Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 518: Former God Immortality

"It's too hot to bear, it's about to be cooked!" In the meteorite passage, Wang Xuan had an experience that his primordial spirit was about to be roasted, and his spiritual blood was about to be evaporated to dryness.

He could only enter the health furnace to protect himself, rushing all the way up, and finally arrived at the red haze ocean area, where there are all kinds of real material particles and large pieces of debris.

The health furnace was burned red. The high temperature in the furnace was enough to melt the immortal gold and quench the mithril. Wang Xuan's spirit was extremely uncomfortable, and this time it was farther than the previous area.

His primordial spirit was hazy and blurry. This place was so terrifying, it burned him into a trance and felt like it was about to explode.

Except for the short sword, the pile of fetish objects in the furnace had strange fluctuations, but in the end they calmed down and did not merge into one.

The area above the meteorite passage is vast, and the red haze forms a sea. Wang Xuan seriously suspects that this place has left the passage and came to a brand-new land.

"Continue up!" He wanted to make Yudaoqi reappear, but now there is no result, he is ready to fight again.

"No way, the treasure has not been refined yet, I will be refined into ashes first." His primordial spirit was smoking, and he was hiding in the furnace. He could imagine how terrifying it was outside.

"Isn't it really a component of Yudao Banner? Don't force me to make a ruthless move!" He was really unwilling.

He drove the health furnace back for a distance, and finally, opened the furnace cover and put a bunch of objects into the "Red Sea", forcing them to merge by themselves.

In an instant, Wang Xuan almost died tragically. Even after exiting the most dangerous area, the moment the furnace was opened, some dazzling red light still came in.

He rolled over in pain, as if his whole body was being peeled and then boiled in boiling water, his body seemed not to belong to him.

He used various techniques to run the supreme scriptures. Even so, his burning primordial spirit dried up, and he almost became a spiritual wreck.

"Almost... Died before leaving the apprenticeship." He let out a long sigh of relief. For the sake of the Daoqi flag, he took too much risk. At this time, his primordial spirit was dim and burnt out of shape.

Outside, the flag of the body, the animal skin book, etc. were almost burned, and various mysterious textures were intertwined and resonated with each other, which really stimulated them.

However, they still did not unite. They shook each other, resisting the burning and erosion of the red haze. The flags turned red and charred again, and they still "governed their own affairs".

"The world will be divided for a long time, but you will become one for me!" Wang Xuan looked anxiously through the burning red and crystal walls in the furnace.

The iron brazier looked like it was about to melt, the golden grid of the Zhanshen flag was surging like a wave, and the silver and white beams of the Zhanshen flag were innumerable, and it was about to cut through the red ocean.

The dagger is the quietest, temporarily turning dark red, remaining silent. The ups and downs of a group of "components" made the red haze boil, but there was still no sign of this pile of things evolving into Yudao flags.

Wang Xuan was helpless and had to admit that there was a high probability of failure this time.

Thinking about it carefully, there were people who got two small flags back then, but they failed to restore the treasure after all. Perhaps the Imperial Road Flag was completely destroyed.

He sighed. Recently, he killed the Demon Embryo, got the first killing formation, and got the flag of slaying.

"Okay, people are satisfied, maybe the time has not yet come." He enlightened himself, sat cross-legged in the furnace, and started the journey of cultivation.

Now that he's here, he naturally won't waste the time to improve himself here.

It's just that since the completion of the thirteenth stage, no matter how he cultivates, even if his Taoism improves a little, he still can't pass that hurdle.

Whether it was entering the great realm of Free and Easy Travel, or trying to break through to the fourteenth stage, he encountered Tian Mo, and he was inexplicably blocked.

"No, today, the checkpoint has been loosened?!" He was surprised, looking at his Yuanshen who had been burned so badly, he showed a strange expression.

The outer primordial spirit was scorched black, and there was a dash of decay, but in the light spot at the innermost core, there was a vigorous growth of vitality.

"If the old body is immortal, the new soul cannot be born. This is because the outer soul is damaged, and the inner soul will appear instead?"

His expression changed slightly, and he immediately turned to the highest scriptures, improving himself here, trying to become stronger, until finally he found the old soul... and slowly repaired it.

"I'll go, I won't die in a hundred battles, will I never be wiped out?" Wang Xuan was stunned. He took the initiative to absorb the essence of the external primordial spirit and injected it into the new primordial spirit.

But in the end, it slowly recovered, the primordial spirit did not die, it was still reborn!

"Come to think of it, the same is true of my physical body and the interior scene. Similar changes are taking place. The old body decays, recovers, and does not die. It maintains this amazing rhythm." He was a little ecstatic.

However, Wang Xuan also found something unusual.

"Three" has become the past tense. After this recovery, the old primordial spirit took on a rotten aura that outsiders couldn't sense. He knew very well that even a health furnace would not allow him to fully recover.

"In this case, I'll come a few more times!" He decided to risk his life to try. Since he had the health care furnace in hand and resonated with the special primordial spirit, it would have the effect of immortality, so he would continue to practice and practice.

He glanced outside, and sure enough, the flags were scorched black, and the iron drills were all red, but there was still no change in their combination.

He gave up hope at all. Instead of pinning his thoughts on the Imperial Dao Banner, it is better to be optimistic about himself, improve himself, and sublimate and transform again.

"If I enter Xing Yaoyou, or upgrade to the fourteenth stage, even if I face the main body of the dragon, I should be able to fight, right?"

He is very clear that the super peers are also divided into people, and the lunatic who has undergone the great nirvana of the primordial spirit more than once will definitely be able to keep the dao fruit at the level of the earth immortal.

Qi Tian is hard to say, he still doesn't know the true Taoism of his main body.

The lid of the furnace was opened again, and the fire was like thunder, and he rushed in in an instant. The burning Wang Xuan's eyes turned black, and he quickly buttoned it again.

He "killed himself" and took the initiative to torture himself. Everything was forcing himself, mobilizing the potential of the undead primordial spirit, and allowing himself to advance to the next level.

The real matter invaded, and the external primordial spirit was injured, but it was also absorbing those terrifying powers. After blending with each other, it finally dimmed, revealing a rotten atmosphere.

At this moment, the spot of light, the new primordial spirit, began to glow, with vigorous vitality, absorbing the essence of the outside world, the breath in the furnace was mysterious, and the old and new primordial spirits resonated.

"This time, Taoism has improved even more!"

In this way, Wang Xuan used his life as a bargaining chip, borrowed the power of the red haze, resonated with the old and new primordial spirits, kept tossing and cultivating, and his strength was steadily increasing!

For a moment, all his thoughts broke into the light spot, leaving the remains of the old primordial spirit outside, and feeling the world with primordial spirit.

What he saw, many external substances were rotten, wrapped the old primordial spirit, and also had the old mythological atmosphere stained on objects such as treasures and flags.

And that red haze exudes destructive power, but it also contains strands of new vitality.

Even at this moment, he actually felt the changes in the outside world, vaguely saw the flesh body, and saw the interior scene that opened on his own.

The light spots in the flesh, the condensed light spots in the interior, and the light spots in the core imprint of his primordial spirit, the trinity, sympathizing with each other, are all improving.

In the outside world, in his opinion, it was an extraordinary winter, a darkness, the myth was like a fire, it was extinguishing, and only three light spots were shining, waiting for a new generation in the frozen soil.

"The new soul, the new flesh and blood essence, and the light spot of the new interior scene, what is seen in the field of vision, is it actually like this? The outer supernatural world is decayed and is collapsing, and the night is covering the universe."

In the end, Wang Xuan himself didn't know how many times he "killed himself", and he felt that he might have initially entered into another new world.

His Taoism, his life essence, have all improved!

Up to now, his old primordial spirit is also somewhat rotten and cannot be completely recovered, while the essence of the substance inside maintains a state of balance, and the new primordial spirit no longer draws from it.

"Is this the completion of the task, waiting for the old soul to completely decay, fall off, and turn into 'mud' to nourish the growth of the seeds of the new soul?"

Wang Xuan has a clear understanding, everything is moving forward according to a certain trajectory, now it is useless to force, his strength has improved a lot.

He has come to a critical period, there is no way to advance, no way to retreat, waiting for a new student, waiting for a change!

Outside, his physical body and the state of the interior are also roughly similar.

In the end, Wang Xuan returned with items such as the slashing flag, short sword, etc., opened his eyes suddenly, and with a slight shock, a layer of charred black outside his body fell off, revealing a powerful and shiny body.

However, he was able to sense that the external flesh body, as well as the old interior scene, had a rotten aura that other people could not perceive. He himself knew very well that, like the primordial spirit, the most original imprint of life was delivered to the spot of light. , waiting for the great Nirvana.

"You've become stronger again?" Jiang Qingyao was almost speechless, what era is this, others are still falling, but he does the opposite.

Even she couldn't bear it anymore, she wanted to analyze Wang Xuan and study his state.

Wang Xuan opened his mouth: "Let me change clothes take a while, and I will take you back to try to explore the new mythology road to see if it is feasible. Hey, you are a bit thick-skinned, don't back down, don't be too hot eyes?"

"I thought you were burnt, what's so beautiful about you?!" Fairy Jian tapped Zixiao Hedao money twice on the head, then turned around and left.

They wandered the universe, traveled far in the deep space, far enough away from the new stars and the old earth.

After a day and a night, Wang Xuan consolidated the achievements of his practice, his spirit was complete, and his body was strong. He decided to take Jiang Qingyao to try it out in the misty land.

Although it is recorded in ancient books that such a move is extremely dangerous, but now that he is strong enough, he wants to give it a try.

"It's okay to set foot on the life soil for a short time, but if you stand in the life soil of others for a long time, something will happen!" Fairy Jian said solemnly: "The life soil, it is not suitable for outsiders to enter, even if you believe in the other party enough, bring it in, and stand in the life. The surface of the soil is just that. If you go deeper, you will either be replaced by outsiders eventually, or the original owner will kill the outsiders, or smelt them away. Only one can be left, and there will be no exceptions. This seems to be the 'unique' choice of life soil. ."

Wang Xuan said: "I have a health furnace, and now I am strong enough in the field of life soil, and the things I have explored are almost the same as the world. You can try it."

Fairy Jian was very serious and said: "In the past, there were rumors that people in the area below the life soil, and it was an accident, and it was difficult to get out in the end. Either he died, or he disappeared after losing himself."


In an endlessly distant place, a figure from the dust walked in the cosmic starry sky, holding a feathered flag, and said to himself: "It's over, it's time to harvest!"

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