Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 393: The treasure is trembling

Outside the manor, the big screen glowed, and it suddenly appeared in the middle of the night in the dead of night. Although it looked very sacred, it made people palpitate and felt a sense of horror.

That is Hengjun, is he going to cross the border with the treasure in hand? The sudden arrival of this day made all parties uneasy.

Not only Zhang Daoling, the ancestor of Mingxue and others changed their faces, but all the powerful people in the big screen were also alarmed and learned about Hengjun's movements.

"Hengjun, why are you here?" Zhang Daoling asked. As the ancestor of a sect, even in the face of the inexplicable feathering banner, he has great majesty, and his face is cold and calm.

"I'm here for him." Hengjun pointed his feathered flag to Wang Xuan outside the house, by the reed lake.

He has white hair, but his face is very young, his eyes are deep, and he is wearing a fairy robe woven by yin and yang gods and fire silkworms. .

"Lao Heng, aren't you the most reluctant to get involved in other people's struggles? Why do you come here now, to help Zheng Juesi?" The ancestor of Mingxue said.

"Mingxue, you are standing in line, and you want to be enemies with me and Brother Hengjun?" Zheng Yuantian said, the dark armor gave people a mysterious and heavy feeling.

The ancestor of the Mingxue squinted at him and said, "Zheng Heixin, not long ago, you, Qi Yi, and the ancestors, the three bastards, have you forgotten about pretending to be me? Brother Hengjun and I have nothing to do, but you are not pleasing to the eye!"

Zheng Yuantian didn't say anything, and said in his heart, who gave you nine true lives? Since the Middle Ages, all parties have tried to do some shameful things, haven't they all pretended to be you? has become the norm.

The feathered flag in Hengjun's hand was about to open the curtain. The treasure was truly terrifying. It was held in the hands of such a strong man, and now no one can stop it.

"This young man killed all the people who sent me to the old land. If one is not left, I will naturally ask him to settle the matter." Heng Jun said calmly.

Wang Xuan said in a deep voice: "I fought them for the sake of self-protection. These people not only want to kill me, but also kill my parents and friends around me, and show no mercy. Could it be that I can only watch them helplessly. Do it, can't you resist?"

Now, he has nothing to fear. The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken. As long as he is willing to regenerate the furnace, with the four peerless masters around him, he should be able to kill the opponent!

Hengjun ignored him, but talked to Zhang Daoling and Mingxue. Obviously, he was self-reliant and didn't plan to say anything more to Wang Xuan, not on the same level.

"Back then, I owed Lao Zheng a favor, and I just paid it back today to stand up to everyone's edge for him."

Don't even think about it, in the end, it was Zheng Yuantian who asked him to move him. Otherwise, for the sake of his followers, he wouldn't need to move the crowd now.

In the future, he will have time, and when he crosses the border, he can silently obliterate Wang Xuan, but Zheng Peishi couldn't wait, so he found him privately and asked him to help.

Zhang Daoling opened his mouth: "Fellow Daoist, it's not good for you to be like this. If your disciples are harmed by others for no reason, it is understandable if you have the wrath of thunder. But they were killed if they failed to kill, but you came out with the treasure like this, shaking the two worlds. , is it too much? If you let your other disciples take action, I have nothing to say."

Obviously, this kind of rhetoric is that Lao Zhang is negotiating with him, so that he should not act rashly. People at this level don't want to directly tear their faces.

Hengjun shook his head and said, "I can not take action against him, but I also don't want you to face off against fellow Daoist Zheng. This is Zheng Peishi's private matter."

Zhang Daoling smiled and said, "You asked Zheng Yuantian to deal with him privately? Some bully people. What age is Lao Zheng? Much older than those old objects in the museum. Fighting and killing with a young man, Some things just don't make sense."

"That's the truth." The ancestor of the underworld blood nodded.

"This world is so cruel. He messed with the big cause and effect, and killed me as an incarnation. He couldn't expose it like this, right?" Zheng Yuantian said.

In the spiritual world, he was beheaded by Fang Yuzhu to remove part of his primordial spirit, resulting in serious damage to his Taoism. He was then killed by Wang Xuan, a descendant, and it spread all over the world.

In the past two days, Zheng Yuantian's heart was blocked. As a peerless master, he was incarnated by a young man in his early twenties. It was too embarrassing for him.

He made up his mind to get Wang Xuan's body, practice the magic womb, and learn all the advantages of people with special interiors. In this era, he must not only be invincible in the world, but also step out of a new myth!

He saw the ending of the super civilization that refined the Imperial Dao Banner, and traced it back to the picture of "Whale Falling", and the so-called "Whale" was probably someone like Wang Xuan.

That civilization itself is regretting it. If it is not short-sighted and let the whale grow, it may find a way out!

Of course, this Wang Xuan has no chance, the myth is exhausted, and it is about to end, he has only set foot in the supernatural not long ago, and his cultivation is too shallow to support such a pattern!

From Zheng Yuantian's point of view, as a peerless powerhouse, he can only open up new myths when he integrates with each other!

"Zheng Yuantian, do you want to fight me? Come on, you will reincarnate again, and I will accompany me to the end!" Wang Xuan said, after the tenth stage was completed, he had a certain amount of confidence.

"Boy, don't float, you're almost in trouble!" Zhang Daoling said secretly.

Aoki lived in the manor and was woken up. He immediately contacted Lao Chen who was in Pingcheng. The two masters and apprentices mobilized resources as soon as possible. There was a battleship rising in the distance. If the situation was not right, there would be nothing to say. !

Whether they can fight or not, their attitude must show that Chen Yongjie and Aoki are prepared for the worst.

Hengjun is very strong, the feathered flag in his hand points forward, the chaotic light collapses, and there is a gap on the big screen, this is really cut!

He didn't want to come out by himself, but looked at Zheng Yuantian and said, "Fellow Daoist, you can do whatever you want. I will fulfill my promise and help you stop them."

He didn't look at Wang Xuan, and he didn't see him. Only Zhang Daoling, the ancestor of the Mingxue, and the two women in the room were looked at by him.

"Too deceiving!" Wang Xuan said coldly, he wouldn't lower his head.

He has a certain amount of strength, he has more treasures in his hands, and he has joined forces with several top powerhouses. If he is forced to this step, he will die!

It's not a big deal, he's going to give it up, the other party won't give him a way to survive, that kind of attitude, looking down at everything, makes him want to resist to the end, want to overthrow directly, there are treasures that are great, so does the king's ancestors !

At this moment, Wang Xuan's spirit fluctuated violently, some of the light of his primordial spirit sank into the life soil, he touched the health care furnace, and lightly flicked his fingers on the furnace body.

"Laolu, you've been with me for so long. Today, maybe it's time for you to see the light of day again. If the crisis is irresistible, you can go out with me!" His emotions fluctuated violently!

The supreme divine artifact, the health stove, was not refined by one person, but the brainchild of a civilization. It was a real treasure, and once it was revived, it would be huge and boundless.

Now, it is naturally not fully activated, but it has a little spiritual brilliance.

A slit was cut in the curtain, and Hengjun held the flag still.

Zheng Yuantian's eyes were deep, and he couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to take down Wang Xuan's body, replace it with himself, and become that special person!

"Huh!?" Heng Jun suddenly took two steps back. He frowned, his heart palpitated slightly, and there was a trace of unease.

Especially, he just felt that the feathered flag trembled a little, what is the situation? !

However, although he can use the feathered flag now, no matter how much he communicates, he never gets a response.

He raised his head and saw the two women approaching. Naturally, they knew each other. The two women were so famous that they once ended the ancient myths with their own hands!

Two women, one in white, flawless and ethereal, and the other in bright red, as charming as a demon flower, came together. Different charms are all outstanding, no matter where they go, the two are destined to become the center of splendor and attract everyone's attention.

"Hengjun, do you want to help Zheng Yuantian?" Fang Yuzhu opened her mouth with a calm expression. Even in the face of the peerless person holding the treasure, she remained calm.

Hengjun frowned. Facing this woman, he was a little apprehensive. The other party even killed the Demon Emperor back then, so that he, the one who witnessed it, has never forgotten it.

Especially, now that the four masters are standing together, the real body in the big screen should be staring at him, it is impossible without a little pressure.

Heng Jun said: "Fairy Fang, demon master, why do you do it, it is a great shame to kill fellow Daoist Zheng as a clone. If a peerless expert can't even avenge this kind of revenge and is blocked by you fellows, it is really true. A little embarrassed."

Speaking of this, he turned his attention to Wang Xuan for the first time and said, "It's up to you to lead the matter, I think you can stand up and end it yourself. Do you want to cause a great melee among peerless powerhouses because of you? You If you dare to provoke fellow Daoist Zheng, you must have the courage to face him!"

"Zheng Yuantian, am I afraid of him? You let him out!" Wang Xuan said simply.

He further added, "This is a grievance between me and him, and everyone can witness that I will fight him alone, without the hands of others!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at him.

Fang Yuzhu shook his head slightly at him, wanting to tell him that Zheng Yuantian was not that simple, and at this stage, even if he faced Zheng Peishi in a suppressed world, it was still not enough.

Is Wang Xuan afraid? Don't be afraid, if it is unavoidable, he is going to use the furnace cover to smash Zheng Peishi to death!

What does the treasure keep it for? Isn't it just for use? On the brink of desperation, if there is no choice, it should be born!

"I have a **** fight with him, are you sure you won't interfere with the treasure?" Wang Xuan looked at Hengjun.

Of course, if the other party intervenes, it's no big deal. He has already made up his mind. Once the treasure is exposed, he will hand over the furnace to Fang Yuzhu and let her ram Hengjun to death.

"Are you worthy of my intervention?" Hengjun said This time, if you really want to be cornered, Wang Xuan thinks, just get a big one and kill them all. As for the **** storm in the future, the battle for the treasure, etc., there will be a solution at that time.

Moreover, this time, maybe you can earn a feathered flag, whether it's Lao Zhang, the demon master, or the blood of the underworld, even if you have a wicked heart and miss the treasure, it doesn't matter, send them the feathered flag.

At this time, Aoki in the manor, watching Lao Chen here through the detector, was madly wiping cold sweat, even Mingxue and Lao Zhang were also moved.

In the big screen, Lie Xian was also shocked. This young man has gone out of his way. He wants to dye the big screen with his blood and let Fang Yuzhu and others avenge him for his death?

However, Zheng Zhuo frowned, Zheng Jueshi was very sensitive, and his heart was turbulent, and he felt a little heavy.

As for Hengjun, he sensed it more clearly. He always felt that something was wrong today. The feathered flag he held in his hand vibrated again just now, which made him feel a sudden burst of palpitations and intense anxiety!

"To fight or not to fight?" Wang Xuan urged. He felt that it was no big deal. The worst thing was to kill the curtain and stain the old soil with blood. If he wanted him to pay the price, the enemy should not think about it better!

Thanks: North Atlantic, Fang Yuzhu who wears black silk, Chen Dong's own son, this black silk... I understand, the name of the leader behind makes me scratch my head a bit, thank you for the support of the three leaders!

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