Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 491: super deadly

The two dragons rushed together and fought fiercely. The scales kept falling off and the blood was dripping. Every confrontation with each other involved the highest extraordinary power allowed in the world.

The dragon's roar sounded like an invisible rule. After sweeping out, the farthest scene in the interior scene also turned into dust, and the two dragons had residual power of order radiating, and they killed the outside world.

In the void of the universe, the wreckage of the huge city-like spaceship, the steel jungle, disintegrated under the dive of the two-headed dragon, and shattered quickly.

"It's crazy, it's a steel city-like spaceship, and it's just like debris!" In the distant deep space, the mechanical bear captured the blurry picture and was shocked.

When the strength of the individual reaches this height, it is also frightened, and it must not allow this kind of creature to approach the spacecraft, and solve all problems with a long-range shot.

The evil dragon and the giant dragon were all bruised and bruised in the end. The dragon's horn was broken, and most of the scales fell off. Their bodies were almost broken and their flesh was blurred.

Until the end, they collided violently again, the aftermath of the rules shook, the two dragons exploded, both collapsed and disappeared quickly.

In the interior scene, Qi Tian was still calm, walking forward slowly, the silver sword in his left hand swung down, the sunset glow was reflected in the sword light, and the afterglow of the setting sun was flowing, the whole void was almost stagnant, the heaven and earth seemed to stand still at this moment, for a moment. Sword time is born and dies. .

Wang Xuan's body froze slightly, and the Zhanshenqi that was about to swing out stopped for a moment, and the whole person seemed to be frozen.

Seeing that, Qi Tian solidified all of this with the sword light, and the golden long knife in his right hand suddenly slashed down at his head, cutting him into two halves.

At the critical moment, the light of Wang Xuan's primordial spirit boiled, as if he had escaped the constraints of time and space, and cut out the sword of his primordial spirit.

Qi Tian secretly sighed that it was a pity, the suppression of the world is too great, the time and space sword cut out by his left hand, the rules cannot be presented, and it cannot reflect the intended artistic conception at all.

If it is in the fairy world, everything in the vicinity will be stagnant, and in a brief silence, he can calmly cut off the opponent's head and split the enemy's body.

The big flag and the sword collided, and then there were thousands of counterattacks, casting spells on each other constantly, as fast as two lightning bolts, entangled with each other, killing them endlessly.

The next moment, the two separated, and they both saw blood. Wang Xuan was stabbed in the shoulder, and the bone was deep, and it was charred black. Part of the flesh and blood was blown away by the falling thunder driven by the light of the knife.

In exchange for the clone of a supreme god, there will be no bones left here. Under that knife, everything will be disintegrated, and no wreckage will be left.

Qi Tian was also drenched in blood, and part of his feather robe was blasted open, and his inner armor was partially smashed by Zhan Shen Qi, and red blood seeped out from his arms and chest.

Few people survived being hit by the Slaying God Banner, and most of them were killed by the Primordial Spirit. It can only be said that Qi Tian is very strong, and his sword is also extraordinary, a treasure among weapons.

"There are no spectators here, and the battle scenes have not been captured by the creatures in the Great Barrier and the Immortal Realm. Otherwise, with this battle, you will be famous in the world, and there are not many people who can hurt me in this world since ancient times. " Qi Tian said.

What he said was the truth. He never frightened anyone in the duel, even in the big screen. He was killed back then because of the hunting by the emperors.

He opened a special interior scene with the body of a mortal. After entering the fairyland, he rose rapidly, swept the big enchantment, and traversed the fairyland. It was difficult to meet an opponent.

But it is precisely because of this that he was feared by many people. In the last few hundred years of the ancient times, the emperors came out, chased and killed him across the realm, and finally killed him.

Wang Xuan's expression was flat, and he said, "I don't feel honored, I hate fighting and killing. With this time, I might as well have a cup of tea, especially when I'm with someone like you who's revived from the dead, it's even more uncomfortable. "

Then, he took the initiative to attack, and the flying swords that broke on the ground were all summoned by him, resonating with the sword wheel he transformed into, and madly slashing towards the evil dragon!

It was like a galaxy roaring, densely packed, and the sword light was like a torrential rain. There was a chill in the heaven and the earth. There were sword lights everywhere, all sword intent. The 13th rank Wang Xuan was mad, and his lethality was unparalleled.

Qi Tian’s swords and swords screamed in unison, and he shook with Wang Xuan. He didn’t evade. He was so confident, and he was rushing forward. In a secret world, full of alien species, many legendary creatures appeared and rushed to kill with him.

The dragon roars and the phoenix sings, the unicorn roars, the white tiger fights for dominance among the stars, the golden crow traverses the heaven and the earth, the golden-winged roc spreads its wings, and travels abroad...

Qi Tian's strength is enough to suffocate the extraordinary people in this world, and with his gestures, he drives the power that can kill gods instantly, and drives so many powerful species, enough to crush one side.

Wang Xuan swept across with the sword light.

At the same time, his primordial spirit glowed, reproducing a real-shaped wonder. A butterfly fluttered in the air, with black and white wings. It looked very strange, but there was a flow of yin and yang, and it blasted towards all the prehistoric alien species.

This is the bizarre scripture he practiced—the Butterfly Transformation Technique, which presents a miraculous scene in its true form.

This battlefield was suddenly chaotic, sword lights, various sacred beasts and divine birds, as well as black and white, all appeared one after another, all of which were fatal. There was the sound of floods, and the momentum and light of the galaxy pouring down.

The two were bloodied, their bodies swayed, and they were both injured. They were both shot through their bodies by each other's means. After staring at each other, they quickly rushed towards each other.

"A later generation has made me quite embarrassed, and the injury is not light. You are the number one person in recent times. No one can make me bleed for a long time." Qi Tian said calmly and deeply.

His murderous aura turned into a tangible quality, and even his two followers couldn't stand it. They could only hide far away into the dark cosmic void, unable to stand in the interior.

"I killed you with the spirit world!" Qi Tian said in a hurry, and the law followed his words, shaking the spiritual world.

In the emptiness, the heaven and earth at the spiritual level appeared, and a gray piece fell towards Wang Xuan, squeezing him continuously, killing him.

"It's not like I haven't entered the spiritual world. I was able to touch it a long time ago, let alone now." Around Wang Xuan, all kinds of wonders appeared, fighting against the spiritual world that was swayed.

But he found that the secret technique Qi Tian used was terrifying. The entire spiritual world seemed to fall from the void, crushing him.

"Yaochi, Guanghan Palace, Buzhou Mountain, the three-level spiritual world, crush it!" Qi Tian said coldly, becoming more and more calm, standing there, ordering the three-level spiritual world to borrow boundless power.

Wang Xuan's heart skipped a beat. Yaochi, Guanghan Palace, and Buzhou Mountain represent the three high-level spiritual worlds. Can they be revealed in today's world?

He directly waved the flag to hit it, and his blood was billowing, his flesh glowing, shaking the three hazy worlds.

Feathering fist, soul sword light, cicada chirping, avenue giant dragon, yin and yang butterfly... He used all means, covered with blood, his body would be crushed, and finally blasted through the three layers of spiritual world and defeated them.

Qi Tian retreated, blood spilled from his nose and mouth, he sighed, and said, "The **** real world is really uncomfortable, and all kinds of supreme magic methods cannot be used to the fullest. If it is in the immortal world, this kind of method... is enough to squeeze Shatter planet after planet."

"Thank you for acting for me. It turns out that the spiritual world can be manipulated in such a way that I can be taught." Wang Xuan said unabashedly, because he knew that the other party had already seen his intentions.

At the same time, he himself displayed the wonders of the real shape one after another, and he also felt a lot. He thought of the slate scriptures, which contained nine real shape pictures, all of which were human bodies and different postures. At the beginning, he only used it to resonate and promote the harmony between flesh and blood. Spiritual transformation.

But today, he continued to display the true shape of the golden cicada, the true shape of the avenue giant dragon and the yin and yang butterfly, and his understanding of this field was completely clear.

"Take a person, take me as my true form, try it!" Wang Xuan immediately started. At first, he had already made two pictures, but it was mainly used to improve his realm. Now he finally understands the profound meaning and uses it to kill The enemy is better.

For a time, in his flesh and blood, different parts were colorful, secret power surged, and he continued to release extraordinary energy. His primordial spirit was as bright as a small sun.

With a bang, as soon as the first true shape map appeared, Wang Xuan's strength and speed increased by a terrifying large part, teleported, and reached Qi Tian.

The two collided violently. This time, as powerful as a dragon, they were very passive. In the end, they coughed up blood and retreated very quickly.

"The scriptures recorded on that mysterious slate, known as the most difficult secret scripture to practice, were actually partially practiced by you?" He showed a look of surprise.

What he said is true. So far, no one has been able to master the slate scriptures. The top few people in the fairy world all died because of it.

This scripture is so difficult to practice that no one can understand it.

"Stop talking nonsense, come, let you taste the magic of the true form, use you to try the sword, help me break through the fog, and evolve the secrets in the slate scriptures!"

Although Wang Xuan was injured, his eyes were bright and he was full of energy. He was yearning for the nine real shapes.

He displayed the second true form, the whole body resonated, the primordial spirit seemed to transcend the time and space, ripples rippling, making the time and space quiet, making Qi Tian's primordial spirit also a little trance, blank for a moment.

But after all, he was a very human being. The blood energy in his body rushed up from the Tianling Gai, blocking the ripples, and the whole figure seemed to be sublimating, fighting against Wang Xuan's second true form with all his strength.

Between the two, endless rain of light erupted, as if someone was turning into a flying immortal. The two fought fiercely close to each other, and the light of the primordial spirit radiated in all directions, killing it to the point of white heat.

"The third true shape map, although I have studied it, but the practice is not pure enough. It's a pity." Wang Xuan regretted.

He pierced the dragon's heart, smashed his right shoulder blade, and fractured his spine. It can be said that he was quite sturdy, causing the dragon to be severely injured.

But he didn't feel well either. His sternum collapsed, his right arm was fractured, the flesh on his shoulder exploded, there were knife wounds, and his body was covered in red blood.

It was quite tragic that the two of them had reached this stage. Their primordial spirits had been torn apart, and they were somewhat dimmed.

Wang Xuan is equivalent to the incomplete thirteenth stage, and he has not yet crossed the calamity. Although he is standing outside the end of the myth at this time, the opponent is extraordinary, and he has preserved the power of the third level of Xiaoyaoyou in this world, which is equally powerful and outrageous.

To have such a record, if it is spread to the outside world, it will be enough to cause a huge sensation. Whoever can fight Qi Tian to this level is enough to attract worldwide attention.

"It's beyond my expectations. You are indeed very strong. Such a deep foundation is exactly what I need to make up for the flaws and missing things I left in my body and soul after I died once. In the wormhole, someone will pass by at any time, to avoid accidents, catch you first!"

He opened his mouth calmly, then raised his right hand, a light overflowed from the palm of his hand, and then gradually became stronger, until the last incomparably bright, a long flag appeared, hazy and blurred.

"Feathering Banners?" Wang Xuan was surprised. Although he was vigilant against the evil dragon and gave the most dangerous assessment, he still did not expect that the other party would send a big killer to this world.

"No, this is just a mark of the feathering banner, it's enough to capture you." Qi Tian had already started when he spoke, without any delay.

Wang Xuan has never used the health furnace, and wants to get close to and analyze the evil dragon. Through this avatar, he can understand his methods and When facing his main body in the future, the pressure will be less. .

But now there is no way to continue, he can only use the treasure.

The health stove appeared, simple and natural, carved with mysterious textures, and under the pressure of feathering flags, it began to glow.

At first, Qi Tian didn't care, he waved his feathered flag to suppress Wang Xuan, but he was stunned to find that the other party was not suppressed at all, instead he became more imposing.

"That's..." He immediately changed color, turned around and left.

However, this is his interior scene, and he suddenly became extremely passive. Originally, he was asking you to enter the urn, but now it has become a big trouble that he can't get rid of.

He didn't stop and rushed out, wanting to give up this interior location, anyway, there are flaws, so don't worry!

However, what Wang Xuan is driving is a real treasure, not a mark, far faster than him, with a bang, tearing apart the interior scene, penetrating the void, and catching up with him.

Qi Tian tried his best to avoid it, but how could he avoid it?

Wang Xuan entered the furnace, chased and killed him, savagely collided, and in an instant, the imprint of the so-called feathered flag exploded on the spot.

Qi Tian vomited blood and used a secret method to die once. He rushed towards the outdated spaceship. However, Wang Xuan was faster than him, and with a bang, the huge spaceship was torn apart by the luminous treasure, and then shattered into powder.


Qi Tian was caught up, although the whole person was struggling, but in the blazing light, after all, it was blurred, turned into a rain of blood, and the primordial spirit burned to ashes, and died!

Double period, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass.

Thanks: Jun Moxi, Bayern miasanmia, thank you for your support.

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