Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 8: Times are different

Wang Xuan suddenly came to his senses, this news is... really great for him!

He studied the broken artifacts, but couldn't find anything unusual, and now he has found something new?

"Whether it is a broken iron drill, or a short sword full of cracks, etc., put it in the furnace, it will only burn red, and there is no sign of melting." Aoki informed.

Even, in the end, in order to increase the temperature, the energy of the furnace was overloaded, and it broke itself.

This kind of melting in the early stage naturally does not require Master Zheng Yunhai's personal attention, but now that he is interested, he has never seen such a material.

"According to their tests, this is far more outrageous than the extremely rare materials such as 'sun gold' left by Lixian."

As the most famous cold weapon master, Zheng Yunhai has a wide network of connections. Now he is going to send it to the special material laboratory, borrowing a laser device, focusing with multiple lasers, generating ultra-limit temperature, and theoretically able to smelt everything.

"Don't ruin the flag for me, let them experiment with iron drills and daggers." Wang Xuan said.

"Don't worry, I reminded them." Aoki nodded. .

It wasn't long before he received another call from Zheng Yunhai.

"First the super press broke, and then the super pulverizer... broke."

After receiving this kind of news, Aoki felt a little embarrassed, and the cold weapon studio was damaged one after another.

Several disciples of Zheng Yunhai saw that the black short sword was covered with cracks, and wanted to smash it directly and send it to several laboratories for testing and analysis.

As a result, not to mention that it could not be hit with a hammer, even two machine tools were broken, and finally even the so-called most advanced cutting machine for all things was broken.

Wang Xuan was also a little surprised when he heard that, the sword body was full of cracks and could not be broken? However, considering its past performance, it is understandable.

In the last battle three years ago, Shang Yi used the feathered flag to tear the Zhanshen Banner to pieces, cut off the tip of the short sword, and caused the sword body to be full of cracks.

But they were not destroyed. Under the bombardment of the supernatural beings holding the treasure, they survived, which is enough to explain everything.

"Remind Master Zheng Yunhai, be sure to pay attention to safety..." Wang Xuan thought of some possibilities. If a few broken artifacts are far beyond imagination, they may be very dangerous.

"It's better to remotely control the melting, I have some doubts, maybe there are undiscovered secrets on them." He became serious and solemn.

He didn't find that mysterious treasure in the first killing formation. Could it be that he still had to land on the Zhanshen Banner and Zhanshen Banner in the end? Wang Xuan was a little worried that the analysis process in the laboratory would change.

Aoki called directly and said, "Master Zheng, let me tell you..."

At the same time, he set off directly and rushed over in person, fearing that those people would not care, if there was radiation of extraordinary power, it would really cause people to die.

"Old Zheng, I'm not joking, those broken artifacts may have gone through several mythological eras and are extremely dangerous. You must pay attention to it, remote smelting..."

On that day, a fragment of the flagpoles of Zhanshen Banner and Zhanshen Banner were successfully melted in different laboratories respectively. The energy consumption was astonishing, and dozens or hundreds of laser beams shone at one point at the same time.

"It's unbelievable, a small piece of fingernail can actually consume a lot of energy to melt it!" The people in the laboratory were amazed.

"I can't fully analyze it. I only know that it is made of more than 100 kinds of materials according to a special ratio. Among them, sun gold is only the most common ingredient."

Aoki immediately learned the results and sent Wang Xuan some analysis reports.

"In the process of melting, accompanied by various mysterious phenomena, there are unknown haze substances, which first transpired and finally flowed into the dissolved alloy liquid."

Wang Xuan was fascinated. In this era, the fragments of the once peerless treasure were really melted.

Soon, he learned that the heat generated by the laser device was so frightening that the bodies of the immortals and demons in their heyday could not withstand it, and they would probably burn out in an instant.

Aoki said: "That kind of temperature can exceed 100 million. Of course, this level of energy is absolutely not allowed in the laboratory, it will destroy everything."

Soon after, a fragment of the iron braze melted in the third laboratory. The substance in it was indescribable, and the mist evaporated, and finally reunited.

Wang Xuan was disappointed, and some thoughts in his heart were completely extinguished. The two broken flags did have an abnormal phenomenon, but after all, they were not out of line.

In the evening, Aoki called: "Wang Xuan, the dagger is very special, only part of it has melted away, but the laboratory dare not carry it out, saying it is too dangerous, it will be sent to outer space tomorrow, and it will be focused with a large number of laser beams. !"

This news made Wang Xuan a little shocked. In the end, the two small flags with high hopes were quite satisfactory, but the performance of the short sword exceeded expectations.

"You are guarding them, this matter must be kept secret!" Wang Xuan took a deep breath, he decided to go to outer space together in a spaceship tomorrow.

If there is really an abnormality, if necessary, he will wash away the memories of those few people, but he frowned again, and now his extraordinary means are relatively "thin".

"Hypnosis should be fine." He calmed down and sensed his own extraordinary power.

It is difficult to tell whether it is the real him in this world, who projected his extraordinary power in the sea of ​​mist, or whether the real him is in a place of nothingness and cast his thoughts into the world.

No matter what, he has to penetrate the life soil.

In the evening, Guan Lin came with a pair of twins. The two children are three years old, which is a lively and lovely age.

"Xiao Wang, you finally woke up." Guan Lin sighed, looking at him, she felt happy and relaxed from the bottom of her heart.

"Sister Guan, you and Lao Chen are worried." Wang Xuan said with a smile, then walked over and caught a pair of curious babies.

The two children were screaming, their big eyes flashing, their small mouths pouting, and they almost cried.

"Could one of you be called Chen Xuan, and the other with the same pronunciation, called Chen Xuan?" He looked at Chen Yongjie as he spoke.

"Really with that kind of name, I always feel that when I call my son and daughter, it's the same as calling you. Just think about it and let it go. The boy's name is Chen Rui, and the girl's name is Chen Fei." Chen Yongjie told with a smile.

Wang Xuan let out a long sigh, really afraid that he would make a random name.

In the evening, the two children sat there like little adults, very sensible, like two porcelain dolls, but they were on guard against Wang Xuan, for fear that he would capture them both again.

Wang Xuan sensed his own condition, and finally decided to baptize the two children with the help of the crystal of good fortune.

Even in this era, combing the muscles and bones and nourishing the limbs and bones with super-substances have great benefits. Not to mention that all diseases will not be born. If you practice martial arts and embark on the path of cultivation, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

"Uncle, you are going to bully children again!"


While the two children were screaming, Wang Xuan refined the crystals of good fortune, and a rich mist of light gradually poured into their small bodies. He used a secret method to lead them to ensure that their flesh and spirit would not be hurt, and the soft light spread over every inch of the place. .

"Trouble." Guan Lin and Lao Chen were extremely happy.

In the evening, a spaceship landed outside Ancheng, and Huang Ming personally went to pick him up.

"Huang Ming." Zhou Yun came out and looked for someone in the distance, accompanied by two beautiful female companions, hugging his arms from left to right.

In the past, the Zhou family did not leave, but stayed at Xinxing. He was very afraid of Lie Xian, and took the initiative to make friends with the demons behind Huang Ming, Kong Yun and others, and have a good relationship.

Now, Zhou Yun is no longer afraid, and it is natural to call Huang Ming.

In fact, the Zhou family is now in a dominant position as an investor in Huang Ming and Kong Yun.

"Let's go, I've booked the hotel for you." Huang Ming said with a smile. From the fact that he personally drove to the spaceship base to pick up people, it could be seen that the times were different.

"Old Huang, don't worry, I still have a few friends behind, call for a few more cars." Zhou Yun said.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Huang Ming called Kong Yun and asked him to send a car to pick him up.

"I ran into them by chance and only found out when I got on the spaceship. By the way, what are the arrangements for the evening, calling a few fairies to sing?" Zhou Yun asked with a smile.

Then, he added: "This time, it's not that I want to contact fairies, but those friends. They are very strong in Nova, and with their help, Xianxian Chazhai can blossom and become popular in Nova. Although the old land is open up, It's good, but it's almost saturated."

As an investor, the Zhou family he represents is the major shareholder of Ban Xian Chazhai, and Huang Ming and Kong Yun don't have as much shares combined as the Zhou family.

Huang Ming sighed and said: "It's difficult, although most of the immortals have become mortals, but if I want to invite them out to drink K song, I will probably be rejected. I don't want to be a villain, I really don't want to be rejected by some old people in this era. disgust."

Zhou Yun was slightly dissatisfied, and said: "It sounds like I'm going to bully men and women tonight, I'm not that bad, right? This time, it's mainly a few very important friends, and I want them to have a close look. Once fairies, satisfy their curiosity."

Huang Ming glanced at the two women beside him and said nothing.

Soon after, three men and a woman came over and greeted Zhou Yun. It seemed that they all had some background.

In the evening, Huang Ming took care of them. At Zhou Yun's repeated request, he and Kong Yun called Zhou Qinghuang and Gu Mingxi respectively, but they were both rejected.

"Although she is a fairy, she has to keep pace with the times. It's no harm to make more friends." Zhou Yun was a little dissatisfied.

One of the young people smiled and said: "It turned out to be Zhou Qinghuang and Gu Mingxi, the zgz group that appeared three years ago? The third member is Zhou Although they developed in the old land, they are in the new star. There is also a lot of fame, shout out."

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"Probably not." Behind Kong Yun is the White Peacock Clan. Although it has also declined, his personality is still similar to the past, not smooth enough.

The three men and one woman were suddenly unhappy.

"They have plans tonight, and they really can't go away." Huang Ming rounded up the situation.

"Can you do it tomorrow night?" a young man asked, although he was smiling, he was somewhat strong.

Huang Ming changed the subject, looked at Zhou Yun, and said, "Do you want to see Wang Xuan tomorrow?"

Zhou Yun was startled, thinking of a lot of old things. Three years have passed, and friends who are familiar with him have lost contact with him, and some memories have also faded slightly.

He sighed: "In the past three years, I have been to the old land several times, and I have visited him, but I have never seen him, and I can't get close to the courtyard. I really don't know what he is doing now. I will be on my itinerary tomorrow. There are arrangements, and an appointment with a business partner. So, the day after tomorrow, you accompany me to see him again to find out how it is. "

"Wang Xuan?" A young man said next to him, "Someone said that something happened to him, and the problem was quite serious."


Early in the morning, after three years, Wang Xuan once again boarded the silver spaceship, left the old land, and entered outer space. He had to personally stare at what secrets the dagger would have when it completely melted.

Because, after the part is melted away, a strange material is exposed, and there seems to be something different inside the sword body! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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