Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 442: dream achiever

Wang Xuan has no unease, no fear, and has always been very calm. The wind and waves are coming, and he is still afraid that a few of them will fail.

He said directly: "I want to extend my life for the extraordinary and let the myth continue. Can you change this life and realize my vision?"

"Your requirements are too high. We want to change your own life, not to change the normal trajectory of this universe. Myths are fine occasionally, but there will be no normality in the extraordinary."

Wang Xuan was quite surprised by the silver-haired man's response. The other party seemed to have some clues and knew something.

"Tell me in detail."

"It's unnecessary. It's meaningless to talk about things that can't be done. Do you want to change your life? For example, the height of your life, the thickness of your life, and your historical status, we can all help you rewrite it." A beautiful woman speaks.

She has purple hair, as smooth as satin, and a smile on her fair face, looking very confident. .

Her tone is not trivial. Changing her life can make her life reach a new peak and make her historical status different because of this. This kind of commitment is a bit arrogant.

"What do you want to do?" Wang Xuan asked calmly, not at all overbearing, how could he need someone else to change his life for him to achieve this.

Besides, he already knew what the origins of these people were. Although the expressions were slightly different, the essence was the same!

"Naturally, it will replace your spirit and fulfill your wish." The purple-haired girl smiled, softly, but also had a compelling aura.

Until then, Aoki seemed to have sensed it, and looked left and right, but still couldn't find anything.

"Ling Ling, eat my primordial spirit, take control of my body, replace me, and complete my vision. It's a bit ridiculous, kill me first, and then fulfill my last wish, this is you Change of life?"

"There are very few people who can perceive us. You are a rare one, but you misunderstood us." The purple-haired woman shook her head.

The silver-haired man smiled and said: "We eat, no, we take away your primordial spirit and store it up, our spirit will enter your body to help you fulfill your dreams and fulfill your wishes, of course it's too outrageous. After walking through the height and thickness of your life, in the later period, when we are tired and tired, we will naturally return our body to you and let you come back. You see, with our help, your life is destined to be colorful, maybe once If you are not careful, you will become famous and will leave a strong color in history."

Wang Xuan said: "Sure enough, it's you, different evil spirits, and their expressions and appeals are not the same. I have heard that in ancient times, there was a primordial spirit that eats earth immortals and replaced it and entered the fairy world. I don't know what happened after that."

At this moment, he thought of a lot of things, and Ling Ling's performance was different, leaving a lot of confusion.

The silver-haired youth said: "That is the alien among us, the all-round fallen, and even, it may not be us at all, it is other terrifying creatures that have created the illusion for you. However, he really knows how to play, starting from the human world and becoming the master of the earth immortal. In flesh and blood, continuing his life, entering the fairy world, and dancing with more powerful mythical creatures, it is interesting to think about it. After hearing about it, I want to completely degenerate, completely replace it, and indulge in it."

Wang Xuan was a little indifferent, and was very disgusted with their behavior, saying: "You are indeed not weak, but don't you think it is too much to manipulate other people's experiences and rewrite other people's life trajectories? It is up to you to decide the fate of others. What are you, a game of red dust? Or treat it as a kind of practice, to gain some kind of experience."

Although the purple-haired girl was beautiful, her indifferent smile was very unwelcoming to Wang Xuan.

She said, "You can understand it any way you want. Who's life is not a game, an experience, why take it seriously, we can give you a lot, the real peak of life."

A few other people, or rather horrific spirits, also spoke up.

"You may not know that the historical celebrities you respect, or even the famous mythical powerhouses, may be our predecessors who took over his body, helped him realize his dream, and finally returned his identity to him. he."

"Well, I estimate that some mythological exercises were created by our predecessors. Of course, there are only a few well-known exercises, which may have been left by our ancestors. It is estimated that they are too deeply involved in the drama and do not want to return. He worked hard, left a famous article before leaving, and became the host."

Is this still possible? In history, some big figures, some famous mythical powerhouses, may be related to Lingling? At this time, even Wang Xuan was surprised, these evil spirits can really act as demons, and have they ever committed such a big event? !

Even, he was a little suspicious. Among the current supreme powers, is there a ghost to replace him, and he has never returned that identity to the host. Is there such a comprehensive degenerate?

Thinking of this, he directly asked, is there such a degenerate spirit?

The purple-haired woman said: "I don't know, maybe there are one or two, for example, the person you mentioned who ate the Earth Immortal Primordial Spirit, and then replaced him to become an immortal and enter the big screen, maybe he has been trapped in the middle, not far away. ."

"I don't need you to change your life!" Wang Xuan expressed his attitude. He has a desire to explore these uninvited guests, but now he is here to pick up people, and he doesn't want to be too entangled and distracted.

"Don't you really think about it? We are strong enough to fulfill 90% of your wishes in life." The silver-haired man said.

"How strong can you be?" Wang Xuan asked calmly, really not caring much. Under the same universe, if Lang Ling can defy the sky and still be strong, it may provide him with a new way of thinking.

"It's so strong!" The silver-haired young man said, his body emitting silver ripples, expanding towards Wang Xuan to cover him.

At this moment, the spacecraft became unstable, the screen jumped around, and various precision devices were impacted, causing strong interference.

Aoki was taken aback, feeling like hell!

"Don't destroy my spaceship!" Wang Xuan said solemnly, in the spiritual sound transmission, his body glowed, blocking the silver ripples, and preventing the spread of super energy, unable to erode the spaceship.

He is always ready to kill with all his strength, if the other party really wants to destroy the spaceship.

"Sorry, I didn't expect your spaceship to be so weak, many years behind the times, go to our spaceship." The silver-haired man invited.

A few people flashed, and the figure disappeared.

"Aoki, open the cabin door, I'll go to the opposite side as a guest." Wang Xuan said.

Aoki was stunned. When he thought of the ghostly movement just now, he immediately realized that Wang Xuan had been in contact with the person opposite him. He looked solemn, but didn't say much. According to what Wang Xuan said, he opened a safe hatch.

With a bang, the afterimage swept across the space, and Wang Xuan left, directly entering the mysterious spaceship that the other party had already opened.

After he came in, the beautiful purple-haired woman was the first to do it, surrounded by purple haze, raised her hand and grabbed it towards Wang Xuan, like a mythical exercise, and it seemed to be just a mere shape, but her spiritual power was super high. Strong, endowed her with incomparably powerful means.

Then, Wang Xuan grabbed her snow-white to block her attack, and immediately collided with her Zixia.

In the terrifying transcendent light, the two shone violently, like the collision of energy substances with different properties, boiling, and the umbrella-shaped energy light cloud rose up.

In the end, the purple-haired woman stepped back, showing an unbelievable look, and said, "It can lock my figure and suppress me."

Others were also surprised. For them, very few creatures could see them, let alone locked and injured.

Wang Xuan didn't say anything, what's this? Lao Zhang once held a bronze mirror and banged an old astronaut near Sanlangdui, who was a king.

The purple-haired woman whispered: "Yes, this big universe is returning to normal, the trajectory is corrected, the myth is dying, and even we are weakened. If this continues, we will all die here and never return home. Follow rotten together."

"What is your identity?" Wang Xuan asked.

"We are all researchers," the silver-haired man replied.

Damn researchers! Wang Xuan glanced at them. Where did these researchers come from?

"I want to know, your world, and your motives." Wang Xuan asked seriously. According to the rumors, it seems that it is difficult to communicate and have a dialogue with Lang Ling, but these people are a little abnormal today, and he wants to explore it.

Thank you: Sister Xialin, thank you for your support!

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