Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 322: ? Affects all

Wang Xuan wanted to roll all over the ground in pain, and the strands of spirit that spread out seemed to be slashed by a thousand swords. No matter how his thoughts diverged, it would be useless.

Even though he thought of the red-clothed banshee dancing, he felt that he didn't want to watch it. He just wanted to scream and roar in pain.

"I want to punch the fake Lao Zhang!" He was stunned by the red light, wrapped in the Slaying God Banner, tossing around here, performing various physical techniques to let himself release the pressure.

At this time, he tried all kinds of ways to divert his attention, but none of them worked.

He thought of Fairy Sword, who was just 10 years old. After pinching her baby fat little face a few times, it seemed... not so fragrant.

He was burned to the point of death, and when the red light was everywhere, he thought of a few treasures and looked forward to the future.

Standing on the Xiaoyao boat, holding a feathered flag, he traveled to the highest spiritual world. The health furnace placed at the bow of the boat sprayed the radiance and automatically picked the heavenly medicine...

However, it was still useless. He wrapped the flag and performed a "death roll" in the dark place outside the red glow.

He felt that the brain was about to explode. Even though there was no flesh and blood now, there was an illusion that the brain was about to flow out of the seven orifices. It was so painful.

"In the void, are there any living people, are there any monsters? Come out and fight!" In order to divide his heart, he also tried his best.

At this moment, he wanted to challenge the whole universe and fight the whole world. The severe pain in his mind made him courageous, and he wanted to fight the female alchemist one-on-one.

"Is there no king's land in the world? This world is the king's land, my land! Come on, who would dare to fight with me?"

Wang Xuan himself felt that he was mentally schizophrenic, and his consciousness of being burned was in a trance, and his whole body was about to burst with a bang.

The silver substance he brought over was exhausted. At this time, he had reached his limit, and the splendid red glow was gradually invading his spiritual body.

You can't play with fire anymore, and sticking to the limit is not a failure. It not only tested his will, but also really tempered his primordial spirit. He turned into a streamer and went away.


He was like a meteor smashed into the pool of life, the red light on his body gradually extinguished, and he was driven out.

At this moment, in the real world, even in the barren mountains, the reduced version of Sword Fairy is affected, and the amplitude here is relatively large, and the mountains seem to be bumpy.

She was shaken awake, confused, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Damn, let no one sleep!"

"I almost died just now?" After he was completely awake, Wang Xuan was afraid for a while, and Chixia spread into his main body of primordial spirit, almost burning him through.

Looking closely, there are various "scorch marks" in his mental power, and some places are eroded so badly that no matter how you look at it, it looks like it's burnt.

The only good thing is that he absorbed a large amount of silver substance before confronting Hongxia, and his spirit contained infinite vitality, which resisted the power of destruction.

Otherwise, with the way he set himself on fire, he might have been strangled by the red light, and the process was extremely dangerous!

However, his mental body was "scorched black", and he suddenly felt that without the help of the pool of life, there were also strands of vitality emerging from the burnt area.

He stood up and stood above the rough pool, and found that as expected, the painful tempering stimulated some kind of active force in his spiritual consciousness.

"What's going on?" He was in a trance. After being strangled by Hongxia, he gave birth to a new life?

He was in a trance for a while. This kind of situation, this kind of experience, seemed a little familiar, as if he had heard of it.

Yes, he remembered it all at once, with an unnatural expression on his face, and said, "I'm... similar to Lightning Strike Wood?"

He was speechless for a while. He was close to the human body that was struck by lightning, like a tree struck by lightning in a heavy rain.

"I've become a rare material, and it's worth a fortune?" He looked down at his dark self.

Whether it is in ancient times or in the present world, whether it is the extraordinary or the rich and powerful among ordinary people, they all have the habit of collecting lightning strike wood, and the price is ridiculous.

"I am self-cultivating!"

Wang Xuan bared his teeth, endured the pain, and stood above the pool to observe himself. The breath of new life filled the air. After dispelling the red clouds, he was indeed recovering.

Experiencing inhuman torture, there is no doubt that this is an extremely severe ordeal, and what he faced not long ago was even worse than the so-called ascetic monk.

When that kind of vitality gradually slowed down and was almost dissipated, Wang Xuan found that there were still "scorched black" areas, but he found that after being injured, he gradually recovered, and his spirit seemed to be more tenacious.

"Enduring infinite pain and sharpening oneself in the near-death situation, such extreme practice is indeed effective, and it trains people very much."

But this method is undoubtedly very... labor-intensive, and you will lose yourself in practice at any time. It is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Even if you have no fear in your heart and are not afraid of death, it is not suitable for admission. If you really dare to exercise your spirit like this, you will definitely lose the cost of changing someone.

He returned to the pool again, nourishing himself with the unparalleled vitality here, making up for his vitality, eliminating all kinds of hidden dangers, until his spirit peeled off.

Wang Xuan is sure that if he continues like this, he can definitely advance to the next level, and it is not as simple as just breaking the level.

"Come here a few more times, and constantly realize the experience of 'Lightning Strikes the Wood', I will most likely be able to reach the later stage of the next realm!"

He recuperates here, washes away the "scorch marks", and becomes more energetic and stronger again. In the outside world, his flesh and blood also burned a little, and now part of the skin is peeling, the silver light is flowing, and the anger is extremely strong.

His idea came true, and he replaced the supermatter in a radical way. Although the physical body was damaged at first, it finally attracted a trace of silver light.

Wang Xuan still doesn't know how dangerous the outside world was just now. When his spirit was robbed, a faint red mist was drawn from his body.

Of course, it was just a tiny bit of mist that was extremely faint. After passing through his body, it almost peeled off a layer of skin!

After the catastrophe, in the barren soil, his body became stronger, his physique improved, and the silver light healed those terrifying wounds.

If Wang Xuan had known the process just now, he might not have dared to do so. This extreme method of cultivation was a bit like bungee jumping at the entrance of a dark hell.

Just like that, Wang Xuan started to toss again while ignorant of the outside world.

After recovering from his injuries, he quickly ran into the depths of the darkness, waiting for Hongxia to appear, indeed walking on the dividing line between life and death.

After two times, he brought the silver animal skin book, which was amazing, with hundreds of characters on it, each of which could absorb a lot of silver substances.

Just when Wang Xuan was extremely harsh to himself and carried out extreme cultivation, the outside world was also tossing and turning, and he couldn't calm down.

In the big screen, Xiaoyaozhou was flying, and the sword of the world appeared again, causing chaos in several immortal worlds. The corresponding peerless masters in each big screen were in action, chasing the treasure.

In the real world, in outer space, Chen Yongjie's spirit left the spacecraft, facing the sun... a little burning, with Buddha's light and golden elixir all over his body, illuminating the sky.

"It's really weird. I was shaken again and again, and even I was severely affected. I was fine before!"

After he was enveloped by the intense sun's anger again, he fled very quickly, submerged into the spaceship, put out the fire with his flesh and blood, and got out of the crisis.

"How is your master, have you found a way out?" Aoki asked in the spaceship.

"No, but the shock was not light. Could it really have something to do with that kid?" Chen Yongjie doubted that he might lose his realm after a few more shocks.

"Hurry up and find someone!" He decided to return home, but he couldn't take it anymore. How can people cultivate? Come by every now and then.

Old Tu, in a certain city, Huang Daxian was driving, and then he shuddered, and the car vibrated.

"I'm going, I'm here, this time it's true, I'm about to fall out of realm soon!" His face turned pale, and Kong Yun in the car was also very nervous.

Among the companions, a car behind them also vibrated and stopped quickly, and Zhou Shiqian staggered out of the car.

"Isn't that Xinxing's popular fairy singer recently? It is reported that she is an extraordinary person. What's wrong with her? Hurry up and take pictures and keep them for news."

In the land of nothingness, Wang Xuan was once again scarred, and he used Sisi Hongxia to refine part of his spirit. He didn't know how many times he became a "Lightning Strike Wood". He felt that this time he had made great progress.

"My strength is rising rapidly, um, heal up and continue!" He whispered: "Extreme suffering, hell-level cultivation, naturally there will be corresponding gains."

Soon after, he was on his way again!

Outside, the spaceship landed quickly and approached the ground. Guan Lin was a little nervous in the ship. She also accompanied her and asked, "Old Chen, are you alright?"

At this time, Chen Yongjie was wearing a cassock, glowing red, holding a snow-white conch in his left hand and a soul-locking bell in his right.

"It's alright, I feel it. It's the ceiling pressing down. I haven't broken the board yet. With my deep foundation, it's not very serious."

At this moment, the two groups of people sent by Hengjun were all hairy. In the past two hours, they were shocked every step of the way, making their hearts go cold.

"Is it because of the scramble for treasures behind the scenes?" Someone asked bitterly.

"Probably." Someone next to him nodded.

At this time, there was another shock, and someone was horrified and said, "I'm shaky."

He can clearly sense his own condition, the Taoism is loose, and after two more strokes, he will be finished, and he will definitely fall into the free-floating realm.

One of them said solemnly: "Talk to the relevant departments, also go to Chen Yongjie and Guan Lin, and reach some agreements with them as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will all fall into the realm of free travel, and the deterrence of the human world will be insufficient. Facing the battleship will be passive.”

"Last time, we didn't care about him, and we could feel that he was very unconvinced. This is a person who is hostile to us. Do you want to get rid of him first?"

"For stability at this stage, find someone to talk to first!"

They are a little worried and anxious. There is nothing more terrifying than the fall of the realm. This is a **** slaughter for their cultivation base.

Xin Xing, some demons' faces changed terribly, what happened recently? How unfair God treats them, the demon clan has just experienced a **** drastic change, and now even God is starting to shock them.

In the old land, whether it is an immortal or a monster, the number of creatures that cross the border is more than that of the new star, and the atmosphere is extremely solemn now.

In the depths of the universe, in the dense land, the old fox was speechless, looked up at the sky, and sighed: "Is there any end? I have been cultivating for many years. In this life, I plan to suppress the immortals. It's almost enough, right?!"

Then, it had to use a powerful technique to baptize itself with the true blood of the fox.

On the Ascension Star, among the strongest Dao lineages at present, many people looked at a powerful man with ruddy complexion and white hair like snow, only to see him spit out a white mist and sighed: "After all, the rotten can't stop it. "


On the new moon, "Old Zhang" put down the shaking teacup and had to get up. He began to practice an extremely powerful physical technique to "stabilize" Why does it keep shaking? "After a while, he put away his posture, and shook it slightly again. He directly took out the rusted bronze mirror, gave himself... a moment, and shone the mysterious mirror on himself.

In the secret realm, the red-clothed banshee held an oil-paper umbrella, and in the drizzle, she began to... dance. This is an unpredictable physical art, with a graceful posture, but extremely powerful!

In the misty rain and fog, with her graceful movements, lightning flashed, she was like a red elf in the rain, her blue silk was flying, and she was empty and dusty.

In the old soil, in the barren mountains, under the soil, the miniature version of Sword Fairy was shaken by the mountain, flew away from her nest, and woke up in a daze.

"Why is it here again? He attacked me a while ago, causing my body to grow slower, even in reverse, **** it!" She said with an air of getting up.

Suddenly, her beautiful eyes blinked, she sensed something, and then used the sword light to open the way underground and quickly rushed to a place under the barren mountain.

Not long after, she dug up... Wang Xuan!

At this time, a trace of red mist on his body just disappeared, and silver light gradually rose up, which surprised her deeply, and then she took a deep breath.

"It's really comfortable!" The reduced version of Sword Fairy, unable to resist the silver mist, took a few deep breaths, a satisfied smile on the baby's fat little face.

Thank you: Shang Xian Qitian, thank you for the support of the Silver Alliance Leader!

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