Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 452: Have a great offspring

The little fox fairy screamed, it would stick out the primordial spirit outside the spaceship, and it felt like a dream, this speed was much faster than driving her magic weapon.

"Am I going to become an immortal? As the ancients said, entering the Qingming, refining the body with the astral wind, nourishing the body with the essence of the nine heavens, and preparing for immortality, is actually entering the universe and collecting all kinds of strange energies. That's it."

The small battleship broke through the atmosphere, left the dense land, and passed through the spaceship base - Brown Star, but did not stop, and headed straight for the wormhole.

Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin sat in the spaceship, looking at the layout with a sense of technology everywhere, staring at the deep starry sky on the big screen, they knew that they were finally going home.

However, they still don't know the new star change, and their families have left with the fleet and sailed into the unknown depths of the universe.

"Yu Jian rushed into the sky, broke through nine days in a row, and traveled all over Yaochi and Buzhou Mountain in one day, that's all." Ma Chaofan saw everything novel and wanted to tinker with this spaceship. .

Wang Xuan quickly stopped it, he didn't want a deep space accident.

Aoki corrected and said, "Wrong, this is the imperial ship rushing into the sky, crossing the sea of ​​stars, much faster than Feijian."

"Grandmaster Aoki, thank you for coming to pick us up!" Wu Yin said with a smile.

"Don't call it that, I want to jump off the boat!" Aoki sighed, this title made him feel ashamed, now everyone in the boat is an extraordinary person, and he is still a mortal.

Even the little fox that twisted its slender waist while walking was four stages extraordinary!

Aoki was a little confused, what happened? There are extraordinary people around me, but I don’t forget the origin, and the mortal body is still there.

He clearly remembered that when Wu Yin and her uncle Wu Chenglin went to the old land to ask Chen Yongjie to go out with him to explore the secret land, now even this woman is an extraordinary person.

Aoki is melancholy, why does this make him feel bad?

Ma Chaofan came over and said, "It's not easy to think about being extraordinary. In the future, you will be my groomer. I will recruit this boat. It will be used as a stable, and I will help you..."

"Pony, get me two more packs of potato chips." Xiaohuxian sat there comfortably, eating all kinds of unhealthy food, which tasted great.

"Okay, sister!" Ma Chaofan was very diligent.

Aoki's words were already on his lips, and he wanted to ask him how he could quickly advance to the supernatural realm, but he found that the horse's status seemed to be low, and he suddenly didn't want to serve the third dan.

Wang Xuan comforted him and said, "Lao Qing, don't worry, I'll dig a foundation for you now. The more solid the foundation, the higher the house will be built in the future, it's like a spring, the tighter it is, the farther it will bounce."

The strong fragrance of milk tea wafted. Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin sat together, listening to songs and choosing movies and TV dramas, returning to modern urban life.

Taking off the ancient clothes and putting on modern clothes, the two of them have transformed into gorgeous. If they return to the city, they will naturally be a girl who will turn heads 100%.

"Wang Xuan, when are you going to get married? My grandfather said that before the myth is completely corrupted, the children born by the extraordinary will be exceptionally healthy and intelligent, and can receive the last baptism of their parents' extraordinary blood. There is no chance."

Xiaohu Xianyu was not astonished and died endlessly. She had a very peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, but she dropped a depth bomb. Even the two women who drank milk tea and watched movies and TV dramas were taken aback.

This scene made Aoki fascinated, secretly sighing, the demon clan is refreshing.

Ma Chaofan nodded there, and said, "Yes, if you have a bloodline close to the extraordinary at birth, you can evolve and grow together with Grandmaster Aoki, and set foot in the extraordinary realm."

Aoki opened his mouth and wanted to beat the horse. Is he so unbearable? Compare with a toddler.

There is no doubt that Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin secretly transmitted the voice to Xiaohuxian and blocked its mouth. This is on the way back to modern society, and some words should not be said nonsense.

In the past two days, in general, Zhao Qinghan and Wang Xuan have a close relationship, but there is nothing too intimate. They are above friends and below lovers.

"Oh, my favorite "Perfect World" has accumulated so many episodes. I'm so happy." Wu Yin said, put on her headphones, and began to enjoy the new plot.

This drama has been remade many times since the youth came out of the wilderness. Wu Yin liked the latest one very much and was immersed in it for a while.

Zhao Qinghan is watching the drama "Covering the Sky", and she is also chasing new episodes. She is very engaged in watching it. She likes the role of Ruthless Emperor the most, and occasionally communicates with Wu Yin.

"Zhao Zhao, accompany me to perfect the world."

"No, come and watch Zhetian with me."

Both of them are discussing and arguing while chasing dramas. Their temperament in calmly handling family and company affairs is completely different on weekdays. They are very youthful and out of touch in their living conditions.

In the end, this kind of quarrel got involved with Wang Xuan, who was asked, "Wang Xuan, do you prefer to watch Perfect World or Cover the Sky?"

"I love to watch the holy market!" Wang Xuan responded decisively, and then quickly added: "It's all the work of one person, there's no need to love each other and kill each other. I think if there is a real dispute, we can form a group to fight the author together. already."

Aoki opened his mouth leisurely and said, "Unless the author is an extraordinary person, it has already been a hundred or two hundred years. Where can I find him?"

After a brief argument, the spaceship was quiet again. Those who drank milk tea drank milk tea, and those who chased dramas followed dramas, while Wang Xuan watched the boundless starry sky through the big screen.

There are too many secrets in this vast universe, and no one can explore it to the end. He really wants to go and take a look at those novel worlds.

For example, there is a world of dragons and wizards, and a world of knights and martial arts saints. Perhaps, when the myth is gone, those worlds that are close to the extraordinary and belong to low martial arts are the best choices for him and many extraordinary people.

But he shook his head again. He is a modern person. Although he had a dream of martial arts as a child and was interested in the legend of sword fairy, people must live in reality after all.

Just like this extraordinary ebb tide, the mythical world is just a big dream, and even the immortals are about to wake up. In this era, what is the point of him seeking these things and setting foot on those planets?

"The big universe corrects mistakes, breaks all dreams, and wakes up all those who are asleep and those who pretend to be asleep. Do I want to continue my dreams? Will what I pursue ultimately be nothingness?"

Wang Xuan let go of his thoughts, only the starry sky in his eyes.

When he came back to his senses, he found that Aoki was studying the star map, Xiaohuxian was eating all kinds of puffed food, and Grandmaster Ma became a drunkard and drank a lot of good wine.

He, who hardly smoked on weekdays, came to a quiet room and lit it silently. After picking up Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin, he lost his direction in a short time.

Regarding the transcendent road, he must go down. However, why do I always have a hunch that in front of the big universe, his personal strength will appear very insignificant, and will exploring the so-called true source be successful in the future? Why is there a sense of bleak, unknown, and unpredictable desolation ahead?

The door was opened, Wu Yin walked in, and changed into a white exercise uniform, which was very loose, but still showed her good figure, with a slender waist and straight and slender legs, but the plump place will not be in this life. weaker than any acquaintance.

Her long hair is naturally loose, and her face is very delicate and beautiful. She is quite enchanting when she usually smiles, but now she doesn't smile, she only glances at Wang Xuan.

She walked straight over, and she also took out one, who didn't smoke, and lit it directly. After taking a breath, she choked on herself, and kept coughing.

Wang Xuan returned from a trance state. Seeing her like this, he wanted to laugh a little, so he grabbed it for her and snuffed out the cigarette.

During this reunion, Wu Yin had less conversation with him. It was not the same as when she parted. Now she is very restrained. She didn't even call the word "Xiao Wang", only her full name.

"Hey, if I don't take the initiative to talk to you, the communication between you and me has become so little?" Wu Yin opened her mouth with a look of contempt for him.

Wang Xuan said, "I just wanted to talk to you, but seeing that you are watching the drama and enjoying the return, I didn't bother you for the time being."

Wu Yin gave him a white look and said, "You want to avoid suspicion, are you and Zhao Zhao sure something is wrong?"

"Qinghan has always been calm and rational. She and I have less time and more separation, and the intersection is limited, and there is always a lack of further bursts. I can't tell what will happen in the future." Wang Xuan put out the cigarette and didn't like it. smell.

Wu Yin glanced at him and said, "You are too rational. Do you think that after the demise of the myth, everything will return to normal, and there will be various possibilities and variables in the future, so you can't see the way forward?"

"Not good." Wang Xuan shook his head.

Wu Yindao: "I see you two, it seems like you have something, but you don't seem to have anything. You are a little polite and lively. Wouldn't you take the initiative?"

"let it go."

"I'm a perceptive creature, thank you for saving me in Midi regardless of your own safety!" Wu Yin said, then stood up, walked closer, gave Wang Xuan a very warm and powerful hug, and didn't let go for a while.

Wang Xuan was very surprised. She sat there, not knowing how to put her hands, and finally placed them gently on her waist, her heart was up and down.

"What do you want to say?" Wu Yin asked.

"I'm almost suffocated by At this moment, all he feels is the softness of her body, which belongs to a passive enveloping state.


Wu Yin hit him on the head with a snow-white fist and released it quickly, her face was slightly red and hot, she felt that Wang Xuan must be calling her Da Wu in her heart.

After calming down a little, she walked out quickly.

As soon as she opened the door, she found that Zhao Qinghan had walked outside the door and came here.

"It smells like smoke, have you smoked?" Zhao Qinghan asked in surprise.

Wu Yin glanced back and said, "Wang Xuan is smoking, go and suffocate him to death." She turned and left, continuing to chase the drama.

Zhao Qinghan is also comfortable and how to wear it. She is wearing a sports suit on the spacecraft, and she has a rare ponytail. It is refreshing, clean, and her face is very beautiful. She looks at the two extinguished cigarettes, and then looks at Wang Xuan.

"You didn't smoke before, what's the matter, what are you thinking?" She sat down, and some etiquette habits became natural. Even in her leisure time on weekdays, she sat gracefully and her long legs showed beauty.

Wang Xuan said: "I immersed myself in the practice for a long time, took a puff of cigarettes, and wanted to feel the smoke and fire of the red dust."

"Alarm!" Aoki sounded the alarm, and they were approaching the wormhole. There was a mess, all kinds of blood, and the wreckage of the spacecraft. The scene was a little scary.

Thanks: Braised duck, thank you for your support!

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