiger should be on stage to fight\'Wang Xuan and the others are ready to act!

He didn't directly blast the giant beast fighting palace in front of him that glowed in the middle of the night, mainly because he wanted to warm the ground before understanding the situation.

The round-faced white tiger girl lives here \'Where is the demon master Yan Qingyan\' also captured? This can only be confirmed after he contacts.

In fact \'At this time, their luxurious lineup is already in place!

Wu Liuji didn't enter the Beast Palace\'sitting in a sky garden in the distance\' drinking alone

Li Lin's black dress \'wrapped a beautiful figure\'stands on a skyscraper\'silence\' and blends into the night here.

Yun Shuhe, carrying the feathered flag reduced to three feet long, was drinking tea calmly in a VIP seat in the Beast Palace.

The health stove has shrunk down\'knuckles big\'very delicate\'become a very artistic pendant on Wang Xuan's extraordinary communicator\'connected by the once thick gold chain.

Fang Yuzhu is wearing a white dress\'sitting in a corner of the Beast Palace\'not in the guest seat\'very low-key\'disguising her peerless beauty and aura\'now as peaceful as a leading girl.

This time \'The battle scene chosen by the Beast Palace is still extraordinary\'This is originally a giant palace, but there are waves of tidal fluctuations and they attract the boundless ocean\'It is a sea of ​​gods.

"Hey\'This is the water drawn from the Sea of ​​Origin\' is quite remarkable.

The place of battle appeared \'The outside world is late at night\'The sun shines brightly in the Beast Palace\'The intoxicating blue sea water is boundless.

A host introduced the situation\'The fierce confrontation in the Beast Palace is about to begin.

Although the round-faced white tiger girl is a heaven-level master\'not weak\', but the master of the Beast Fighting Palace is like a cloud\'is a place of **** tempering\'her skill has nothing to do with the top.

She and her opponent came out first.

If there is no accident,\'she may be hit hard\'hard to beat her opponent\'but\'should not die\'because the Beast Palace still needs her.

The moment she took the stage \'people saw\' her white neck\' and her round and lovely face\' had bloodstains\'this is disobedient\' and was hit with an iron whip again. The wound is still bleeding\ 'Cracked\' has not healed yet on stage.

Wang Xuan's face suddenly sank!

Bai Yuxian's opponent is a mechanical ape\'The whole body is made of silver secret gold\'The eyes fly out of special rays\' It is quite terrifying in the hands of heavenly masters.

\"It seems\'The last time I found someone to buy the little white tiger\' was a startle\'They added a lot of material\'This time we won't come\'She may be torn apart by this mechanical ape \'Inspire me to wait.

Wang Xuan revealed Dandan's killing intent\'eyes are cold\'that mechanical ape has reached the late stage of heaven\'a bit higher than the little white tiger.

"I \'As a VIP\' I want to experience the real fight in the Beast Palace."

Wang Xuan took a step and walked out\'He just bought an experience card at a high price on the VIP seat\'holding it\'flyed out\' and went straight to the sky over the blue ocean.

Hai Jingying\'The corals and fishes on the bottom of the sea are clearly visible\', which made him mistakenly believe that he had returned to the Sea of ​​Origin.

"What's going on\'The two sides haven't decided the outcome yet\' someone can't wait to enter the arena to participate in the fight\'Where is this dude in pants? It's so embarrassing\'I hope he will be beaten!!

"It's a pity that \'there is protection for Zizbin here\' and they won't be allowed to get hurt."

Many people in the VIP seats are dissatisfied \'There is also a commotion in the ordinary seats of the Beast Palace\'Some people curse\'Some people clamor\' feel that being rich and willful is too much.

Obviously \'there is something wrong with this mechanical ape\'Although he retreated to the side according to Wang Xuan's request\'became a spectator\', the special eyes \'rays looming\' were watching him carefully.

"Little White Tiger\'How did you end up in this field?" Wang Xuan secretly transmitted his voice with his spirit\' and activated the bracelet\' to ensure that no one would be intercepted.

The round-faced white tiger girl\'was originally stubborn\'with an expression of resentment and sadness\'but after hearing this sound transmission\'eyes moved slightly!

"Do you still remember the first time you saw it?\'In the interior scene\'You ran away with Lao Chen in his mouth\'I once played with a cat.\"The light of Wang Xuan's soul\' shone on her heart.

The round-faced white tiger girl was shocked immediately\'Isn't this an illusion??

Even though many years have passed, she has not forgotten the beautiful, regrettable, sad, and various memories of the mother universe.

She remembered those old things for the first time.

But \'when we parted\'that person didn't even come to the realm of Happy Travel\'and stayed in the mother universe\'how could he appear?

"When the two of us were looking for opportunities in the supernatural wastes such as Sanyidui\'You rubbed my fortune\'sell me a memory crystal\' Said there was a video of the demon master dancing hotly in it\'As a result, there was an opening\' A few photos\'You deceived me! When will you compensate me for the real memory crystal? I want the genuine one.\" Wang Xuan said.

Now \'he came with a super luxurious lineup\'not afraid of any changes\'patiently let the little white tiger know that the old man is here\'rescue her!

That way she can rest assured\'tell the truth.

In an instant \'little white tiger's tears almost fell\'for so many years\'being trained as a beast fighting girl\'disobedient will be beaten badly.

Now that she heard someone mention the old things of the old mother universe, she felt warmth, bitterness, and helplessness in her heart.

She still can't believe\'This is Wang Xuan? Came from the mother universe\'After all\'When they parted back then\'the other's realm was too low

Besides,\'How can the other party cross to the transcendent center of the universe alone?\"

Wang Xuan quickly transmitted his voice\' and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it\' You will see with your own eyes\' how I broke the Beast Palace. Now tell me\'What happened to the demon masters\' and Uncle Yan Mingcheng\ 'Aunt Bai Jingshu\'Where did the two of them go\'You two were separated?? Or did they also fall into the hands of the monster in the Dou Beast Palace?

"Ah?" The little white tiger finally moved\'I believe it a little now\'This is indeed an old friend\'because\'about these\'Beast Palaces should all know\'There is no need to ask again\'I have already searched the soul .

"At that time, \'The waves of the extraordinary light ocean were too big\' there were digital true saints and super prohibited items appearing\' there were scrambling to catch people\' I accidentally fell into the sea\' was wrapped and carried away by the underwater monster. \'And they parted she quickly informed.

Wang Xuan let out a long sigh of sigh\'It would be better if only the round-faced white tiger girl fell here without other old friends.

"I'll take you away \'home\' and don't have to suffer here!" Wang Xuan walked forward\' and this time it was the real voice.

"Ah\'You hurry up!" The little white tiger is anxious\'more and more convinced\'this is an old friend\'It is really Wang Xuan who is here\'but thinks he doesn't know what kind of place the Dou Beast Palace is\'There is a supreme being behind .

In her opinion\'is all the superhuman beings in the mother universe combined\'can't beat an alien under the real saint\'how to save people here and stir up the storm?

"What are you going to do? This is the Beast Palace\'I want to court death!!" The mechanical ape is really an internal member of the showdown against the little white tiger\'In fact, it is to prevent accidents.

"Go away!" Wang Xuan said \'raised his hand\' and grabbed the late-stage Heavenly Rank mechanical ape that rushed over\' and directly crushed\'the metal fragments fell!

There was an uproar under the stage\'Everyone couldn't believe it\'Is this trying to disturb the Colosseum? Someone dared to be disrespectful here\'Demolish the stage of the highest creature??

The little white tiger was a little stunned\'very shocked\'Wang Xuan was going to be able to grab a late-level superhuman\'strength is much higher than her, but\'how many years have passed?

But she wakes up quickly

You don't know their origins\'There are aliens here\'There are real saints! "The little white tiger is in a hurry\'Quickly rushed over\' pushed him to escape\'Her face was pale\'I was about to cry\' I felt that I had harmed Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan rubbed her head\' and said: "Still so stupid. I dare to come here, will I not investigate carefully?? Don't worry, I'm here to take you home, and I want to vent my anger for you. Let's The people are here\'If you can't fix it\', maybe they will be killed

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