Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 507: everyone is happy

Outside the sky, the Beast City has been in ruins, and it is desolate. Secret gold tiles, red copper ruins, the completely collapsed blood gold stone building, etc.

Correspondingly, some people are doing business here, which is quite popular, sweeping away the deserted atmosphere that the background should have. Even if a few aliens died here, and all the 50 million resident extraordinary people fled, when the sale of the real holy meat was started, it was instantly crowded, shaking the extraordinary world.

Up to a number of true saints cast their gazes secretly, down to the true immortals, like a gentleman crossing the river, I wish they all went ashore and squeezed into this place.

Such a large "octopus tentacle" is like a mountain, but it is only the tentacle at the very end of a scavenger's "arm".

The whole supernatural world is not calm. Baidu search: the fastest update on the other side of deep space! .

Not to mention, there are also some fragments of the animal body, all of which are flowing with divine light, and the rhythm is vast, but fortunately they were handled by the strange object of the mobile phone.

Otherwise, even if they stood at the end of the horizon, a large number of extraordinary people could not stand it.

The round-faced white tiger girl who sold the real holy meat was a little dizzy, and the good business kept her busy.

"This is Ziqi Donglai Jin, the tentacles and animal body parts of the supreme creature, each of which is a piece." Someone lined up and opened the fragments of the blessed land in their hands, and a rich purple gas emerged, an extremely rare forbidden master. The material is displayed, accompanied by a vision.

"Let's pile it over there." The little white tiger pointed to the side and asked the middle-aged man to put it down.

The visitor grinned, not knowing what expression to make, this is Ziqi Donglaijin, put it on the ground as firewood?

However, he didn't say much. He followed the instructions. Indeed, the flesh and blood of the supreme creature is extremely precious. This round-faced girl has collected a bunch of prohibited materials, so she can really treat it normally.

The middle-aged man had a talisman on his body, and his hands were engraved with the words of a true saint. He took away the two large pieces of meat swiftly and skillfully.

Fortunately, without him cutting, Huaguoshan Dojo has already divided the "octopus tentacles" and "beast bodies", each of which is a portion.

There was a long queue in the back, and many people were staring at the mountain-like flesh and blood of the true saint, as well as the piles of forbidden-grade materials.

If this is left on the weekdays, there are so many strange creations piled up together, it is estimated that they would have been killed a long time ago, bleeding and drifting, and their corpses are like mountains.

After all, any piece of flesh or prohibited material is worth a fortune, a treasure.

But now, everyone is doing their best, and no one is thinking about it. What a joke, the true saint of Huaguoshan Dojo is too fierce, and even the holy meat sold is freshly slaughtered, who dares to offend?

The scavenger, with a fierce reputation, has existed for many years, and it was because of this little white tiger in front of him that he angered the violent real saint and was killed by a butcher knife.

Now, the entire Transcendent Realm knows that Huaguo Mountain is truly untouchable, and it turns his face faster than a mechanical dog. There are not many people who come, and they all have a lot of backgrounds, and a considerable number of them are aliens!

There is no doubt that the original flesh and blood of a true sage has many wonderful benefits, at least the dojos will not miss it, it is better than those supreme beings who will study the background of the scavenger, figure out its royal road texture, etc.

This is priceless flesh and blood, it accumulates the spiritual essence of a supreme being, and contains the secret of the extraordinary path it has taken.

Moreover, this is one of the best "raw materials" for refining holy medicine.

In addition to the True Saint Dao Lineage, which needs to be purchased in large quantities, Yiren is naturally extremely eager. Even the eagerness and hope in their eyes surpassed others.

Because, for them, the primordial flesh and blood of the supreme creature is a "lighting light" in the transcendent fog. As long as you sink your heart to study it, you will surely gain something.

There are also super peers in the long queue, who came with the true holy talisman paper, otherwise they would not dare to touch the flesh and blood of the supreme creature at will.

There are also some loose cultivators, but not many, and several people join forces to buy a piece of flesh and blood, mainly because they have not many banned materials accumulated.

Moreover, for safety reasons, they need to report to the group to keep warm, and it is suitable to analyze the one or two pieces of flesh together. Some True Saint Dojos even kept the blessed land rings or bracelets that stored the most precious materials.

This also makes it easier for the round-faced white tiger girl to give more holy meat tendencies.


For example, when the people from Wujie Mountain came, she chose a bunch of flesh and blood, and when the people from Chongxiao Palace, Yaoting, and Sanssouci Palace came, she also took good care of them.

Because, these were all told in advance, the relationship is good, she can give more, if it is not in plain sight, it is no problem to send it directly.

The Yaoting was brought by Mei Suyun with Leng Mei, so she couldn't help but glance at the little white tiger. The cold and charming smile melts like an iceberg, and it is pure and vulgar, expressing gratitude there.

"No thanks, we also talk about fate in Huaguoshan." Xiao Baihu said, the beautiful tiger's eyes were shining, Wu Liuji participated in the battle, and his division was his own.

In the rear, someone asked to let the latecomers come forward, causing riots. Soon, more extraordinary people worshipped, and took the initiative to let the new creatures go to the front and cut the queue directly.

A mechanical dog came, looking ordinary, not too conspicuous, but it scared a few old people. After they looked at it, they found that it was unfathomable, the rhythm of the sea was like the sea, and it was like a moth facing the abyss, and there was no comparison at all.

In an instant, they suspect that this is the real body of the mechanical tengu.

Who is not afraid, who is not afraid? This dog really can't afford to offend him. Once he has a bad relationship, the true saint will be remembered by him for a lifetime.

Many people are speechless, the true saint comes in person, this is a rare thing and then feel fear, the atmosphere does not dare to come out.

Fortunately, the mechanical tengu restrained all the coercion without causing any dangerous consequences.

Since everyone asked it to "jump in the queue", it was naturally not polite, showing chaotic air, covering itself, and directly in front of the round-faced white tiger girl.

"You can't go wrong, it contains the slightest breath of the ancestor of machinery." Tengu Pi Ya, and then, it threw "a thousand gold" and buried a lot of flesh and blood.

Moreover, it is in the sky in the distance, and it starts to barbecue directly.

"It tastes good!" Vaguely, people were speechless when they heard the comments of the mechanical tengu when they were gone. Mechanical creatures also eat meat?

Obviously, the strange object of the mobile phone and the Imperial Daoqi deliberately left a subtle clue and aura to the mechanical tengu in this flesh and blood, and further rationally used the opportunity to mislead it.

"Carrion eater, spicy chicken!" In the chaos, the mechanical tengu no longer restrained his breath, and cursed the carrion eater fiercely.

"Octopus balls, iron-plate octopuses, dogs.... It's good to eat the mechanical tengu." The round-faced white tiger girl sold holy meat and marketed it according to the trend.

Many extraordinary people have strange eyes, this little white tiger is really stupid, dare to speak, fortunately, she finally did not directly call the dog saint.

Although the mechanical tengu left Tianwaitian, it was still vaguely heard in the outer world, and he did not pay attention to such trivial matters.

It felt that it was really a big deal, and it was estimated that the "reckless man" in Huaguo Mountain, the domineering real saint who exploded when it was ignited, might turn his face earlier than it.

In fact, the mechanical tengu also has its own "bottom line", and it will try to avoid the supreme beings that are too tricky. Otherwise, just anger it, why did it live so long?

At least, it didn't kill the saint because of this kind of thing, it's a dog with "principles".

On that day, Little White Tiger almost burst into tears, because he saw his relatives and sisters in the mother universe, and the demon master Yan Qingyan appeared!

Fortunately, she restrained herself, she has experienced all kinds of storms and waves today, and she can keep calm by selling the real holy flesh and blood in person.

When the demon master Yan Qingyan exchanged forbidden materials for holy flesh, she also left a letter in the blessed land ring in storage, and made an appointment with the little white tiger to meet soon.

When such a big thing happened, the Transcendent World is naturally investigating in detail, but the cause was actually from a little white tiger? Everyone was stunned.

Many people don't believe it, thinking that Huaguoshan's sudden war is just looking for an excuse.

After the demon master heard the news, she was extremely excited, and she naturally recognized the round-faced white tiger girl from the picture.

On that day, Rushan's real holy flesh and blood was sold out, so she has not replenished the mobile phone a few times, because there are too many in her hands.

The body of the scavenger is so huge that it was cut off in half, which is really huge.

Xiaobaihu has "restocked" several times, and all the avenues are quite satisfied. He feels that Huaguoshan is on the road, and he knows that the interests are shared and he does not have to eat alone.

Even the people from the Evil God's Palace came, bringing the banned-level main materials, and indifferently exchanged the flesh and blood of the true saint.

evil saint though

There was anger in his heart, but he couldn't sit still in the face of some of the active bodies of the supreme creatures. After taking it in his hand and studying the texture of the Royal Dao, he only had two words in his heart: Really fragrant!

On the shores of the Transcendent Guanghai, the chefs of the Heavenly Court Dining Hall prepared meals in person, showing the culinary skills of the heavens and the gods. The bull demons, yin-yang dogs, ten-tailed demon foxes, etc. who were sent here at the beginning brought plates of delicacies to the seaside.

Wang Xuan, Yangsheng Furnace, Wu Liuji and others were sitting on the ground to divide the spoils, the incomplete treasures, all kinds of forbidden-level main materials, the flesh and blood of the true saint... This made them dazzled.

Cutting through the Dou Beast Palace and cutting off half of the scavenger's body, the harvest is simply boundless. Even the most indifferent and calm Yun Shuhe was a little lost.

Wang Xuan said: "Sister Yuzhu, your Mutian bracelet was damaged once, and now there are so many top-level treasure materials, it should be able to repair itself."

Back then, when Fang Yuzhu and others crossed the sea, several treasures of the mother universe were injured, and even the Immortal Umbrella and the Palace of Gods escaped on the way, and now it is enough to restore the Mutian Bracelet.

"I absorb some more banned main materials, and accumulate a small half of the era, maybe I can further transform." On the furnace wall of the health furnace, a bright face appeared, showing a blurred face, like a red face.

Li Lin failed to grab the head of an alien, and she was a little depressed at first, but now, seeing the sacred things everywhere, her eyes also had a splendid brilliance.

She comes from the True Saint Dojo and has seen all kinds of rare and precious treasures, but like a rich man, she has piled up all kinds of sacred things all over the ground, and she still feels quite irritated and her heart is moved.

"With so many prohibited materials, after I get a share, I'm going to recast my weapon." Wu Liuji said.

He didn't choose broken treasures, he wanted to make his own weapons.

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "These incomplete treasures, the artifact spirits have been obliterated, leaving only a trace of the spiritual imprint of the scavengers, and now they have all dissipated."

It can only be said that the scavengers are quite perverted. Whether it is true holy flesh or prohibited items, they are its hunting targets and can be swallowed.

Thunder Shuttle, Void Spear, etc., the final fate, or re-melting, or slowly raising sacrifices.

Li Lin would not choose such a flawed treasure.

Fang Yuzhu smiled, Sanssouci Palace has the refining blueprint of the true holy weapon, and now that there are enough banned main materials, she can make the curtain sky bracelet further improve and undergo a deeper transformation.

"Brother Yun, this is the origin of the 14-style sword scriptures, the true holy power level method..." Wang Xuan communicated with Yun Shuhe.

The first person in the mother universe has no desires and no desires, because it is enough for Yu Huafan around him to pick out the prohibited materials, but he himself has no needs.

Wang Xuan gave Zhang Daoling and Fang Yuzhu the scriptures, and this time Yun Shuhe came across the Xinghai with a single phone call, so he naturally wouldn't favor one over the other.

In recent years, he has really obtained a lot of exquisite scriptures, which just happened to give him copies to study.


On the shore of the Transcendent Guanghai, a group of people pushed the cups for a change. It can be said that everyone was very happy, and even the red-clothed woman in the feathered flag came out to toast.

Fang Yuzhu's beautiful face was slightly flushed, and she smiled brightly. Baidu search: the fastest update on the other side of deep space! .

"Don't leave in a hurry, stay here for a few days first, I will add ten prohibited main materials to the alloy chains on your body, and refine it again." The mobile phone said.

In the face of this kind of thing, it is still very reliable. After all, the scavenger has not been killed, so it is necessary to cover up the secret. The mobile phone strange object said: "Don't worry, it has suffered heavy damage, and it is estimated that it will not dare to show up at will in this era. If it is discovered by other supreme creatures, it may become the opponent's prey."

In the distance, the little white tiger and the demon master Yan Qingyan met, and in an instant, the two embraced each other, and tears of joy were about to flow out.

"That day, I fell into the sea...." The round-faced white tiger girl had tears in her eyes, and she told her past and grievances there. After seeing the demon master, her stomach was full of words.

"I entered the 'Birth' which is similar to Sanssouci Palace. There aren't many people, it's very low-key, and I'm about to become a cultivator." The demon master wiped her tears for her, and then said own experience.

"Miss, you can't imagine who rescued me this time, and what's going on in Huaguo Mountain."

When the chat came to an end, the little white tiger's eyes were shining.

"Who saved you, is this dojo really related to our mother universe?" The demon master was very curious.

"By the way, Miss, you admired yourself when you were alone. Are there any memory crystals in those battle dances you recorded?" Little White Tiger asked with flickering eyes and a guilty conscience.

"Who is so lonely?" The demon master was still the same as before, wearing a red dress, alluring the city and the country, and knocked her on the forehead directly.

"It's okay, I just said it casually, I'll take you to see your old friend later." The round-faced white tiger girl said, after being rescued this time, she is really grateful to Wang Xuan, which has swept an incomparably powerful place. Fierce place - Beast Palace!

On the shore of the extraordinary light sea, the strange objects on the mobile phone appeared black mist, and some blurred scenes appeared on the screen.

Then, the people present heard footsteps in their ears. Although they were far away, they were clear and heavy, as if they were approaching here.

In the extremely heavy atmosphere, the strange thing on the mobile phone actually began to contact the ancient and the present. "Old-fashioned, I have some situation here, are you interested in getting involved?" One can imagine how serious the situation is, even it is calling for help!

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