Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 665: True Saint King-level pomp

Between the sea and the sky, a huge crack was actually opened, and the glowing seawater with runes continuously flowed out from it.

The boundless sea of ​​origin actually flowed from the secret realm?

To be precise, it flows from the source of the myth?

Of course, Wang Xuan didn't care about watching this magnificent spectacle, but was staring at the crack between the sea and the sky, feeling an urge to kill it directly.

The things that appeared in it were too extraordinary, even Hongxiu and Lu Po, who had taken the path of true sage again, had a brilliant light in their eyes.

The ancient secret realm is extremely magnificent, and on the sparkling and gorgeous sea, there is a small group of strange creatures flying across the sky with chaotic energy.

Not to mention some magic medicines that can run and escape, there is actually a mysterious "team" that gives people a sense of solemnity, solemnity and sacredness.

A quaint copper car, crushing the void on the sea surface, rumbled when the wheels rolled, it didn't look very big overall, but it was exceptionally outstanding and astonishing.

Its whole body is made of ancient bronze, the main material of super forbidden origin.

Pulling the cart turned out to be 14 auspicious beasts in different shapes, all of which were rumored powerful races, prehistoric legendary species, etc., with dazzling scales and strange lights from the horns of their heads.

Moreover, each auspicious beast is smelted from different prohibited materials, so there is no duplicate.

The servant driving the chariot is also a prohibited item. He is made of active gold mother, and he is lifelike, urging the copper chariot to travel quickly.

This group of chariots and horses is no more than half a meter high, so they can be called pocket-sized, but they have a lot of ostentation, because there is a big umbrella on the chariot that shows the noble status and status—the canopy, and there are many rhymes hanging down.

It is made of gold from the east of the purple air. The canopy covers the top of the copper cart, and the thick purple mist travels for thousands of miles in the rear.

The most important thing is that there is no one under the canopy, and the main seat is empty, as if waiting for a new owner to sit there.

In addition, in front of the bronze chariot, near 14 different auspicious beasts, there are iron cavalry opening the way. They are all made of prohibited items such as eternal black iron and abyss magic gold, and there are no duplicate materials. They are smaller overall, only one foot high, with sergeants sitting upright, and there can be dozens of riders in total.

At the same time, on both sides of the bronze chariot, one is a long halberd made of Hunyuan Mithril, pointing obliquely at the sky, and the other is a dagger made of ten thousand magic stones. The two long weapons are crossed to protect the chariot.

In addition, there is also a bright red gourd flying with it, which is made of blood gold, but it is the size of a palm.

Yu Teng was expressionless, and said: "This is the ostentation of the king among the saints, all of which are made of super prohibited items, which can directly arm many true saints!"

The red-sleeved beautiful eyes were full of light, and said: "The generals on the iron cavalry are just empty armor. There is no one inside. Outsiders can wear it directly."

Those cavalry may look short, but it is not a problem at all for such high-grade materials. They are all forbidden treasures, and they can be big or small with a little sacrifice.

"All kinds of prohibited main materials are almost complete?" Lu Po was moved.

Silver-haired Vero exclaimed: "It is very likely that all prohibited items have been listed, 14 holy beasts, and dozens of holy knights armed. It might not be there during a large-scale sacrificial ceremony, right?"

Before the disappearance of the saints, in the dialogue with Wuhe Dao, the court of giant beasts was mentioned. This is an era even older than the old saints. Even the few remaining giant beasts in the outer universe do not necessarily know and understand that world. period of time.

Wang Xuan was indeed stunned. No matter how he looked at it, it looked like a thing without an owner. He looked at it eagerly. Is this a shocking "specialty" from the source of the myth?

He has already discerned that this is not a man-made casting, but a strange thing born from the heavens and the earth, and the source of the land itself.

"It is being chased by the super peerless world?" He was surprised, such a prohibited item should be psychic, born at the source of the myth, but the Taoism is not advanced enough?

A total of two teams were chasing, but neither succeeded.

One of the teams has already gone in and has been hunting king-level armed forces. The other team just opened the source land, happened to see this scene, and rushed over immediately.

Hongxiu said: "The source of mythology, whether it is a miracle medicine or a holy object, etc., is a simple psychic, and will not produce a truly complete self-awareness, let alone transform into a form, become a **** and become a saint, etc. limited."

It is quite miraculous, and it can breed good fortune and gods, etc., but if the birth of a true spirit is not allowed, it will be "dissolved" by the Dao, otherwise, there will definitely be supreme creatures here.

"Even if we wait, we can't live here for a long time, 'The path of transformation is very scary. Once it starts, the holy foundation will be damaged." Lu Po was very deep, staring at the magnificent world in the crack.

If not, is there a better place to establish a religion than here?

That set of true holy king-level armaments can be called a priceless treasure. Although there is no true holy consciousness, etc., but it has been nourished by the source of mythology for so many years, coupled with its own extraordinary material, as long as it is taken out, there is almost no upper limit.

According to Hongxiu's disclosure, what level of imperial pattern can be given to it by the owner, and what level it can reach, and it can be reshaped, which means that the growth rate is extremely high.

"It's like blank paper now. Whoever owns a chariot and puts on those armor stomachs can give it the corresponding texture. You and I are super peerless. If you take them away, they will be armed with this level. If you send them to the Jedi Where the main body is, there is no doubt that it is the supreme holy-level armed force."

It is precisely because of this that even Hongxiu, Lu Po, and the expressionless Yu Teng were moved, staring at the front, which can not only arm a saint.

Lu Po said: "I suspect that on the bronze cart, there is also a piece of holy armor, which gathers all the prohibited main materials, and even some strange objects that we don't understand have been smelted into it, but it has not been revealed yet. .”

"The irreversible period, the age of the gods, the court of giant beasts, the years dominated by the old saints, these have all become the past, and now the source of mythology has given birth to this kind of armament, which is intended to be given to the world of the next great era. Is it the main character?"

"But, we're back again!"

Hong Xiu, Lu Po, Yu Teng, and Wei Luo whispered, and then, there was an inexplicable brilliance in their eyes, they were not dead, they stepped out of the Jedi again, and returned in the new era!

Wang Xuan was also thinking, this set of armaments is indeed great, but it is too eye-catching, even if you can get it in your hands, you can't put it on. Are the creatures who don't value the path of true sages jealous?

In the distant past, the court of giant beasts and the beast emperor among the supreme beings did not have such ostentation. Ordinary people really cannot afford such a big cause and effect.

"You said, if the 14 holy beasts pulling the cart were brought over by the master of the Jedi, would they be able to be revived?" Silver-haired Vero asked.

There was a sound of brushing, like a mirage, all the scenery disappeared, the magnificent world suddenly disappeared, and the huge crack closed.

Hongxiu, Lu Po and the others were not in a hurry to sacrifice extraordinary factors to open the source land, and rushed in to **** the group of extremely high-level chariots and cavalry armed.

They are more rational, thinking that the two teams have a high probability of not being able to catch up.

Hongxiu shook his head and said, "Even if someone gets it now, they don't dare to arm themselves in a high-profile manner. Unless there is new progress in the 6-break field and the ability to overwhelm all camps, otherwise they can only hide it."

Yu Teng looked calm, and said: "After a long time, the land of the source of mythology has been opened again. It is really amazing. This group of weapons must be among the top ten wonders of good fortune here."

Wang Xuan's heart skipped a beat, this can only be regarded as one of the "Top Ten"? His heart became hot all of a sudden, there were too many good things in it, it was amazing.

At the same time, he has doubts about the identities of several people. Are they a group of old guys who have walked out of the extraordinary center, and are currently in a desperate situation?

He wondered, are the four gods, giant beasts, old saints, or creatures from an untraceable time? Everything is possible.

Then, under the auspices of Lu Po, a certain ceremony was carried out. He pulled out a mountain from the bottom of the sea, refined it into an altar, and carved it with dense runes.

Wang Xuan feels that he is really no stranger to this place, he must have been here before, and he has even done this kind of thing more than once.

However, these are not even known to a group of supreme beings such as non-existence, existence, and the dead. Obviously, if this group of inexplicable existences like Lu Po once belonged to the Extraordinary Center, they would not

The secret was passed down and kept.

Lu Po was methodical, and then asked Wang Xuan and Hong Xiu to come forward and together inject a large number of extraordinary factors that were not in the mythological lineage into the altar.

The ceremony was not complicated, and there was no accident. A huge gap between the sea and the sky opened, and a very magnificent secret realm appeared, the scale of which was equivalent to that of the big world.

"Three fellow Taoists, please, if you get the chance together, I will choose the last one." Silver-haired Vero signaled, he handed over his hands and did not compete for the position of "leader".

Hongxiu looked at Wang Xuan, who immediately stepped back and came behind the silver-haired Vero.

"Brother Dao, you are too low-key." Vero and Hongxiu both said so.

"I can't think of anything. If I walk ahead, I might miss something." Wang Xuan shook his head and said quite frankly.

Hongxiu and Yuteng also retreated, signaling to Lu Po to lead the army, and let him be the "big brother in charge".

"Fellow daoists, you've flattered me too much. However, as a person who has experienced it before, it's okay to let me lead the way. It's considered a veteran who knows the way. However, if there is a crisis, please do your best."

Lu Po also behaved very low-key, not as big as he used to be, no longer so deep, and talked relatively more, but he was still at the forefront.

When he came here, he yearned for some kind of romantic fate very much. If he got it together, he wanted to have the first choice.

Otherwise, he doesn't want to be the "boss". He always felt that Hongxiu might have a huge root, and that it was not easy for Mian Hulu Yuteng. Zaidao might have a problem that had not yet been fully awakened. That Vero, who looked lively and didn't know much, might also be an old bastard. .

"The land of the source has remembered our spiritual light, remember to come out from here when the time comes." Hongxiu reminded Wang Xuan.

They sacrificed a total of three unique extraordinary factors, and the time they can stay in it will be much longer.

In the huge crack, a splendid ocean is flowing outward, and the entire sea of ​​origin seems to flow out of a secret realm.

The leading brother, Lu Po, was the first to move, and instantly stood on the surface of the sacred sea, and the others followed behind him, formally stepping into this mysterious world.

"Everyone, remember, if you can't do it, don't fight fiercely with others, so as to avoid being rejected by the source of the Lu Po reminds you to find the wonders of good fortune first, integrate into yourself, and then you can gradually let go hands and feet.

Looking far away, Wang Xuan didn't see the land yet. This bright sea of ​​gods is even more mysterious than the sea of ​​origin, and there are immortal runes flowing everywhere.

Suddenly, the sky above exploded, and the terrifying extraordinary fluctuations shocked several people. A rather old temple fell down, and it was unbelievably fast, and it went straight to the front.

Lu Po made a move and caught it, but he was shaking violently. The ancient temple was so heavy that it made his arms numb.

"Do you dare to intercept King Hu Ben's creation?!"

A big furry paw protruded from the sky, covering the entire sky at once. It was too vast and huge. With a bang, the opponent's paw pressed it down.

Lu Po's complexion changed slightly. This is definitely a super expert. He raised his fist and slammed up. At the same time, he sighed secretly. Is this the price of being the leader? When something happens, you have to stand in the front.

There was a strange chanting sound in the temple. It looked simple and old, but the brilliance flowed inside, and the mysterious scriptures turned into tangible characters.

A few people were startled, they just came in, and encountered another great fortune? !

It should be noted that in the place where the myth originated, very few buildings can be encountered, which is extremely rare. This temple is extraordinary.


In mid-air, Lu Po's fist collided with that big furry paw, and the sound of the sound made the sea boil and smoke billowed into the sky.

"Boss Lu, stop, this ancient temple is amazing!" Several people shouted in unison from behind.

"Spicy chicken!" Lu Po regretted being the leader, and couldn't help venting a phrase that is more popular in the extraordinary world in this era.

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