Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 375: get down to the kitchen

"Zheng Yuantian was blown up, and it's a bit disgraceful to die." The Netherblood Patriarch who had been dormant came out, shook his head, and then slapped Hanako.

"It just died like this, Lao Zheng didn't die very honorably." Zhang Daoling opened his mouth, he showed a strange look, looked at Wang Xuan, and was deeply surprised. This kid can actually kill Zheng Yuantian, it's not easy, and at the same time it's a bit dark.

Nearby, there was chaos, even the two great masters were whispering, and one could imagine the shock of others.

Zheng Peishi's incarnation was killed, and it was because of that human Wang Xuan!

Now, even Qi Liandao, this lunatic is not crazy, he is honest, he is doing his duty, he is as quiet as a fallen leaf, and he is quite melancholy. .

Mo Si frowned, his eyes flickered, staring at Wang Xuan's back in amazement, was the senior who had practiced the Primordial Spirit Coffin Coffin briefly recovering and was in charge of all this?

"This person is too fierce, stay away from him in the future, and kill Zheng Peishi!" Zhou Qinghuang patted her towering chest, her heart beating fast.

Afterwards, she tossed her hair, lay beside Gu Mingxi's ear, and said, "Last time, you were the lucky one among misfortunes, and Wang Xieren was already very gentle to you."

"Shut up!" Gu Mingxi was really frightened, but the depression in her heart, as well as her worries, were all gone after seeing the battle just now.

The transcendent is about to come to an end, and the myth is destined to perish. In this special era, in the depleted real world, such a young man has appeared, which indeed aroused the surprise and attention of all walks of life.

Wang Xuan is very calm, and it's not that he has never experienced such a big scene. He's used to it, isn't he just killing Lao Zheng? It's not real, it's no big deal.

When dealing with it with a normal heart, he reminded himself.

However, soon, he couldn't hold back anymore. This is Zheng Yuantian. Once he returned to the real world, the peerless powerhouse who could come to kill him at any time was actually killed by him just now!

"Hehe..." In the end, he still couldn't hold back, he showed a smile there, his face relaxed, and after the major problem was solved, he felt very comfortable.

Especially, in his hand, holding a large amount of blue crystals of good fortune, the dense super energy close to the real flow slowly, nourishing his primordial spirit, it is very comfortable.

The meteorite passage in Misty Land is temporarily unable to pass through. In this world, he actually found a brand-new substance, which is also of great benefit to him. It will probably allow him to break through the level and become stronger.

Killing the enemy, eradicating the biggest threat, and also using "enemy capital" to improve himself, really made him feel unhappy.

"Jiaozu Wang, keep the key points." Chen Yongjie said, secretly reminding him not to smirk, which would damage his majestic image behind the enemy.

"It's too uncomfortable to be stretched out, my heart is so sunny, I can't help it, I should show my true temperament when I'm young, how tired it is to pretend to be old." Wang Xuan didn't care.

At this moment, the battle in the distance stopped, the red-clothed banshee fluttering in her long dress, standing high in the spiritual world, and separated from the three masters.

In fact, Zheng Yuantian was shot to death, which surprised Yaozu, Qi Teng, and Mozu, and even more speechless, Lao Zheng... actually died, and the boat capsized in the gutter.

They can imagine that behind the scenes, Zheng Yuantian's real body must be furious. This is a great disgrace. Dying at the hands of a young man in the world hurts his dignity too much.

The red-clothed banshee looked and looked, her beautiful eyes flashing with brilliance, she was about to come over, and the smile on Wang Xuan's face suddenly solidified.

Fang Yuzhu stepped on the light rain, approached her, and whispered a few words to her, the red-clothed banshee was distracted.

Wang Xuan quickly came to Zhang Daoling and joined Chen Yongjie. Then, he glanced at the figure in red in the distance.

He secretly transmitted his voice and said, "Jiaozu Zhang, are you busy with your business?"

He really wanted to ask Lao Zhang, you have conquered demons and eliminated demons for more than 2,000 years, but there is a big goblin over there, who dominates the world and is about to rule the demon clan.

He slandered, is Lao Zhang looking at people to subdue demons?

Zhang Daoling glanced at him and said, "Don't worry about it, just take care of yourself, don't think that if you kill Zheng Yuantian's incarnation, you can really deal with this level of powerhouse, it's still far behind, that's because he was killed by Fang Yuzhu was the first to beat him."

Wang Xuan ignored him and asked you about subjugating demons and what to change the subject.

"I told you that Zheng Yuantian will not give up, maybe he will send his avatar to this world to deal with you." Zhang Daoling warned.

"He died in an incarnation, is his real body intact? Can he be divided at any time?" Wang Xuan frowned. He really couldn't deal with Zheng Peishi if he didn't fight in the spiritual world.

"Naturally, it's damaged, but Lao Zheng doesn't want to lose face? Besides, if he thinks that slaughtering you will benefit more, how can he care so much." Zhang Daoling said calmly.

Wang Xuan felt that there was something in his words. If Zhang had something to do, he would take pictures of the broken bronze mirror, wouldn't he find out any secrets about him?

"Zhang Jiaozu, if you don't have much business, can you take over the business?" Wang Xuan asked him.

"What do you want to do, I don't have time to subdue demons recently!" Lao Zhang said, decisively rejecting it.

He suspected that Wang Xuan asked him to go to war with the banshee, what a joke, how could Zhang Jiazu be dominated like this? If you go to fight Yaozu, the reward is enough, um, maybe, you can consider it!

In the distance, Qi Yi, the demon ancestor, felt a sense, glanced at Zhang Daoling, and felt a strong malice in the dark.

"Zhang Jiazu, where do you want to go, I have a very good relationship with the demon clan, a family!" Wang Xuan said, and said that he glanced at the demon ancestor, smiled in return, and then looked at the red-clothed banshee. Nodding peacefully.

As a result, the demon ancestor was in the black fog, baring his teeth and flickering with cold light.

The red-clothed banshee, with a charming smile, tucked her hair in a charming manner, and squinted at him with her beautiful eyes.

Wang Xuan hurriedly turned around, faced Lao Zhang again, and said, "Kill Zheng Yuantian, can this business be accepted? Eliminating demons and defending the Tao is the responsibility of the founder of the world! Of course, for the sake of the world and morality, I am willing to donate the real crystal of good fortune and act for the ancestor Zhang. !"

When Zhang Daoling heard the words, he nodded reservedly and said, "Well, yes, give me all those crystal stones. If Lao Zheng appears, I will discuss with him and send him back."

Then, he stretched out his hand, wanting to take away Wang Xuan's large handful of Lan Yingying small stones.

"I don't want to kill the incarnation, and I don't want to send him back to finish the job. I want to ask Zhang Jiaozu to kill Zheng Yuantian's real body." Wang Xuan said.

Old Zhang's reserved smile suddenly solidified, he flicked his sleeves, and took his hand back decisively, saying: "What do you think, is Zhang Jiazu so cheap? To kill the real master of the peerless master for a few broken stones, unless I am mentally ill !"

Wang Xuan silently took out the medical certificate that Lao Zhang gave him, and raised it again and again.

"I... kill you!" Lao Zhang's face immediately turned dark.


The paper in Wang Xuan's hand disappeared. Lao Zhang was a step late, and was taken away by the red-clothed banshee in the distance. The paper traveled through space and teleported!

"Demon Lord, what do you mean?" Zhang Daoling asked with a dark face, should this black history be leaked out?

The red-clothed banshee looked at the diagnosis certificate with a look of disgust, and threw it back to him directly. With that appearance, Lao Zhang almost vomited blood, did she do it on purpose?

"That's fine, it's boring if you don't kill the real body." Wang Xuan put away the crystal stone, used the powerful pressure as a driving force, and was ready to meet Zheng Juesi's revenge at any time!

The chaotic battle was over, the troops from all sides retreated, Wang Xuan and Chen Yongjie ran straight away, they both ran, hula, and everyone ran after them.

what's the situation? Old Chen was a little confused, why did a group of people chase him down? Could it be that Wang Jiaozu really caused anger and resentment, and all parties wanted to kill him?

In fact, Wang Xuan was also apprehensive, because the Demon Ancestor, Qi Teng, and the Demon Ancestor with thick eyebrows and big eyes all followed, and the situation was very wrong.

Even Lao Zhang didn't look good, holding a rusty and broken mirror, all the way... rushing here!

Then, he saw the female alchemist and the red-clothed banshee, who followed unhurriedly, crossing the void. They were two veritable Lingbo fairies, a pair of sisters, with peerless elegance.

As for Mo Si, Gu Mingxi, Zhou Qinghuang and other extraordinary people, not to mention other extraordinary people, they were also galloping and chasing after him nervously.

"Everyone, seniors, I didn't do anything to hurt you, did I?" Wang Xuan was very guilty and was chased by everyone.

"You have to leave. If we don't leave, you will block the exit and bombard us with battleships. Who can stand it?" Zhang Daoling said.

Wang Xuan was speechless, only then did he understand what was going on!

"Am I that kind of person, would I do that kind of thing?" He defended, and he was really wronged.

A group of people despised him, and many people showed murderous eyes. When you first entered this space, that's what you did!

"The trust between people..." Wang Xuan couldn't go on, what else could he do, everyone followed him, and no one believed him.

Mainly, before entering this strange space, Aoki's action was as fierce as a tiger, and it really shocked many people, causing some fairies to lack arms and legs, and some demons to cultivate their bodies.

Before long, most people chose to leave the alien world and appear in outer space.

Moreover, when Aoki finally came to pick up Wang Xuan and Chen Yongjie, he was seated on this battleship with a line of big men, all of them famous and peerless masters.

For example, Zhang Daoling, Yaozu, Qi Teng... Except for Zheng Yuantian who was gone, the other big men were all sitting next to Wang Xuan, and they returned in a boat together.

After Aoki knew who it was, her scalp exploded. This was the aftermath of the last fire. Even a few big men were afraid of accidents and didn't want to take another boat.

Wang Xuan's body froze. Sitting on his left was the red-clothed banshee. Next to him, the fragrance was fragrant. Then he got closer and communicated with him.

"Those in the past are just sand between your fingers. Small things are nothing." She exhaled like a blue and whispered to him.

Wang Xuan's scalp exploded, how did he feel that what happened in the meteorite tunnel really came into reality? Similar words, such a close distance, are very similar.

Old Chen looked at his mouth with his nose and his heart with his mouth, and remained motionless. He really couldn't help Jiaozu Wang, and he was also very uncomfortable. Sitting next to the demon ancestor, he was very interested in him.

"Little monk, you have practiced the Shakyamuni Sutra, and you want to exorcise demons in the future?" The demon ancestor asked him with his white teeth.

The demon ancestor with thick eyebrows and big eyes also came over, looked at Chen Yongjie, touched his head, and said, "You have no future."

If someone else dared to touch his head like this, Chen Yongjie would dare to chop off his claws with his **** sword immediately, but this is the demon ancestor, so forget it.

Finally, the battleship landed at the spaceship base outside Ancheng, and several bosses got up and prepared to disperse.

The red-clothed banshee stretched her soft waist lazily. Before getting up, she approached Wang Xuan again and whispered, "The moon will be full soon. Don't close the door at night, wait for me."

Wang Xuan has a big head and would like to ask, what do you want to do?

"Haven't you been obsessed with it all the time, want to see me dance the fairy dance? You also extorted a photo crystal from the little white tiger. On the night of the full moon, I'll find you."

Wang Xuan sat there motionless, with a head as big as a fight, a round-faced white tiger with no sense of loyalty, betrayed him so quickly!

The red-clothed banshee walked lightly, like a red cloud leaving.

"Zhang Jiaozu, since you are in Ancheng, this is my site, and I invite you to be a guest." Wang Xuan hurriedly transmitted his voice in secret.

Lao Zhang was disdainful and responded secretly, "Want to find a free thug? Don't go!"

He left right away, making Wang Xuan secretly cry out of loyalty!

"Fairy Fang, Ancheng is my home, I'll take you to see it?" Wang Xuan invited Fang Yuzhu.

"Okay." Fang Yuzhu smiled and nodded in This made Wang Xuan overjoyed. He actually invited the number one expert in alchemy, and the famous Fairy Fang agreed to stay!

In the evening, Chen Yongjie directly escaped. He couldn't bear it a little. Who is the person Wang Jiazu is in contact with now, a peerless master, he should avoid it.

After Aoki learned of Fang Yuzhu's identity, it was like looking at Shenyue Bodhisattva, with awe. Lao Chen told him that not to mention Shenyue Bodhisattva, even an ascetic monk might not be able to beat this one.

Then, Aoki was exhausted, arranged an independent courtyard, brought all kinds of food, and he also ran away. No way, although Fang Yuzhu had a divine halo, his frowns and smiles were very soft, but it still made him very stressed.

Wang Xuan is nothing, such an unparalleled woman, dignified and elegant, doesn't she look pleasing to the eye? What a run.

Then, he was shocked. In the evening, Fang Yuzhu actually wanted to cook for himself, which made him a little unbelievable.

"What's the matter, who didn't come from the mortal world?" Fang Yuzhu was surprised, and then sighed: "In the future, the myth will completely disappear, the extraordinary will not exist, everything will return to the ordinary, and the ordinary life in the mortal world will become the norm, so let's get used to it now. , look for the feeling back then."

She was empty and clear, and the light and rain fell, but she actually cooked, looking for the old memories of the past, and relived the experience that belonged to the mortal period.

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