Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 493: The Sword Fairy

The silver-white spaceship landed safely. When it went, it was a small spaceship. When it came back, the model was similar, but the inside was turned upside down.

This is refitted from the wreckage of the spaceship left by the Lingling in the depths of the universe, with mechanical intelligent creatures as stewards, which can fight against super-large ships.

Wang Xuan was a little ecstatic. He originally just wanted to go to the secret land and bring Goddess Zhao and Da Wu back. He didn't expect that he would eventually cross galaxy after galaxy, escape the scope of the immortal universe, and run to the land of immortality.

This kind of experience, such a long journey, I don't know if there is any more in this life. Even if he wanders in the universe to avoid disaster, he probably won't run that far.

"Master, welcome to go home and see how much the old land has changed?" Aoki, as a guide, came out of the spaceship base and gave various introductions to his master.

As for his master, Chen Yongjie, he was the most excited and murmured, "I only go out for about a month, which is not too long, so I will come back."

The first thing he did after getting off the spaceship was to report to Guan Lin that he was safe, and to tell her that the foreign expedition was over and he came back.

There was a cry from the phone, how could Guan Lin not be worried these days? But you have to control your emotions, for fear that it will be bad for the fetus.

Now that he learned that Chen Yongjie had returned safely and landed in Ancheng, he couldn't bear it any longer, his face was full of tears, and he wept with joy.

"When was my junior brother born?" Aoki came over and interjected. .

"Stay here for three months!" Chen Yongjie pulled him aside.

"Congratulations to Grand Master Chen!" Wu Yin was still accustomed to this title, with a smile all over her face. Chen Yongjie and his wife had a child in their fifties, which is really a long time to give birth.

Zhao Qinghan also sent blessings and asked if it was a boy or a girl, and if he had a name ready.

"I didn't see if it was a man or a woman in advance, but I already thought about the names. The man's name is Chen Xuan, and the woman's name is Chen Xuan." Chen Yongjie waved his hand and said with satisfaction, which was a reiteration of the old story.

Wang Xuan immediately gave him a murderous look and threatened him. If he really dared to act like this, he would discuss with him three times a day in the future!

Xiaohuxian was puzzled and said, "Why does it sound like a name to me?"

"Xuanzi is good, I wanted to be called Ma Yixuan before." Ma Chaofan muttered, and then he was slapped, causing passersby to look at him.

Wang Xuan used a safe mobile phone number to contact his parents. He originally wanted to entrust Chen Yongjie and Aoki to take care of them, but when he came back, he naturally wanted to know where they were and the specific situation.

"I'm sorry, the user you dialed has been turned off." This sound made his heart sink.

After Chen Yongjie learned about it, he immediately asked someone to check it. As a result, the two of them had already left a message to Wang Xuan, saying that they were going on a trip and might go to Xinxing. Don't look for them for the time being. expensive.

Wang Xuan was fascinated, are those two really new stars? Xuan, he thought wildly, guessing that the two of them would go to the Immortal Land with the shadow couple?

This made his eyebrows jump, and he couldn't sit still, but there was nothing he could do.

Wang Xuan accompanied Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin into Ancheng, and then called Qin Cheng out for dinner.

"Qinghan, and Ling Wei's best friend... Wu Yin, you were brought back from the secret place by Old Wang?" Qin Cheng was pleasantly surprised, but one sentence made the atmosphere of the scene subtle.

Of course, he quickly realized that he had said something wrong, and immediately changed his words, complaining: "Some time ago, I finally broke through the barrier and set foot on the great master, and the result was shocking, shocking, shocking again and again, I am now even the grandmaster. No, it's **** me off!"

He was really angry, he finally experienced the scenery of a great master, but after a few days, he was back to his original shape.

Mainly because his foundation was too weak, his strength was brought by Wang Xuan, and he was raised by life.

Otherwise, if it is Chen Yongjie, even if the seven supreme treasures are shaken together, and the supreme rules of immortality are suppressed, and he is knocked down to the level of mortals, he can still maintain the level of the great master.

Because, that is what Lao Chen really cultivated. In the old soil where he couldn't cultivate, he was so hardened to that state that he didn't have any moisture at all.

After returning from the depths of the universe, they experienced the boundless depth and the icy stillness. Now they are sitting in the high-rise restaurant, overlooking the night view of the entire city, full of traffic, bright lights, and red dust.

"It's better in the world!" Wang Xuan said.

"It's like you've become an immortal." Qin Cheng pouted.

"Almost, we entered the depths of the universe and experienced a lot of things. Well, gods are dying, and immortals are dying." Wu Yin said.

After eating a meal, Qin Cheng learned that Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin are extraordinary people now, and their eyes suddenly straightened. Why is there such a big gap between people?

Especially Goddess Zhao, who was a classmate with him, Qin Cheng knew very well that she practiced the old art in order to maintain a good figure. In the end, she had such an achievement, leaving him speechless.

"Am I really useless?" He was a little suspicious of life.

"It's really a bit useless." Zhao Qinghan nodded, then smiled again.

"Pharaoh, this time you traveled far, and opened the interior scene again? No, I have to follow you. Even if I can't become an extraordinary person, I have to keep the physique of the great master. Good physical strength is related to the happiness of the rest of my life!" Qin Suspected to be driving.

"I'm afraid it won't work in the short term. I have something to deal with." Wang Xuan shook his head and told him that he was going to take a long trip.

"Okay, then can you go back to the old land in three months? Didn't my girlfriend Yang Lin graduate for a while? Three months later, about winter, we are going to get married." Qin Cheng informed.

Three months later, Lao Chen's child was going to be born, and Qin Cheng was going to get married, which made Wang Xuan stunned, because, three months later, the transcendent will also come to an end, the Great Barrier and the Immortal Realm will be extinguished, and the myth will end!

"The day you chose..." Wang Xuan wanted to say something, but finally his eyes were firm and he said, "Okay, no matter where I am, I will come back!"

"Listen to what you mean, going to do something big? Is it dangerous? Take it easy, take care of yourself!" Qin Cheng became serious, then changed the subject, not wanting to be too serious, and said, "When will you get married?"

After speaking, he also aimed at Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin, looked and looked.

Wang Xuan was in a hurry, so he left after eating. This time, he did not drive the spaceship, and drove the treasure, silently crossing the night sky, obscuring the secret, and came to the barren hills 800 kilometers away from Ancheng.

He landed down lightly, stepped on the mountain, looked at the wormwood, the rubble, and the bright moonlight, and felt it. He didn't wait for the three-year appointment, and everything would come to an end ahead of schedule.

It was only a year, and Chaofan collapsed, and he wanted to pick up the main body of Fairy Swordsman and come back from the fairyland.

He glanced around with his spiritual eyes, and there was no accident here. That little thing was sleeping soundly, and it's... getting smaller. I used to be in my early ten years, and now I'm about eight years old, with apple muscles on my face, baby fat, beautiful and lovely like a porcelain doll.

Fairy Sword was very keen, and when she was stared at, she felt a sudden sensation, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she opened her eyes that were as bright as black gems.

She sat up nimbly, very dissatisfied, still as usual, with a sense of getting up, and soon she seemed to remember something, her expression was bad, very fierce, and said: "Did you shock again? Let me grow up! "

Although she wanted to express her ferocity and express her dissatisfaction, she was a miniature sword fairy, beautiful and delicate. The kind of fierceness can only show her liveliness and escape.

However, she was not shocked so badly, and in the end she managed to keep the first floor of Xiaoyaoyou, because Wang Xuan left her a pile of crystals of good fortune, which are super substances that are infinitely close to reality.

Wang Xuan's face was full of smiles: "It's easy to get old when you get angry. Didn't I see you coming, I want to take back your main body, you will grow up soon!"

"Wait a minute, what kind of cultivation are you now? Don't you want her to find the celestial marrow and the celestial medicine for you? She succeeded in breaking through the barrier. She is already a peerless master, and she has been working hard to find medicine."

"I'm about 13 dan, um, I don't need her to find medicine, I have it myself." Wang Xuan said.

In an instant, Fairy Jian's eyes widened, her bright red mouth was round, and she looked like she couldn't believe it. The thirteenth paragraph made her a dizzy genius.

"You're more powerful than me back then?" Sword Fairy, who used to be arrogant, but now in such a cute state, really makes people want to pinch her little face.

Sure enough, she didn't escape Wang Xuan's devil's hand, and this time she was pinched again, so angry that she lashed out with sword light, and wanted to fight him decisively.

Mainly, Wang Xuan really couldn't hold back, looking at her small appearance, he really wanted to pinch that fleshy and beautiful little face.

"Wait, if my master comes back, I'll let you understand why the stars are so brilliant!" She was so angry that she really couldn't beat Wang Xuan now.

"Hurry up and contact your main body, don't wait until the end, in case the curtain suddenly goes out one day, no matter how advanced your cultivation level is, the powerhouses inside will disappear instantly and die!"

Wang Xuan said solemnly, this is not impossible, the Great Barrier came much earlier than people estimated the decay time.

Earlier, the peerless characters in the Immortals speculated that there are still three years to prepare, and the end of the year will be reached!

Sword Fairy said: "I need time, I recently agreed with her to contact her every seven days, and it's still two days before she can sense her. Now she should leave Guanghan Palace and go to the higher spiritual world Buzhou Mountain to try her luck and want to pick the congenital gourd. , Chaos Divine Vine, etc., if there is no Celestial Marrow, I will give you a congenital wonder."

Wang Xuan said: "I have everything, don't let her take the risk, I'll wait here for two days, you and her make an appointment to show up nearby, and I'll pick her up."

He began to retreat here, comprehending his own Dharma, and this time he entered the misty land again, breaking into the haze above the meteorite passage.

He could clearly feel that the thirteenth stage was approaching completion, but there was one thing that puzzled him. Whether it was the new soul, the new flesh and blood, or the newly contracted interior, there was no sign of Nirvana coming out, dormant. In the deepest part of the body, there is stillness.

What's the situation? He was a little puzzled, and he was about to reach Consummation. Why hasn't the new form and spirit been reborn?

Two days later, he woke up, heard Fairy Sword's call, and told him, it's alright, her main body has returned from the higher spiritual world Buzhou Mountain and is waiting for him on the big screen.

"Okay, you protect the Dharma for me, and I'll pick her up!" Wang Xuan sat cross-legged, and his spirit came to the land of life.

With the mist drifting out of the life soil, he opened his spiritual eyes, looking for the way back, and then followed step by step, approaching a blurry place.

He was quite emotional, Mingtu is the place where myths originated, not empty words. Below the life soil, there is also a mist floating in the deepest part. There is a place of nothingness, a meteorite passage, and a close to the real source.

On the top of the life soil, in another direction, in the distance where the mist drifts away, it is connected to the fairy world, the great enchantment, and the place where the life soil is born extraordinary!

He entered a whirlpool, then disappeared, appeared in a dark place, saw the inn with lanterns hanging there, and strode into the distance.

"This may be the last time I enter the fairyland. I should bring some souvenirs back, such as real dragons, golden crows, Dapengs, unicorn meat and so on. When one day, the great enchantment goes out, which also proves that I have been to the fairyland before. There is stock at home." Wang Xuan smiled and muttered to himself, diluting some of his emotions, this world was about to die, which really gave people a cold and desolate feeling.

There was no accident. He rushed to the edge of the nearest town and found Fairy Sword.

She is dressed in snow, carrying an immortal sword, her blue silk is like a waterfall, her face is beautiful and flawless, her eyes are clear, elegant and ethereal, standing quietly, forming a world of her own, turning the surrounding environment into a pure land.

"Here!" She spoke first, with a very nice voice, and handed over a gourd with green luminous leaves. The gourd was purple and sparkling, and there was a trace of chaos.

Wang Xuan was surprised, she had really picked the innate wonders in Buzhou Mountain in the higher spiritual world? No, this is a treasure with chaotic energy, this thing is amazing.

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