Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 406: Ancient spaceship from deep space

"Thank goodness, you finally woke up. After more than ten days, your soul disappeared. If it wasn't for the body still warm, I would have issued an obituary." Chen Yongjie let out a long sigh and said inauspicious words there.

Wang Xuan really wanted to teach him not to be so sad.

Chen Yongjie's board inch bright, this is the embodiment of the Taoism and diligence, his eyes are bright, and he asks: "This time you did not self-immolate, and there was no violent shock, no movement, quite peaceful, did the retreat go smoothly?"

"It's alright, this time I'm too imaginary, I've gone far away, and I've had a big dream." Wang Xuan sighed with emotion.

He killed Zheng Yuantian, and even he himself felt unreal. If he wanted to come to the immortal world to fry the pot, such a big event could not be boiled without thinking.

However, now is not the time to pay attention to the immortal world. He is very worried about his parents and quickly asks what happened to the old land and whether there is any change. .

"Zheng Yuantian's disciples were mad and couldn't find you, so they went to Pingcheng to target your parents, completely unruly!" Chen Yongjie said solemnly.

Now, they are in Mocheng, next to the sea. Wang Xuan went to retreat here, just to avoid Zheng Yuantian's family, but they attacked his family.

Chen Yongjie quickly informed: "Relax, your parents are all right, those people are just courting death, they disappeared on the spot, and there is nothing left."

"Did Sister Fang act?" Wang Xuan asked. He knew that Fang Yuzhu went to Ancheng to recharge himself in the largest library there. .

"Yes, when Xianguang turned around, those people disappeared. Among them were Zheng Yuantian's direct disciples, who were outrageously powerful. If other people were there, they couldn't stop them. However, in front of Fairy Fang, they were like It's rotten paper, just tear it off, and the world will be at peace."

Chen Yongjie sighed and admired it immensely. He also yearned for that kind of realm. However, in this era, he probably won't have a chance.

Wang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, the other party Yuzhu was very grateful, and then asked: "My parents were not frightened? Well, they have big hearts. Even if they are frightened, they will be fine after a sleep."

"It's more than nothing. At that time, how should I put it, the two of them didn't panic at all, and the psychological pressure was quite amazing." Speaking of which, Chen Yongjie showed a strange expression and said: "The two of them are very happy to see Fang Yuzhu, and the expression is just like that. like..."

Lao Chen couldn't go any further. According to the report he got, Wang Xuan's parents were very enthusiastic, and they didn't see anything at all. They looked at Fang Yuzhu's eyes with enthusiasm and eagerness.

Wang Xuan stroked his temple with one hand. It was really embarrassing. He didn't need to think about it. His parents must have misunderstood him. Wouldn't they think Fang Yuzhu was an extraordinary person in modern times?

That's a peerless world that has been cultivating for three thousand years!

Wang Xuan can imagine that his parents are full of joy. Because they don't know much about Fang Yuzhu's true origin, they are completely looking at his daughter-in-law. Anyway, the myth will be exhausted, and the extraordinary will be reduced to ordinary people. They hope that Wang Xuan will marry an extraordinary person. Fairy.

Chen Yongjie's eyes were strange, and he was too embarrassed to say it. The Queen Mother actually took Fang Yuzhu's hand and put the bracelet on her wrist on the other side.

"Sister Fang, she didn't leave with her sleeves, right?" Wang Xuan felt his face get hot and blushed for his parents. How could he do this?

Lao Chen smiled suddenly and said, "Fairy Fang has a good temper. Although she is held hands, she always smiles, and she also found a quiet room and chatted with your parents for a long time."

Talk to his parents, can they have a common language?

Wang Xuan covered his temples with both hands and rubbed his face again. He was really embarrassed. How can he meet Fang Yuzhu next time?

It is undeniable that he has a good impression of Yuzhu, but at present it is only pure appreciation, and it has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women. Just like normal human beings always like beautiful things, pure and natural, not so complicated.

And, who is the other party? Super peerless, he may be the number one powerhouse in the world, and his mind is clear and pure, how can he fall into the world so easily.

More than one of Zheng Yuantian's disciples appeared in the old land. They were crazy. After the defeat of Pingcheng, they wanted to do something, and then they were bombarded by the battleship.

At a critical moment, Zheng Yuantian became ruthless, grabbed a battleship across the curtain, and detained him in the curtain.

"This kind of person should be punished, but what, Lao Zheng's strength is too strong, we can't help him." Chen Yongjie shook his head.

Wang Xuan was silent. After all, he was dead. Even if he killed Zheng Yuantian, it would not change the fate of those people.

"I'll raise another rank, and then knock them down a level. In this world, I shouldn't be afraid of them blocking me!" Wang Xuan pondered in his heart.

Then, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the deep starry sky, wanting to enter the depths of the universe.

He killed Zheng Yuantian and solved the biggest disaster at the moment. It was time to think about saving people. He wanted to bring Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin back from the secret place.

He has never traveled far, mainly because he has been unable to protect himself recently, and has been coveted by peerless powerhouses. In addition, he already knew that Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin should not be in any danger, and learned some things through Fang Yuzhu.

At the beginning, Fang Yuzhu also left a mental fragment there, with the white peacock at the level of the earth immortal, and has not returned, and I don't know what he is waiting for.

Fang Yuzhu had been in contact with the spiritual fragments over there across the big screen. He thought that the old fox was extremely difficult. It was hostile to Lie Xian, and its strength was not weaker than that of the white peacock.

However, it did teach Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin to practice, and they didn't harm them, they just kept them from coming back, and it still made Wang Xuan uneasy.

Moreover, Fang Yuzhu suspects that the old man and the old fox have other roots. He is not the so-called old servant of Lixiandong Mansion, but may be a strong man who escaped from the big screen ahead of time.

"Earth Immortal, has a physical body, escaped for a long time, and has been living in this world. I don't know if his realm has been shaken down." Wang Xuan looked solemn.

He didn't dare to think that the old fox was too good. If he didn't let people go, it would explain the problem. He also didn't dare to look at the situation too optimistically, for fear that it would have a great background.

Now that he recalled his experience in Midi, he felt more and more that the old fox was suspicious and had many abnormalities. The old fox once asked the monks from the three extraordinary planets of Yuhua, Euler, and Heluo if there were Earth Immortals there, and if there was a health care master, and he was evaluating something at that time.

"Master Ma, how are you now? Can you ride a horse on a flying swallow or a demon? And you, a sycophant, won't completely switch to the old fox's sect, right?"

"Little Fox Immortal, if your grandfather and I are enemies, it will really hurt my feelings."

Wang Xuan thinks that he has recently broken through the tenth-stage limit and entered the astonishing eleventh-stage field, and he may be able to set off.

He found that he had a lot of things to do recently. After fighting Lao Zheng, he had to guard against Hengjun. Moreover, he had to go to the secret place to pick up people. In addition, there are Sword Fairies who will break into the peerless realm at any time, and you should be careful and lead them out, because the big screen is too chaotic, and various "underworld blood" are fighting in melee.

"Has anything happened in these ten days?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Indeed, there was an ancient spaceship in outer space yesterday. The style is outdated, out of tune with this era, and very unusual..." Old Chen looked extremely serious.

The ancient spaceship floated aimlessly from deep space. It was stained with blood, making people shudder when they got close to it. The blood didn't seem to be dry yet.

"Are there any creatures in it? Are we going to communicate and get close?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Ordinary people can't get close. Originally, I wanted to go, but I couldn't walk away because of you." Lao Chen said.

At present, the creatures from the big screen don't know, until this afternoon, he told Fang Yuzhu that she had set off, because it was very strange and needed a strong person to investigate.

"That blood is most likely the blood of an extremely powerful superhuman, because ordinary researchers can't get close at all, and their minds feel like they are about to be split."

Old Chen looked solemn. There should be no one driving the ancient spaceship. It was extremely silent. The power system had been shut down long ago, and it appeared inexplicably and floated in outer space.

It was night now, and he hadn't waited for the news from Fairy Fang.

"Have you told Lao Zhang and the Patriarch of Mingxue?" Wang Xuan asked.

Chen Yongjie shook his head. He felt that Fang Yuzhu was approachable and best to talk, so he was the first to tell her. He was somewhat in awe of the other two.

"Sister Fang should be fine, but after so long, why is there no news?" Wang Xuan frowned.

"The space probe observed that she opened the hatch and went in successfully, but she never came out." Chen Yongjie was also a little lost, and said: "Otherwise, tell Zhang Jiazu and Mingxue Jiazu immediately, I think they will Interested, the ancient spacecraft is stained with blood, and the cabin is sunken, which is absolutely unusual."

Wang Xuan agreed. He was indeed a little worried. The universe is too big, and no one dared to guarantee the invincibility in the world.

"Ancient spaceship, dyed with the blood of super extraordinary creatures? That kind of thing is usually not simple, I'll go and see." After Zhang Daoling heard about it, he asked Chen Yongjie to send him a spaceship to space.

As for the ancestor of Mingxue, he was still immersed in the big events in the big screen and couldn't extricate himself. Zheng Yuantian was killed, which caused him to eat melons and inquire about the latest news.

"Haha, Hengjun mixed hair, how dare you intimidate me, let's do it now, my house has been stolen, and the first immortal tea tree has changed hands, hehe, it's ridiculous!"

Finally, he also answered the phone Later, he boarded a small spaceship and went to the outer space of the old land.

After waiting for a long time, the two of them never returned, and there was no news!

Wang Xuan and Chen Yongjie were both startled. What was the situation? The three peerless masters ascended to the sky and entered the ancient spaceship, but there was no movement after that? Disturbing!

"Where's the demon master, hurry up and ask her for help." Old Chen was big and had a hunch that things were far from being as simple as he imagined.

Wang Xuan shook his head, not to mention whether he could find the demon master, even if he knew where she was, he couldn't rashly send people to the ancient spaceship.

Now, he has entered the three major masters. If he falls into the middle, even if the demon master goes up again, it is estimated that the problem will not be solved, and he may enter himself.

In the real world, is there anyone in this world who can threaten Fang Yuzhu?

Wang Xuan was silent, waiting for the news, the deep space of the universe is too deep and vast, with too many secrets, no one can tell what will appear.

In the second half of the night, Chen Yongjie's phone rang abruptly. It was very quiet in the dead of night, and it was very harsh. He connected at the first time, hoping that there was news from the ancient spacecraft in outer space.

"How is it possible that all the people who entered the ancient spaceship are dead?!" Chen Yongjie was shocked and lost his voice immediately, he couldn't believe his ears.

Thanks: dydydyd, thank the leader for your support for many times!

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