Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 524: The strange circle before the seventeenth century

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Are all superhumans going to die?

Several people in the laboratory seemed to have just been fished out of the water. They were bloated, with snow-white skin and rotten eyeballs. Even when they opened their mouths, they were dead.

Wang Xuan looked at them and shuddered. The 17th century has passed, what state are they in?

I'm leaving right now, how about you? Wang Xuan responded and looked at them. Although the icy and terrifying atmosphere was bred here, he still wanted to talk to them.

What happened before the 17th century, why did the old saints disappear, what were these laboratories doing, and what did they experience?

The pale light made a stinging sound, and there was some malfunction, and it was uncertain. Several people did not speak, and all looked at him quietly.

Seeing this, Wang Xuan turned around and left.

This kind of feeling is not very good. In a dead place that has existed for more than ten centuries, it is cold and silent, and other people can't see anything, but he is talking to people.

He was a little confused, should he retreat like this, or continue to go deeper?

He felt that the eyes behind him were always on his back, which made his heart palpitate.

Wang Xuan turned his head sharply and looked at those people. The eyes of those people were bleeding, and there were two shocking blushes on their faces. They were silent and dead.

He didn't speak, turned around again, out of their sight, and walked towards other areas.

Wang Xuan did not leave, but continued to explore in silence.

A laboratory is large, the door is open, and he can see some scenes inside. He sees a few people again, all wearing white coats.

Obviously, they are important people in this laboratory, and they were silent at first, as if petrified there.

As Wang Xuan approached, they slowly turned around and looked at him together. Their problems were more serious, their faces were pale and they were all rotten.

And, they repeated the same thing, asking why he didn't leave.

Wang Xuan was very disrespectful this time, he didn't speak at first, his spiritual eyes were extremely bright, his eyes fell on them, and he stared carefully.

As he thought, these people do not have a real physical body. The so-called whitishness, rotting and bleeding eyeballs are also special states of the spiritual body.

Mind rotten? what's going on?

In fact, when Lu Yun, Li Hongchen and others told him earlier that only spirit can enter here, and when he walked to the birthplace of myth, Wang Xuan guessed something.

The cross-section of the world that the physical body cannot enter, even if there are creatures, it should be in this form.

Can you tell me, in the past, what happened here, why all the old saints died, and what experiments were you doing? Wang Xuan opened his mouth. This time, he was direct and did not evade. Are you a foreign enemy...invading? Contrary to his expectations, this time, one of them did not repeat those words, but came up with this sentence.

Then, as his eyes dripped with red blood, the eyeballs emitted red light.

Alert, foreign invasion. He spoke hastily.

Wang Xuan didn't want to have a meaningless battle, and, without knowing the specific situation here, he immediately retreated and left the area.

In this area, in those laboratories, whether it was pitch-dark or lit with miserable lights, there were pale faces looking out. Wei Wei Wei…

There was a loud crash, and behind Wang Xuan, there was a disturbing movement in the large laboratory where he fled.

Then, Wang Xuan saw that it was a cage, in which a mechanical beast was imprisoned, with snow-white fangs and black metal scales covering its entire body.

If you look closely, it is actually a mental state. It is locked in a mental cage. Its shape is not much different from a tangible metal body, and it looks very similar.

It hit hard, but didn't break free. An experimenter in a lab coat opened the door in person, and the mechanical beast's spiritual body rushed out, heading straight for Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan did not hesitate, and while getting ready, he could detach from the real world at any time and enter the fog, while offering 6 sacred relics in one breath.

After the mechanical beast started running, its size was getting bigger, and it soon became as high as a 10-story building.

Then, it was like blowing up a balloon, its volume was still skyrocketing, it was as huge as a mountain, and it looked down at Wang Xuan.

However, it also smelled of decay, and the primordial spirit was rotten.

Its dusty atmosphere has been severely eroded by years and overwhelmed by history, but it is still out. puff!

The six relics flew in unison, hitting it.

The mechanical beast is like a bubble, shattered all at once, with the breath of historical dust, it has long been eroded by one era after another, and it is riddled with holes and vulnerable.

Like a sand castle by the sea, under the waves, the traces are quickly wiped away. Wang Xuan muttered to himself, having a bottom line in his heart.

Otherwise, the posture of rushing towards this mechanical beast is definitely very powerful, and it is not easy to provoke.

He turned around and walked towards the large laboratory, facing several people in white coats.

I have no ill intentions, I came here to ask for advice, please tell me what happened here in that mysterious period in history before the 17th century? Wang Xuan asked. However, he didn't get a response, and red blood dripped from the eye sockets on the pale faces of several people.

, motionless, looking at him deadly. Wang Xuan couldn't hold back and started directly, wanting to explore the light of their hearts by himself.

However, the moment he shot, he was stunned. The laboratory personnel he touched were like dust and sand, and they were shattered. With an extremely rich and rotten Qi, the spiritual body had already rotted.

He frowned, these mental survivors really have serious problems, and now they are abnormal creatures, and he has to be cautious.

However, there is no use, as long as they explore their spirits and touch the numb, rotten light of their hearts, they will shatter.

Wang Xuan used the words to consolidate their spirits, and showed that the flower of vision is the magic flower in the meteorite passage of the world behind the earth, which can seriously affect people's spirits.

Tell me what happened back then. He hypnotized them with the flower of vision, intervening in the light of their hearts. However, an abnormal event occurred, and the staff of several laboratories all screamed and screamed, with blood and tears on their faces, and then shattered in the sound of Chi Chi.

The flower of vision, looking back on the past

In the past, explore their spiritual nature. Wang Xuan didn't give up, he sacrificed the magic flower and inserted it into their spiritual dust, wanting to reunite the past and reproduce the scene in their hearts. However, what he saw was a pale face, appearing in every pile of spiritual dust, dead and looking at him motionless.

Each of these experimenters has a pale face in their hearts? Is this the thing that impressed them the most back then?

Silently, the pale face blurred and scattered like dust.

Wang Xuan frowned, left here, and then began to search one laboratory after another.

He found that many laboratories have been destroyed, at least the key rooms are broken and no longer exist.

After searching the whole area, he heard a different sentence from an old man: We can't change, the myth does not exist, and the extraordinary perishes. Also in the depths of this laboratory, there are utensils that have not been completely destroyed, and a special item is soaked in green liquid.

That is a book.

Surprised, Wang Xuan approached cautiously and tried to make contact, only to find that it was still a spiritual body, and the book looked a bit like a sacred artifact.

Unfortunately, after he really got close, when he communicated with the light of the mind, the book in the green liquid rotted, and he couldn't accept any power from the outside world at all.

The main reason is that it has existed for too long, the 17th century, and it should have had an accident back then, and it has already rotted.

Incomplete and problematic Primordial Artifacts? ! Wang Xuan was taken aback.

He walked out and stood in this area for a long time. Behind him, a pile of celestial bones as tall as mountains were burning, at least the skeletons of creatures above the Mutian Realm.

The firelight reflected on his face was also uncertain, and he was wandering here.

Finally, when he inadvertently looked up at the laboratories, he couldn't help but froze.

Everything has been restored, including the laboratory personnel who were shattered after he explored the light of the mind. They all showed pale faces and rotten eyeballs. follow him.

And when he approached, they would still ask: Why haven't you left?

This place was so unusual that even the mechanical beast in the mental cage and the book soaked in the green liquid appeared again.

In the experiment, the rotten mental bodies of those people were restored, as if they were in a cycle, in a special historical cycle.

As long as Wang Xuan walked over, they would repeat those words and expressions, as if they were frozen at a certain moment in history.

Most importantly, after Wang Xuan shattered them, what power restored them? They are spiritual bodies, but they are rotten, rotten, are they dead?

It should have perished before the 17th century, and they were all dead. Wang Xuan said to himself.

In the end, he left here, followed the direction pointed by the blood-colored lantern, and set off again. He wanted to explore further.

This place left all kinds of unsolved mysteries, involving the old sage and so on. It was the last incident scene before the 17th century. He really wanted to find out the truth behind the fog. On the way, the number of fire pits plummeted to the point that they were almost invisible. There were also blood-colored lanterns, which were actually pools of blood, and gradually sparsed. As for the special horns that are 100,000 miles long, and the pale palms that are hundreds of thousands of miles long, such giants have long since disappeared.

After reaching the end, the blood lantern disappeared, the fire of the celestial bones disappeared, and the front was dark and profound, and nothing could be seen. The whole world is silent

Sound, in this world, it seems that he is the only one, from ancient times to the present, it seems that there are no other creatures. At this moment, Wang Xuan thought of the Dafa of mental illness. There is no specific method. Everything is created by himself, and he is moving forward.

However, that kind of introduction, that kind of tone that describes the essence of the world and expounds the only one in the world, makes him have some resonance and some associations here. It seems that he is really the only one from ancient times to the present. All things in the world, the universe, the galaxy, all races, and all kinds of creatures are the spread and shining of the light of his soul.

Everyone is him, the universe returns to reality, the world returns to one, and all races are actually just one person.

He shook his head, believing it was better than not being able to. I don't know if there will be some special reaction if I take out the withered paper that carries the Dafa of mental illness and show it here.

After all, this is the embers of civilization, and it is even more cruel. This is the place where the old saints were destroyed. Before the 17th century, the whole fault was broken.

New Chapter 524 The Strange Circle Before the 17th Century (Page 3/3)

Died However, at the moment, Wang Xuan can't take it out. The withered and yellow paper is not in the realm of his primordial spirit, but in the world behind Mingtu.

Finally, in the depths of the darkness, his spiritual eyes captured some subtle scenes, otherwise, if he continued like this, he was a little worried that he would get lost.

Lu Yun, Qi Yuan and the others reminded that in this section of the world, once you step into the inexplicable and dangerous darkness, it is easy to get lost until the primordial spirit dissipates! The activity of the 6 holy relics around Wang Xuan has improved a lot after arriving here!

At this moment, he didn't need to urge him, and the 6 holy relics revolved around him on their own, and even began to lead the way in front of him, taking the initiative to move forward in the dark.

This is really a bit strange, he is wearing these sacred objects that belong to him.

He probed deeply and determined that there were no special and dangerous thoughts on these primordial sacred objects. They just became restless and active, but they were still in a state of ignorance.

He went far into the darkness, led by 6 relics.

The blurry scene that Wang Xuan had seen earlier became clearer, and then gradually he could see it clearly. It was a plant, like a spider plant, rooted in the void, with leaves like horse lances, with a flat, sharp front end, with a metallic sheen.

However, on the whole, it is withered, the main stem is shriveled, and only the front end of the leaves has a cold luster, giving people a sense of danger.

This is... Wang Xuan was taken aback, he stared carefully, and gradually came up with some guesses.

Then, he looked far and wide, and on the further road ahead, there was also a glimmer of light, it was a rotten sword, also stuck in the dark void.

It's like... a sacred object! Wang Xuan stood here still, unable to calm down, how could this path be guided by this kind of thing? !


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