Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 695: Supreme Being Madness

"Is it?" The reason why Wang Xuan couldn't confirm it at the first time, and he seemed to be a son in his judgment, was mainly because it was not black and red now.

Must kill list! Soon, he determined that it was this thing. It was originally destroyed by "Nothing" and "Yes". With the violent collision between the current mythical universe and the old supernatural center before the 23rd century, the two lists were smashed together. The saints decided to destroy it, but now It actually appeared again!

The supreme beings all feel it, how can their faces not change? This is what hit them, and Qiao knew what kind of group it would eventually target.

"Spicy Chicken" At this moment, Le Mo broke his defenses and could no longer maintain the sacredness and detachment. Instead, a dark and faint light appeared through his body.

He just took off the coat of the Great Evil Spirit to become the Great Sage Lemo, but the list came back!

The reason why he entered the Transcendence Center was because he was sure that the must-kill list was indeed eliminated by the joint efforts of the saints such as "Wu" and "Ye".

He wanted to regain the authority of the center of the mythical universe now, but in the end, the one who had been hanging over the heads of the saints came back again, how could he be embarrassed?

Why did he leave that year? Just to get rid of it completely.

Of course, there is a heavy price to pay for this. After cutting off contact, living outside for a long time needs to suffer from decay. And with the accumulation of time, one century after another, the trend of Moxiu will become more and more serious, otherwise why would he come back again.

"I just put down the butcher's knife and wanted to become a **** immediately. I have already illuminated the world with sacred brilliance and was re-recognized by the world. But you told me that the Shura killing field restarted and I needed to fight for decades. I#%&"

The Great Saint Lemo's mentality is about to lose balance. Really, he can't bear this kind of reversal. He wants to hate the saints. A group of little **** are really unreliable!

Shou frowned, even he, as one of the most powerful people who left his name on the first half of the list, was very uncertain when facing the broken list.

How did it come back after it was destroyed, wasn't it ground up and permanently destroyed? Time naive Sheng Shichuan stood up, his brows deeply furrowed.

Out of the territory, the second list appeared, like a shooting star chasing the moon, and the two leftovers came back.

The silvery white with reddish color is different from the past.

The original burnt black face of the True Sage Wujie belonged to physical blackening, but now it is really black, and the other half of his face is also black.

「@/「*!」 He was whispering, but no one could understand. Anyway, he didn't think it was something fairy-like and heart-warming. His eyes and brows were full of evil spirits, and he almost turned black.

As the biggest winner of this era, he went through all kinds of twists and turns and despair, ushered in the dawn, and finally won a big victory. He thought he had survived smoothly, so he detached himself.

But he didn't expect that the Extraordinary Center made a deadly joke with him, and now it showed a ferocious look again, and the must-kill list came back again?

Can God send Wang Zesheng again? The old king of the universe who descended from the sky next door, obviously, that is unrealistic, and all the saints are gone now.

The Guixu dojo was in ruins, and Zi Mudao protected important disciples and disciples, but he was furious when someone broke in, killed Lu Kun, and wiped out the two-headed human race.

He was going to take revenge at first, and wanted to call Shi Chuan to go with him to find old Mrs. Wujie to kill him, but the must-kill list passed his eyes.

Immediately, he took a deep breath of chaotic energy, and his body was slightly stiff. This has to be considered, he has already become the fourth sage, and it will be his turn soon.

Back then, he wanted to offer sacrifices to the True Sage of Wujie, so as to get the approval of the must-kill list. Next time he could find it directly, he could cross out his name.

Unexpectedly, there were various accidents during the period, but overall, the ending was not bad, and all the true saints got rid of the list.

"Now, all the efforts are in vain? The old man Wujie should be sacrificed again." He said indifferently.

Suddenly, he raised his head abruptly, just now he was still reciting the words of the true sage Wujie, but the other party appeared, and his complexion was blackened with evil spirit, and his eyes exuded an astonishing murderous aura.

"Wujie, what do you want to do 2.!" True Sage Guixu realized, what a pity, this old guy is going to smash the pot?

"Since you can't hide, then pull

Let's go with you. "The True Sage Wujie said coldly, he knew very well that the one who is most hostile to Wujie Mountain is Zimu Dao.

If you are destined to perish, then pull this person up on the road, don't even think about running away.

"Calm down!" Zi Mudao felt that Wu Jie, a good old man who got serious, was a bit of a slob.

"I'll calm down your ancestor!" True Sage Wujie was about to explode, he felt that his fate was destined, and the heavens made things difficult for him time and time again, so what's there to be afraid of? Especially if the tattooed Sansheng is dead, the Zhisheng may also be burned to ashes, leaving only Zi Mudao and Shi Chuan who really want to go shopping, he is really incompetent.

Of course, there is an old ghost who is also in the extraordinary center, but according to his only judgment, the other party should not be suitable for fighting, if he dares to jump out, let's talk!

"Wu Jie, don't be impatient, be sure to calm down, and you should restrain yourself first. I have something to say, your road is not over yet, there are still ways you can think of!" Guixu Zhensheng shouted, and at the same time, he secretly contacted the same person outside the world. Shichuan of the land.

"I'll defeat your ancestors." True Sage Wu Jie started, and he didn't say any rules. He was ready to kill to the end, his eyes were already red, not only that, he also wanted to take Shi Chuan away, and he didn't want to run away.

He was indeed murderous. In the early years, for the sake of his disciples, he endured the teaching for many years and resisted passively. As a result, the four saints became more and more cold-blooded. Now he wants to take one away before he dies, but the other party feels guilty. Let him be calm, don't be anxious, "comfort" It's kind of ironic that he hasn't reached the end yet.

The honest man was in a hurry and wanted to overturn the two ashrams in one go. With a bang, he killed them.

Zi Mudao sent all the important disciples away at the first time, and was forced to go shopping here.

At the same time, he was secretly angry, "Shi Chuan, this Guisun Sheng, lost contact."

"Today, the old man will be self-willed and show off his blood and courage like a young man." The true sage of Wujie broke out, his whole body is covered with imperial texture, the realm of the true sage is fully opened, and the 5th century of hard work, the foundation is indeed too solid. Once desperately, it is really brave.

He wrapped the purple wood way, fought fiercely, and immediately rushed towards Shiguangtian Daochang, trying to **** away the two true saints today.

Shi Guangtian turned out to be a person who went to the empty building, and Shi Chuan's disciples and disciples were also sent away when he was not at home. It should be quiet here. Wujie True Sage has prepared the "Breaking Array Awl" and wants to pierce it in. In the end, is this an empty city trick for him?

Shi Chuan, this Guisun sage fled ahead of time, and Mu Dao was extremely angry, even more angry than the true sage Wujie. Is this his ally?

Obviously, Shi Chuan realized that the true sage Wu Jie was crazy, and this was a dying struggle in the last days.

But now is not the time for the Four Saints to attack together.

Worried that joining forces with Zi Mudao will not be able to suppress it? One will be forcibly taken away by him, and the other will be severely injured.

Zi Mudao's face was ashen, feeling insulted and betrayed. This is a true saint with him as a patriarch, but it turned out to be unreliable at critical moments.

At this moment, he was the same as Lao Wu, both of them were not good at speaking, and he knew folk scriptures well, so he wanted to go to Shi Chuan to beat him to death with a knife.

"Where is the Patriarch?" Zimu Dao Yuanshen radiated light and transmitted sound, summoning the mysterious power.

"Your patriarch, I'm here for him!" True Sage Wujie laughed loudly, his whole body glowed, and he used secret techniques to cut off all the light of his mind. If he couldn't find Shichuan, he would kill him first.

"Huh?!" At the same time, he saw Great Saint Lemo, who had a new kindness to Wujie Mountain, what happened to him.

Packing and packing in the Evil God's Mansion, and then going up to the sky, are you going to travel far?

Lao Wu was stunned for a moment, seeing the posture of the Great Saint Lemo, this is going to rush to the center of the mythology, go back to his old job and become a great evil spirit?

"Saint Lemo, where are you going?" he shouted from behind.

"Go to corrupt the universe and avoid the limelight." Le Mo responded with a sullen face, and walked away without looking back.

Lao Wu realized that this person was going to the other side, and he had a premonition that the situation was not right, and he was going to return to the decayed land again and occupy the mountain as king again?

At the same time, he felt that it would be better to take Zimudao to the outer universe for shopping. There are too many variables at the center of the myth, so don't worry about someone interfering.

The outer space is vast, the land is vast and sacred, and no one should expect to be attacked and killed. Now he's not dead

Knocked, just made up his mind, said Zimu inside, and rushed outside all the way.

Moreover, he was chasing the Great Saint Lemo and walking with him, giving the other supreme beings the illusion that the two of them had surrounded the True Saint Guixu and wanted to take him away.

"What are you chasing me for?" the great evil spirit Lemo asked him secretly.

"The Great Sage is kind to Wujie Mountain, I'll see you off," Lao Yu responded with a beating.

The big evil spirit said silently: Do you think I am merciful, and I like to be a good person if I have nothing to do? I have taken a fancy to your ashram, the disciples and grandchildren you cut are all good, suitable to be taken under the sect, saving me the need to choose disciples myself. In the end, you didn't die, but came back again, bad luck.

Although he is indeed not afraid of the True Sage of Quan Guixu, but if it's okay, he doesn't want to do anything casually. He took a fancy to the aptitude of Wu Mingxiu and others, and heard that there is also Wang Xuan, the ultimate limit breaker, who has been unmatched in the field since the 7th century, so he intervened.

Otherwise, there is no love for no reason in this world.

However, since all the "good things" have been done, he will not explain.

"The disciples of the Guixu Dojo listen to the order and kill the disciples of the Five Tribulations!" Zi Mu couldn't get rid of it, but finally he yelled, and his voice spread to the Transcendence Realm.

The light of his primordial spirit finally got rid of Lao Wu's blockade, and his murderous intent was boundless. At the same time, he shouted: "Shi Chuan, the Taoism of Wujie Mountain for killing ghosts!"

Obviously, he just wanted to mess with the True Sacred Heart of Wujie, and asked him to stop and return to the mountain gate.

"Father" he wants to say that the body has been severely injured.

True Sage Wujie's evil energy billowed, and the black light soared, flooding the sky, completely covering him, not giving him a chance to speak to the outside world.

"Shichuan, if my orthodoxy is destroyed, your time and heaven will not be healed." This was the last voice of the true sage Wujie, wrapped in the purple wood way, rushing out of the mythical central universe.

Did he go all out? , since he has already entered the multi-kill order, he is doomed to die, and it is meaningless to stay alive, so let's do more practical things and take away the deadly enemy.

"Wait, little friend Wudong, please calm down for a while." Indistinctly, Lao Wu heard Quan's shout.

Quan and Zimudao are really in line with each other, they all make him calm and restrained, what kind of troubles are they all!

Quan, a skinny camel, he is very domineering, he just flew towards the two scraps of paper, approaching the spy list with the supreme hourglass.

He frowned, and there were two scraps of paper in silvery white with light red, the upper half of which seemed to have the names of people like Wu Wu and the dead.

"They're all dead?!" He was moved.

Then, he slowly turned the hourglass to look at the lower half of the must-kill list, but the top was also blurred, and he didn't see the True Sage of Wujie for the time being.

Quan dragged his wounded body, his exhausted body glowed, he chased it out, shouting: "Xiaowu!"

The True Sage Wujie faintly heard the call, but he had no time to answer him. He set foot in the decaying universe, and even leaped to the farther end of the deep space.

At this time, the dull sound and the terrible impact of the iron chain expanded towards the deep space and the nearby decaying universe in the form of the supreme dao rhyme.

True Sage Wujie turned his head suddenly, his scalp felt numb, and then he didn't turn his head back, fighting with Zi Mudao, and went to the unknown deep space to kill.

Great Saint Lemo glanced back, his pupils constricted and he disappeared instantly.

Quan rushed out of the Transcendent Center, his face was pale, he turned around decisively and swooped back, just because he saw a big pale hand wrapped in black chains at close range, pushing the Transcendent Center, the scene was horrific.

Moreover, this time the money is not pushed once and twice, but constantly pushed.

The right consciousness realizes that the center of the myth is about to change, is there going to be a great migration? !

Over the city, Wang Xuan came out from the mist, carrying the **** sky knife with He heard the last cold voice of the true saint of Guixu, want to start a battle between the true saints' ashrams?

He has been in meditation for a long time, and if there is an old man who ends up dying, he doesn't mind joining the battle in secret, killing the enemy with a knife, and accepting the Dao fruit.

Now that the area protected by the mist is getting wider and wider, he feels that he may not be able to see through the deepest part of the mist at all. He wants to try it himself.

In-battle detection.

It's just that this time the Extraordinary Center experienced a series of shocks and couldn't stop.

Wang Xuan is extremely serious, the final day of extraordinary change has come? !

At this moment, a group of people were terrified, and they swooped down from the decaying universe. Among them were the supreme beings, and their disciples descended on the center of the extraordinary. Looking back at the big pale hand, they all turned pale.

Finally came in, let's take a look at this bright era! "Someone spoke.

However, at this juncture, the Transcendent Center seems to be migrating, and even the supreme beings have difficulty predicting what will happen in the future.

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