Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 651: Destroy the six broken list

The past, present, and future seem to be divided into countless small pieces, intermittently.

The broken time and space is dripping blood, which is like "Tao blood", and the source of the whole mythology seems to be sick, very abnormal.

"How dare they?!"

In the outer universe, after a big evil spirit saw this scene, the tailbone was chilling upwards, all the way up the spine, straight to the skull.

All the saints are pulling the Transcendent Center, causing it to deviate slightly and divert it in half a step, causing the Transcendent universe to roar, and black snowflakes even fall in some areas.

This scene, such consequences, make people suspect that in the darkest era in the history of the extraordinary, there is an accident in the replacement of the extraordinary center, and the source of the myth is about to burst.

Outer saints, diverters, evil gods, etc., although they are in the decaying universe, they still feel chills in their bodies. After all, they still haven't completely shaken off the influence of the supernatural center, and need the aftermath it radiates to survive.

Now, the saints forcibly change the trajectory of the myth and artificially shift the supernatural center. This is a huge project, and even the great evil spirits dare not move this kind of thinking.

With a little carelessness, the Transcendent Center may break through the existing big universe and burst away.

"The source of the myth is bleeding, and this spectacle is clearly a warning. They are crazy, aren't they afraid to play with fire?!" Outer saints, true gods, and others were restless. If an accident happened to the Transcendent Center, they would not dare to imagine that it would collapse.

Once the myth declines, it will be difficult to see the extraordinary fire from now on, and the eternal night will become eternal.

The saints are borrowing their strength to stir up the boundless waves of the extraordinary sea of ​​light, pull the extraordinary center, the authority of the saints shines, and the 36 heavens, the holy way resonates, one after another, the true holy avenues lie across, all exerting their strength.

The decaying universe, the diverters, giant beasts, evil spirits, etc. were all agitated and roared. For a while, those dark universes were also shaking, and the supreme beings were all strongly disturbed.

The shock of the world.

The superhumans of this series understand that the saints are destroying the must-kill list through the superhuman center.

Obviously, it is theoretically feasible, the upper limit of the two scraps of paper should not be higher than the Transcendent Center. Unless it has another source, it is not the center of this myth that was born.

The cosmic vortex leading to the edge of the Land of Eternity and connected to the old supernatural center before the 23rd century has expanded to the maximum, and the black paper has been exiled into it.

Both nothingness and existence have been transformed, like two behemoths beyond the universe, standing outside the 36th heaven, casting a huge shadow, covering the outer universe.

"Did you see that some of their dharma appearances are just beginning to appear, and they are more fierce than the big evil spirits over there who have lived for more than 20 centuries. What is a monster? This is it. Disciple, you must not mess with them. Just look at them, All have consequences.”

In a decaying universe, an ascetic is solemnly admonishing his disciples.

"Master, you are watching over there yourself, aren't you afraid to meet their eyes?"

"As a teacher, it is precisely because I have looked at each other, the lesson of blood, I was marked, so I warned you."

On the other hand, in the dark universe, the evil spirit riding on the giant beast cursed again, saying that all the saints are madmen, more ferocious than the evil spirit. This is to destroy the source of the myth.

At the same time, he also saw Wu Heyou's terrifying figure covering the decaying universe. Under his nervousness, amidst the creaking sound, he couldn't help breaking off the horns of his mount.

The giant beast he was sitting on became anxious and angry, and shouted: "?, grandson, stop it. Fifty thousand years later, it will be my turn to ride you. Be careful that I will settle with you in the future!"

The great evil spirit that only the old boy and a few saints can deal with—Yuanzhou, hangs high above, overlooking the multi-big universe, even he has a gloomy face, feeling that the situation is very bad.

"I hope you won't become eternal sinners and destroy the Extraordinary Center!" Yuan Zhou whispered.

It has to be said that Wu and You are really too strong. After the cooperation of the two powerhouses, they become the main force to pull the superhuman center.

At this moment, nothingness and being stand side by side, as if they are about to merge into one living being, with billions of rays of light, not only illuminating the extraordinary center, but also illuminating the decayed world.

What a big universe.

"They...couldn't they really be living beings?" A giant beast that had lived for more than 20 centuries showed a suspicious look.


The Transcendent Center seemed to have really burst. An incomparably terrifying force resonated with the authority of the saints, and with all kinds of supreme principles, surged and rushed into the cosmic vortex.

At this moment, the vortex channel collapsed, but the light beams formed by the Supreme Dao, as well as the royal runes resonated by the saints, etc., had already hit the two pieces of paper firmly.

The turbulent Transcendent Center was ups and downs, Wu, You, Gu Sanming, etc., took action together to suppress the tide of mythology and try to calm it down.

All the saints are staring at the Broken Land ahead.

When the must-kill list is shifted by the extraordinary center, the force of violent diversion hits many times, and the runes of the Tao of the saints are attached.

It was shattered and burned. In the dazzling light, the two pieces of paper faded from black to bright red again, and then turned silvery white again, fading layer by layer.

Just as it was about to be reassembled, it shattered again, and in the end it was burned and turned into ashes, and then even the afterimage was crushed, leaving no cosmic dust left.

When the center completely calmed down, all the saints watched from 36 days away. After a short silence, they roared, expressing their excitement and joy.

"They really did it and ruined the must-kill list?!" In the outer universe, there was a person who changed his path and was shocked. It was incredible, but it was successful?

"It's not that easy. The old sage back then was not weak, especially the 'ma,' who tried all means and failed to destroy it? It also caused unpredictable sacrificial killing sounds, and subsequent incomprehensible horror events. After all , that might be the 6 broken list." An evil spirit with a very high status came out and said solemnly.

"Shan, you're here too?" Yuan Zhou, the evil spirit defeated by the old boy, showed surprise and saluted.

The name of the old evil spirit is "good", which is obviously the giant among the evil spirits, and it is a single word.

Judging from the titles of Ma, Dao, Kong, Yuan, Wu, etc., most of the existence of such single-character names are creatures of ancient times.

36 Outside the sky, the smiles on the faces of the saints froze, because there was no opening, saying that although the list was broken and burned to ashes, it was not completely destroyed.

But until now, few of the saints could sense the state of the residual paper.

Only Wangyou, You, Old Boy, Gu Sanming, etc. stared at the dark space ahead with extremely solemn expressions.

"Everything proves that it is a property of the Sixth Bank. Moreover, it does not belong to our extraordinary center. It has another root, otherwise it should be destroyed."

"Yes" opened the mouth, feeling extremely regrettable, what a pity, even the force of shifting and diverting the extraordinary center did not destroy it.

"Nothing" made a move, and pulled out the two hazy pieces of paper from the silent state, from the end of nothingness, the paper is already being reassembled!

"It's super-class, it's hard to destroy it in the super-ordinary center, and it's hard to get rid of the 6-broken list. But thinking about it carefully, about its origin and behind it, makes people feel cold." A veteran true sage sighed, the whole person There is a sense of powerlessness, how to deal with this?

"Even if it's not a treasure, it's an 'artifact' beyond the source of our mythology, and belongs to unpredictable outsiders." Wu spoke again.

Afterwards, his voice was calm and indifferent, and he said, "Treat it according to the variables and implement the final plan."

After a brief silence, all the saints nodded silently. Now there is no way out. When the two broken papers of 6 are recovered, they will definitely become one, and they will probably take revenge on them.

In the outer universe, evil spirits, true gods, giant beasts, etc., all felt throbbing in their hearts, involuntarily wanting to escape, and felt a slight tremor of the soul.

A "young" evil spirit said: "Could they want to burn jade and rock together, using the collapse and extinguishment of the extraordinary center in exchange for the disappearance of that list?"

Yuan Zhou frowned.

Shan Ze just watched quietly, suddenly, he frowned and heard Wu's voice.

"No, maybe you are Tao, are you warning me? You and I are weaker and stronger, you will know after the battle. But, you worry too much, no matter you are here or not, I will not interfere in the world."

The universe is moved, Shanzai and Wu have a dialogue?!

The extraordinary center shines The source of the myth is turbulent and unpredictable, expanding for a while, intertwined with lines, and dim for a while, black snowflakes falling, which is very terrifying.

Wu's voice shook all directions and spread to the decaying outer universe: "The old supernatural center before the 23rd century has been locked. From now on, it will run through the two supernatural centers and crush the 6 broken with the only two known and only two mythological universes." list!"

All the saints shot at the same time. They knew that if the mysterious list could not be destroyed, then there was really nothing to do.

The tide of mythology was surging, this time it was even more violent than not long ago, the light beam shattered two pieces of paper, and with a bang, it shook the old extraordinary center and pierced it.

This sparked a backlash.

The old supernatural center before the 23rd century has really recovered, the rhyme of dao is bright, the rare mythological factors are prosperous and rich, the light is surging outward, and the dao is rippling.

At this moment, the two supernatural centers are docked, the real universe has not moved, but the mythological level is shaking violently, as if the sky is falling apart.

The saints didn't care about this, even if they themselves were crumbling, the texture of the Royal Dao flickered, but they were still staring at the direction of the shattered and disappeared list.

"What happened?!" the remnant asked out of breath.

The two gorgeous extraordinary centers docked and collided for a short time, which was absolutely terrifying, and even the true saint turned pale.

"Wu" said solemnly: "I should be able to be destroyed!"

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