Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 644: Outer holy evil spirit

"Don't follow me!" At this moment, "Wu" spoke up in person, telling others not to leave the Transcendent Center, or they might die. At this time, inexplicable omens appeared one after another in various parts of the Extraordinary Center.

"Heavenly change, is the sea of ​​extraordinary light about to break the embankment?" A strange person was terrified, and fled from the vast coast at a high speed, and went away.

"Is the extraordinary center about to change? The authority of the saints seems to be roaring violently." An old man who had practiced penance for many years came out of the retreat. This is a drastic change!

When the dojo of "Wu" rose from the ground and broke away from the superhuman center, it seemed to have taken away the most important kind of dao rhyme, causing the supernatural world to be slightly turbulent. Whether it is Wang Xuan, or the true saint disciples of the 36 heavens, such as Lu Yun and Balance, they all stand in place and can only watch the saints go away without seeing the general direction. Among them, there is no shortage of their teachers, elders, etc., but none of them gave them enlightenment or hints.

"Don't chase after it. There is a holy mirror here in the 36th heaven, where you can watch the wonders of the outer universe. You just need to be yourself and don't get involved with things outside the extraordinary center." Among the faraway supreme beings, someone finally reminded said a word.

The decayed deep space, the dim stars, and the lifeless outer universe "Nothing" dojo crossed over, emitting dazzling light, and the supreme magic circle intertwined with holy patterns.

"Once it starts, there is no way to stop. There is no way out. Think about it, everyone, it's time to start!" A veteran true sage said, and under the signal of "Wu", the blood sacrifice circle was about to start.

"There are doubts before the 23rd century. There may be serious problems, but we still have to open there and solve the must-kill list." Zhaogu stood up and said loudly. Now that all the saints have come here, there is a consensus, and now no one speaks against it.

"Take the true blood of the tattooed sage and the Dao rhyme, and sprinkle it on the formation." A supreme being spoke and put it into action. Many people showed strange expressions, because the person who killed the tattooed saint was on the scene.

The original **** battle has come to an end. Who is the sacrifice and who unexpectedly becomes the winner? It has long been concluded that the most tragic people are none other than the tattoo palace family.

Long Wenming was mixed with primitive **** battles, lost half of his body, and was taken away by the masters of the 36th Heaven and became a sacrifice. The Sansheng of the Tattoo Palace was robbed. Although Wang Zesheng beat him to the ground, there was no waste.

As soon as the battle ended, "You" quickly used the supreme means to re-embody the blood and Dao Yun of Sanji Sansheng and put it away.

The bright red blood flowed out like magma, poured on the vast and boundless magic circle, and spread along various lines, very intense and dazzling. Zhisheng, Shichuan, and Guixu Zhensheng, watching this scene, felt quite uncomfortable. People who had fought side by side were competing to become sacrifices.

Seeing this scene, Wujie Zhensheng felt his pores all over his body relax, and there was only one feeling, that is, he was happy and refreshed. In the decaying outer universe, after the supreme magic circle is activated, it is dazzling, as if illuminating the past, present, and future.

A stable passage appeared, running through the deep space and leading to the old extraordinary center before the 23rd century. The saints wanted to open up the big universe that might have serious problems. After all, they still have confidence, based on their confidence in their own strength.


In the star sea of ​​the present world, the incomplete and blood-stained half of the list shook and roared, piercing the universe, and shining everywhere at the same time.

It's so fast, it's gone in a flash.

Another half of the list appeared near the 36th heaven, buzzing and resonating with the Dao Rhyme of the Transcendent World, reflecting the sky in a bright red. Both the second half and the first half of the list appeared, passing across different regions.

Then, they tore apart time and space, and rushed towards the decayed deep space 36 layers away, all leaving the center of superhumanity.

Obviously, the magic circle arranged in the dojo of "Wu" is not only to locate and open the old extraordinary center before the 23rd century, but also to attract and provoke the must-kill list.

The deceased said: "Come, approaching, but just hovering nearby. They have a part of hazy will, mechanical, rigid, stiff, and act strictly according to the rules. Wujie, if they don't come back, they may still need you to help them." Come out to attract."

Immediately, True Sage Wujie was a little numb. He, the biggest winner in life, was so happy that he felt sad. Wouldn't he be directly sacrificed here?

He looked around and found many

Guang looked over, nodded resolutely, and said, "Fellow Daoist, for the Transcendent Center, for the peace of the world, if there is a need, I am willing to give up my life for righteousness."

"Okay!" The person behind the tattooed saint and the paper saint - Ember, immediately echoed and nodded.

The deceased waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, there are so many fellow Taoists here, they can definitely protect your safety, don't be nervous." Wujie Zhensheng's tense body slowly relaxed.

"If the tattooed Sansheng Dao rhyme is not enough, send that hawkmoth up and sacrifice it." The survivor said.

A glowing moth was imprisoned, unable to escape the sight of several giants these days, and could not escape at all.

"This is the big moth from the other side that I caught with my own hands." The mechanical tengu said to himself, obviously, he was showing off to his old opponent, the Mothership of Absolute Beginning. hum!

The passageway is splendid, and the light and rain are falling, running through some areas without mythology and causal fate, and arriving near the extraordinary center before the 23rd century. Moreover, the **** must-kill list landed, cruising around Wu's dojo.

Corrupted outer universes one after another, some colossal creatures, staring at the extraordinary center like a lighthouse in the vast sea under the night, either looked sad, or showed greedy eyes, or were indifferent, waiting for something.

"How dare they, want to go away along the road of the old saint? Death!"

"To deal with the merged and unified must-kill list, if they are not successful, they may have an accident themselves and fall into life-or-death danger."

Outside the dark world, in those decaying universes floating for an unknown number of epochs, gradually moving away from the extraordinary center, there are supreme beings remaining, coveting the radiant land of dao rhyme under the eternal night.

"No one can become the true master of the Transcendent Center, they are all just passers-by, coming and going, this time it's my turn to wait!"

In the darkness, a gigantic beast seemed to be roaring, and the terrifying dao rhyme shook the entire decayed universe where it was located. The sea of ​​stars shook and was about to fall. "Master, back then, you waited for the old sage to go away, and it was gone forever. We were forced to leave the supernatural center. Today, maybe it's time for me to go back and recover the old land." Not every corrupted universe has a supreme being After all, they are very few, but as long as they appear, they are very strong, flowing with vast mighty power.

"This is a reincarnation The extraordinary center is constantly changing, and each era will change a big universe. Over the ages, the eras have risen and fallen, and the true saints have changed one after another. Who is the evil **** and who is Evil spirits, who can tell the difference? As a former loser, I finally waited for the time to go back."

"I haven't completely changed my path. I urgently need the nourishment of the Transcendent Center. I can't wait any longer. You should go, just like you waited to take over the Transcendent Center and expel us. Now it's my turn to wait."

In the darkness, a clear silhouette of a giant beast appeared, opening its mouth wide, as if drooling at the superhuman center.

True Sage Wujie's whole body was numb from scalp to primordial spirit. At this time, he was actively provoking the must-kill list, which directly attracted the Scarlet Heavenly Punisher! "Seniors and Dao brothers, it's here!" He finally realized the horror of killing the list himself.

The most important thing is that the two lists swooped down together, dyeing him bright red and making his complexion pale. —The holy light surged up, and all the saints moved together.

"They've really made a move. The Transcendence Center is about to change its owner!" In the decaying outer universe, a so-called evil spirit opened its eyes for the first time, with emerald green eyes and a stern dao rhyme, and then it looked back at the deep space the end.

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