Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 17: Red dust is full of scenery

After Wang Xuan returned to the old land, he calmed down and solemnly considered the future path.

When the big screen collapsed, he was exposed to more than one kind of road. He saw with his own eyes that some people flew moths into the flames, shattering their bones in the utter splendor, and a group of people gave up everything and resolutely crossed the extraordinary sea of ​​​​light and went away, never to be seen in this world.

He needs to become stronger, and he needs to bring back the primordial spirit who is wandering in the "true source".

In the days that followed, he studied various scriptures. At the beginning, he collected a large number of scriptures in Xinxing, which, in a sense, was equivalent to obtaining the secret treasure of Lixian.

In that special era, Lie Xian Dong Mansion, Yao Mysterious Treasure, etc., all gradually decayed along with the extraordinary, and fell out of the void, and there were all kinds of scriptures.

The chaebols dug up the ruins of the immortals, bringing huge dividends to Wang Xuan.

For him now, the time of studying the scriptures is very pure, and in the eyes of some people may be considered leisurely, in the eyes of others, it may be boring, and different people have different scenes.

In Wang Xuan's own feelings, this kind of life is not a peaceful life that belongs to the pastoral years, but a kind of fulfillment in the state of mind and spiritual enrichment, and he is exploring the way of the future.

In the tranquility, in the monotony, in the departure from the fireworks of the bustling city, he has gained all kinds of things.

In the past, he had seen the splendor of the immortal world, and also experienced the blood and chaos of the mythical apocalypse, visited the immortal land, and also arrived at the higher spiritual world, experiencing the end of an era. .

He has fought with demons, and he has also slashed with gods. He is remembered by Zheng Yuantian, has bad relations with Hengjun, and fights with Langling. He is even locked up by Shang Yi, the first sword madman in the immortal realm, who is almost killed.

Along the way, although he is not very old, he has experienced a lot of things. Witnessing the burning of the extraordinary era until it is completely extinguished, it can be said that he has seen all the glitz and finally returned to the dull.

When Lie Xian is gone, the myth does not exist, and in this extraordinary and gradually silent world, his once restless heart also calms down, which is like a kind of precipitation.

After experiencing extravagance, looking back in the red dust, and walking through the neon city, he did not need to meditate, and the whole person was less smokey.

Flip through Huang Ting, recite the Ascension Mantra... He devoted himself to study, and in this state of mind, he gained more and more, understood it from different angles, and refined things that belonged to him.

He did not want to copy the way of the past, but was inspired by various things, broadened his horizons, and gradually saw the fog-filled road ahead.

Of course, there are some thaumaturgy he learned for the first time, and he tried to figure it out, such as the **** black phoenix technique, which is the top secret technique of the terrifying spirit that is dormant in Qitian's body, and can be reborn after death.

Wang Xuan has too many scriptures. At first, he moved into the depths of the spiritual sea as a whole, but now he has searched all over the scriptures and finally found this secret scripture.

Once it is refined, it is equivalent to an extra life.

Soon, he found Shang Yi's resurrection method, the golden cicada shell cutting art, which is really a first-class scripture, which can be called magical and magnificent.

Once this secret method is practiced, after using it to resurrect, it will be weak at first, but after getting through it, with the passage of time, the cultivation will be more diligent, and the Taoism will be stronger than before.

Wang Xuan found that there are many good things that are deposited in the depths of spiritual consciousness and need to be explored.

He didn't concentrate on ascetic cultivation and closed doors to thank guests. In fact, he was very casual. Although he had a sense of being born, he didn't mean to stay away from the world.

In his free time, he will walk around, watching the colorful city at night, crowded in the hustle and bustle of traffic on the street in the daytime, and will also travel, high mountains and swamps, desert sunsets, different scenes, different moods.

Of course, sometimes he would have tea and chat with Aoki and Liu Huaian, and would also visit Chen Yongjie and his wife to tease the twins.

"Wang Xuan, aren't you going to become an immortal?" This is Aoki's most intuitive view. He always feels that Wang Xuan's temperament is changing, and he gradually has an air of dust, as if he is about to leave the world.

Although he didn't believe it at all, because the age of mythology was over, it was impossible for anyone to ascend to the Immortal, but Wang Xuan's temperament really surprised him.

"No, on the contrary, a butterfly ran away. I've just been calm and peaceful recently, and I don't want anything in my heart, so I should be calmer unconsciously." Wang Xuan said.

In this regard, whether it is Aoki, Liu Huaian, or Chen Yongjie, they can only accompany him to drink tea, and cannot participate in the analysis of his current situation.

Tea is indeed good tea. It is the fruit of the first immortal tea tree that Wang Xuan picked from the world under his life.

But in this era, all tea fruits have lost their extraordinary properties. After being dried and preserved, only the fragrance is left, and there is no mythical brilliance.

Occasionally, Wang Xuan also went to Huang Ming's Ban Xian Tea House to sit down and gather with Zhou Qinghuang, Kong Yun, Mo Si, Gu Mingxi and other acquaintances, where he accidentally met Master Wukong - Ghost Monk.

He did not cross the sea and stayed in the red dust. As for the little white tiger who always fought with him, the round-faced girl, he vowed to follow the demon master and left.

After the fairy tale came to an end, the old monk returned to the Pufa Temple on the outskirts of Ancheng, from where Wang Xuan brought out the fragments of his primordial spirit.

Since then, Wang Xuan has added a new place. Sometimes he will go to the Pufa Temple to talk to the old monks about the scriptures and the Dharma, and study the secret way of Buddhism.

"Wang Xuan, I see that you are becoming more and more immortal. It matches the name of my tea house. The immortal charm is full of charm. Give me an endorsement." Huang Ming joked.

Outsiders commented that Wang Xuan gradually became less flamboyant, but when he returned home, his parents directly asked him if he was tired of the world, but he had no suicidal tendencies.

Even Wang Xuan's mother asked him if there was a problem with his practice, could he have gone crazy?

He was stunned, the angle of looking at the problem was really "pure", and the alternative left him speechless.

"Do you have Fang Yuzhuqiang now? Is Yan Mingcheng powerful? Where can you find your way? Don't mess around. Your mother and I are just your child. Don't toss yourself away."

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After Wang Xuan heard about it, he seriously reflected on his situation. Is it normal?

"In this special era, I have a high probability of officially entering the level of free travel, surpassing the earth immortal, but there are some problems, which are slightly dusty."

Afterwards, after his parents knew the truth, there was silence for a while, quite speechless, Yuanshen went on the road alone and ran away? !

"It's alright, this realm is Shenyou, and I'm not quite the same as Liexian. This is a real Xianyouyou with higher gold content, and the primordial spirit has gone to the real source."

Wang Xuan was reading the scriptures in the courtyard and didn't pay much attention.

"Do you think that the wandering of the world is the highest standard of leisure travel? There are records in the ancient books, in addition to the wandering of the gods, there is also the wandering of the body." Wang Zesheng said.

Wang Xuan looked at Lao Wang, is there such a statement? His father and Yan Mingcheng have been together for more than 20 years, and he really knows a lot.

"You read all the scriptures, and I read all the miscellaneous books on the history of practice. If you have nothing to do, you should also read it." Wang Zesheng said.

About body travel is only mentioned by some people, not the mainstream, because to a certain extent, spiritual travel is enough. What is important for people is the sense of thinking, entering the spiritual world layer by layer, and strengthening the primordial spirit.

The so-called body travel refers to entering the spiritual space with the physical body, but how can an ordinary wandering cultivator achieve this step?

Wang Xuan was stunned. Back then, he brought his body into the interior and did it by accident.

"Some people also say that the world's red dust, one step at a time, is the best place to travel in the flesh, traversing the river of time, walking through the world, seeing the wonders of the world, experiencing the customs of hundreds of tribes, and the coexistence of spiritual travel and physical travel. This is the getaway."

Wang Xuan asked him for those miscellaneous books, but Pharaoh actually asked him to go to the relevant department in Pingcheng to find them, and there were many isolated books in that place.

Wang Xuan asked Lao Chen to help, and he really uploaded the scanned version from the Internet.

"Child, you have lost your soul. You are a cultivator, how can you not have a primordial spirit?" Wang Xuan's mother Jiang Yun showed concern.

Wang Zesheng said: "Yan Mingcheng seems to have mentioned similar things before. At that time, when he and Bai Jingshu talked about whether they have found the real way and whether there are people who have taken a crucial step in the past, they mentioned some strange people, among them. There's someone in a situation similar to yours."

Jiang Yun pondered, then woke up, and said, "I also remembered that the strange man seems to be a long time ago. He said that he belonged to a lost civilization, and some inscriptions were excavated in the remnants of the foreign land."

Wang Xuan suddenly came to the spirit.

According to records, after a certain extraordinary civilization came to an end a long time ago, a peerless immortal became weaker day by day. When walking in the red dust, he unexpectedly encountered a young man, and he could not see through it.

Many years later, the peerless immortal had already become a mortal, and his hair was gray, but when he met the young man again, he found that the years had not left any traces on him.

He was suddenly shocked and asked for advice humbly, but the other party sighed and told him that his body had preserved the power of the Earth Immortal, but his Yuanshen had an accident and was gone.

"Why is it gone?" Wang Xuan was surprised, did he really meet a "similar"?

"According to the young man, the primordial spirit has been completely eliminated by the correction of errors in the universe, and only the normal spiritual thoughts are left, and the consciousness is not damaged. It is a pity that the primordial spirit fruit is scattered."

Wang Xuan was in a trance, there is such a person, the primordial spirit "dissolved", and the fleshly body retains the position of the fairy fruit, which is very outrageous, and it seems that it is still different from him.

"Are you sure that your primordial spirit is temporarily gone, not melted away?" asked Wang Xuan's mother Jiang Yun.

"I'm sure he's still there!" Wang Xuan nodded, then asked, "What about later?"

Wang Zesheng said: "He is like an ordinary person, living in the mortal world, but he seems to be very confident. He thinks that he will return to the basics and look at the mountains as mountains again. That strange person feels that he will experience the real realm of the world, and then set foot on the real world. Going all the way and going through it all over again, then eventually a new myth will be recreated and truly detached.”

"There are some ways." Wang Xuan nodded.

Jiang Yun said: "So, no matter what era, you can't be careless and be too arrogant. Maybe there is such a 'strange person' in this city, who has turned into a mortal, and is re-entering this great realm of the world..."

"What happened to this strange man afterward?" Wang Xuan said and directly took his parents' hands, and used his own body and instinct at the level of Earth Immortal to investigate his parents' physical condition.

The two are very healthy and vigorous. This is the result of Yan Mingcheng and Bai Jingshu's help in conditioning. However, they are only stronger than ordinary people, not extraordinary, and they are far from the physique of Earth Immortals.

"What do you think?" Jiang Yun patted his hand aside.

"Later, the strange man died under the fire of the spaceship because of an accident, and was smashed into flesh and blood, but before he died, he tore apart several small warships." Wang Zesheng said.

Moreover, he was very solemn and reminded Wang Xuan to be more cautious and careful, even if he had an earth immortal-level body, after losing his primordial spirit, he would not be able to stop modern technological weapons.

Wang Xuan nodded, fortunately, he still has the Imperial Dao Spear in hand, if someone really wants to risk their lives to tear their skin, he is not so easy to deal with.

Unless the other party is crazy, directly destroy the entire planet!

A few days later, Wang Xuan decided to travel far, Yuanshen was traveling to the source of truth, and he also had to travel in the starry sky to see the splendor of this era.

At the same time, he thought of an old incident. There was a person who was very similar to the strange person described by his parents. He was in the same state. He had come into contact with him personally.

Now that the supernatural is over, what happened to that person? He wanted to take a look.

The next day, Wang Xuan left the old land.

Xinxing, Zhao Qinghan walked out of the swimming pool, like a hibiscus out of water, her fair body was graceful and beautiful, she wiped off the water droplets from her body, and sat there alone, quietly beautiful and silent. After a long time, she picked up the phone, opened the address book, and slipped her finger to a familiar name. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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