Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 318: ?Open the curtain

"In the legend, her father was a supreme alchemist three thousand years ago, who controlled thunder and rain, and was unfathomable!"

The mini version of Sword Fairy tells about the roots and feet of the red banshee, and analyzes her strengths and weaknesses.

Although she is called a demon fairy, she has human blood, and she deliberately hides her true origin. The road she walks is drizzly, just like a woman from a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. It is just an appearance. Thunder can kill hordes of immortals.

"Her mother is a twelve-tailed white fox. She has three more tails than nine. She is said to be stronger than her father. She inherits the advantages of the two, and she is better than blue."

Wang Xuan was moved, the red-clothed banshee really had a background, and frowned, "Does this mean that there may be two powerful men behind her?"

Fairy Jian shook her head and said, "After the two entered the big screen, there was no news and they disappeared completely. It is speculated that there may have been an accident."

"It seems that the competition in the big screen is extremely fierce. It is not easy for someone who has survived until now and is very famous." Wang Xuan was alert.

Especially the red banshee, who personally killed a peerless powerhouse, this is a record of killing. When Wang Xuan got the health furnace, he had seen some imaginary scenes of the old battle of immortals.

"She claims to be a demon fairy, but in fact, she was born as a human body, with a half-demon bloodline. It is suspected that she has learned a golden bamboo slip from a pre-Qin alchemist. If she is treated as a pure demon, she will definitely suffer a big loss, of course. Her demon methods are also very powerful."

Next, Fairy Jian told him various details, and Wang Xuan learned a lot.

He always felt that the red-clothed banshee would not give up on himself, and might appear at any time. Now that he has done his homework, it is necessary to be vigilant.

"Fairy, what's your holiday with her?" Wang Xuan asked.

"She is very domineering. A long time ago, she defeated the patriarch of our Sword Immortal Sect and stole the sword script. Unfortunately, I was not born at that time."

Fairy Jian said, looking very unwilling, thinking that if she was in the same era as the red-clothed banshee, her cultivation would not be weaker than hers.

She vowed to defeat the Banshee and get the Sword Code back.

"Is that scripture important?" Wang Xuan asked.

"The highest classics of our sect, of course, are important. There are many things I haven't learned, so I can only create my own." She replied listlessly.

"Creating yourself, maybe it will make you stronger." Wang Xuan comforted.

"If there is an original sword script, and I create my own based on it, I will be stronger." The reduced version of the sword fairy muttered, looking really young, with a tender face and a slightly delicate temperament.

"Simple, let me give you a few swordsmanships. What do you want to learn? Sword Mastery, or classical swordsmanship, Yuanshen raising swordsmanship, or immeasurable swords."

Fairy Jian showed a look of doubt and said, "Have you read these sword scriptures?"

Wang Xuan nodded and said, "Even the sword scriptures in the golden bamboo slips of the pre-Qin period—the Sword of Dao Slashing, I have it."

At this moment, Fairy Jian was in a trance, some sword scriptures had long been lost, she couldn't help but wander too much, and she looked like she was cute again.


A new star, the big screen covers the sky, and a large number of immortals, demons, etc. appear together, like a heavenly soldier coming into the world, causing a huge sensation.

All parties were a little disturbed, but there was no bloodshed.

In the sky, the man holding the feathered flag, with white hair, a few wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and deep eyes, was wearing a fairy robe woven with silk from the yin-yang **** fire silkworm, standing high in the sky, looking down at the world.

His name is Hengjun. Before the curtain is about to go out, he was the first peerless powerhouse to obtain the treasure. Although he has not yet fully refined it, he has generally mastered the feathering flag.

Otherwise, there would not be so many people following him, including two masters of the same level, who really couldn't fight against him.

But Hengjun never dared to open the curtain and walk out easily. He was skeptical, why did several treasures suddenly appear in this era of exhaustion?

After breaking the big curtain, can he really block the old covenant?

At the same time, he doesn't want to leave either. There are some good things in the immortal world. He wants to take them and kill some dead enemies.

The curtain fell, close to the ground.

With a swipe, Hengjun started to try it out. He wanted to test it. He used feathered flags to draw a hole on the big screen. It was indeed possible to open the barrier locked in the Old Testament!

Behind him, Lie Xian exclaimed, his eyes were extremely hot, but no one moved rashly, and they were a little hesitant.

"You enter the world and have a good chat with all the factions on this planet." Heng Jun opened his mouth and pointed at some people.

In an instant, more than a dozen immortals walked out and walked through the place where the big screen was cut open. Everyone was staring at them, wanting to see the results.

They didn't explode, and their primordial spirits weren't torn apart. It seemed that they passed through safely, but their expressions soon changed.

The spirituality of the body disappeared, the primordial spirit was dim, and the rules they mastered were no longer suitable in this world. It was like a tyrannical creature in the water came to the land, fluttering at the body, but getting weaker and weaker.

"This world is no longer suitable for immortals." A man who came across the border said bitterly.

He is a true immortal. He was originally very powerful, but now, the supernatural source escapes from his body, and he can't stop it. The order symbols he built in the primordial spirit quickly blurred and kept disappearing.

This is terrifying. Originally, they were all in good condition when they went out, and there was nothing wrong with them, but in an instant, their whole body of Taoism actually dissipated a lot.

Hengjun's eyes were serene, and he clenched the feathered flag tightly. He was worried that this kind of thing would happen, and after crossing the boundary, he would inevitably fall and become a mortal.

"Although the Old Testament did not target us, there are indeed no extraordinary rules in this world." A demon said bitterly.

It wasn't until a long time later that they stabilized. They were all in the early days of Xiaoyaoyou, and they were considered to have broken through the "ceiling", which was not easy.

For such a long time, even if a peerless strong person is sheltered and sent to the immortal, there will be problems, and the flesh and soul will be torn apart, and the strength ranges from fifth to eighth.

However, sheltering with the Demon Pond and blocking it with the Spirit Mountain is only to allow some individuals to keep the achievements of the 9th dan, but still cannot break the ceiling.

Moreover, that kind of price is very high, and the blood of the ancestors of the demon pool, the mighty power of the spirit mountain, etc. will be consumed at every turn, which was prepared by the demon ancestors, Sakyamuni, and others for their own cross-border.

"It's very heaven-defying. You don't need to spend the true blood and Taoism of a peerless powerhouse. You can send everyone to cross the border with broken strength. It is worthy of being a treasure."

Someone sighed that they were very satisfied with the result, and Li Xian felt that this situation was completely acceptable after being silent.

"Are the two fellow Daoists going? There is a high probability that you will be able to keep the Earth Immortal Dao Fruit." Heng Jun opened his mouth and looked at the two powerhouses on the left and right, both of whom are top figures in the Immortal Realm.

The two were silent, and finally shook their heads, not wanting to cross the border for the time being, just wait!

They looked at Yuhua Fan, holding this treasure, most of them could allow Hengjun to keep some of the Dao Fruit above the Earth Immortal, and the realm must be higher than the two of them.

They went away along the special passage between the curtains, and the next day they came to the curtain corresponding to the old land!

Originally, some roads were broken, but with the help of Feather Huafan, Hengjun led his followers to open the way, and with light and rain, he arrived at another fairyland in one day.

On that day, the big curtain was in the sky, as if the heavens were about to come, which shocked everyone in the old land, and ordinary people were even more shocked.

"Those ancients are coming back?"

"They are all immortals, densely packed, all over the sky!"

Hengjun waved the feathering flag to open the curtain again, and sent two groups of people, the first group of six people, went to Pingcheng, and wanted to negotiate with the relevant high-level parties and talk in detail.

The second batch of eighteen masters dispersed immediately after crossing the border. Some went to Kunlun, some went to the center of the earth, some went to Qinling, and some went directly to sea...

The second group of people belonged to Hengjun's disciples, and they were his direct descendants. They seemed to be looking for something.

"Wang Xuan, the creatures behind the scenes are here. The two groups of people are all strong in the early days of Xiaoyaoyou. This has changed the sky and broke the balance." Chen Yongjie informed immediately.

The first few people in charge of negotiation were very strong. After going to Pingcheng, they went around other places and met some important people in various places, but they never smiled.

"What are you talking about, you'd better run away, don't shoot you." Wang Xuan deeply felt that the problem was serious, and the creatures in the free and easy realm appeared, he was under great pressure!

When the big curtain shrouded the sky, he also saw that this was definitely the contribution of Yuhuafan, to protect Liexian's strength to the greatest extent possible.

"They have a big appetite. They want to read the ancient books, look through county annals, etc., and they seem to be looking for something."

Wang Xuan and Aoki have returned to Ancheng. All kinds of news have come, and the situation is not optimistic. The old soil has been hollowed out. What are those people looking for?

The peerless powerhouse mastered the feathering banner, and he was still thinking about something, which made Wang Xuan realize that the old land still has secrets, which is extremely difficult.

"Where did they go to find them? Since they all have physical bodies, can the eyes of the sky detect them?" Wang Xuan asked.

"When is it, do you still think that you can't get food from the tiger's mouth? Don't think about it!" Chen Yongjie reminded him not to mess around, but he still informed the whereabouts of those people.

Wang Xuan wrote down those places, Kunlun, Qinling Mountains, Qingcheng Mountain... When he heard this, his heart moved, and he thought of one thing, whether it was useful or not, take it back and talk about it.

"Lao Qing, did you decipher the strange object I dug up in Qingcheng Mountain?"

It was the first time Wang Xuan participated in the expedition, and he got two strange objects in total, one of which was a five-page golden book, which was suspected to be a Taoist ancestral body technique passed down by Lao Zhang.

There is also a silver animal skin scroll, more mysterious, hidden in the more secret underground palace below the five-page golden book.

At that time, there was a top-level alchemist sitting cross-legged, with bright black light, ruddy complexion, eyes like stars, lifelike, holding silver scriptures to read.

Until someone approached, he silently turned into dust, and at the same time turned everyone who touched it into blood mist, leaving only a beast skin book with a faint silver glow in place.

At that time, they had speculated that the animal skin book that can make a feathered alchemist so obsessed and read so deeply must have an incredible origin.

The alchemist's mind was immersed, and even the deadline was up, it was time to become an immortal, and he seemed to have forgotten it. He only had the silver scriptures in his eyes.

"That thing matters a lot now?" Aoki was taken aback.

"I don't know. It's better to put it away first. Did you find someone to decipher it and get a result? Will it leak?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Nothing happened. No one knows that kind of tadpole writing and ghost painting." Aoki shook his head helplessly, and then said: "Don't worry, I didn't show them the whole animal skin, each word was taken out separately and traced on other paper. Go to and send it to study."

"That's good!" Wang Xuan nodded.

Aoki was very efficient, and it didn't take long. He personally brought back the silver animal skin book and handed it to Wang Xuan to study.

"I don't know a word of the product of any era!" Wang Xuan sighed, he had seen quite a few special characters, but now he read and read, he still had no clue.

The key point is that this silver animal skin doesn't have any brand marks left.

After becoming an extraordinary person, whether it is a pre-Qin golden bamboo slip or a five-color jade book, there is a spiritual imprint that can resonate and know its meaning.

The animal skin book has been immortalized for thousands of years, and it always has a faint silver glow, but it is silent and has no clues.

Wang Xuan turned it over and looked at it, and even tried to tear it apart with his hands to check the inside, but he couldn't pull it, it was sturdy and evil.

He observed with his spiritual eye, and there was really nothing inside.


Under his various attempts, he actually put the silver animal skin book into the life soil, which made his heart beat wildly.

There are really not many things that he can bring in, all of them are top-notch treasures, such as his God Slaying Banner, and the old Zhong family's death pool.

The God-killing flag had been stuck in the life soil, Wang Xuan's heart moved, and he beckoned to him, and put it together with the silver animal skin book to compare the materials.

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