Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 349: ?Megatron

"I don't know what's going on outside, is there a coincidence this time?" Wang Xuan asked himself, leaning on the rough pool wall, his mental body was charred black in a large area, soaked in the transpiring liquid of silver light, he was recovering.

The burnt black old skin on his body kept falling off. It was another peeling off of the spiritual afterbirth. The primordial spirit was reborn. He officially broke through and entered the eighth stage!

"It's easy to be addicted, it hurts and I'm happy, and I've advanced again." This feeling is really complicated, and the hell-level tempering makes him unbearable.

But when he was quiet and lay here, everything was so wonderful again, and his whole body was relaxed, which was a kind of extreme enjoyment.

When he opened his eyes, the silver light in his eyes flew out, but in the deepest part of the eyes, there were also strange symbols that flashed and disappeared.

It was a red substance, the clouds turned into light, into fire, into thunder, into robbery, and the spiritual body was finally absorbed and refined by him, and he took it as his own.

In the depths of his spiritual eyes, a red symbol appeared in each of his eyes. As he opened and closed, and moved with his thoughts, mysterious patterns could be intertwined.

The dark red texture, like the **** tears he shed, falls into the void, slides forward, and the texture begins to expand, which can temporarily lock the narrow space.

Wang Xuan silently realized that the harvest this time was too great!

As he suddenly exerted his strength, when his eyes opened angrily, in that small space, the Yin-hong veins contracted, strangling, and the destructive power was extremely terrifying.

"Lock the narrow space, you can carry out... unilateral massacres in it!" He explained the essence himself, and the simple words contained the power of killing.

Sitting in the pool, Wang Xuan was peaceful and peaceful, and he seriously understood his newfound power. He was silent, like the person in the painting.

Paying may not be rewarded, but if you don't pay, you will never be rewarded. Now, he has gained a novel ability, which is amazingly powerful!

Recently, he has been using his life to attract red matter, analyzing and fighting it between life and death, and now he sees the most splendid light in the darkness.

Wang Xuan reminded himself that he should try his best to be reserved and not use it easily. Once it is used, it means that people will die!

Whether it is red energy substance or that kind of extraordinary blood pattern, the rank is absurdly high, and he will not expose it casually.

He sat in meditation for a long time, longer than the time spent in life and death. He recuperates here and fully understands this ability. He is very satisfied.

Until the end, he slowly got up and said to himself, "Let's strengthen it again and refine the ability of the spiritual eye."

He didn't know what was going on outside. What if it had something to do with the new mythical path? Then it was a shock, and he was about to start again.

Outer space, exotic space, the blood pond has been quiet for a long time, it should be all right, the storm is over. "The blood **** ape looked ugly, and behind the three heads, the corresponding three **** rings were dimmed.

Just now, it was extremely abnormal, and it kept shaking. Life seemed to be in violent turbulence. His life and soil could not be peaceful. Not only did he fail to pass the level, but he also fell out of realm!

"I want to repair it back, but fortunately, I have the residual pill of the ancient demon!" Even so, he was still in pain, and all the power of the demon was wasted.

Qi Chengdao also silently took out a splendid crystal, untied the seal, and inhaled a little bit of celestial marrow.

He **** every time, especially saving, but just now... his heart was bleeding, and tears almost fell.

"Mingxi, let's cultivate together, double cultivation, and start all over again. Damn God, I hate you!" Zhou Qinghuang rolled his eyes and greeted Fairy Gu to continue, ready for spiritual medicine, and wanted to restore the fallen realm go back.

"My celestial medicine, that petal is eaten in vain." In a certain secret realm, Qi Liandao, the son of the demon ancestor, roared, his lungs were about to explode.

He didn't rush to take the second petal, because he was really scared, what if there was another shock? After waiting for a long time, according to the rumors some time ago, "Tianzheng" should be over.

Recently, the supernatural beings in reality have experienced, all the vibrations are regular, and the rhythm is very stable. Now it seems that the period of silence is long enough, and this storm has indeed passed.

He was uneasy, still waiting, until he was finally convinced... that it's all right.

"It's been too long. I realized new abilities here, and it actually took more time than my cultivation and long-distance travel. I should continue to be diligent." Wang Xuan sighed.

Then he plunged headlong into the dark void, and went to "intercept" the red haze again, vowing to defeat himself and take hell-level torture as the road to new life.

"Ah... Unforgivable, God, you are so unfair, are you eyeing me?!" Qi Liandao's face was gloomy. Not long after he took the second petal of the heavenly medicine, he was shocked again.

He was furious, stood up in the sky, faced the sky, and responded with a sincere and fierce "greeting".

"It's lawless, isn't it?"" The Blood God Ape was also furious, spitting out the Ancient Heaven Demon Pill in one mouthful. Poke a big hole.

"Meow, oooo!" In the ancient cave mansion of the White Tiger Clan, the round-faced girl rolled in the tiger's den, her round face was bulging and her eyes were wide open.

In the old soil, in the deep space spacecraft base, Lao Zhang covered his face with a bronze mirror, sealed himself, and did not move, like petrified, trying to survive this "earthquake".

However, a few enthusiastic young people thought that not only did he have a physical problem, but he was stiff in place, and even his mind was in trouble, otherwise, why would he shout to deceive people? Therefore, they moved Lao Zhang up and sent him to the hospital to check his health.

"Don't move, just put it down. You're not saving people. I'm helping myself by standing here. I'm over 2,000 years old and can't tell lies. Don't regret it!" Lao Zhang was anxious, but nothing He could only cover the mirror on his face with both hands.


This time, Wang Xuan felt the effect of consolidating his spiritual eyes and deepening his practice was excellent. When it was over, he was already in the middle and late stages of the eighth stage.

Outside, there are chicken feathers all over the place, and a group of people are pale, but all the geniuses of the sky are a bit miserable, and this "tianquan" is mainly aimed at them.

Many people were silent. This time, they didn't talk about martial arts and heaven's principles at all. The shaking stopped, and the situation was completely calm. As a result, they experienced another "second attack".

At this point, no one dared to act rashly. It was too pitiful. Heavenly medicine, spiritual medicine, demon pill, and heavenly marrow, which one is worthless?

"I really didn't expect that there would also be a 'two-dimensional earthquake' in the skyquake." Some people were resentful.

Wang Xuan set off on the road, possessing a strong and full mental state, and he was in high spirits.

He was going to get close to the eternal flower of immortality, to dig for meteorites, to verify what he thought.

"My strength has greatly improved. If the meteorite also contains mysterious energy, then I will become stronger." He hopes to find new strength.

At the same time, he was pondering whether the red-skinned monkey, Qiliandao and others were downgraded? If true, this feeling seems... wonderful.

"I'm going up, you're going down, this... It's not bad." At the end, he couldn't help grinning, his smile was very happy and somewhat brilliant.

At this time, outside, Chen Yongjie felt good too. Hearing the roars outside, he had to sigh: "Jiaozu Wang can change his name to Megatron, and the shock is getting stronger and stronger."

It took Wang Xuan several months to appear not far from the crater, and rushed to the most important and special part of the void.

From his point of view, the crater hangs on the sky, the sky and the earth are upside down, and the tunnel leads to the back of the dark sky.

In the pit, the splendid haze flowing, all red substances, is many times thicker than the red haze that Wang Xuan was fighting against, there is no doubt that this place is more terrifying.

The most important thing is that there are some thin and real crystal particles mixed in the haze, which are suspected to be priceless products flowing from the real place.

The crater is very deep. To be precise, it is a road that connects unknown places, making people strongly want to explore.

Just on the way, there are crazy things in the tunnel. The white flowers and trees are swaying in the clouds, and the eternal flowers that do not wither are extremely sacred.

Lie Xian looked very tacky in front of it, only it was untouched by fireworks, transcendent and pure, immortal and flawless.

This time, Wang Xuan didn't even want to go through the crater and go to the mysterious place it is connected to. As for the real source, he can't really set foot on it now.

There are red granular crystals in the crater, and it belongs to the transboundary material of the real land. It is too terrifying. He couldn't carry it even if he was wrapped in the Zhanshen flag, and the flag surface had been scorched black.

"Keep your feet on the ground and take it step by step. You can't go a thousand miles without accumulating a few steps. One day, maybe not long, I will cross the meteorite passage."

Wang Xuan found a place very far from the passage, and slowly approached the meteorite hidden in the dark sky, ready to knock and dig.


He touched the meteorite with the flagpole of Zhanshenqi, and the rough-looking stone actually made a sound of gold and jade, which was crisp and melodious, and very strong.

If it were an ordinary, it would have been smashed by the Zhanshenqi long ago, and a large amount of dust would fall.

Wang Xuan began to exert his strength, using the Slaying God Flag as a tool to officially dig!

It was like the impact of jade, like big beads and small beads falling on the jade plate.

"Hey, there really is something extraordinary!" Wang Xuan was moved, and after peeling off the shallow layer of stone skin, a burst of anger pervaded.

And in the depths of the meteorite, there seems to be something even more amazing!

The stones he touched with his hands were rough, textured, with extraordinary attributes, and the vitality contained in them was close to "real".

"Could it be that the meteorite in the outer space, the exotic space, the blood pool was really taken out from such a place and fell there?"

Wang Xuan couldn't think about it too much. He rubbed it with his hand and carefully sensed that the strange substance contained in the stone skin was relatively thin, but it was of a very high rank, and he still needed to dig in.

"If I carve out a passage from here, will I be able to enter the real place and reach the source of the mysterious world?" He showed a strange look.

The stone chips fell, Wang Xuan excavated hard, dropped some stone skins, and dug up a stone block with strong energy.

"There is something in this meteorite, it seems to be hiding something, warm and vigorous, dormant deep in the core of the meteorite." He didn't stop and was still digging.

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