Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 431: self-certified

"It's great to be young!" Chen Yongjie sighed sincerely, and then said, "Can you handle it?"

Wang Xuan originally wanted to deal with him, but now, he couldn't help it, what was this "old man" with short hair thinking?

Chen Yongjie kindly reminded him not to play with fire, and said, "Young is good, but it's almost enough."

Wang Xuan's palm glowed and pressed down. Although he really wanted to beat him, he couldn't do it.

"Yibao, a peerless divine garment? I said, why is there a sense of familiarity? Isn't this the clothes of Fairy Fang and the demon master, what are you doing?!" Chen Yongjie's eyes widened.

"I just left the customs and haven't traveled far yet, what are you thinking? Let me see you first, it's true or false." Wang Xuan felt that he had been tossed so badly, and he was suspicious when he came back.

Soon, he was convinced that he came to this world and was no longer in the misty land, but, holding the corners of the two pieces of burnt dress in his hand, he became fascinated again.

This time... he really brought something out, the real thing in front of him made him have all kinds of thoughts. The more he thought about it, the more complicated it became, his head was as big as a bucket. .

After a while, he raised his head and found that Chen Yongjie was staring at him, his eyes were strange, and he glanced at the corner of the skirt in his hand.

"I'm a little confused right now, and I want to be quiet." Wang Xuan said, he had to think about this matter seriously. Are there really other people in the meteorite passage?

"I also want to be quiet." Chen Yongjie ran and sat on the other side. This quiet room was big enough.

"Is there any surveillance? Take a look at the state of my retreat." Wang Xuan asked, not expecting Old Chen to recall, he actually fell asleep!

Chen Yongjie was embarrassed. He had never been so unprofessional before. When he was protecting the Dharma, he became a drowsy person. He simply responded: "Yes!"

The two quickly retrieved the monitoring, and it seemed that they had been corroded by super-materials, and the precise device was actually broken. After the two called Aoki, they asked him to try to restore it, and finally found that some of the images recorded earlier were still there.

"Hi!" Chen Yongjie showed a startled expression, is there really something going on here?

In the surveillance screen, it didn't take long before Wang Xuan's body was exposed, and ripples expanded in circles, shrouding him in a hazy state.

Afterwards, Chen Yongjie's eyelids drooped down quickly, and he fell asleep as if he was hypnotized.

The most bizarre thing is that Wang Xuan in the halo was blurred, and then it seemed to disappear, and his body could hardly be seen.

And in the process, Chen Yongjie in the quiet room was no longer real, and in the end it became more and more illusory, and he looked like he was going to disappear.

Until the end, the monitoring equipment should have been broken. At the last moment before the black screen, the two of them almost... completely disappeared.

Is this the hell? Chen Yongjie couldn't believe it. The playback over and over again was really evil. At the last moment, he disappeared from the picture.

"I said, Xiao Wang, Lord Wang, and Patriarch Wang, what did you do? I was just protecting the law for you, and I was almost wiped out?" Old Chen felt a sense of horror.

In that picture, he turned from reality to nothingness, watching helplessly as he blurred a little bit, as if being swallowed up by the endless void.

Just by looking at the surveillance, he could feel a great crisis, the hair stood on end, what kind of terrifying situation was this?

"People are sitting in the quiet room, no more!" Aoki also interjected, and he also thought it was outrageous. At first, he wanted to laugh, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt horrible.

Wang Xuan's face was not very good-looking, his brows were deeply furrowed, he just closed his door, and he shivered when he wiped out himself and the people around him.

He reflected, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary this time, why is this happening?

"The meteorite passage is more terrifying than I thought. Could it be that the magic flower has been seriously underestimated by me?" He glanced at Lao Chen and Aoki, who were alive and seemed to have nothing to do with falsehood.

However, he still took out the furnace cover and said to himself, "This retreat is like... I'm almost tossing me into a mental illness. My so-called return to the world, isn't it still in an illusion?"

Then, he released the blood of the flesh and the blood of the primordial spirit, in order to fully integrate with the lid, regardless of each other, he is now forced to doubt the real world.

The master and apprentice did not laugh at him, but looked extremely solemn. What was the experience that forced a confident young man to such a level?

"It's true, it's not fiction, I'm back. But what's wrong with this world, why do I feel frightened and a little clueless." Wang Xuan muttered to himself, stood up, walked outside, looked at the deep night sky, He stared at the heavy mountain shadows in the distance.

He always had a feeling that things didn't seem to be over yet. Although he returned to reality, and Chen Yongjie was fine, he reappeared.

However, in the deepest part of my heart, there seems to be a voice reminding, reverberating, everything has just begun, and it has not ended yet!

"I think the world seems to be a little different." In the night wind, the fragrance of the flower garden came, which made Wang Xuan relax a little, and turned to look at the city lights in the distance.

His heart was heavy. In the past, the worst thing to do was to fail to the edge. This time, there are still all kinds of problems. If he is not careful, he will lose himself and the people around him.

He looked down at the pool beside the flowerbed. There was a moon in it, and even his reflection. It was very real. Suddenly, there was a clatter, the fountain surging, the water splashed all over the place, and fell into the pool, impacting both his reflection and the moon gone.

At this moment, Wang Xuan gasped and his pupils contracted. Triggered by this scene, his heart skipped a beat, and some associations occurred in an instant, which made him uneasy.

"Like this fountain and reflection? I'm going to the misty land, and I'm getting closer to reality. Shouldn't there really be two worlds? They're at both ends of the meteorite passage."

Following this line of thought, he came up with various ideas.

"The passage is like a borderline, and I, like an observer, found there, and watching there, the present world and the other end of the passage corresponded to each other, like reality and reflection. Suddenly, an external force disturbed the tranquility and broke the balance, So the reflection was gone by then."

When Wang Xuan finished talking to himself, not to mention himself, even Chen Yongjie felt a little uneasy in a daze. He seemed to understand something, but not completely.

"According to this theory, the world is really fake? Is it the moon in the water, the reflection in the pond?!" Wang Xuan did not accept this kind of speculation.

He felt that it was outrageous, and he falsified himself and became a false one. Isn't this a sin? This conclusion is too untrue.

"If I'm a shadow, how can I think?" He whispered, feeling a little relieved.

"Powerful creatures, with their mythical radiation and their projections, seem to be able to think." Chen Yongjie didn't know the specific event he was thinking about, but he gave him a sentence like this.

Wang Xuan's body froze immediately, and sighed, "You are making up for me!"

He looked ugly, looking at the night sky and the brightly lit night scene of thousands of homes, how did he end up doubting himself, questioning his life, and feeling that the whole world was unreal?

"I draw a circle for myself, and then prove something in the circle. This itself creates artificial limitations. I should get out of it and expand my horizons to observe."

Wang Xuan believes that there is a big problem with the magic flower factor. In addition, Fang Yuzhu, Zhang Daoling, Yanyan and others are not by his side, but the light of the primordial spirit is actually presented, which is slightly different from the speculation of "inside the circle" just now.

"Is it because the last illusion was frozen by the magic flower, has it been recorded? And in this reflection incident, the false figures of those people were used by some mysterious power? However, this time the inexplicable No matter how strong the force is, it can attract some of the light of the primordial spirit." Wang Xuan's head was as big as a bucket.

If that kind of power comes from the magic flower, then the energy of the magic flower is far beyond his imagination, but it is understandable, it is between the real place and the nothingness, and it is not affected by the shock of such a terrifying red substance for so many years. , but also more and more bright and sacred, which itself explains the problem.

It should be noted that even the light of the primordial spirit of the peerless master cannot withstand the violent impact of those red substances in the passage.

"I think there are other factors. It's not that I haven't been there before, but I haven't encountered such a thing. What are the variables this time?"

Wang Xuan thought of various possibilities, and his expression was uncertain. If there is a so-called true source, then the world is false, and it is possible that it exists as a reflection? And in that real source, is there a real him?

However, the real source is spewing terrifying red energy, which can burn all immortals to death. That kind of place must be real, and there are real creatures?

"Not necessarily, maybe it's bald, but even more dead!" Wang Xuan felt that he was going to be schizophrenic. He had too many thoughts and had all kinds of ideas.

He made various assumptions and guessed the real source. In his wild thoughts, there was a possibility of pessimism. Has the real source been destroyed, otherwise, what would you do with the destruction of matter?

"For example, countless years ago, there were living beings, there were real creatures, but they all collapsed, fled, radiated shadows, and shone here."

"No, I have to take care of myself. It's not good to think too much, then there is no limit, and all kinds of possibilities are here."

However, he couldn't control himself, couldn't help thinking too much, and suddenly many thoughts appeared.

"What is false and what is true, although my mother is a mortal, but there is some truth to what I said last time, the truth is all around me, it is the real world, and it is most cherished."

In the depths of the universe, in the ancient spaceship, the demon master Yanyan looked at the tattered red dress on her body, and it was burned beyond recognition, but finally stopped the trend of continuing to burn, and began to slowly recover.

But in the end, her skirt was still missing a corner, so it was awkward.

"Although it was burnt and damaged, it looked like it was rotten, but it looks like someone grabbed it and ripped it to pieces." Zhang Daoling said.

The demon master Yanyan suddenly looked bad and said, "Xiao Zhang, are you looking for a fight? You think you are strong enough to subdue demons and exorcise demons, right? Come on and have a showdown with me!"

"The part of the light of the soul that spread out and disappeared has returned, but why, I have no memory, I don't know where it went?" The ancestor of the underworld blood said.

Fang Yuzhu frowned slightly and said: "This matter is not over yet, I always feel that there will be some factors, the light of our hearts will still be lost in the distance, turning the real into the virtual, the most terrifying thing is that our whole body will not be Will it be fully affected by this?"

"Hey, elder sister, why is your snow-white dress missing a corner?" The demon master Yanyan noticed the situation of the female alchemist.

"Don't worry about the details." Fang Yuzhu diverted her perspective and didn't want her to play, and said, "The treasure has not yet been gathered, and the sky mirror has already been broken. Why are there signs of reappearance of the catastrophe?"

The ancestor of Mingxue sighed: "In that era, it was extremely brilliant, and I wanted to worship after hearing about it. Before the extraordinary extinguished, what was explored, it seems that it is close to the truth, and I want to transform the extinguished mythical world into The truth is the truth, and the whole is reproduced to the real side, but unfortunately, it is too terrifying, and the sky mirror exploded because of this!"

"I personally have some doubts and guesses, but I have to find out some elements first..." Lao Zhang opened his mouth and rubbed his broken mirror with his hand.

"Do you have a small piece of curtain glass hidden in this broken mirror?" The demon master Yanyan glanced at him, then she lowered her head again, looking at the skirt that seemed to be torn by hand, her eyes... , although charming, but gritted his teeth and said, "Don't let me know who it is!"

In this world, UU reading Wang Xuan said to himself: "I have too many ideas, but I don't know enough about the history of mythology, and I have limited knowledge about the civilization that passed away. If Fairy Fang is by your side, you can ask them."

He looked at Chen Yongjie and said, "Can I still contact them?"

"Occasionally they can be contacted, but the time span is a problem, sometimes half a day, sometimes several days, mainly because they are flying farther and farther, even if they are on a super mother ship, it is impossible to contact them all the time. "Chen Yongjie shook his head.

However, with two clicks, he still took pictures of the corners of the two dresses, and said, "Let Aoki send it to them to explain the situation here."

Wang Xuan thought for a while, and said, "Wait a minute, don't post the skirt corners, just mention it briefly. My eyelids jump, and if I post it..."

"I have already sent it." Not far away, in the small spaceship, Aoki quickly completed the operation and said, "I don't know when they will be able to receive it."

"Old Qing!" Wang Xuan's eyelids started to jump wildly, and he wanted to ask him, what are you doing so fast?

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