Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 611: Slash the Supreme Power

All the sages feel that this couple is too strong. They dared to collide with the toughest ruthless **** when they first entered the extraordinary center. Do you want to fight as a whole?

"This is the life of an extraordinary person. Since we have no choice, we can only overcome obstacles and open up the way forward with the knife in our hands!"

When True Sage Wujie spoke, he was actually very emotional in Kang, because he felt the same, that life must be saved, and finally ushered in a change, becoming the biggest winner of today's upheaval.

Wang Zesheng has

Pulling out the black long knife, Dao rhyme transpired all over his body, and the chilling aura quickly swept across the highest spiritual world, making the hair stand on end.

What can the dead say? The man who is "forced by life" chooses to be brave and diligent to fight against the legendary hourglass man.

There are too many rumors about the supreme hourglass. It is reported that it should have originated from the old holy era. It used to hold a large piece of power in the supernatural center, Saint Wei Gaishi.

However, before the 17th century, when the old saint died, the supreme hourglass was incomplete and no longer complete, so the corresponding authority and the holy power that suppressed the world were correspondingly weakened.

Now the mysterious man behind the hourglass——Kongsha, is not sure whether he is still the creature of that year.

In the highest spiritual world, there is a huge amount of light and rain, and the huge hole in the sky is shocking: it was completely "burned" by the Taoist rhyme of Kongsha.

The decayed outer universe is far away, the big stars are rotating, the sky is boundless, and the figure of the empty sand is hazy, but it is terrifying, and the highest-level fluctuations are exuded in the decaying universe.

People suspect that he has been away from the extraordinary center for so many years, is he also changing his path?

However, there is no room for people to think too much at the moment, the most intense collision has occurred, and the incomplete and moldy hourglass is approaching, entering the highest spiritual world.

And Kongsha also followed behind, officially embarking on the return journey!

The expressions of all the saints have changed. It is worthy of the legend that when the broken hourglass returns, the highest spiritual world is trembling and roaring.

Endless grains of sand poured down, swirled, and descended, forming the supreme holy object, which looked majestic, vast, and unfathomable.

The hourglass is obviously not big, but it gives people an incomparably deep image, which can hold the entire universe and swallow the extraordinary heart.

Because, before the 17th century, it used to be the supreme authority of space and time.

A deafening sound of the Great Dao sounded, and Jiang Wenzhen shot billions of rays of light, impacting the human body and transforming the human spirit, which was very terrifying.

Then, very abruptly, the entire world became silent, the space froze, the highest spiritual world was sealed, and time stood still.

Only the hourglass is eternal, immortal, and illuminates everything!

Although it is broken, the Tao is vigorous, and the supreme rule of time and space emerges, radiating the power to dissolve all things, and suppressing the opponent of the world.

Even the true saint can barely open his eyes.

This thing is too dangerous, every time it is born, there must be huge movements.

Wang Zesheng stood holding the knife. On the tip of the knife, a sutra tube emerged and rotated. The seven or eight volumes of scriptures contained in it were all shining, and then the light shot up into the sky, tearing open the sky.

At this moment, he was not restrained, and his expression was solemn, much more serious than before, his own spirit continued to rise, and the true meaning of Nine Extinction Rebirth was boiling.

For a moment, a strong new force, like the source of vitality in the era of the creation of the world, the essence of Tao, circulated in him, the long knife and the scripture tube.

With a bang, before the tip of the knife, the volume of scriptures glowed again and again, surging and surging, and pouring out from the scriptures was a marvelous sight of an extraordinary sea of ​​light.

All the true saints were startled. The man in front of him was a change of path. He was reborn in a decayed place, and he was also interpreting the change of the Taoist rhyme at the source of the extraordinary center?

In fact, this is the power of recovery, rebirth, and nirvana in Wang Zesheng's "Nine Destroyers and Rebirth Sutra", which evolved from the extraordinary source.

There were countless thunderbolts, tangible traces of the Dao appeared, and infinite light bloomed from Wang Zesheng, submerging the highest spiritual world.

The hourglass seals time and space and suppresses all things, but it cannot suspect the scenery around the man with the knife below.

Clang! There was a sound of a knife, like a hundred thousand ancestral dragons sending out a dragon ridge. It also seemed that endless prehistoric holy beasts roared together, shaking the sky and the earth, impacting the past, present and future.

The bright sword light, boundless and endless, is everywhere, directly opening up the highest spiritual world and rushing towards the Outer Learning Universe.

This naturally and inevitably collided with the hourglass, with the shocking sword light of the extraordinary source power, and the power of time and space confronted, head-on, and fiercely killed.

Even the saints felt deafening in the terrifying Dao Shengyin, and even the "young" new saints could not withstand the impact of the Dao rhyme.

Their ears are bleeding!

For the last impact, Xeon Dao Guangsheng split open the rumored supreme holy object hourglass.

In an instant, endless crystal grains of sand rose up and fell all over the sky, time and space were suddenly disordered, and the whole world seemed to be subverted.

But all the extraordinary people who saw this scene felt their scalps go numb. What a terrifying knife that cut through the highest authority in the field of time and space? !

That was the hourglass that was famous before the 17th century and that shocked the entire history of the extraordinary. Some true saints felt their scalps go numb. This man from the decaying universe is really tyrannical, and his combat power seems to be going off the charts.

Wang Zesheng

The light of the sword didn't stop, and it flew towards the hazy figure behind the bright sand grains.

The man moved his hands, squeezed the fist of time with one hand, and the sword of space with the other, and cast spells at the same time, there was a roar like the collapse of the universe.

The outer universe behind him, the decaying world; is collapsing, collapsing, and a large area of ​​starry sky is extinguishing.

Dao Guang collided with him, and the imperial path between the two was endless, and everything around him was about to be destroyed.

That's the power of the first knife? The saints were greatly shaken.

"The hourglass is the supreme authority in the extraordinary world. It is immortal and will last forever. Do you really think it is destroyed?" Kong Sha asked.

Get up, stand opposite him, stand in front of the crack in the highest spiritual world that has been split open, and look at the opponent in the outer universe.

Nearby, endless grains of sand rotate, each one is very brilliant, each grain of sand is like a piece of real universe, and entwined with the power of time.

They rotated, reorganized, and once again built a supreme leak, and this time it became extremely huge, surrounding Wang Zesheng.

A grain of bright sand seems to be a complete world, in which the starlight is like water, everything revives, and there are ups and downs in the rhyme of Taoism, which is very real.

The universe of countless grains of sand rotates slowly, forming an irresistible force that will crush Wang Zesheng into powder.

With a dignified expression, he slowly raised the long knife. The Xeon Sword Intent soared, resisting the oppressive force of the endless world. The black long knife seemed to stir up the overlapping universe.

Kong Sha stood outside the hourglass, his whole body glowing, and with a loud shout, his energy and morality poured into the hourglass, trying to suppress the opponent with all his strength.

At this time, the hourglass is crystal clear, gorgeous, and transparent, and even the saints outside can roughly see the scene inside, and all the holes shrink.

Especially now, as Kongsha sacrifices the "Hourglass" with seriousness and heart, amazing changes have taken place inside.

A big tree appears and takes root at the bottom of the hourglass. It is simple and vigorous, and grows two branches. Time flows on one branch, and the original space rhyme hangs on the other branch, highlighting the most simple and true meaning of the avenue of time and space.

However, the big tree was injured, scorched black, and the leaves fell from time to time. When the surrounding sand particles turned and brought a regular wind, the leaves all over the sky, as well as the sacred petals, swirled down one after another, drawing streamers of light.

Of course, the most heart-warming thing is that a figure like a lake appeared under the tree, sitting there cross-legged, bleeding from the corner of the mouth, covered with scars, as if about to disintegrate.

"Before the 17th century, the real owner of the hourglass was still one of the strongest among the old saints, but he actually manifested here? Hasty!" Wang Zesheng sighed, his brows furrowed.

He determined that the empty sand outside should not be the original owner of the hourglass.

The master is here, the seven orifices are bleeding, the eyes are closed, this is the body, and it is more made up and combined with dao rhyme.

As Kongsha sacrificed mana outside and activated the supreme law, the figure of Mohu sitting cross-legged under the tree, still with his eyes closed, slowly stretched out a big blood-stained hand, and pressed it slowly towards Wang Zesheng.

At this moment, the real sky collapses, the space-time decays, the sea of ​​time and time evaporates, and the origin of space explodes.

"Although it is hasty, you are already incomplete. It is more of a manifestation of Dao Yun than your real body. Therefore, you should dissipate!"

Wang Zesheng evolved the Supreme Saber Intent, and he operated the "Mie" side in "The Sutra of Great Destruction and Rebirth". This time it is completely different from the recovery and Nirvana.

Those volumes of scriptures and the revolving scripture tube disintegrated together, turned into endless black light, and then went out again, deducing a place of eternal silence without myths and fate without cause and effect!

At this moment, Wang Zesheng swung the Heavenly Saber and slashed at the incomplete Old Sage and the Dao Tree!

On the big tree, among the scorched branches, the petals and leaves are extremely brilliant, withering all over the sky, with a dreamlike light rain, pouring over the hourglass world.

The closed eyes of the old sage were bleeding, but they were really strong. The protruding blood-stained hands and the pervasive dao rhyme shocked some new sages from the outside world. To be directly pressed to death by this hand!

In the hourglass, Wang Zesheng confronted him, the realm of endless darkness expanded, and the land of eternal silence was vast and boundless, and then with the light of the knife, he slashed out.

The two avenues eventually collide. With a puff sound, the incomplete old sage, the big hand formed by Dao Yun, was cut off by Wang Zesheng with a single knife.

Up to now, Wang Zesheng is becoming more and more powerful, with black hair fluttering, eyes more terrifying than chaotic thunder, the blooming beams tear the void, and the long knife in his hand does not stop.

After slashing past the old sage's daoyun remnant, he had already slowed down and was about to stop moving.

Following his soft scolding, the third saber erupted along the trend, light and darkness merged together, blending the first two supreme saber intents, swung here, and bloomed silently.

With a bang, the remnant body of the old Saint Daoyun was smashed to pieces by him, and even the avenue tree was chopped off by him, with broken branches and leaves flying all over the sky, and then exploded.

Opening, disappearing, the entire hourglass collapsed, collapsed, and then completely disintegrated, with the supreme dao rhyme flowing towards the extraordinary center.

Outside, Kongsha let out a muffled snort, and staggered back out. The other party cut through his supreme holy object with three knives?

Although he quickly materialized and condensed the hourglass, he felt that the supremacy was further weakened, as if being wormed by something.

Eat some.

"You can stop!" the deceased said.

At the same time, Yu Jin also signaled Kong Sha not to fight anymore.

After all, the dragon crossing the river was really fierce, and there were not only one dragon, but they appeared in pairs. If the two of them turned against each other regardless of all resistance, it would destroy part of the balance between the big camps.

The original **** battle ended, but the curtain had just opened. For a while, Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun were invited by the saints to join in the negotiation of this big event.

Although some people face it indifferently, they cannot effectively oppose it.

In an instant, Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun became high-level discussants of the Transcendence Center.

Obviously, this is the result of several duels, and it is the status that the two have achieved. They collided with the strongest scumbags in a row. The saints saw it, and many people were afraid.

"My true holy parents are elders?" Wang Xuan was in a daze. Could it be that better days are coming? For so many years, he has traveled the world under a pseudonym. Hiding in Tibet, low-key and dormant, bitterly hostile to the supreme being for a long time.

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please read the latest chapter content. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflected his current appearance, he was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him!

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are quite's the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu's eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.


Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. The website is about to be closed, download the Stars app to provide you with the great **** Chendong's other side of the deep space


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