Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 682: Leg Slashing Demon Five Breaks

Leg-cutting old devil—Jie Dao, whose vicious reputation spreads in this sea area, and everyone knows it, everyone knows it.

That day, when the alien wire worms were mainly targeting him, he still insisted on killing with a knife, and finally ran away with 14 long legs.

"Good legs!" Wang Xuan felt the extraordinary Dao rhyme from different universes. Even though he was still on his way, he could vaguely see traces of the vast Dao rushing toward his face.

He ran all the way, covering his body with fog. Although he encountered creatures of the opposite camp on the road, he didn't cause any trouble, and just wanted to break through.

The source of the myth, 90% of the territory is a vast ocean intertwined with Dao lines, vast and boundless, with few lands. He travels all the way, and it feels farther than crossing several star seas.

"This sea never ends?" He was surprised, this is like the inner universe of the extraordinary world, boundless, but there are no aborigines who can't see life now, but he still hasn't crossed the tribulation. The telepathy has been raised to the extreme, looking for a more suitable pure land.

He didn't say anything, he rushed forward all the way, volatility is not a trivial matter, if someone finds out, there is a high probability that he will be tested as a 6-breaker.

Otherwise, why would he fight against all enemies and even win and kill them just one morning after being inferior to others in the transcendent realm? This small group of living beings are all the supreme beings reshaping their new bodies, one is bigger than the other, there is no doubt that they are far superior to other peerless ones, "It's almost there?" Wang Xuan stopped, and the magnificent ocean was transpiring Xiaguang, he stood on the sea and scanned all directions. This place should be a very remote area.

He thought for a while, but he didn't cross the catastrophe immediately, his forehead bone glowed, and he tried to communicate with the spiritual world of the source of the myth with the primordial spirit. He has been in this secret world for 10 years, and he has also tried to explore it. But the overall feeling is very dangerous, and he didn't go deep. Now, in order to overcome the tribulation, he wants to take another look to see if it is suitable.

In this field corresponding to the source of mythology, there is no distinction between low-level and high-level spiritual worlds, and there is only a magnificent, chaotic, and dangerous space. Soon, his real body came in. Fragments of rules, lightning flashes from time to time, and inexplicable space-time vortexes appeared everywhere. If one is not handled properly, people will be swallowed in, and accidents will happen.

Wang Xuan carefully explored for a long time. After all, he was isolated from the outside world, and Du Jie should be much more secretive, but the premise is to find a relatively safe area. It is quite inconvenient for the physical body to enter this grand and dangerous source-like spiritual world. After all, this place is only suitable for the soul to haunt.

"The Thunder Waterfall hangs one after another, suspended in a magnificent spiritual paradise, it's really magnificent." Wang Xuan found a good place.

With this kind of cover of thunder, even if someone passes by nearby, they may not be able to find a transcendent peerless being here to pass the tribulation.

"Don't detonate this place, these mysterious thunders won't resonate with the catastrophe, right?" Wang Xuan didn't dare to come rashly, and first "throwing bricks to attract jade", blasting out dozens of lightning bolts to test this place.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just something, the worst is to return to the material world." He stopped, took a deep breath, and prepared to absorb part of the Dao Yun first.

It has to be said that the long legs are very extraordinary, even Xuan Zhi, who was hunted by him in the past, has merits in his legs and can provide him with Dao Yun.

What others see are the long legs, but what he sees is the vast universe corresponding to the back of the legs, and he can vaguely feel that kind of unpredictable outline of heaven and earth, which stretches out of the world like a lake.

Wang Xuan only absorbed a little dao rhyme at the moment of his mind wandering, and felt that it was too much, because he had already accumulated enough, and the past 10 years were equivalent to more than a hundred years of penance.

"Okay, let's go through the tribulation first, and then continue later." He knew that he had to enter the 5-break realm, otherwise he would be struggling.

"He put away these legs connected to the inexplicable extraordinary universe, and then healed the wounded body, his arm glowed, the five fingers of his right hand flowed mysterious power, and the runes flashed violently.

"Inhuman-level bugs are really strong." Wang Xuan said to himself, he was really going to be blocked by wireworms. In terms of hard power, he really couldn't stop him.

"It's been a long time since I got hurt." He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth intertwined in the runes, all his injuries were gone, and his body recovered to its peak.

winter! Then, thunder suddenly landed here.

"Sloppy, why do I feel that it is 20 to 30% stronger than the normal Yaojie?" Wang Xuan was bathed in the thunder light, his face paled.

Dignified, compared with his past tribulations, today's Yaolei is extremely dangerous.

Chi Chi Chi! Yaojiang Immortal Sword, buzzing and trembling, each branch is as thick as a mountain, piercing through it, this Yaolei is really abnormal, it will kill him when it comes up.

"Come on!" Wang Xuan yelled, and spread out the five fingers of his right hand, the rules were lingering, the fairy mist was transpiring, and the five fingers were slightly curved, as if holding a miniature universe filled with spiritual energy.

Countless celestial swords were transformed by the light of the thunder, and fell from the sky, all of which were received by his hand. Even if it was as thick as a magic mountain, the body of the sword is now shrinking, and it is submerged between five fingers. For a moment, Wang Xuan's right hand was densely packed with sword light, and thunderbolts were all in a row, all of which were miniature beams. The universe bloomed and exploded in that condensed hand. It was terrifying to look closely at.

"The alchemy of thunder and fire is only the first step, and the key is to develop an immortal body." Wang Xuan let go of his hand, and let the thunder lights and fairy swords spread along his arms and expand to the whole body. Refining the flesh and blood of the whole body.

In the sky, the thunder robbery seemed to be enraged, with traces of chaotic energy, the sacred light flourished, the magnificent palace, the battle ax that covered the sky and the sun, the huge spear piercing the sky, and the chains like nebula All poured down, all are the embodiment of Thunder. But then, the world of mortals was billowing, a grand city was revealed, a great world lay across, countless mythical planets, billions of creatures emerged, a volume of real images of the extraordinary world slowly unfolded, and finally they all came crashing down on him. !

"Crossing the catastrophe in the spiritual world is indeed too evil. All kinds of scenery in the spiritual realm, which can be imagined, may manifest." Wang Xuan's face changed slightly.

For example, when he stretched his arms and punched the Beast Emperor Fist, the familiar big face of Emperor Shan appeared, with a simple and honest smile, but with a bang, he came down from the lake directly and covered the whole area Yaoyu's huge palms were all transformed by thunder and lightning.

"Your smile is so magical!" Wang Xuan resisted, and when he saw the number one powerhouse in the era of giant beasts, he thought of nothing, strange things like mobile phones, etc.

"Not good!" He sank in his heart, thinking of someone, the figure of Mohu would appear in the distance in the end, and give him a ruthless blow.

In just a moment, Wang Xuan was like a lake of flesh and blood, and all kinds of creatures, ruthless people of all ages, were bombarded frantically with endless lightning.

Don't want to, don't read, the world is only me, only true, only one. He allowed himself to calm down~, the sky was so bright, and all the figures disappeared.

In this world, only he is left. Thunder stopped for an instant and did not land again.

But at the next moment, with a bang, there was a flood of water from the sky, and the thunder light fell down as a whole, like a heavy rain pouring down, or like a vast ocean falling as a whole.

The heaven and the earth are full of the light of the catastrophe, covering him and completely covering him.

"I don't care if I don't want to or not? I have become the purest Yaolei, so I will think about other things again. Well, all the rhymes in my eyes can be used by me, come on!" Then, he saw it, The whole body is full of thighs... The light of catastrophe in the shape of a catastrophe fell towards him.

Wang Xuan himself stared straight at the eyes, are the legs equal to Dao Yun? That seems to be the case for him at the moment.

He was sure, no matter what, Yao Jie couldn't avoid it, so he could only bear it.

"I didn't want to be opportunistic, but I just felt that going through the catastrophe in the spiritual world was beyond the standard, and it was too much, and I couldn't even fight it?" He felt that there was no place to reason, so he could only force himself to go through the catastrophe. This was a catastrophe unbelievable to outsiders. Another person would have been smashed to pieces long ago, the soul was blown up, and the flesh probably had only a few bone scum.

The momentum of Wang Xuan's 5 broken catastrophe is too scary. Even his bones were broken, he fell down several times, and then stood up again. His whole body was so dispirited that he didn't even want to move when he was lying there.

"The catastrophe in the spiritual world is mixed with strange dao rhymes, which is not bad." He got up, sat in the void and made new discoveries, and continued to cross the catastrophe.

At this time, his primordial sacred objects were also sickly smashed, as if they were about to be destroyed. If he didn't take care of it, it would be enough.

"You old **** are suspicious, and there are problems at the source. If you dare to rebel in the future, I will beat you to death one by one!" Wang Xuan said.

Although he refined these holy objects, he did not forget to continue to be on guard.


Over the years, he has been throwing them in the world behind the soldiers, allowing the special environment to assimilate them. He believes that this is the safest way, as long as the primordial sacred object is a little conscious, it will definitely be directly assimilated and finally used by him.

Undoubtedly, among all the sacred objects, the 6-breaking array map is the strongest and the most important thing to him, and now he has thrown it into the sea of ​​thunder to "take a bath".

There are also cracks in the Xeon Ruzhen diagram now, and Wang Xuan needs to take care of him. Standing in the afterglow of the last catastrophe, he is bathed in the lightning with chaotic mist. baptism.

"it's over!"

He has officially set foot in the field of 5 breaks and has become a top expert at the super-peerless level. Now there is no doubt that his physical strength, accumulation of spiritual strength, etc., have been improved in all aspects.

He sat down cross-legged, with the parietal bone as the center, spreading Dao patterns to the whole body, that is the source pool of the Imperial Dao glowing, flowing out the sacred lines, his whole body turned into a round of brilliant extraordinary sun. Wang Xuan's wounds left by Du Jie healed.

Then, he took out 14 long legs and began to retreat in this spiritual paradise.

"They are all good legs!" He praised and gave the highest praise.

In his supernatural perception, behind each leg, there is a cosmic lake rotating, and what really works for him is the cosmic dao rhyme behind the legs.

Wang Xuan travels far and wide, comprehending the magnificence of different boundless universes and absorbing their Taoism. Every time the corresponding universe is remotely sensed, he will comment on it.

"Good-looking long legs are not necessarily the most useful. Of course, it is mainly because the cosmic dao rhyme corresponding to some legs has been extracted in the early years." Although the main body of the Wanfa Spider King is ugly, the corresponding In the grand universe, some are really exceptionally ancient, mysterious, and extremely rich in Dao rhyme.

These eight legs seemed to be made of black gold, flowing with a cold luster, and after absorbing their corresponding cosmic dao rhyme, it was enough for Wang Xuan to practice hard for decades!

Among the eight legs, there was snow-white flesh, which made Wang Yi doubt whether these were the legs of a spider, or the legs of a spider crab? How does it feel to be able to bake and eat?

"Forget it, it's too disgusting." He didn't want to try it, he didn't have that heavy taste, whether it was the black spider legs or Xuanzhi's white legs, he discarded them like shoes.

Then, the mysterious universe corresponding to the back of the other four legs also emerged out of the That is the realization of Taoist rhyme, and it is the reappearance of the extraordinary world in the past.

Wang Xuan wandered among those dim traces of the universe one by one, and when he opened his eyes, this retreat was completely over, absorbed

After finishing all Taoist rhymes, he has been practicing penance for more than 85 years.

"It's the late stage of the 5-breaking domain." Wang Xuan got up, his strong and well-proportioned figure was flowing with mist, and the crystal clear flesh was densely packed with imperial texture. .

Needless to say, he himself clearly feels his own strength, and he can now be called the ultimate limit breaker in the super peerless field!

The next time he breaks through this level again, he should break 6.

Today, his morality has improved significantly. Even if the supreme being takes this path again, if the two sides meet, he will dare to pounce directly and try to grab the other party's neck. No matter whether he succeeds or not, in terms of aura, he is definitely the " Zaidao Laomo" has the charm it should have.

His mental strength and terrifying posture have been upgraded to the strongest level in the same field. Now he dares to collide and catch anyone he sees.

After a short rest, the "Old Devil Zaidao" in his youthful state was born.

"The leg-cutting maniac is back!" Someone immediately discovered that he had reappeared in the sea of ​​gods.

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