Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 559: cut old saint

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Above Wang Xuan's head, a formation with Dao patterns slowly rotated.

The formation diagram looks calm and not dazzling, but no one dares to underestimate it. A diagram that shakes open the taboo magic circle has caused an uproar in the outside world.

There are gossip reports that many years ago, Kong Xuan sold a sacred object to a Sansheng disciple outside the 36th Chongtian.

Now that this scene appears, it seems to be confirming something.

All kinds of signs are showing that Wang Xuan really has no shortage of holy objects!

The deal between him and Hanging Ridge has not been leaked so far, and the confidentiality measures are quite in place, but there is a rumor about the "business" with another person.

"He took out a nest of holy things to drink. What kind of luck did he have? He was willing to sell this kind of holy things. Any one of them would make people jealous. It's a big deal. He actually sold it to outsiders."

In the outside world, people are jealous and envious. It is a sacred object that cannot be born by those who have broken the limit five times. In addition, occasionally one or two such rare treasures can be "produced" from such a special city as the birthplace of the myth. Who wouldn't want such a rare treasure?

Either way. Or the heirs and successors of those supreme existences outside the 36th heaven, which may not necessarily be owned.

In people's heated discussions, after all kinds of information are combined, it is said that the array map is the rarest item among the sacred objects, and it is regarded as the most dazzling pearl in the crown!

"Original sacred objects, even Cheng Dao, the 5th leader of the tattoo palace, and the late 5th version of Zhiguo, Bantai, etc. were not able to be born. Now, some people don't cherish it and trade it directly. I I want one too, I can sell it to Jinmenting and exchange it with him.”

"Don't dream. It's a treasure with a very high growth limit. In the future, some primordial sacred objects can be turned into prohibited items, and you and I can't afford it,"

Looking at the comments on Chaofan's website, Fudao Niu was so happy that he really wanted to shout: I have two pieces for Mavericks! One was accompanied by myself, and the other was a gift from others!

At this time, the mechanical bear is also very happy, playing with his sacred object - the mini battleship,

Leng Mei, Chen Yongjie, Zhang Daoling, and Yaozhu all had feelings in their hearts, and they were all given one.

Wang Xuan protected his body with an array, held a **** sword, and walked towards the holy city of tattoos. This time, he will not stop unless he kills the head.

Many people are in this city, which is suitable for shelter and defense, and they are all the targets of Wang Xuan's hunting pigs.

"Guys, what are you waiting for? The four avenues have come out together, and the consciousness of the taboo circle has been activated. Can't you get an ultimate limit breaker?"

"Don't forget, we also have the ultimate limit breaker here, don't hesitate, don't hesitate, go all out and kill him immediately!"

In secret, the people in the four ashrams communicated with each other spiritually and communicated quickly. They felt the seriousness of the situation and couldn't wait any longer.

Even if they need to pay a big price, they still have to go shopping to get rid of Kong Xuan!

The ashes boiled, turned into a huge figure, extinguished all magic, and brought the extraordinary cold winter. It continued to expand and squeezed the starry sky.

When it opened its mouth, pieces of limit stones and planets were swallowed in, ashes and dust coexisted, and it blasted towards Wang Xuan. If this kind of thing gets on it, it will invalidate the spells of supernatural beings.

The outside world, the best of all extraordinary people have heard of it, and they are deeply afraid of that kind of ashes.

Unless it was Wang Xuan's 6-broken real body, even his Hunyuan Shenmu body would be affected. Last time he smashed Ashes to pieces with brute force.

It's not just him, the Funnel of Return to Ruins and the Hole of Time are all buzzing, and they are not too close to Ashes. If they interfere with each other, the fun will be great.

Wang Xuan didn't stop, he spun around his head, and a terrifying vortex of dao rhyme flowed out, crushing the huge ashes hand and blocking it high in the air.

The formation was shaken again and again, so that the huge ember man failed every time he tried. It couldn't extinguish Wang Xuan's spell, and it couldn't get close to here.

During this process, Wang Xuan controlled the fire, and did not dig deeper into the power of the array, which was "just right" at this time.

The direction of his long knife, the light is billions of rays, and there is a swipe, it is too dazzling, the universe star sea seems to be cut off

He broke, he slashed towards the holy city of stinging.

Ahead, that city has already become a vast ocean of Dao rhyme, with countless textures intertwined, locusts and divine light soaring into the sky, and many heavenly masters among the 28 people are here.

"Blessed by all races, the heart city, the holy city, the inscription patterns are fully displayed, and all dharmas are unfolded!"

The people in the Tattoo Palace were also impatient, Kong Xuan attacked them, there was no room for reservation, and he fully demonstrated the greatest power of the city.

The dojo is called Tattoos, and the biggest heritage is naturally the inscription of a variety of Dao rhyme textures, and the whole city has this kind of social rules. The more races there are in the city, the more spells there are, and if they continue to shine and bless in the city, the overall power will be stronger.

The roar of the black gold lion, accompanied by the roar of the dragon, and the roar of the bull... the Dao rhyme liquid of hundreds of races, fully concentrated fire, burst out from the holy city of tattoos, and shook the knife light.

There is a picture scroll hanging in the city, and in the middle is a bell. Under the impact of various sound waves, the Taoist rhyme boils, and the texture on it is dense.

A painting with a clock is a big killer. Amid the sound of the picture scroll auxiliary exhibition, the picture scroll flew out of the city to the big clock, and broke away from the painting, and was blessed by the Taoist rhymes and magic techniques of various ethnic groups in the city, which was terrifying.

But there was a pop, like a hot knife cutting mutton fat, the Daheitian knife cut through the picture scroll and exploded the big bell in an instant.

All kinds of "noise" of various races disappeared.

At the same time, the array on Wang Xuan's head glowed, and once again knocked back the two taboo arrays of Guixu and Shiguangtian, and he himself came to the city gate.

What kind of heart city, holy city, all laws are present, in Wang Xuan's view, it is a city of rules covered with talismans, there is nothing to be afraid of, just cut it open.

In the city, the Dao rhymes and orderly textures of various ethnic groups are densely packed, like a non-religious divine map hanging in the air, drinking with the whole city, and suppressing Wang Xuan together.

Moreover, the people in the Tattoo Palace really worked hard. In each building, all kinds of tattoos floated out, such as the picture of subduing the tiger, the picture of a different person going down the mountain, the picture of Kunpeng carrying Kentian on his back, and the picture of a hundred thousand ghosts walking at night, all of them are tattoos The embodiment of the true meaning, there are countless wonders in the city, which is indeed very frightening, with boundless power, which moved Wang Xuan, and he had to be solemn and cautious.

His movements were slow, but he raised the knife extremely powerfully. In this battle, he broke out in an all-round way, and even triggered a supernatural induction.

He was performing the 14th form of the origin sword scripture, the 15th sword light did not really appear, but Dao Yun brought out some, and cut it out through the Daheitian knife.

The sky and the earth seem to be split, and the universe and starry sky seem to be cut off.


In the direction of the knife light, everything dissipated, as if performing a miracle of origin, the chaos first opened, the light of the beginning appeared, and then the first ray of sound came out.

Ahead, the Daoyun all over the city, as well as a large area of ​​wonders, etc., are all darkened by this knife.

This is close to 6 broken strength.

This time, there was nothing to block the direction of the sword light. The majestic city gate tower was split and disintegrated inch by inch, and a large section of the nearby city wall collapsed.

In the city, pieces of buildings exploded one after another, and many tattoo wonders shattered there like a dream bubble.

"Run away!"


Many people screamed and fled from the front where the knife was slashed. The holy city that was slashed by the knife shook, its foundation was damaged, and the city gate was cut inward by a quarter.

However, the background of the tattoo palace is indeed majestic. The picture of the crouching tiger, the picture of the alien going down the mountain, etc., all shine, and together block the final knife rhyme.

Of course, the most dazzling, pearl-like center of the light source is undoubtedly the picture of the old holy study room, which has already fully recovered.

It was not affected, and it took the initiative to kill Wang Xuan here.

In the study room, those chairs, pens, inks and papers, black seals, etc. were not well-known before the 17th century, and some of them became super illegal items in later generations.

Of course, the most frightening thing is naturally the two people in the picture scroll, both of them opened their eyes, one is standing with a hand stretched out, the other is sitting, Dao Yun is boiling.

Even though it is limited to the heavenly level and is not infused with the more terrifying dao rhyme, its artistic conception is extremely terrifying and unpredictable, and the power of the ultimate limit breaker is fully evident.

At the same time, the other three magic circles also swooped down again, attacking Wang Xuan from different directions, and each swept out an unusually brilliant light.

Moreover, at the end of the dilapidated tattoo holy city, there are intertwined silk and dense causal lines. It is suspected that Chen Fan, the first limit breaker before the 7th century, has made another move.

At the same moment, Tian Zhao, the ultimate limit breaker, really stood up this time, and did not hide anymore, helping the strong in the 8 parts to control the ruined city.

"Heh!" Wang Xuan snorted coldly. He felt that it was almost enough to deal with it. Now it is reasonable to use the killer's trump card, and it will not make people feel too abrupt.

In fact, facing the old holy study circle, he did have some taboos. The background of this picture is very big, he doubts, are the two old saints really dead?

do not care. At this point in the battle, it is time to produce "results". It has lasted so long, it is not eye-catching!

Silently, Wang Xuan disappeared, he stood in the mist outside the world, he became brilliant, a bright light, and then he used the ripples to cut!

The gorgeous light went away with that slash. But Wang Xuan's own place, on the contrary, gradually became dark.

Outside, the three purple taboo magic circles hit the void, and Kong Xuan was no longer there.

A ripple appeared, soft, hazy, seemingly gentle, but everywhere, sweeping towards the old holy study room in the city,

All kinds of buildings along the were exploding, including the black seal, which was split into two pieces by the rippling light.

Then there is the picture scroll, the two old saints who are standing and sitting, both of them move, their eyes glow, as if they want to look through the void and find their opponents in the mist.

Moreover, they all stretched out their hands, blasting out fist lights, palm prints, and their bodies are also releasing unknown spells and so on.


That was the roar of the Tao.

Once Lianyi was cut, it was still as strong as before. It was not blocked. In the city of the sky, even the picture of the old saint's study room could not stop Wang Xuan's mace. The figures of the two old saints were cut off, and the Taoism was scattered , like a spurt of blood.

The scalps of everyone in the tattoo palace were numb, as if they had been electrified, the rustling flow made them tremble, and the people outside were also shocked, including the black seal, which was also split into two pieces by the rippling light .

Then there are the two old saints standing and sitting in the picture scroll. Both of them moved and their eyes glowed, as if they were looking through the void to find their opponent in the mist.

Moreover, they all stretched out their hands, blasting out fist lights, palm prints, and their bodies are also releasing unknown spells and so on.


That was the roar of the Tao. But once Lianyi was cut, it was still as strong as before, and it was not blocked. In the sky-level city, even the picture of the old saint's study room could not stop Wang Xuan's trump card. The figures of the two old saints were cut off, Dao Yun Splattered like a spurt of blood.

The scalps of everyone in the tattoo palace were numb, as if they had been electrified, and the rustling flow made them tremble.

The outsiders were also shocked, the Old Sage lost to Kong Xuan in the Heavenly Territory City!

There were two bang bangs, the real sound came from the surrounding area, and the two figures were blown away by the ripples.

Then, the entire divine map intertwined with heavenly dao rhymes exploded and turned into fly ash.


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