Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 465: The source of the extraordinary only 1

The extinguished dead place is full of darkness, remnants of spirits, and ghosts, all of which are the product of the manifestation of spiritual fragments. Even if there was a super peerless, after death, the fragments left here are nothing, and will eventually be completely erased.

Wang Xuan reached an agreement with the Book of Years, and followed it to run forward. After each step fell, it slammed into the distance like a cannonball, and the movement was not small.

Finally, he came to a large canyon, jumped down, and then went straight into the depths of the ground, followed the crack, and came to a magnificent but dilapidated palace.

Long years have passed, but here is still extraordinary, with chaotic energy lingering around, the central underground palace is closed, and there is a magic circle playing a role.

"This is the powerhouse of the extraordinary civilization that passed away. It was revived in this mythical age and gradually extinguished in this end of the year." The Book of Years introduced the situation. It is absolutely hidden here and cannot be explored by the outside world. .

The door opened, and when Wang Xuan set foot here, he felt like he had stepped into a new world, completely different.

Ahead, the galaxy is bright, the universe is vast, it seems to be outside the sky, but there is no spaceship, and there is no extraordinary person watching the battle, it is extremely peaceful.

He turned around, the gate of the underground palace was closed, and the dead land behind him disappeared. It was like a gate to the stars, closing the connection with the outside world.

"Do you have some good means that you want to use and think you can suppress me? Come on." The Book of Years made a rather dull voice.

Wang Xuan slandered, he was indeed an old thief, he was aware of it, but he couldn't hide it.

"It's up to you to tell me the story first." Wang Xuan spoke gently, and in order to numb it, he took out the God-killing Banner.

Moreover, he hesitated a little, and the iron brazier also appeared in his left hand, and then, he looked calm and confident, and seemed to have confidence because of this.

"This is... the Imperial Dao flag!?" The Book of Years was startled, and the appearance of these two artifacts exceeded his expectations.

It looked at it and said, "There is something wrong with them, are they the parts that have been disassembled? It seems that something is wrong, and it is specious."

"Do you know Yudaoqi?" Wang Xuan asked calmly.

"Of course, if I don't even know it under the starry sky, which belongs to the extraordinary universe, how can I be called the Book of Years."

When Wang Xuan heard this, he became more and more sure that most of this was what was carried in the Old Testament. Otherwise, how could it be possible to cross the big star field, cross the time and space, and know the treasures that disappeared very well.

"The sword of the world, the Xiaoyaozhou, and the health furnace, you... also know?" He talked to the Book of Years.

"Nature knows that it is precisely because of them that the extraordinary civilization of the land of immortality, the land of gods, and the land of technological life was born." The Book of Years responded affirmatively.

Originally, Wang Xuan wanted to attack it, looking for an opportunity to tear the book, but now he has restrained, because he was startled and moved by it.

What is this situation, how many treasures have created the other three mythical places? He was a little puzzled and shocked, and he had to figure it out.

The Book of Years said: "Although they don't want to admit it, even in the three domains of immortality, gods, and technology, some people are trying their best to hide it, and they don't want to reveal the past, but the truth is like this, it can't be faked. Although myths appear by chance, if they are retrospective If so, the inheritance does come from the same source.”

Wang Xuan can probably understand that kind of mentality. After all, there are some small tribes in the old land, and I can't wait to say that the whole universe started with them.

What's more, these three domains are indeed splendid in the past and present, extremely splendid. They have already walked their own way, and naturally they are more willing to beautify the past.

"Be specific." Wang Xuan wanted to uncover the truth.

"A super civilization in the past forged the sword of the world. At the last moment, I hoped to use it to split the universe, traverse time and space, detach, find the real place, and enter the great world where myths will last forever. In the end, the sword of the world fell from the land of immortality. In the land of the gods..."

The Sword of Humanity is the brainchild of a super civilization. It is interwoven with fire from the runes of the supreme immortal path. It is refined with countless classics. This sword is naturally an inheritance.

After endless years of silence, when the extraordinary meteor once again pierced through the eternal night, it spread the law from the life planet in that large domain, and finally deduced the dazzling land of gods.

Since then, whenever the supernatural fire occasionally lights up and appears briefly in the universe, the land of gods has naturally become a mythical land.

"It's actually like this!" Wang Xuan pondered, thinking of those embers of civilization, those fires, and those old scenes that he saw in the outer space of the old land. It was indeed like this.

He also clearly remembered that Xiaoyaozhou was the same, carrying hope, carrying the various blood imprints of a super civilization, etc., and went far away to find the soil suitable for extraordinary survival.

The words of the Old Testament confirm this.

"Xiaoyaozhou fell into the land of scientific and technological life, and a long time later, Langling appeared there again, deducing the path of transcendence and technology."

"What is the origin of Langling?" Wang Xuan took the opportunity to ask.

"There is a high probability that they really don't belong to this universe. Their origins are strange. I have a bad hunch that something may happen in the future." The Book of Years said that it does not understand the nature of the spirit, and it is difficult to trace the source. , just by intuition, that it is not right.

Then it informed that the health furnace fell in the place of immortality.

"So, in the end, they all left and returned to the land of Immortal Dao."

The Book of Years said: "Yes, most of them have left."

Wang Xuan was shocked and said, "Well, are there other treasures?"

"Of course! The years are too long. Although the extraordinary civilization is 'wrong' and deviates from the original intention of the universe, it will be corrected, but in the long period of time, there have been ten or twenty mythological civilizations."

According to the book of years, there are also three great treasures: the Immortal Umbrella, the Palace of Gods, and the Pond of Life.

Wang Xuan was in a daze.

"However, it is very likely that these three treasures were born in the mainland of the three major domains, and have nothing to do with the land of immortality."

In the four places, there are a total of seven treasures, which refreshed Wang Xuan's cognition. If you add the ruined Yudao flag and the curtain of the sky, then there are nine!

"Okay, let me tell you a story..." The Book of Years began again.

"Wait a minute, are you a bearer of the Old Testament?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Yes, and the two bearers are put together." The Book of Years admitted generously.

The book was flipped, and it was fixed on one page, where it was blurred and hazy, and a portal appeared. Last time, the gray-haired man reappeared and walked out. He was tall, over 1.95 meters, bronze-colored skin, and holding a long black knife.

"Knife Demon, there is no red dust in his eyes, he draws his sword naturally, and he has never failed in his life. When he was in his early twenties, he set foot in eleven fields, not to mention that it is almost unprecedented."

The Book of Years tells about this person's deeds, and educates Wang Xuan that he should let go of all obsessions in the world. This is his path.

"He once had a confidante who was both an enemy and a friend. At the last moment, he drew his sword without hesitation, cut off the head of the woman, walked away without looking back, and went on the road alone. Worrying about, strength by leaps and bounds, breaking through all the way..."

The Book of Years said here, a gentle female figure appeared in front of the tall sword demon. He directly and decisively took out the knife, with a puff, blood splashed, and he killed the woman without frowning. , strode forward, left the portal, and walked towards Wang Xuan.

"I... don't blame you..." Vaguely, there was the woman's last mental fragment fluctuations, and then everything went silent.

Wang Xuan frowned. This man was ruthless and ruthless. Compared with Wang Shixian, he was simply a beast. The latter was willing to stop in the mortal world and rot together with a woman. Their temperaments and personalities were completely different.

Suddenly, Wang Xuan raised his head abruptly, and he saw a figure taking shape, it was Wu Yin, constructed from part of the spiritual light, this was temporarily detained by the Book of Years, or it was last time it moved its hands and feet, leaving part of her mind. Light?

"What are you doing?" Wang Xuan was furious. Last time, the Book of Years not only used tactics against Zhao Qinghan, but also seemed to have taken action against Wu Yin.

"The heart is ruthless, and the way is naturally clear. Your path should start by letting go of the illusion of the world, beheading this woman, and knowing your heart, you can go further." The Book of Years said.

"Let your grandfather's... immortal energy!" Wang Xuan moved with killing intent, there was something wrong with this book, he was too paranoid, he had no other choice, he just wanted to tear the book!

There is no doubt that Wu Yin's spiritual light has been injected into another woman's emotions. Now she feels a headache and whispered: "I know, you are going away, I... don't blame you, this life is doomed..." She Substitute that woman.

Wang Xuan's eyes were suddenly sharp and he said, "Let her go, don't control the minds of the people around me!"

The Book of Years said: "Since she imprisoned some of her Primordial Spirit last time, it is inappropriate to let it go now. You must prove yourself first, is it worth my continued attention to you, and win the sword demon who has never been defeated in his life!"

The tall man came, giving people an endless sense of oppression, and the bright Dao light poured out instantly, as if driving a cosmic starry sky to slap.


Suddenly, the outside world shook violently, all the supernatural beings trembled, many spaceships in the void of the universe were shaking, and this area had a shocking change.

In the distance, a dazzling great enchantment emerged, and a peerless war broke out. On the spot, the supreme gods fell, drenched in blood, and were smashed to pieces.

At the beginning of the peerless chapter, the four major domains, the powerhouses who want to compete for semi-mature treasures, have all attacked, coming from the fairyland, UU reading www.uukanshu. com came from the Great Barrier of the Gods.

Now, Fang Yuzhu, Zhang Daoling, Blood Emperor, God of War and others have all dispatched their masters in the Great Barrier, and the most powerful gods from all sides, and even super peers have appeared one after another. That kind of battle is extremely terrifying.

Someone found the semi-ripe treasure for the first time and wanted to take it away.

The extraordinary aftertaste of the real world resonates, making people feel strongly disturbed. The Immortal Umbrella and Shenming Palace do not know where they are dormant, but they are roaring, triggering an extremely terrifying vision and shaking the Immortal Land.

"Some people are very ambitious, not only wanting to capture half-ripe treasures, but also thinking of mature treasures, to capture the Palace of Gods, the Immortal Umbrella, and the Pool of Life. This event is not pure enough, and there will probably be blood and rain! "

The Book of Years said heavily, and then said: "There is no one who is good at the level of the supreme gods. This conference is complicated, there are conspiracies, there is death, and the immortal land may be dyed red with blood. !"

Wang Xuan avoided the sword demon, his eyes were strange, instead of looking at his opponent, he was looking at the book of years.

"If you don't prove yourself, what do you see me doing?" The Book of Years felt a little puzzled. Why did he suddenly feel that his gaze was wrong.

Wang Xuan was like lightning, holding the banner of God Slaying and blasting towards the Book of Years!

"Joke, I just want to run before I can walk. Do you think I'm the prey? Go deal with the sword demon first!" The Book of Years shouted to him unhappily.

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