Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 421: Treasure over the world

"It's just a living dead. He's been abandoned in the world for many years, barely able to survive, and he can't be praised by you." Someone in the depths of the giant palace responded slowly.

The man in black robe walked forward, and along the way there were rotting remains, all of which were the corpses of true immortals.

Originally, these people have become immortals, so what's the use of staying here, because of that ethereal legend, they ended up in such a disgraceful end.

The man in black robe shook his head, looked into the depths of the giant palace, and said, "Why do fellow Daoists have to be humble, dare to stay in the world and not leave, coexist with the body, how many people in ancient times have such a great spirit?"

Then, he simply took out a token, shone it in the void, and said, "I'm here, I ask fellow Daoists to return the favors from the past."

From the depths of the magnificent giant palace, a cold and faint voice came, saying: "What a big battle, more than one or two peerless masters will appear tonight, why?"

"I was also called by an old friend to help him get a special body. And this world is far from simple as you think. By the way, we may kill a pair of supreme Taoist companions, maybe this is the old friend. LLL."


In the rain curtain, the furry hand was so huge that it descended from the depths of the dark clouds, making the entire Ancheng feel a sense of suffocation!

No matter how outrageous the superhumans were in the past, nothing like this happened. This is a big city with a population of one million, close to ten million.

In this extraordinary last year, there are unpredictable creatures that want to cover an entire city below?

"My heart hurts, what's the situation? I have no disease or disaster. I used to be close to the level of Earth Immortal. How can I be so empty now?" Huang Ming said.

"I... chest tightness!" Fairy Gu Mingxi, who was well-known in the big screen, also felt heart palpitations and felt very uncomfortable.

Perhaps, only Zhou Qinghuang dared to make a cold joke with her before the catastrophe at this time, and said, "Broad-minded and too tight."

Gu Mingxi hit her, but she stumbled.

Mo Si Teng stood up and walked out of the window from the third floor. When he saw the big furry hand in the dark night sky, his scalp was numb.

"End times... let's go!" he shouted.

What he paid most attention to was the Demon Sovereign's "Sojourner", but when he looked back, he found that Wang Xuan was quicker, already standing on a high-rise building, staring at the night sky in the heavy rain.

Is this a violation of the transcendent new covenant? Wang Xuan was convinced that creatures at this level were already considered the top powerhouses in the Immortal Realm, and this should be the moment when the curtain was broken, and the part of their legal body came out.

Otherwise, in the real world, there is no such supreme creature, and there are no rules to support it!

"I...!" Cao Qingyu's face changed horribly. He wanted to scold his mother and drink tea, but the sky was about to collapse. He felt that his whole body would be smashed into blood and mud, and the city would end.

He could already imagine how tragically that end-of-the-world scene would end, and the big furry hand would bury the entire city of Ancheng!

"Escape!" Zhou Qinghuang went back and forth after playing and playing, but ruthlessly, after rushing out of the tea room, she suddenly screamed, pulled Gu Mingxi, and rushed into the rain curtain with a swish.

"It's too late to get out of the city, rush to the ground!" Gu Mingxi shouted, she couldn't take it anymore, the rain wet her clothes, her hair was sticking together, and her face was full of horror.

"Is it my father who is here, with such a big hairy paw, in a posture that he does not recognize his six relatives, is he going to kill me too?!"

At a critical moment, Qi Liandao, a schizophrenic patient, his words made a group of terrified superhumans, in despair, could not help but twitch their faces.

Many people wanted to laugh, but in the end they showed an expression uglier than crying.

"My father is the demon ancestor—Qi Yi, who are you, do you want to slaughter the city, do you want to wipe out everyone indiscriminately?" Qi Liandao roared, he thought it was too late, whether it was rushing out of the city or hiding underground, it was all die.

In the fairy world, when such a big hand falls, it will disappear in a radius of tens of thousands of miles. People and cities will not collapse, but will disappear directly.

"Aren't you going?" Mo Si looked back at Wang Xuan on the high-rise building.

"Reality has begun to correct mistakes!" Wang Xuan opened his mouth, holding the God Slaying Banner and staring at Gao Tian, ​​he had a feeling that it was coming for him.

Moreover, he can't escape now, he is locked!

However, no matter what, he couldn't tolerate someone coldly slaughtering a big city in order to capture him!

However, the big furry hand that protruded from the dark cloud was already shrinking rapidly when it reached the sky above the city.

Earlier, the big curtain was split, and the other party protruded from the fairy world, bringing out endless super-materials, and the rules radiated from the fairy world plane, which was equivalent to the extraordinary expansion and entering the world, so it was possible to have that kind of scene.

However, the real world is really terrifying, just for a moment, it begins to correct!

The supermatter seems to be swallowed up by the black hole of the old earth, and the rules are instantly disintegrated, so when the big hand really arrives, it blurs and shrinks.

"You, after all, are afraid of breaking the contract. Although the tentative new covenant is crude, it still has some shocking power to you!" Wang Xuan said.

Do you really want to slaughter a city? Unless this guy is crazy!

At the end of the extraordinary years, the old covenant has become more and more loose. Now that the strong pays the price, the damage to the outside world is really amazing.

However, it is also possible that someone or even a treasure opened the space!

"Who is it?!" Above the sky, between the thunderbolts, someone made a majestic voice, separated by such a distance, and thunderbolts blooming from time to time, vaguely heard, a bit like Hengjun's voice.

With a thud, under the night sky, among the rolling dark clouds, dazzling rays of light bloomed, and there were endless super-material explosions, like the rising and falling of a sea of ​​stars, briefly illuminating the night, and the rain poured down.

Is anyone fighting on the cloud?


In a trance, it can be seen that there is a big screen shaking on the dark cloud, and it is blurring. There is a fierce attack by people, causing all kinds of accidents.

Then, the expressions of some of the extraordinary people in Ancheng changed. It was probably Hengjun. His last voice was agitated and seemed very cold.

"This time, I cut the curtain and want to intervene in the world, but someone still wants to stop it?!"

People were convinced that it was him who was helping people to cross the border. This was changing the direction to help the owner of the big furry hand to bury Ancheng?

Who is stopping him?

"The big universe corrects mistakes, do you think you are strong? Even if the treasure forcibly helps people open the curtain, it will be counted on your own head in the end. After the supernatural is extinguished, you will die miserably!" In the thunderstorm, someone spoke calmly. , but there is no figure, no one can be seen.

The torrential rain became smaller during the conversation, and a hazy big screen appeared among the dark clouds. It really was Hengjun, and beside him there was a man in a golden robe, his whole body was covered and he didn't show his face.

Heng Jun was silent for a while, and then said, "I also owe this fellow Taoist a favor, and I will make it up today!"

When he heard such words, in Ancheng, Wang Xuan wanted to shout: It's you Hengjun again, how much do you owe, last time helping Zheng Yuantian, who are you helping now? !

In fact, many extraordinary people also have this feeling. Hengjun owes the favor of several peerless powerhouses, and the golden-robed man is not simple at first glance.

"What you owe will eventually be repaid. You are paying your debt with your future life, and the world remembers you!" In the rainy night, someone spoke coldly.

"It's alarmist, I have the feathered flag in hand, and I can survive the extraordinary winter! No matter what, I have to help this fellow Taoist tonight, who can stop me?" Heng Jun said coldly.

He was the first to get the treasure, which was considered to be Youmo's great luck. Tonight, the mysterious man faced him with an educational tone, which made him very uncomfortable.


In the sky and the earth, the lightning flashed across and illuminated Ancheng. The big furry hand was still there, speeding up its dive, becoming much smaller, and grabbing it towards Ancheng!

"Is it coming for me?" Wang Xuan was ruthless. If he really wanted to go out, there would be no point. Today is such a big deal that Zhibao is desperate.

Even if Hengjun can't do anything about it, he will smash his feathered flag into the air and leave it to others to **** it. The fish will die and the net will be broken.

"Haha..." On the dark cloud, in the big screen, the mysterious golden-robed man standing side by side with Hengjun sneered.

Under such circumstances, who would dare to stop the peerless powerhouse standing high in front of the cloud curtain, once Hengjun really went out and attacked with feathered flags, no matter how powerful he was, he would not be able to resist.

Sure enough, when the big furry hand grabbed it, Hengjun opened the curtain and used the feathered flag to push against the dark clouds below, threatening the mysterious powerhouse in the rain!

Ancheng was submerged by the rain, and there was a dull power expanding in the darkness, which made people tremble, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

Wang Xuan took a deep breath, the flag of the God of Slayer trembled in his hand, and the red substance did not emit it. He had to fight against the big hand. As for the furnace cover, he was ready.

"Who will stop me?" Heng Jun said indifferently.


Between heaven and earth, the dark night sky was torn apart, and a dazzling sword light swept across Ancheng, illuminating the whole world. Pfft, that big furry hand was cut off, and it fell down with blood.

At this moment, all the supernatural beings in Ancheng are full of energy. Where did this fierce person come from? How dare you ignore Hengjun's attitude and chop off the giant furry hand sticking out from the screen?

"I chopped off your paw!" The mysterious man responded calmly.

Lightning shone, the sword light disappeared, and you could see that there was a vague shadow standing in the night sky, fluttering, very unreal, like it was stuck on the rain screen.

"I didn't want to start killing people, I didn't want to kill a superpower like you, but since you are determined to offend me and take the initiative to accept the cause and effect, then I have no choice!"

This time, Hengjun was very tough, ready to kill the peerless master Liwei, there was no room for compromise, the feathered flag in his hand poked down when he spoke, trying to obliterate the shadow.

This is the first time for him to be so fierce and incomparable, to intervene in the world and kill a peerless figure in the sky above the old Tuan City!

People's scalps exploded. It's been a long time since they witnessed such a big scene with their own eyes. Using the treasure to kill the supreme powerhouse made many people tremble.

"Come here!" Wang Xuan roared, at this moment, he was going out of his way, how could he just watch, such a powerful man died for Block Hengjun.

Moreover, it was looming, and he noticed that the shadow in this rain curtain was the man of the pair of men and women who had helped out last night.

Wang Xuan would rather expose the treasure and lend it to this person to fight against or even kill Hengjun!

Thanks: Three Lives Fate Hunter, Peeping Meow, Book Friend 20191103204916596, Deep Space Come on, thank you for your support!

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