Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 299: The ancient **** scene reappears

Qian An was really kind to Wang Xuan. He was an old man with a good temper. In the end, he ended up like this. In his own home, his spiritual body was eaten by a creature. He had no blood, but it was even more cruel.

"Do you still want to reproduce the **** scene in ancient times?!" Wang Xuan's eyebrows were raised at that time, without any delay, he rushed forward.

On the road, he once saw some birds of prey, which were outrageously large and looked like monsters. How dare he be so unscrupulous now?

Lao Qian is considered a good person, but the night scene is so desolate, his spiritual body is almost extinguished by being eaten, and he will soon become a walking corpse.

Wang Xuan's eyes were all red, with a strong murderous aura, he was tens of meters in a vertical direction, smashed the doors and windows with a bang, and went straight in, he was really furious!

"Brother Wang, you..." Qian Qian, Qian An's granddaughter, still didn't know what was going on. Seeing him so complacent, he forced his way into his grandfather's bedroom, and suddenly exclaimed.

On the bed, Qian Anhu sat up, his eyes opened and closed, and a faint black light appeared. He looked surprised and said, "Wang Xuan, what's the matter with you?"

The people of the Qian family were disturbed, and many people came running quickly. I don't know why, they all know that Wang Xuan has a good relationship with the old man in the family. What's going on now?

Wang Xuan stared at the old man on the bed. After he made such a big noise, the creature remained calm and wanted to get away with it.

However, it didn't dare to eat Qian'an's spiritual body, quietly dormant in flesh and blood, scrutinizing Wang Xuan!

"Get out! In this era, as creatures who escaped from the big curtain, you don't choose to integrate into human society in a friendly way, and you dare to eat ordinary people for blood, courting death?!"

Wang Xuan's voice resounded in this courtyard like a thunderbolt, grabbing the first voice and deterring this monster.

At the same time, he also explained it for the Qian family, to prevent them from ignoring the situation and causing confusion here.

Everyone in the Qian family was stunned, and then there was a cold air on their bodies. There was a demon in the room, and they took Qian An as their flesh and blood here? This is simply unimaginable!

Now, Xinxing is talking about the Zhong family's escape to the deep space of the universe, and even mentioned the terrible consequences of the immortals crossing the border and the demons coming to the world. As a result, their Qian family had this **** experience right away. ?

"Brother Wang, save my grandfather!" Qian Qian's face turned pale, this was too terrifying.

"Brother Wang, what's the situation? You have to protect our old man!" The rest of the Qian family also shouted.

"Nonsense!" Qian An opened his mouth, his eyes were slightly darkened, he glanced at the Qian family, and said, "This person is interested in our Qian family's property."

Then, he smiled again and said, "Wang Xuan, what request do you have, we can sit down and talk, everything is negotiable, don't hurt my family."

Wang Xuanxiang slashed him with a sword. The monster in Lao Qian's body had no fear. This was intimidating and threatening him. It took part of Qian An's remaining spiritual body as a hostage.

Wang Xuan could see clearly that it was pitch black now. It was the primordial spirit of beasts. It looked like a jackal, but it had a single horn and three pairs of jet-black wings.

The shape of the primordial spirit is roughly similar to the real body, this is a monster!

At this time, the monster should also realize that Wang Xuan can see through its true appearance, and licked his mouth in Qin An's body, smiling coldly and maliciously, with one paw holding down less than 40% of Qian An's spirit body, grinning.

The Qian family is in chaos, and many people are at a loss. Who should they listen to?

Wang Xuan looked ahead and said, "If you come out now and tell your roots, you can still have a good end, otherwise you will regret it."

"Wang Xuan, there are still laws in this world, you can't rely on yourself to be an extraordinary person and do whatever you want. Lie Xian is going to cross the border, and he will never allow people like you to be above society and act wanton. Even if you stare at me The Qian family's property, looking at our secret treasury, should also make some sense."

In Qian An's body, the beast primordial spirit had a sneer at the corners of his mouth, full of malice, it had already secretly sent a signal, waiting for someone to come to support!

Wang Xuan's perception is so sharp, he senses the special spiritual fluctuations it secretly releases, and calls out the same kind with the secret magic of demons.

He measured it and felt that he should be able to take it without hurting Qian An's broken spirit, so he was ready to do it.

"You understand everything, you know that there is heaven in the world, but you are offending, confounding right and wrong, and putting your own crimes on others. Have you thought about the consequences?" Wang Xuan said.


In an instant, a train of horses flew out, too fast, like a flying fairy outside the sky, silver and white dazzling, and instantly disappeared into Qian An's body, making people unable to react.

This is Zheng Wu's Primordial Spirit Chain, which belongs to the top secret treasure. It was broken by the Old Testament, but it was connected and repaired by Wang Xuan with the "living gold" from the old Zhong's secret vault.

Everyone exclaimed, what was that thing that entered Qian An's body?

With a bang, Wang Xuan pulled the Primordial Spirit chain, brought the monster out, and completely locked it. It is shaped like a jackal, with a single horn that blooms with black light, struggling violently, roaring constantly, and its face is hideous.

Wang Xuan let out a long sigh of relief. Although it was the first time to use this extraordinary treasure, he finally took down the monster without any mistakes.

However, when he looked at Qian Anshi, he showed a gloomy look. Most of the old Qian won't live for long, and only 30% or 40% of his mental body remained, and the damage was too serious.

"Wang Xuan!" The monster struggled and growled.

Originally, it was a mental state, and ordinary people couldn't see it at all. After setting foot in the transcendent realm, it seemed like a world isolated from ordinary people. No matter what happened, ordinary people would not feel it.

However, the Primordial Spirit Chain is a famous treasure. After locking it, let it appear directly, revealing the ferocious beast form here.


"It was dormant in my grandpa's body just now. God, what did it do?"

Qian An is one of the core members of the Qian family. When something like this happened, someone immediately asked the Qian family base for help and informed them of the specific situation.

Wang Xuan stared at the monster on Yuanshen's chains and said, "Do you take the initiative to say it yourself, or wait for me to force you to say it?"

With a stab, the Primordial Spirit chain emitted a beam of light, and in an instant, the Primordial Spirit of this fierce beast was cut off and turned into a rain of light, dissipating in the air, causing it to let out a shrill scream.

"In ancient times, when demons were rampant, they slaughtered cities in the world, devoured the living, and lived thousands of miles away. Do you still want this **** scene to reappear in the world?!" Wang Xuan asked.

"Ah..." This demon screamed incessantly. Every time it tightened its chains, its primordial spirit light rain scattered, and its spiritual body was being dismembered.

"Say it or not?!" Wang Xuanhan said, he was really angry, because even if he killed this monster, he would not be able to save Qian An's life.

He poked out a beam of light, which contained a strong mysterious factor, and it did not enter Qian An's body, which made him wake up.

"Unexpectedly, I encountered a monster. The evening scene was so miserable. Fortunately, Wang Xuan, you arrived in time, so I didn't let me die silently. I was occupied by this monster and became a living corpse." Qian An sighed.

He is very aware of his own situation. When the demon devoured his spiritual body in his body, it deprived him of his life imprint, obtained his memory, wanted to replace it, and clearly told him that he would not survive, and now he is only left with a remnant soul. A candle that can be extinguished at any time in the wind.

"Grandpa..." Qian Qian and Qian Rui cried and rushed to Qian An's bedside.

Wang Xuan Muran, Lao Qian is just an ordinary old man, not an extraordinary person, his mental body is inherently fragile, and there is no particularly effective means to keep him alive.

"Ah, let me go, let me say!" The demon howled, and every time the Primordial Spirit chain was strengthened, it disintegrated a part of it, which was equivalent to killing it with a thousand cuts.

Soon, Wang Xuan knew that it came from an extremely powerful demon camp behind the scenes, and behind it was a peerless demon—Qi Yi.

A terrifying monster who dared to compete for the treasure, Xiaoyaozhou, and killed a peerless powerhouse!

"How many companions do you have, and where are they?" Wang Xuan forcedly asked.

"There's a group here. They may come over at Hanwu Mountain outside the city of Su at any time!" The demon couldn't stand this purgatory-like torture.


Wang Xuan gave a violent shock, and the silver chain strangled it into pieces. In the last cry, it fell apart, and the primordial spirit was burned to ashes by the silver light.

"Old Qian, I avenged you!" Wang Xuan said.

Qian An nodded and smiled at him, but he was extremely tired, lethargic, and his eyes were dim. He sighed, "I'm not as decisive as Lao Zhong, I should have left sooner."

The top officials of the Qian family came, and they whispered with Qian An here and chatted a lot.

"Huh?!" Wang Xuan stopped a high-level person, the Primordial Spirit chain, and flew out suddenly, with a squeak, a monster was locked out of his body, showing the Primordial Spirit form.

"Ow..." The beast's roar was loud, shaking people's spirits. It was howling, but it was strangled by Wang Xuan, and it was impossible to hurt ordinary people.

"Unscrupulous, as soon as you return to the world, you think that the world is full of blood, and that monsters like you should be damned. Do you think this is ancient times?!" Wang Xuan said coldly.

The seniors of the Qian family all changed their expressions, and immediately made a decision, saying, "Let's go far, enter deep space, and execute the plan in the beginning!" They were really scared.

"Let's go, leave early, don't come back in the short term." Qian An said.

He gave Wang Xuan a weak nod, and after a while, he slowly closed his eyes.

"Old Qian, let's go!" Wang Xuan turned around. An acquaintance he knew died, which made him want to kill. This group of demons is lawless. In this era, do you still want to feed on people's blood? !

Now, this faction has returned a large number of people, God knows how many people they will eat!

"Hello!" Wang Xuan contacted the Zhenxian of the Zheng family. He wanted to know the situation. Now that he is Zheng Wu, he has the resources and connections.

The last time we parted, the three true immortals only approached him once, exchanged mobile phone numbers, and agreed to contact him behind the curtain to collect five-color soil, immortal juice, etc.

In fact, the Zheng family's true immortals are a little suspicious now, because today Wang Xuan sent away the Zhong family's battleship group.

"I got the thing!" Wang Xuan's voice was slightly cold, and he took a blurry photo of the golden bamboo slip and sent it to them, telling them that success doesn't have to be bloodshed, it is better to moisten things quietly.

"Young Master, I'll go see you right now!" The opposite party was immediately excited.

"Three days ago, when I was at Zhong's house, I was put down on the altar to hunt. Did you find out who it was?" Wang Xuan asked calmly. At that time, he was entangled in black chains and seven blood-colored swords fell, which really threatened him. 's life.

"Zhou Chong, his contact person is dealing with you. There is a peerless powerhouse behind this person. Before he ascended in this world, he was revered as the ancestor of the gods - Qi Teng!"

The immortal of the Zheng family is very solemn, and told Wang Xuan that he must be on guard. Not only is the peerless powerhouse behind this faction very terrifying, but Zhou Chong is also not easy to deal with. It is suspected that he has obtained the fetish in ancient legends - the soul lock clock. .

"Zhou Chong and the demon clan people have been very close recently and have been planning. We suspect that the key figures of the two camps, Qi Teng, the ancestor of the gods, and the peerless demon Qi Yi may have joined forces!"

"I'm outside the city of Su, and there are a group of demons here. Is there Zhou Chong chasing them?" Wang Xuan asked indifferently.

"I'll go check it out!"

Wang Xuan put away his mobile phone and his eyes were deep. Zhou Chong got the Soul Locking Clock at Sun's house that day, and he quietly took the God-killing flag.

Earlier, Zhou Chong had been in Yuanchi Mountain, and his subordinates had summoned Wang Xuan to go there, to mark him and take it for his own use.

Wang Xuan didn't go, that day Yuanchi Mountain was destroyed by the Sun Family battleship!

"He had a high probability of guessing that the God-killing Banner had fallen into my hands." Wang Xuan was murderous, and it was the other party who provoked him first, and he targeted him again and again.


In the distance, a raptor flew by with the sound of the wind, and its huge body was ten meters long.

"The demon is even more hateful!"

Wang Xuan raised his head and felt a faint hostility. In this day and age, can these monsters still want to go back to the past and reproduce the old events of the massacre? What are you thinking!

They were too to kill Qian An, and after Wang Xuan killed two of his companions, they dared to send a demon to approach to find out the news?

Wang Xuan rode the flying boat, soared into the sky, and flew out with a sword, the cold light shone on the sky, and the anger rushed to fight the bull!

The flying sword swept across, like a river of stars pouring down, beheading the powerful monster, blood splashed, and the huge head fell into the sky!

With an angry cry, the primordial spirit of the fierce bird rushed up and stared at Wang Xuan viciously, trying to escape.


The Primordial Spirit chain flew out and locked it directly, Wang Xuan pulled it back indifferently, gave a slight shock, and immediately strangled it.

After he broke through to the realm of collecting herbs, his strength improved a lot, and the others were again affected by the shock of the extraordinary aftermath and their strength was damaged.

Qian An is dead, and he is going to use the demon!

"You have joined forces with Zhou Chong's faction. You were supposed to deal with me, but now you have killed Lao Qian. In this era, you are still dreaming of the beasts coming to the earth. It's time to wake you up!"

Wang Xuan flew into the sky, looking at the mountains in the distance, he wanted to start a killing spree!

"In ancient times, when the demons were powerful, there were ten rooms and nine empty spaces, and the earth was full of blood. Today, I will settle the old accounts with you. Some of you have a high probability of surviving from that era!"

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