Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 353: Who is the monster king of the human race

Wang Xuan returned, and planted the God Slaying Banner in the life soil. His spirit and body were one, and he felt his own strength. As he moved to the highest scriptures, all the purple mist quickly returned to his body.

This is close to the real energy substance, and he will not waste a single bit.

Then, he saw Chen Yongjie, actually... the corpse was lying in the water not far away, floating quietly, his head drooping unnaturally, and his neck seemed to be twisted and broken by a powerful force.

On the other side, Gu Mingxi's celestial body was stunned, and the vibrant body returned to white again. The charred part was nourished by the blood pool. At first, it bleeds, and then a layer of skin was peeled off. Now it has completely recovered.

At the same time, Wang Xuan felt the violent energy fluctuations above his head. It was as violent as Mount Tai pressing the top, shocking people's hearts.

The blood **** ape's terrifying body descended, and it looked extremely ferocious in the water. He had a thunderous mouth, his fangs protruded out of his mouth, his eyes glowed brightly, and his body was covered with red animal hair, revealing his fierceness.

He was swooping down, and his six big hands were open together. This was a posture to grab Wang Xuan, and he wanted to squeeze him alive. He was extremely strong and conceited.

He has never been defeated. In the face of such a low-level human race, he is disdainful from the bottom of his heart. He is completely looking down on the strong mentality.

"To actually die here, what's the use of loyalty and courage, it's still a waste!" He glanced at Chen Yongjie, who was suspended in the water.


The blood-colored rays of light bloomed, Chen Yongjie opened his hand in the water, threw a blood-colored rune paper, and a dazzling beam of light erupted, like a thunderous explosion from the sky!

"I#¥..." The Blood God Ape was shocked, and then became furious. The talisman paper he gave was actually smashed at him by the damned trash demon Xiu.

At such a close distance, and so abruptly, he had no way to avoid it. It was really impossible to guard against, and a dead monster actually cheated!

One after another, the blood-colored light beams hit the blood **** ape. It can be seen that in the strong red glow, there are demons appearing in the form of energy bodies, and their bodies are the same as his.

The blood **** ape's lungs were about to explode, and he was about to die of anger. The power of this talisman was unparalleled, similar to his heyday, which made him overwhelmed.

With a wow, he spat out demon blood from his mouth, and his body was hit by the monkeys one after another. In addition, he was bombarded by blood-colored thunderbolts all over his body.

The armor on his body exploded on the spot, and the thick red fur was charred and fell off in large pieces.


In the turbulent energy flow, the Blood God Ape felt severe pain in one of his hands, but it was actually pierced by the demon cultivator who pretended to be dead holding a large black sword.

To him, it was like a capsize in the gutter, and he couldn't take it anymore. He let out a roar of spirit, which shook the world. Even the soul outside the blood pool was shaken.

At the end of the pool, Wang Xuan was a little speechless. Old Chen pretended to be dead and seized the opportunity to take action. The node selection was so good that he was almost deceived when he first opened his eyes.

It should be noted that he has spiritual eyes.

Chen Yongjie has practiced a variety of secret techniques, which is suspended animation. Judging from the results, it is undoubtedly very successful.

At the critical moment, Wang Xuan made a move, and he couldn't let Lao Chen stand on top, for fear that something would happen to him, after all, this is a getaway-level monster!

A sharp flying sword rushed up, Wang Xuan mobilized the short sword, turned it into a pair of drills, and slashed at the big red-haired monkey.

At this time, although the Blood God Ape was frightened and angry, his consciousness was still very sharp, and his instinct told him that the situation was not very good, and danger was approaching.


He was also decisive. He slapped his palm downwards, his energy boiled, and then he rose into the sky and jumped into the blood pool first.

Behind him was Zhou Qinghuang. At a glance, he saw the Blood God Ape coughing up blood, and then saw Wang Xuan who was standing up, and he snorted.

Because, there is no "impurity" on Wang Xuan's body now. He just left the customs, and the red Xiaguang forging body that inspired the land of nothingness earlier, even his body was synchronized, and his clothes were already burnt out.

His body is well-proportioned and powerful. When he raises his head upwards, his eyes are piercing, and he is not afraid of all kinds of immortals and demons!

Whoosh whoosh!

The Blood God Ape retreated, causing the people behind to rush out of the water. The short battle just now caused the area to vibrate violently.

Someone nearby exclaimed, mistakenly thinking that the extraordinary aftershock had not ended yet, and started again, and his face suddenly turned pale. Of course, those who could have this kind of expression were masters who were afraid of losing their realm.

In fact, even Qi Chengdao and Qi Liandao, the father and son of Yaozu, were awe-inspiring at first. They misunderstood and were bitten by snakes for ten years.

"Hehe..." At the bottom of the pool, Chen Yongjie smirked and was delighted. In his hand, there was a broken demon pill, exuding a strong demonic power.

If it weren't for his solid foundation, he wouldn't dare to touch this broken pill, it was too shocking, like a prehistoric giant monster trying to devour the world and crush it down.

"I've made a lot of money, and my grade is very high. In the future, I might be able to cultivate the three secret powers of Taoism, Buddhism, and demon." He identified that this must be the demon core left by the ancient giant demon.

He greeted Wang Xuan, and said, "Let's go, what are you still doing, Chen Jiaozu will take you to escape, slip away, and make sure they won't catch up!"

Old Chen used the blood-colored talisman paper to hurt the Blood God Ape, but he didn't dare to confront those people head-on, so let's run away first.

"No, I'll go meet them for a while!" Wang Xuan said.


On the shore, the Blood God Ape's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip out of water. Being attacked by someone was a great shame. Most importantly, his armor was shattered, and he lost the inner alchemy of the ancient demon saint.

He looks like this, so that the nearby extraordinary people don't understand. So, the parents and children of the demon saint inexplicably suffer a big loss?

The waves surging on the water surface, Wang Xuan reapproved the heavy armor, regained his true appearance, his face was calm, his eyes were deep, and he stepped out of the blood pool in one step.

He held Gu Mingxi in his left hand and threw her on the shore, then looked at the people on the opposite side.

The expressions of several people changed, and no one could laugh, even Zhou Qinghuang, because Gu Mingxi was fighting for dominance and wanted to speak.

"Let her go!" Qi Chengdao said.

However, he was ignored, and Wang Xuan ignored him.

"Wang Xuan, weak chicken, Ye Xiu, come here!" Qi Liandao no longer suppressed himself at this time, and all the madness in the depths of his eyes erupted.

This is a madman. When he first crossed the border, he swore that he even wanted to swallow his own father, Yaozu, in the future!

Because, in his opinion, he is not the parent and son of the demon ancestor, he is a group of crazy consciousness separated from the real Qilian Dao, and his body is a hybrid demon body that is pieced together and cultivated with the blood of various demons.

"Ren Xiu, a native chicken!" His strong hostility towards Wang Xuan couldn't be resolved. The other party not only hacked him a dozen times, but also wanted to cut Yongzhi. For him, it was a big deal. shame.

"Be quiet first, or you will regret it. The death is quite tragic." Wang Xuan said gently.

Qi Liandao's eyes could kill people, but at this moment his heart was beating wildly, and his instinct told him that the front was indeed very dangerous.

Wang Xuan's eyes swept over a few people one by one, and he said plainly, "We should have no hatred before, right? Are you sure you want to be my enemy?"

"Cut the flag of God for me, the Daoist struggle is over, from now on you and I have no grievances, I will leave immediately." Qi Chengdao said.

"What strange thing do you have for me?" Wang Xuan asked him with a smile.

"A drop of celestial marrow, if you want, I'll exchange it with you." Qi Chengdao looked indifferent, ready to take action.

"You keep it well, that drop of celestial marrow is mine." Wang Xuan said calmly, wanting to cut the flag of God? What do you think, pay the price in return!

"Tuji, bring up the God Slaying Banner, or I will tear you apart immediately!" The Blood God Ape was the craziest, with blood-colored beams emitting from all six eyes.

He suffered a big loss just now. After seeing Wang Xuan, he stared at Chen Yongjie again and said, "And you, something that you don't know how to die will kill you in a while."

Chen Yongjie was demonic and pretended to be a demon cultivator. The black sword was pressed against Gu Mingxi's snow-white neck, and he was responsible for guarding the hostages.

Wang Xuan looked at the Blood God Ape and said, "Don't you have anything? If it is a tribute of the level of Wutianjiu, it may be worth it for a while."

Nearby, all the supernatural beings are in a daze, this... is it not crazy, really conceited, does he know who he is facing?

He stood alone in front of several top powerhouses, what did he use to fight? But now, he is not afraid at all, looking down from the mentality?

Not only the blood **** ape has boundless killing intent in the eyes. Even Qi Chengdao's face sank. So, Wang Xuan didn't mean to exchange with him just now, but asked him to buy his life with the celestial marrow?

"What strange thing do you bring to pay tribute to save your life?" Wang Xuan looked at Qi Lian and asked.

At this time, people realized who is the real lunatic. Wang Xuan is asking Yaozu's parents and sons to pay tribute. He seems to be even more crazy than Qi lunatic!

Zhou Qinghuang said with a smile, "Look, my body with immortal muscles and bones contains two pure and flawless souls, and you have a perfect immortal body by your side, what more do you want?"

The demon girl with glasses is the most relaxed, she is still stretching her limbs now, she has a very lazy temperament.

"If there is no celestial marrow and celestial medicine, it won't work." Wang Xuan smiled and shook his head.


Qilian Dao was the first to kill him. He couldn't help it anymore. Crazy people were already very restrained to keep calm for such a moment. It was his limit.

Wang Xuan didn't dodge, as if shrinking into an inch, he teleported and rushed over, taking the initiative to attack, with an unbelievably fast speed, reaching in front of Qilian Dao, and greeted him with one hand.

A thunderbolt exploded. There was originally a lot of lightning near Lei Ze, but they were all suppressed by this terrifying extraordinary power, and a big explosion occurred here.

Everyone was surprised, they didn't dare to blink, they stared at the two figures in the dazzling light, and finally found that Wang Xuan was still not moving, not to mention being blown up by a punch.

People were shocked, what realm was he in, and what realm were the ancestors of Yaozu in? He actually blocked it with one hand!

"This is... it's going to go against the sky, doesn't it mean that he is at the seventh or eighth level in the world, and he can actually beat Qi Liandao, who is free and easy to travel!"

People were dumbfounded, shocked, and felt as if their scalps had been electrocuted. What kind of monster is this?

Qi Liandao's face was gloomy. There was a great barrier and suppression between the two sides. This Wang Xuan was actually capable of fighting his fierce and domineering fist marks, and he blocked it with just one hand!

"Kill!" His face was icy cold. If he didn't kill Wang Xuan today, he would probably have no chance in the future. He had to kill this human monster as soon as possible.

Boom! Click! Boom!

In this area, it was like a dull sky thunder that kept exploding. The two of them faced each other head-on, but they didn't mean to back down. Every time, a dazzling beam of light was emitted between their fists and palms, which was deafening.

"I'm going, I seriously underestimated this man Xiu. He's so powerful, he's blocking Yaozu's parents and sons alone. How many people can be against him in this state?"

"The key is that his realm is still low!" An extraordinary person added while frightened, he felt a little numb.

"This guy..." Zhou Qinghuang was also stunned, the glasses almost slipped from the bridge of the snow-white and upturned nose, and said softly: "Ming Xi, what do you think, the body accidentally fell into his hands, did not let you Shame?"

The Blood God Ape's face was gloomy and uncertain, and when he saw that Wang Xuan didn't care, turned his back to him, and approached him infinitely, he couldn't help it.

"What are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf, who do you think you are, and dare to turn your back to me?" His big hand covered with red animal hair clenched into a terrifying fist mark and smashed it out with a bang, as if the sky was torn apart, shaking the whole film Razer.

What made people tremble was that when Wang Xuan turned slightly to the side, the fist mark of his right hand confronted Qi Liandao, his left hand was the palm, and he slapped the fist of the Blood God Ape directly and violently.

With a thud, the sky seemed to be pierced, and the dazzling rays of light bloomed. The earth shook and the mountains shook, and Wang Xuan shook the big furry fists of the demon saint's family.

"What can you do with one more of you, whether to kill or kill!" Wang Xuan was very calm, and when he made another move, he also encircled the Blood God Ape, and fought the two masters by himself.

Next to him, Qi Chengdao's face was gloomy and uncertain. The situation exceeded his expectations. The human race man he was going to fight with the other party was stronger than he imagined, and it was a little outrageous. His killing intent rose sharply!

"Come on, if you want to make a move, come here too!" Wang Xuan pointed at him and invited him to come off the court. He would face the top three players by himself.

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