Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 543: The last dance on earth

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Wang Xuan looked at Fang Yuzhu, worried for her, because she roughly knew the way she wanted to go, and it was very likely that she would really become a butterfly in the firelight.

She wants to leap into the sea of ​​transcendent light, let it go away, and enter the real transcendent realm.

In the past, she may have been underprepared and feared the terrifying sea of ​​light, but now she has a treasure in her hands and wants to fight the terrifying phenomenon of assimilation with the Mutian Bracelet.

"Sister Yuzhu, don't take risks, the situation has not deteriorated to that point!" Wang Xuan once saw the white-haired woman fall in front of the land of dreams. The desolate scene of blood and bright light blooming together makes him even now. I don't want to remember anymore.

In any case, Wang Xuan didn't want to see that after the transcendent annihilation, Fang Yuzhu walked into the fire that devoured everything and danced for the last time in the world.

"If you gather a few treasures, such as the Shenming Palace, Xiaoyaozhou, Immortal Umbrella, Mutian Bracelet, etc., the hope is not small, you can cross the sea and not sink."

Fang Yuzhu spoke, she thought that several treasures could block Guanghai's assimilation.

Yan Mingcheng opened his mouth and said: "Our husband and wife's choices are more stable. This time, we have located the last remnant of Guanghai, and we have determined that it is going along the abyss of the universe. We want to follow behind, not seeking merit, but seeking success. Keep in contact with the extraordinary residual radiation, walk slowly, and you may be able to get close to the ultimate land.”

Fang Yuzhu shook his head and said, "The last time the extraordinary sea of ​​light appeared, it walked along the endless cracks in the abyss, and when it finally disappeared, it would definitely be sudden, and there would be nothing to get behind."

Bai Jingshu said: "That abyss may leave the last extraordinary puddle, like an underground dark lake, which will give rise to the last extraordinary pure land."

She and Yan Mingcheng really don't want to be too radical, just follow the sea. If they find an extraordinary pure land, or they can continue to stay in this big universe, it is also a good choice.

Wang Xuan was surprised and said: "On the way back from the extraordinary light sea, there may be an underground lake left behind, which will give rise to the extraordinary underground world?"

"People go to high places, water flows to low places, and some 'basins' and 'burrows' on the way, it is very likely that some of the power of the sea of ​​light will remain, leaving a ray of life for the extraordinary." Yan Mingcheng said. .

The people present were all in a trance, they didn't know about this before.

This is the secret that Yan Mingcheng and Bai Jingshu unearthed from the remnants of other super civilizations, but he did not hide it, and would tell the powerhouses in the supernatural world.

"It's said to be abyss, burrows, but actually some terrible planes. How could there be a so-called basin in the void of the universe? It's a strange plane behind the crack in the void."

The Shadow couple had the confidence to persuade people from the Buddhist and Taoist families to act together, and they also wanted to call on the two originators of Chaojue Palace and Gouchen Emperor Palace to take advantage of their Xiaoyaozhou.

Together with the Immortal Umbrella in their own hands, the Mutian Bracelet in Fang Yuzhu's hand, and Wang Xuan's health stove, they could collect five treasures.

"As for the treasure in Shang Yi's hands, there is no hope. I hope that both of his bodies will die in the highest spiritual world. The disaster is not light. I suspect that he is the main culprit of various **** tragedies in ancient times!"

As for the life pool, they couldn't count on it either. Their controllers made up their minds to analyze the lingering spirits and start those ancient technology motherships, hoping that they could "return".

"There's no drama, there is no one in Langling who can set foot on the way home, let alone them." Yan Mingcheng was not optimistic about this road.

He has studied with Bai Jingshu and Fang Yuzhu. When people from another universe came across time and space, a starry sky collapsed. There are still remnants there. It can be said that a huge amount of energy must have been consumed back then.

"The various mother ships that remain now, without that kind of power, cannot open the way."

Moreover, they suspect that after sending several groups of people to "experience", something has happened to the civilization of the universe behind them. Otherwise, why not open the way, and there are no latecomers?

"Sister Yuzhu, let's take this relatively stable path, don't take risks too much. Besides, I'm also exploring this path, and it's very likely that I will get through in the future, so there may not be a turnaround!" Wang Xuan said, not wanting her Something went wrong.

Fang Yuzhu said: "Actually, this so-called safe road is not necessarily safe. Following Guanghai from a distance is doomed to miss, and if you are too close, it is very likely that due to reasons such as plane cracks, Transcendent Guanghai will occasionally meet. If there is a backflow phenomenon, if you are caught off guard, it may be even more dangerous and collapse on the bottom of the sea."

"Isn't it possible to mobilize the five treasures? In case of a face crack and other rejections, and an accident occurs, we will go your way and directly cross the sea. What do you think?"

Yan Mingcheng didn't seek stability blindly. If he didn't care about his wife and daughter, but only himself, he would directly want to go across the sea. After two thousand years of separation, it is now his instinct to protect and compensate his daughter.

"Yes!" Fang Yuzhu nodded.

Wang Xuan said directly: "I want to have a long experience with you, but I may not be able to cross the sea with you. I still have parents and friends. I grew up in the old land, and I can't give up all of this."

He added: "I can send the health furnace to you, but Fairy Sword needs it recently. I will take her to the crack of the plane to help her recover."

Several people heard the words and nodded after thinking about it, because Wang Xuan himself has a secret path to explore, and it's better to stay.

"Leave you a treasure for self-defense." Fang Yuzhu looked at him and couldn't go with him, so he could only wish him to find another way. Leave the treasure, if he really has no way to go in the future, he may be used as a tool to cross the sea and come later.

"Let's see when the time comes. In fact, if the treasure stays in this world, its power will become weaker and weaker, and one day it will be silent, which is of little use to me." Wang Xuan said.

He has the confidence because, so far, he has kept the Dao Xing without the help of the treasure, and can be compared with the Earth Immortal!

"I believe that we will meet again in his new year. We can both succeed each other and return to the same destination!" Zhang Daoling said solemnly.

He, Xu Fu, and the ancestor of the Mingxue naturally have to follow, and this world is not suitable for them.

The ancestor of Mingxue sighed: "I have chosen a site in the northern prairie, and the animal husbandry group seems to be dying prematurely."

Not only them, but all the peerless masters will be notified, and it is up to them to go or not. Anyway, they are given a chance to choose.

The demon master Yan Qingyan said: "It is conceivable that most people will leave. The surviving immortals are in decline every day, and even the peerless masters will likely become mortals in the future."

Zhang Daoling shook his head and said with a smile: "Not necessarily, after some people's strength has declined seriously, they are like a duck to water in the mortal world, and they are ready to marry and have children."

People have different choices. After returning to the mortal world, some people in Li Xian were attracted by the bright and colorful modern life. In addition, the road ahead was bleak, and there was really no hope. Many people decided to give up and want to "Degenerate" into adulthood in the rolling red dust.

"Departure in two days. Although the cracks in the plane are complex, the extraordinary sea of ​​light will not stay for too long." Yan Mingcheng told everyone that if there are still unfinished wishes in the red dust, they should be dealt with as soon as possible.

Said to be a plane crack, it actually involves more than one plane, otherwise, it is impossible to stop the extraordinary sea of ​​light for so long.

It's like an endless abyss plane, very mysterious!

After Wang Xuan heard them mention it, he doubted for a while that there was something to do with the legendary demon and hell. Is it really the road to the other side?

"You think too much!" Yan Mingcheng shook his head and told him that it was more like a crack between two great universes, the remaining roads, forming multiple planes.

Those cracks are usually not seen, and only when the sea of ​​​​transcendent light impacts, the plane gaps will emerge.

Zhang Daoling and the ancestors of Mingxue left quickly. There are many disciples and grandchildren to arrange. They will take some people away, and they will also stay in this world with more disciples.

"In the future, we will reopen the mountain gate in the new extraordinary universe, and establish the Taoism!"


The shadow couple and Wang Xuan set off together to see his parents. They were about to part. Naturally, the two couples had something to say.

Fang Yuzhu went to arrange Jiang Siyuan, and once asked him if he wanted to take the risk to cross the sea, but he shook his head and refused. Now he just wants to stay in the red dust to be an ordinary person and experience the new world after the changes of the times.

At the time of extraordinary decay, before the great barrier collapsed completely, Fang Yuzhu used a complete celestial medicine, and with the help of the power of the treasure, his bones were regenerated into flesh and blood.

In the end, she melted the rare fruit produced by the Ascension Divine Bamboo, now the only one, and melted it into his body and primordial spirit.

Jiang Siyuan once objected, because he knew very well how precious the fruit of Ascension God Bamboo was. It surpassed many heavenly medicines and could save Fang Yuzhu's life at a critical moment.

However, Fang Yuzhu shook his head.

At the time of the collapse of the myth, just before the extraordinary rules died, she quickly completed all this and brought Jiang Siyu back to life.

If it was a little later, the supernatural did not exist, then it would be impossible to save him.

The current Jiang Siyuan, in his thirties, has lost his once earth-shattering cultivation base and has become a mortal, but he is still young, has a strong vitality, is stronger than ordinary people, and can live a good life in this world. .

"My hometown is Xinxing, I'm going there, Yuzhu, I wish you success in your search, and I believe you will surely stand on the top of the real transcendent avenue!"

"Siyuan, take care!" Fang Yuzhu watched him board the spaceship. She had no time to stay in this world, and all she could do was to arrange some things so that he could live a good life in Xinxing.

She felt very guilty. Jiang Siyuan had rescued her twice, but she couldn't bring him back to the road of longevity.

Jiang Siyuan left the old land. He quietly sat on the seat of the spaceship, and sighed at last: "I know, you are interested in seeking the Tao, and you are good to me just to repay your kindness, not the love between men and women. How can you not be eager to return to the top? But I don’t want to be a burden on your journey across the sea, I hope you can hang on the clouds to help the sea and reach the other shore!”


The shadow couple came to meet Wang Xuan's parents to say goodbye.

Yan Mingcheng said, "You two, take care, we are going away. The child Wang Xuan is also the child of the two of us. It's really reluctant to see him grow up."

Some time ago, Wang Xuan's parents were sent by the shadow couple to an exotic planet of life for a holiday. Not long after they were picked up, they were not told that Wang Xuan was shopping with people in the starry sky.

"You guys, is the thirst for transcendence so strong? What's wrong with the world! I read the history of cultivation you gave me, the so-called great realm in the world, if you want me to see it, isn't it the world of the world? You have come to an end. Is it? Every one of us living in the world is a practice, whether it is ordinary people or extraordinary people, it is the same. The so-called mountain is a mountain, a mountain is not a mountain, and a mountain is still a mountain. You leave this world and become a Immortal, and now he has returned to the human world, if you look again, is it still the human world?"

"Okay, brother, don't say it anymore, if you say it again, you have to get me into trouble." Yan Mingcheng asked Old Wang to stop, causing a headache.

Ever since the couple read various memorabilia in the history of cultivation, all kinds of truths came to them, serious classics, practice exercises, and Yan Mingcheng also gave them to them, but the old Wang and his wife didn't pay much attention.

Wang Xuan is very calm. He has been raised by these four people since he was a child. The two couples should not dislike the other. They seem to love to talk big.


In the past two days, the extraordinary people in this world can't be calm, especially the strongest people, how to choose and leave? They all got the news.

Two days later, a group of powerful transcendents set off, took the spaceship on the road, and rushed to the crack of the plane.

Wang Xuan also followed in his own small spaceship. If you need to gain knowledge, it can be regarded as a way to send everyone.

Unexpectedly, the plane group was not very far from the old soil, and it did not experience a long journey. After passing through a wormhole, it took another half a day to arrive.

Ahead is the destination. In the dark universe, there are cracks after cracks, and dazzling light emerges from the outside. That is the crack of the seating plane.

As expected, the Buddhist and Taoist families were persuaded, and they came with the Supreme Treasure of the Palace of Gods, and there were quite a few disciples who followed.

The two originators of Chaojue Palace and Gouchen Emperor Palace also appeared with Xiaoyaozhou, followed by a large group of top gods and immortals!

In addition, there are many people, such as Qi Yi, the demon ancestor, who came to see Wang Xuan with complicated expressions and said, "Little friend, I heard that you will stay in this world. My second son Qilian Dao will also stay. Next, I hope you will take care of it a little bit, and offend you, if it's not please raise your hand."

No matter how prestige he was in the fairyland in the past, how he was the overlord of the demon clan, but now he is just an old father. I hope that after he is gone, his children can live better.

Wang Xuan said: "The demon ancestor is polite, the extraordinary is over, and everything has been turned over. Besides, I don't know him or not, and there is no hatred for him."

Many people seem to have a complicated expression, and they already know about Wang Xuan's record. In this special era, he was able to kill the Earth Immortal, and after the battle with Shang Yi, he was still alive without serious problems, but Shang Yi did not know where to go.

In the distance, Yan Mingcheng was also talking to some strong men, coordinating with each other on how to better chase the sea.

"I once said that Fang Yuzhu is too aggressive, like a butterfly in the firelight. In fact, we enter the cracks of the plane like this, chasing the sea of ​​extraordinary light, and it is extremely dangerous.

When Wang Xuan heard such words, his heart was heavy. That kind of situation is entirely possible, and he said softly: "Send the seniors, you must succeed."

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