Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 520: Contacts are broken

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It's been so many years that Ling Qingxuan still holds grudges, but she's still angry. She wants to settle accounts with Sun Wukong, making Wang Xuan a little speechless.

At the beginning, he hit her a few times in total, as if he had said "eat my old grandson with a stick" a total of 4 times.

Don't tell me, he was really addicted at the time.

Now he is Lu Renjia, dressed in white as snow, gentle and elegant, Sun Wukong's rude and extreme behavior has nothing to do with him.

He could only persuade him with good words: "Even if the past is an enemy, it should be solved and not hurt.

'What does Lu Renjia mean? But he said he wanted to help back then, and now not only does he have no fireworks, but he also persuades him.

Ling Qingxuan's temper has not changed, although she is still beautiful, elegant and delicate, but when she mentions Sun Wukong, her chest is up and down.

Wang Xuan said: 'Don't worry, if you really want to find him, of course you will stand on this side, aren't you afraid of losing money? Huaguoshan Dojo is not easy to mess with now.

It was mentioned that Ling Qingxuan of the Huaguoshan Dojo was indeed very afraid that more than 90 years ago, the Taoist line destroyed the Beast Palace in the outer world and cut off all the true saints and carrion eaters to sell their flesh and blood.

After that battle, the dojo shook the world.

It is also that Sun Wukong, who disappeared for a long time in that battle, reappeared in the world. He personally took action in the Beast Fighting Palace and heard that even the Super Peerless had killed several people.

Ling Qingxuan took a deep breath to control her emotions and said: 'I just want to know why he fought 4 times without any enmity or enmity with him.

Wang Xuan glanced at the female book boy beside her—the little sister Xiao Yuexin said had something to do with, if she hadn't forced Kong Xuan to fight back, Sun Wukong would not have been born.

'Let's try to see if we can invite him out and let him have a chat. I just's very difficult. A person with such a bad temper may start a war with him if he can't get it right.

'Don't worry, if you can make this happen, there will be a lot of thanks for sending the strange scriptures. Ling Qingxuan said.

When Wang Xuan heard the bizarre scriptures, he suddenly came to the spirit and said: 'Really. If you look unhappy, then take the risk to find this person.

Then he took a glass of wine from the waiter and clinked her glass to let her wait for news in the near future.

'251 years and 6 months, it's been a few days after waiting. Ling Qingxuan raised a glass of green silk, waist-length and bright red lips touched the crystal wine glass and drank the glass directly.

Wang Xuan was a little dizzy. She remembered so clearly how many years and how many months. This is really full of resentment.

'Ling Xiaosi... Jing Qi came over, graceful and graceful, walking lightly with a smile on her face.

'Aunt An, shut up and don't yell here. Ling Qingxuan warned her.

The two of them stand together, and they are both slender and graceful, and they are quite eye-catching. They are all famous beauties in the real holy dojo.

Wang Xuan said hello and raised his glass and quickly made an excuse to leave first.

Jing Qi is Li Lin's avatar in the human world. Knowing that Kong Xuan, Wang Xuan, and Sun Wukong are all alone, it is estimated that Lu Renjia will be exposed if he stays any longer.

'I still think about Sun Wukong and reluctantly give up. Look, now knowing some of his situation can help us reconcile. As an avatar, Jing Qi has an independent character and escapes evil tastes, which is obviously a microcosm of Li Lin's girlhood.

Wang Xuan walked around with the mechanical bear and did meet some of his old friends, of course, acquaintances from the hostile camp, such as Cheng Dao, the 5-time limit-breaker from the Tattoo Palace.

He also came. After seeing his old mount transformed into a human 'Niubu', his face was extremely ugly, and the wine glass in his hand almost shattered.

In particular, the Fudao Niu is now as warm as jade, with a graceful and outstanding appearance, which is very suitable for this kind of reception where everyone can talk and have a good conversation.

‘It’s a pity that Kong Xuan didn’t come, although he sent an invitation letter to him, but the people from Wujie Mountain responded that he was in retreat and could not be contacted.

At the reception scene, there are 5 broken immortals in hell—Li Hongchen said there that he is a descendant of the gods, and now he is not high-profile with the two men and one woman.

Although the two men and one woman are very easy-going, it is not easy to let the fifth-generation grandson Li Hongchen, who is a super-transfiguration banned item, personally accompany them.

'He is really the ultimate real fairy. one of the young men asked.

His body is well-proportioned and straight, black hair is shoulder-length, and he is dressed in casual clothes.

Heng ranks fourth in the Super Transformation Prohibited Items.

The young man named Balance is very peaceful and restrained. Few people can tell that the casual clothes he wears are made of rare white unicorn There is a high probability that otherwise, how can he penetrate the **** real fairy area. Li Hongchen nodded and said.

Equilibrium smiled and said: 'Was Qi Yuan considered a true immortal when he was in the real immortal realm? Whether or not it seems to be surpassed by the latecomers now.

'Through the ages, all the creatures with the best resources in the world are destined to appear one after another. There is no such thing. Qi Yuan said calmly that his facial lines are somewhat three-dimensional and his skin is slightly metallic.

If you look closely, his hair, which is more than two feet long, is crystal-clear and very textured. It is not glowing, but the texture itself is so active metal. Qi Yuan turned out to be a robot. Many years ago, he might have been a true immortal.

He tilted his head to look at the balance and said: 'Do you still want to have a try with him in the real immortal realm?

These conversations also show that the two young men are strong and confident.

Balance shook his head and said: 'Forget it, although my hands are itchy, if I really want to play against him in the real fairy field, I will definitely be abused. Isn't that looking for guilt?

The woman among the two men and one woman is more mysterious. She has short black hair and a smiling face. She wears high heels and does not look like a cultivator.

But Hell 5 Breaks the Limit Xianli Hongchen, Heng's descendant Qiyuan, and the robot Qi Yuan are all centered on her.

'Hey Lengmei also came over there. The short-haired woman's Nuzui high-heeled shoes tapped the ground lightly, making a slight noise, and she walked over.

'Well, there are indications that Leng Mei is indeed close to Kong Xuan. Li Hongchen nodded and said.

The woman with short hair with equal ears said: 'Leng Mei is also very strong. Don't just look at the appearance. She may have a very strong bloodline, but she has never been unsealed. Of course, she may be cut off and waiting for a new life.

'Should she really be the balanced surprise of the real saint in the demon court?

Leng Mei has two auras and is more enthusiastic and brilliant when they are with close people.

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