Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 117: The world behind the scenes

Wang Xuan's heart was heavy, and his face was unprecedentedly solemn. He finally determined what it was, and it was similar to his earlier guess.

Big screen!

It was hazy and compelling, more magnificent than ever seen before, after all, it is now really close to the world.

When he first came into contact with this kind of thing, he almost had an accident. Back then, in the depths of the interior scene, behind the big screen, the red-clothed banshee holding an oil-paper umbrella almost punched through.

Now, he actually saw this kind of thing in the real world.

The light underground is still spreading, expanding toward the surface of the moon, and the scene seen is gradually clear from blurred.

How can the world behind the curtain appear in the present world?

Suddenly, Wang Xuan felt something and saw something different. At this time, he suddenly woke up and realized what was going on here.

The big screen is approaching the world, and the light underground is expanding, but there are also some lonely places that slowly emerge from the moon pit and gradually come to the surface.

It is quiet and silent there. Generally speaking, it is dark and deep, and it is actually an interior scene!

It is like a shadow, connected to the bright curtain, anchoring the world, and becoming an important coordinate. What kind of creature is this bringing back?

The interior scene has not been fully revealed on the surface, but now Wang Xuan has seen part of the truth, there is actually... a hand in it.

A hand that passed through the big screen and penetrated into the interior scene seemed to have worked hard for many years to come from the world behind the scenes.

Wang Xuan looked left and right, no one could see the vision in the moon pit, not even the old Taoist priests in Zhengyiguan.

Unbeknownst to everyone, a terrifying event that may have far-reaching consequences and may change the entire world is taking place!

If that creature stepped over, no one knew what would happen.

Unless he is completely locked with a super battleship and wiped out immediately, otherwise, once he gets away and becomes familiar with the world, the consequences will be unpredictable.

It became clearer and clearer, and the real scene could already be seen.

In the world behind the big screen, the broken ruins, the rubble everywhere, and the fallen mountains all look run down and silent.

That world lacks vitality, there are very few vegetation, even some plants are drying up, and overall it is very barren.

Although the big screen is soft and glowing, the world behind it is so decadent and desolate.

There were islands suspended in the sky. At this time, one of them slowly fell, and the pavilions above smashed to the ground, splashing smoke and dust all over the sky.

In the distance, there is a city, and there are villages around, but not many people can be seen, it is quite depressed.

Since the big screen is approaching the world, this time the world behind it is much clearer than before, it seems to be getting closer, and it is reflected in Wang Xuan's spiritual realm.

These are nothing. What really shocked Wang Xuan was the location next to the big screen.

There was a slender man there, with loose hair and protruding eyes, and the eyes were erect, and the features were too obvious.

One of his hands poked out from the big screen to the interior scene, which seemed to consume too much of his strength, and his body could not pass.

There were a few people beside him, some hazy and blurry, covered by clouds and mist, only the outlines could be seen, there were men and women.

Someone stabbed the big screen with a sword, vibrating constantly, helping the Zongmu man, trying to cut it there and open a gap, but unfortunately it couldn't be successful.

On the side of the big screen, the interior scene is dim, it looks like a shadow, and there are people inside!

There are monks in ancient costumes sitting there motionless, there are modern people in space suits, and there are even people in casual clothes.

This really surprised Wang Xuan, why are there still modern people in the interior scene?

When he saw a Moonlight Bodhisattva, he immediately realized that he was a latecomer, and his spiritual body was brought into the interior scene.

There is no doubt that they are not flesh and blood people, they are all remnants of spiritual bodies.

There were four Moonlight Bodhisattvas who approached the moon pit, and three of them were completely wiped out. It seems that one of them was accepted and absorbed by them.

There is a special old man in the interior scene, sitting there cross-legged, behind him is actually a dead bone, sitting in exactly the same posture as him.

Dry bones are real, not in the interior!

When Wang Xuan saw this place, his hair stood on end, he felt that he understood the truth.

The old man can open the interior scene, like a key, to communicate with the world behind the scenes, the two are connected together, is this helping Li Xian anchor the world?

Wang Xuan's scalp was numb. The current situation of this old man foreshadowed his fate once he was restrained and used!

Even, he was more attractive to those in the ancient pit than the old man.

Because, at this stage, he has not yet been truly extraordinary, and he has already been able to open the interior scene, which is an isolated case.

He stared at the old man carefully, and there were some middle-aged and young people around him, all wearing ancient clothes, as if they were seated according to their status.

After careful observation, Wang Xuan felt that this old man seemed to be the leader of a sect, but he could open an interior scene, and the others were probably geniuses and disciples in the sect.

As for those modern people, they were later assimilated, absorbed in, and stayed in the outermost marginal area.

The old man's physical body has long since died, but it is very important, it is a reality, it is connected with his spiritual body, and he sits cross-legged outside the interior scene.

That withered bone seemed to be very strong when it was alive. The bones were white and lustrous. So far, there was no smell of decay, and it looked very sacred.

"Isn't it close to the feathering level?" Wang Xuan was guessing his strength during his lifetime.

"Its spirit and interior scenes are attached to the bones of the real body, and the people behind the scenes indirectly touch the world through the interior scenes and want to come back!" Wang Xuan's face was gloomy and uncertain.

He was alerted for a while, and he must be more cautious and careful in the future. He must not be targeted and captured by the ancients, otherwise the end may be miserable.

This should really be the master of a sect, but how did this old man who can open the interior scene come to the moon? Is it Li Xian's doing, or is there other means?

When he thought of this, Wang Xuan became more puzzled. Was the old man from the old land, or was he originally from the New Star side?

Until now, he didn't know what the condition of Nova was. He only knew that it was suitable for human habitation.

However, he couldn't allow him to think too much, so he stared at the Moon Pit again.

There was obviously something wrong with that dark interior scene. As the hand in the big screen was writhing, the interior scene was like a leaking sphere, slowly shrinking.

Moreover, the spiritual body inside is also dimmed a lot.

I don't know how long this interior location has been connected to the world behind the scenes. Obviously, this has a great impact on the spiritual body inside, and it is getting weaker year after year!

It can be sensed that the mysterious factors in the interior scene are extremely thin. Compared with what Wang Xuan has seen in the past, it is almost a barren land.

The interior scene in the Moon Pit was consumed so much by that hand that it was not a place for health preservation at all, but a place to kill!

Several figures behind the curtain moved. The man who was helping Zongmu really wanted to force him over. Several people used weapons to slash the curtain, causing violent vibrations.

It does have an effect. After all, one of his hands has already reached over, but the consumption seems to be very large. They kept attacking, causing the interior scene here to be shaky and shattered at any time.

In the end, the other people stopped, and the man with the vertical eye vigorously opened his hand, and a light shone through the interior, heading directly towards the moon base.

That beam of light was like a tide, hitting the protective layer.

However, before it could really come in, there was a dazzling glow blooming in the front view, countless talismans emerged, and finally condensed into a big seal.


Wang Xuan felt dizzy, and his spiritual realm almost exploded. The big seal smashed towards the moon pit, destroying all the tidal rays of light.

At the same time, a **** swastika appeared in the White Horse Temple, and it also slammed into the moon pit.

All the light from that big hand was extinguished!

In the moon pit, the Zongmu man let out a powerless sigh, as if he was helpless for the failure to intervene in the world, but also as if he had paid a heavy price for himself but had no results, and even had a sense of despair.

"Yangping ruled the capital with a seal!"

Wang Xuanzheng looked at Zhengyi in surprise. There was a small seal glowing there. It was the glowing glow and it fell into the moon crater.

There are records and clear descriptions of Yangping Zhidu Gongyin in "History of Taoism", and it is true that this thing has not been lost and has been preserved until modern times.

It is the special seal of Zhang Daoling, and UU reading is also the most important treasure of Longhu Mountain.

Wang Xuan was amazed, it is rare to keep this thing here. The chaebols didn't keep it for themselves. It seems that there was indeed a master who set it up here more than a hundred years ago.

With a low roar, the creatures in the moon crater moved again, and the white beams of light were still coming in like a tidal wave. Unfortunately, they were once again smashed by the **** swastika of Yangping Zhidu and the White Horse Temple.

And, something terrifying happened. The interior scene couldn't stand such a shock and consumption, and it slowly disintegrated. The spiritual body inside opened its mouth, but nothing was said, it all dissipated, and nothing remained!

This is definitely an amazing and extraordinary battle, but ordinary people have no sense, no sense, and nothing to see.

Wang Xuan felt in his heart, there are all kinds of unpredictable and mysterious incidents in the real world, and what he saw was probably only a tip of the truth.

"Is it going to die out?" A voice came from the moon pit, and Wang Xuan actually understood it, and he was stunned for a while.

Soon, he understood that it was not that he understood the language, but that the man's spirit was fluctuating, and those who had cultivated into the spiritual realm could perceive its meaning.

For a moment, he felt that Lao Chen was a jerk, and he had fooled him, saying that he had studied the ancient Jiangnan language more than 2,000 years ago, so he could understand the words of the red-clothed banshee.

Now it seems that it is not the case at all!

As the interior scenes dissipated, the curtain faded, and the world behind the scenes blurred and disappeared.

"The feathering is not gorgeous, the human world is still bright..." The man behind the big screen growled, his hair fluttering. He was full of despair and unwillingness. His long hair turned red, like dazzling lava pouring out, and he let out his final roar.

Thanks: Bookworm Dada Pig, thank you for your support!

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