Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 510: old-fashioned please

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It has been 265 years since Wang Xuan entered the new universe, and the last time the ancient and modern "pick up people" from the mother universe was 79 years earlier than Wang Xuan.

This is the first time that Gu Jin has officially contacted and had a dialogue with Wang Xuan after coming to the Transcendent Center. It has been 344 years since the last meeting in the parent universe.

On the screen of his extraordinary communicator, in the picture presented, the black wooden box was more severely damaged, even more so than in the past, emitting chaotic fog, which was a little hazy.

In the past, Wang Xuan made a promise that as long as the ancients and the present take away a group of people who have not become immortals such as Chen Yongjie, Qingmu, Zhongcheng, he will be willing to fight for it for 800 years in the future.

But Gu Jin told him through Chen Yongjie and the strange object on his mobile phone, it didn't take that long!

'Have you entered the heaven level? It's really fast. You swept the strongest true immortals of various religions in hell, and pierced through the Holy Emperor City, Tianshen Mountain, etc., should be the ultimate 5 broken immortals? ‘

'I can sweep anyone at the same level, and I can suppress anyone at a level higher than me!' Wang Xuan told me frankly and confidently that if the old board needed it, he could deal with any extraordinary person in the same field.

Even if you meet someone who breaks the ultimate 5, it is not a problem for now.

'Very well, you prepare, I need you to take action once in a few years, and take you to see the world of true saints and super-transformed prohibited items.'

The words of ancient and modern came, which shook Wang Xuan's heart, that level was about to be opened to him, which was quite unattainable!

Over the years, the mobile phone has kept him from getting in touch too early, because it's too far away, and it's not a good thing to meet early.

What does Gu Jin mean, let him show his face? Its style is completely different from that of mobile phone wonders.

'It's not to take you to see the true saints and the forbidden objects in metamorphosis, but to let you contact related fields, their traditions, their descendants, etc.'

After the call, Wang Xuan pondered, not only is he going to contact the power of the supreme beings, but even the old man himself has to come to the front desk.

In fact, it is meaningless to keep a low profile, the saints already know that it is back, and it is fighting against its opponents.

'It's time to go out for a walk.' Wang Xuan wanted to see an old man. Once he entered the world of ancient and modern times, it was difficult to say when he would be able to withdraw.

He retreated in Transcendent Guanghai for 94 years. During this period, Fang Yuzhu came here once, got together for a short time, and then left in a hurry.

She has extraordinary talent. After entering the new universe, the environment is different, and she has obtained the true Bible chapters.

The demon master Yan Qingyan used the transcendent communicator to contact him several times, but every time she 'teached' him, she couldn't do anything, but was educated.

As for the others, they have also been contacted by the transcendent communicator. Chen Yongjie and Qingmu wanted to come over with a battleship, but Wang Xuan quickly stopped them.

This place is very special, and extraordinary warships are prone to accidents!

‘Confucius, come here often, if you leave, we will feel that the whole world will lose its luster.’ The bull demon waved his hand!

‘My lord, next time, bring me some Xinghai’s dog food, although it’s all junk food, but it tastes really good. ‘Yin-yang dogs who don’t like to talk very much, when parting, they are full of emotions, reluctant to part, and their eyes are eager.

'Be careful on the road.' The cook also instructed.

The star river was brilliant, Wang Xuan returned to the starry sky at a snail-like speed. The vortex secret technique he learned from the mobile phone wonders, teleportation is no problem, extremely fast, but it is only in a small area.

With his current practice and methods, to go from one star field to another star field, he has to repeatedly cast spells. Compared with the vast universe, he is like a particle of dust moving slowly, which is too difficult.

In the end, he still went to take the interstellar spaceship and used the Transcendent Teleportation Array. Even so, when he arrived at the Sea of ​​Origin, it would be a month later.

'The transcendent central universe is too big to reach the realm of aliens. If you want to travel in the starry sky, it is a bit time-consuming and delays your practice.'

‘Wang Xuan? !'In the Dragon Clan Bar, the mechanical bear was pleasantly surprised. He stayed here for 94 years, and finally waited for him to come back.

'Is it boring to wait? It will be fine later! We walk in the sea of ​​​​stars, wander around the prosperous world, the fairyland is bright, even if it is a place outside the world, we can also climb up to see the scenery. 'Wang Xuan comforted it.

In the past, for safety reasons, he didn't take the bear on the road to deal with the scavengers. It was nearly a hundred years since he left it, and he really felt he owed it.

'Great!' Now, the mechanical bear has become a fairy, after all, it has been 265 years since he came to the new universe.

'Uncle, you're back, I miss you!' Li Xu received the report immediately and rushed into the Dragon Clan Bar, full of tears.

He also gave up, not afraid that his aunt would come back to clean him up.

Wang Xuan understood at a glance, this cheap nephew has great perseverance, and he is still waiting for him to continue to comb his muscles and bones, and wants to become a true immortal in the realm of 5 breaking.

'Come here, I'm going to hit you hard this time, don't be subtle, you have to withstand it yourself.'

'Oh, oh, oh Next, Li Xu barked like a dog, the pain was unbearable, all the bones in his body were torn off, and all kinds of textures were corrected. Ji Dao Zhenxian is also in the 5 broken realm, his foundation is natural It is very solid, and even a small part of the Yudao texture is very limited even if it is offset.

However, when Wang Xuan is no longer fine-tuning, but drastic! To simply and rudely 'operate' on him would still be very sinful.

Li Lin was shocked, she thought something tragic had happened, but she glanced at it and ignored it.

'Ow, ow' On that day, all the old neighbors near the Dragon Bar were speechless, and Li Xu was learning how to call animals.

For three whole days, he was so miserable. Then, Wang Xuan told him that he was corrected by a quarter.

'I kind of miss the days when I was beaten by my aunt. Even when she was the most angry, it was only half a day, and it was far less You are more cruel than her!'

Li Xu said this, but his body was very honest, his will was firm, and he was determined to stay and not leave. He endured for half a month, and was finally 'overhauled' by Wang Xuan, and every day he was excruciating pain.

'Okay, you can comprehend it yourself, accumulate it, and practice for 40 or 50 years should be enough.' Wang Xuan said.

'Thank you uncle!' Before he could finish speaking, he was taken away by a white palm. Li Lin endured him for a long time.

'Don't scare the child,' Wang Xuan said, and followed.

In the area of ​​Jinbei Beach, everyone knew him, and he was suspected to be Li Lin's Taoist companion. Moreover, he and Li Lin talked so casually that it was impossible to make people think too much.

Wang Xuan and Li Lin met and brought her extraordinary Guanghai specialties, some of the 'snacks' cooked by the chef, and the ingredients were mostly alien-level, which made her quite satisfied.

During the period, the mechanical bear contacted Chen Yongjie and Aoki, and told them that Wang Xuan was back, and that they had business here, and it was convenient for them to communicate.

In less than 20 days, Chen Yongjie and the others arrived. They did not enter the Dragon Clan Bar that day, but met on the battleship in the starry sky.

‘Little Wang, I am also a health care master, and I am a three-layered heaven. 'Aoki announced the good news, the first one rushed over. It has been more than 90 years since the last time we met in the Sea of ​​Origin, which is indeed not a short period of time.

Wang Xuan was dumbfounded. Aoki came 79 years before him and Xiaoxiong. After 344 years of cultivation in this new universe, he finally reached the level of health care master with difficulty!

However, if compared with ordinary extraordinary people, this speed is actually not slow.

It's just that the people around him are practicing too fast, Old Chen is a real immortal, and Old Zhong is not bad.

This time, there is also an acquaintance Liu Huai'an's old man, Chen Yongjie's master, who has long since become immortal.

Not only him, in fact, an acquaintance arrived.

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