Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 667: Fifteen colors

The purple bamboo forest stretches as far as the eye can see, and it is continuous. From the bamboo joints to the leaves, there is crystal light, which is somewhat transparent.

Whether it is the dense bamboo forest or the nearby sea surface, there is steaming smoke, surrounded by an indescribable purple air.

Suddenly, a burst of violence rushed out from the woodland, and the people on the opposite side came out. Among them was a slender figure, like a bamboo pole, with long hands and long legs, black hair hanging down to the knees, and even a narrow and long face.

"Horse spirit?" Wang Xuan stared at the other party, and looked at this long face. I really couldn't find a few, and this creature didn't pay much attention to image when it took shape.

"I suspect that he is a donkey spirit." Silver-haired Vero said to himself, and others were just thinking about it, so he said it directly.

"White hair!" The master with a slender body and a face like a shoehorn, his eyes are like torches, emitting a terrifying beam of light, shaking his bamboo pole and coming over.

His companion stopped him and prevented him from having a seizure. It was a gray-haired man, dressed in simple and simple clothes, although he looked like a young man, he had a sense of immortality and bone, carrying a fairy sword on his back.

"Everyone, why get angry, you and I are both true saints, hanging above the world, what we want is nothing more than freedom, there is no need to act emotionally." The gray-haired man said.

Lu Po said, "Who is pursuing the same pursuit as you? How many times have the two sides met, and every time they meet, isn't it a true saint who wants to die? Who are you, where are you from, and who are we? Don't you know each other?"

The gray-haired young man said: "Today, I want to explain the truth. We arrived here first, and there must be one who comes first, right?"

Tingting Hongxiu curled up, stood beside the bamboo forest, and said, "Reasonable? What does the entire Transcendence Center have to do with you? Did you steal it by force without being invited?"

"How do you know we weren't born in the Transcendence Center?" Behind the two men, a woman walked up, wearing a black gauze skirt, her long snow-white legs were exposed, which was very dazzling.

"What's the point of talking to them, what if it's not a local creature? I'm here, and all I can see is the king's land. It's for my use. What can you do?!" The thin and tall figure like a bamboo pole said coldly.

Then, he glanced quickly again, and said, "Who said that just now? Even if you are in a desperate situation, you are not afraid of fighting with your real body, just squeeze as many as you want."

He was very tough, and felt that there was no need to reason here, and he had his eyes on Wang Xuan. How could he not know who was speaking earlier at such a close distance.

"A worm?" Wang Xuan looked at him, with spiritual eyes and super telepathy, he understood the essence of his primordial spirit, which was as thin and long as a black wire, somewhat like a wireworm.

"How do you want to die?!" The skinny "iron nematode" turned his face directly, and locked his eyes on Wang Xuan, with evil spirits in the corners of his eyes and brows.

Silver-haired Vero said: "It's a good name. In very ancient times, there was a wire-like worm who liked to live in other people's souls. He was the most vicious. He once fought against the last gods. However, he should not be that One is probably a descendant of that old worm, no wonder the face is so long."

"Bai Mao, you can't live!" In the bamboo forest, the iron nematodes also accounted for him, with cold eyes.

"Over the years, I have met many true saints from all walks of life, but it is the first one who is as vulgar as you, who yells and kills at every turn." Wang Xuan looked at the "iron nematode".

"Your grandfather, I have something in my heart, so I don't need to hide it. Exploring the extraordinary truth of everything in this world is essentially simplifying the complexity and pointing at Shinichi. I just want to kill you because you don't like waiting, how about it?!" Said that "iron worm" is quite conceited, and the madness in the words is indeed undisguised.

Wang Xuan's complexion suddenly turned dark. After so many years of debut, he has never seen a few opponents who dare to talk to him like this. He dares to be his elder, he must be tired of life.

"Heraldworm, your ancestors are not as arrogant and self-righteous as you." Hongxiu said flatly.

"This old man's lineage is a nematode, don't be insulted, who are you?" The skinny man was a little surprised, and felt that the ethereal woman on the opposite side looked down on his ancestors, which made him frown.

In the past, his great ancestor fought in the age of gods!

However, he is not afraid, and has never been superstitious about the saying that the longer you live, the stronger your strength,

Because in fact, many latecomers are stronger, because the true law is evolving and constantly improving.

Of course, there are some old guys who keep pace with the times, and they are always the ones who create the law and are at the forefront, so that’s another story, it’s really scary and evil.

Hongxiu said: "I may not be as old as you, but it is a female fairy who became a saint in the later generations. You don't have to be afraid. Your ancestors were so arrogant. I heard that they were cut into eighteen sections by the former sages. Are you going to follow in his footsteps today? "

"They're all fools!" Dao nematode launched a group attack, contemptuous of everyone, and said: "I have sensed carefully just now, you don't have a deep background, you are all weak!"

He didn't act in a hurry, he sprayed everyone there out of caution, he was testing first, and now he has weighed the truth.

"You, you can walk over, you can crawl over, I'll see how you crush me!" He pointed to Wang Xuan, his posture was too high, I have to say that he is a special case among the imperial creatures, very few This can spray people.

Wang Xuan really wanted to do something, and was considering whether to split the wireworm vertically, or squeeze his brains out.

"You're so crazy, it's not easy to live to this day, how many catties are there?" Wang Xuan looked at him and motioned to his companions to prepare to make a move. Today, there is nothing good.

"A really strong person survives thousands of calamities. The road I have traveled and the years I have survived may not be the longest, but it is exciting enough. I have shattered countless major universes and killed true saints. Unfortunately, I was not able to get close to it back then." Extraordinary Center, otherwise you will have to slaughter a few animals from the Royal Court of Giant Beasts. By the way, are you long-haired or horned?"

Hearing what he said, it was **** and brutal, Wang Xuan didn't want to talk to him at all, he just wanted to beat him to death early!

"Bugs like you deserve to be sanctified and should be crushed to death!" Even Lu Po, who was very deep and rigid, couldn't stand it anymore.

"This bug really deserves to be killed, let's do it!" Vero nodded.

Dao nematode locked them, and said: "Old man, there is still that white hair, don't worry, wait for me to deal with the first provocateur first, and then go to refining!"

On the opposite side, the gray-haired young man with a fairy air pulled out a long sword from behind, like a sword fairy.

"Fellow Daoist, you are looking for your own death, and you can't blame others." The woman in the black gauze dress was graceful in lotus steps. Dao Yun is very frightening.

Then, two more people came out from the opposite side, both of whom were powerful.

Wang Xuan realized that in order to avoid backlash from the source of the myth, each team has not many people, and five people seem to be the best.

"Okay, let's go to war!" Yu Teng, who didn't say much, wanted to make a move.

This battle is unavoidable. The test has been completed just now, and both of them know each other's minds. They have roughly estimated what level of life the other party is, and both sides are actually very confident.

In an instant, various noises rang in Wang Xuan's ears, and endless spiritual fragments struck at him like heavenly knives. The nematodes specialize in the spiritual field of killing.

When the skinny man moved, the time and space were distorted and blurred, he turned into a black line, and then disappeared, as if he was everywhere, attacking the opponent crazily.

Apparently, they're not where they are anymore.

"The iron worm, you really have some tricks. You can force me into the battlefield you opened up. It's a powerful worm." Wang Xuan said.

Nearby, the black mist expanded, dead planets one after another, many of them were stained with blood, there were countless meteorites in the distance, and the sea of ​​stars was shattered.

This is a semi-decayed supernatural world that Dao nematode once visited. Of course, it is not the real universe now, but it is re-embodyed by him.

"Death is imminent, dare to pretend to be deep with me, and send you on your way!"

Dao nematode appeared in the distance, his whole body was glowing, as if he had become an extraordinary source, mythical, countless layers of ripples densely packed, overlapping, radiating out from him as the center.

A heavy Lianyi is equivalent to a heavenly knife, with extremely strong attack power, it can kill many big stars in the universe!

This is the world he manifests. In fact, in the real universe, he also has this kind of power. But the rules here are more suitable for him and evolved from him.

Without a sound, Wang Xuan disappeared and hid in the mist, without even shaking him to death.

Because, this small group of souls who have retaken the path of true sages all have major problems, being rejected by the extraordinary center, and unable to fight for a long time.

Wang Xuan sat and watched him erupt, and stood in the depths of the mist that can only be set foot in the 6-break domain, silently, to see how long this "iron nematode" can fight.

This ferocious ancient worm has keen perception, his whole body glows, and his spiritual field expands rapidly. He vaguely senses that the opponent has not broken free from this battlefield, but he didn't find it!


Lian Yi is like a raging wave, sweeping every corner of this world, and the materialized star is disintegrating.

Dao nematode looked dignified, and he failed to force the other party out after multiple all-round attacks. The problem was a bit serious.


When he was not moving, Wang Xuan struck out with precision and gave him a dazzling and brilliant fist light, blasting the sky.

"I found you!" Dao nematode didn't care, and attacked frantically, hitting in the direction of Wang Xuan's punch.

Wang Xuan returned to the misty area again, but this time he didn't hide completely, but dealt with the opponent, attacking from time to time, so as not to let the opponent relax.

"A war of attrition? Let's compare who has the strongest stamina, and see who can have the last laugh!" Dao nematode didn't care, and was really going to die.

In order to show the truth, Wang Xuan no longer insisted on avoiding, and attacked frequently to consume him and confront him.

After a long time, Dao nematode realized that something was wrong. The two had been fighting for a long time, and he was somewhat rejected by the supernatural center, but the other party was fine!

He wanted to withdraw from this battlefield, but the other party blocked him with the spiritual domain, reinforced the battlefield, and wanted to trap him here.

Wang Xuan started to take the initiative to but he didn't use his special trump card.

He felt that in a normal fight, the energy should kill the opponent.

"It's not too long. Brother Zai Dao really wants to kill that bug?" Silver-haired Vero said. He and his opponent had already slowed down, and they seemed to be worried about being rejected by the superhuman center.

In fact, the people on the opposite side were a little startled. The few opponents they met seemed to have no deep background, but it was not the same after the real fight.

Now, they are all in a stalemate, no shopping.


Suddenly, Hongxiu, Lu Po, and Yuteng all turned their heads quickly and looked into the depths of the purple bamboo forest. There were 15 sacred rays of light rising there.

"15 colors of holy light, how is it possible, what heaven-defying treasure is coming out here?!" Silver-haired Vero screamed strangely.

"The 15th color is not normal, but it is amazing enough!" Hongxiudu's rare fairy body is bright, bursting with infinite light, and after repelling the opponent, the wonderful body goes straight to the depths of the bamboo forest.

"This is our chance, not yours!" The woman in a black gauze dress chased after her.

Lu Po's pupils shrank, and he said, "It's really mysterious. It's close to 15 colors. What is that thing? It was hidden by them with a magic circle. Let's kill it and have a look."

"Invaluable!" Yu Teng also got rid of his opponent and rushed all the way, the gorgeous light attracted him.

"This seat is about to kill!" The silver-haired Vero changed his usual gentle smile to a serious, deep, dazzling silver divine light, distorting the sky, and he disappeared in a flash.

When Wang Xuan came out of that special battlefield, a big insect fell, fled, screamed, and was chopped into three pieces, dripping with blood.

"Huh?!" Wang Xuan raised his head, in the depths of the Purple Bamboo Sea, 15 colors of light illuminated the sky, and the sacred ripples expanded, making him unable to move his eyes away.


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