Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 488: Who can check and balance in this world (Happy New Year!)

The ice-cold and pitch-black giant ship, which is many times larger than Wang Xuan's, hides in the shadows, guarding the wormhole that must be passed.

"Is the comer not good? Then kill it, press it to death, and turn it into a piece of cosmic garbage!" The mechanical bear grinded its teeth, and then it took action, gathering all its strength in the peaceful flying creation.

This made several people dizzy. This was not the first time. Looking at the cute mechanical bear, he would take the initiative in every major event.

Aoki grabbed it and said, "Brother Xiong, do you see the difference between us, the tonnage difference is far, not an order of magnitude, and the energy shield of others can prevent it, if you blast it hundreds of times, all Can't beat it!"

"What are you afraid of, I'm not an ordinary spaceship, it's rebuilt from the wreckage of a spaceship from another universe. The small size is just an appearance. It's really going to be a decisive battle, and the firepower is super fierce!"

Everyone can see that this guy is a bit like a flat-headed brother. No matter whether he has been beaten or not, he will rush up first and then talk about it, just beat him!

"You have been captured, disarm immediately, and come over in the escape pod, otherwise, fire immediately, crush you, etc.!"

The black ship was like a steel city, sending a signal to Wang Xuan and the others not to make any dangerous actions, otherwise they would be destroyed immediately.

"Everyone come here!" Wang Xuan took out the Treasure Health Furnace, activated it, and quickly enlarged it, letting everyone in, ready to attack the giant ship.

Only the mechanical bear does not believe in evil, and will not enter, ready to fight with the giant spaceship, saying: "Turtle, how dare you threaten the bear, I will kill you!"

Wang Xuan ignored it, anyway, it is an active metal life form, it is not easy to die, it is broken into hundreds, and it can be melted and reassembled.

"It is said that he failed to cross the robbery, but it is not very safe. After all, he has killed several supreme gods in a row. It is better to solve such a dangerous person in one shot."

In the gigantic ship, a **** wearing black gold armor spoke, with black hair and black pupils, very heroic, in the second stage of Xiaoyaoyou, extremely powerful, and belonged to the clone of the supreme power in this world.

"Is it too cautious, he was blocked from breaking through, but he is a loser, is it worth being so afraid?" Another person said, with blond hair like a waterfall, a tall stature, wearing golden armor and leaning on a giant sword, this is a Xeon Immortal's avatar.

"It's a bit sad, what is our identity, who is he, a young man in the real world, but let us three supreme gods treat us like this, if we say it, it will be regarded as a joke by people like a fantasy!" A woman Opening her mouth, the fiery red armor, refined with the scales of a fire dragon, wrapped around her body, highlighting her curvaceous beauty, her face was fair, beautiful but cold.

"The situation is stronger than people. He is indeed very special. He is a very dangerous character. If you want me to say, just kill him with a battleship. There will be no future troubles." obliterate.

"Since I took over the entrusted task and the reward is generous, let's give the employer a satisfactory explanation. Anyway, we don't need to do anything to trap him in the inner scene magic circle, waiting for Qitian to come to the door to harvest." The golden man said, indifferent and conceited, he is A very ancient immortal, who originally wanted to end in person, but restrained himself, for fear of any accident.

But he was also a little uncomfortable. A young man in the world actually killed a god. After returning to the Great Barrier, he always wanted to find an opportunity to kill this so-called genius of the world.

"Qi Tian, ​​who won the feathering banner, still needs to befriend such a character. In the future, we may still need the protection of the treasure in his hands to survive the extraordinary winter." The woman said.

She added, "But I'm still a little unwilling to collect a debt for my friend Yuan Lei. As a supreme god, he has become a stepping stone under his slaughtering halo. A half-dead tattered body will do."

In an instant, this huge ship, with its icy weapons and equipment, locked the silver-white small spaceship, and exploded half of it first.

However, what they didn't expect was that the crazy mechanical bears were stronger than them, and they had already taken the lead with their strongest firepower.


The dazzling light beam swept across the vast dark universe and directly hit the huge ship. Even if it was protected by an energy shield, it still caused the hull to tremble violently, the screen trembled, and some equipment even had electric sparks.

"How is it possible, that's the Lingling's spaceship, belonging to another universe?!" The three gods were startled, and they were very afraid of Lingling's technological weapons.

Naturally, they also ordered people to fire at the first time to blow up the small spaceship.

"Don't even look at who I am, Mr. Xiong of Megatron Universe is angry, and if you still want to eat my ship, I will abolish you first!" The mechanical bear became angry and kept firing.

"Brother Xiong, you cow!" Ma Chaofan stuck his head out of the treasure health furnace, and was quite shocked there.


The silver-white small spaceship was crippled, the left front cabin exploded, and it disintegrated out, but the mechanical bear was fearless and opened fire violently, fighting to the death with the opponent.

When the huge ship arrived, the shield was pierced, and a violent beam hit the hull, causing a big explosion there.

The crew members on the giant ship were shocked and terrified. They had never encountered such a thing before. The ships on both sides were not of the same order of magnitude. They were enough to crush the other side. Even if they stopped here and let the other side fight, it would be difficult to break through the defense cover. , the result is a lose-lose.

Wang Xuan attacked, and he was in the treasure health furnace, driving it, and submerging into the opponent's tattered hull, and told the mechanical bear, it was almost done, don't hit him.

Wang Xuanyuan was out of his body, put away the health furnace, and appeared in the steel jungle.

The three supreme powers appeared with gloomy faces. They thought they would abuse vegetables and crush each other with huge warships. As a result, they were also maimed, which was very embarrassing.

The woman said: "Wang Xuan, you are very arrogant. You are very brave to kill the four gods in a row in the land of immortality, but have you ever thought about it? What's going to happen?!"

Her black hair flutters, and her fiery red dragon scale armor glows. Although she is a hostile position, her heroic appearance and cold temperament are still impressive.

"Joke, on the battlefield, they are going to kill me, I still care whether she is a **** or a pig, just like you, blocking my way, wanting to do something to me, I care whether you are immortal, or some kind of wolf beast, kill me That's it!" Wang Xuan was quite strong, and he was not afraid at all, just **** for tat.

"Then wait to die!" The black-haired and black-eyed man said, his black armor glowing all over his body. He didn't mean to do anything, but stepped back.

The tall man with blond hair said: "I just like to see you, a genius of the later generations, with an arrogant face, thinking that he can shy away from the gods, and he will be cleaned up after a while, and the pitiful state of lying at the feet of others, I am even more so. I'd love to see it, I can only feel it when I compare it before and after."

He stepped back without making a move.

"Okay, just wait to die in peace, your opponent is not us!" The woman opened her mouth with a cold face.

At this moment, Wang Xuan was aware of the abnormality. Around him, clusters of fires lit up. It was the afterglow of the rules, the interweaving of the residual order.

Among the wreckage of the tattered spaceship, six bizarre interior treasures, blooming brightly, intertwined with each other with mysterious runes, linked together to form a terrifying magic circle, trapping him.

These interior scenery treasures are not comparable to special interior scenery sites, but their owners were definitely not simple back then, far exceeding the interior scenery space that is usually seen.

"The breath of the evil dragon, Qitian's treasure, is he coming?" Wang Xuan whispered, and added: "It seems that he is also collecting various interior scenes on weekdays, and I don't know how many talents he killed. These six interior scenes The owner of the land was very strong back then, and his talent was superb. Unfortunately, he was killed."

He carefully sensed that the magic circle was really strong after being connected together, and even the most powerful people could not get out after being trapped. Even if he wanted to break it, it would cost a lot of time and spend a lot of time.

However, he didn't panic because he had a treasure in his hand, and it was precisely because of this that he dared to kill him so directly, ignoring the opponent's conventional methods.

"Oh, do you know who is coming? Do you have a premonition of your own fate? It will be very miserable." The woman said, contacting the outside world as soon as possible to inform the dragon in the distant starry sky that he has found someone, and he can coming.

Wang Xuan said calmly: "Qi Tian, ​​the person who borrowed the corpse to bring back his soul is very strong and vicious, but how do you know that I can't kill him?"

"It's a joke!" The man in black armor sneered.

"What do you use to fight him? That is a super peerless person. He had a special interior scene back then. In the land of immortality, he was the best in an era. Now he has recovered and reappeared, and his main body has won the feathering banner in the immortal world. Just ask the world, who will compete with each other? A small character like you is just jumping around in the world, and if you meet him, you will be killed by one foot!"

"Whether you really failed to cross the calamity, or pretended, in front of a super peerless world, you are nothing, just wait to be obliterated!"

Wang Xuan was in a peaceful state of mind, listening to their words without any turbulence, because the only opponent in his eyes was Qi Tian, ​​thinking about how to hunt dragons.

As for these people? You can't stay, let's kill it.

Wang Xuan looked at them and said, "The three of you are very annoying. If it affects me in a decisive battle with him, it will also be a problem. Maybe it will be bad for me at the critical moment, or... kill it!"

He sacrificed the health care furnace, and the terrifying aura was overwhelming, as if a dome of the sky had collapsed, tearing open this terrifying fairyland, took away six strange interior treasures, and sent them into the furnace.

"You..." The three of them were shocked on the spot, that was the legendary... treasure? How can a mortal have it, and it is in this world!

Their scalps were numb and their hearts were cold, because the three knew that the other party would definitely kill them to silence them. Seeing this scene, it was impossible to keep them.

The three turned around and left, rushing in different directions, what are they talking about helping Chao Peer to trap the captives? Your own life is at risk.

Originally, what they did was really not risky, and the six magic circles from the interior scene were enough to trap any powerful creature in the world. However, the birth of the health stove is a variable, not in their plans and expectations.

"Can you go?" Wang Xuan didn't chase after him, didn't use the treasure, but showed his new and strange scriptures and released the real wonders.

A cicada appeared with a little chaotic energy, just like Wang Xuan himself, fluttering its wings lightly, with residual regular ripples expanding, with a bang, it hit the tall blond man, causing him to shatter half of his body, **** Splash starry sky.

This is the embodiment of Jin Chan's practice to the highest There are real wonders emerging, which can be used to kill the enemy!

The golden cicada fluttered its wings and flew out. The transparent thin wings were sharper than the immortal sword. It cut through the void of the universe. With a puff, it cut the woman's body into two pieces, causing her to let out a shrill scream and could not escape.

The golden cicada chirped, its sound seemed to be in harmony with the Dao, and there were terrifying fluctuations surging past, with a hoot, it caught up with the third god, smashed half of his body, and captured him alive.

None of the three gods left, they were all bloody, and their broken bodies even took their primordial spirits as prisoners.

"You..." The three were terrified. Even if Wang Xuan succeeded in transcending the calamity, it would be impossible to have such a means. It was truly shocking. Is there anyone in this world who can check and balance him?

Happy New Year, ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month.

Thanks: Thick, Debra, Dreams, Olivia Tingqiu, who like to eat beef, thank you for your support!

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