Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 50: new road

The scorching heat was unbearable, Wang Xuan's body was glowing with red glow, and a rich red substance filled the air. He got up straight away and couldn't sit cross-legged at home. He was worried that the house would burn.

Pushing open the window, he flew out directly. At this level, his body was able to fly, and he quickly rushed out of Yuncheng.

In the transcendent era, he couldn't do it, he could only travel with his Yuanshen. If the flesh and blood wanted to control the sky, he had to rely on exotic treasures. After the demise of the myth, he reached this height instead.

"Yes... Wang Xuan!" Someone found him, took a quick photo, and then sent it to the video platform excitedly, with the caption: My neighbor is an earth immortal!

Some media contacted him for the first time, and asked him about materials, paid, willing to cooperate for a long time, and some people wanted to buy his house directly.

In the Great Black Mountain, Wang Xuan landed. There were cracks all over the ground, and some of the mountain peaks collapsed, which was caused by someone attacking with a flying sword last time.

Wang Xuan went underground and opened up a simple stone room. Modern technology is too advanced, and he does not want to be captured by others.

At the moment when he was no longer deliberately suppressed, a rich red substance permeated his body. This extraordinary factor was too domineering. If other people in the same realm came, they would definitely not be able to bear it and would be burned to death.

This is still the result of his early contact and adaptation for many years.

In the past, he could only attract wisps, but now it is very strong. The rays of light flowed through the flesh and blood, like red fire, and like blood-colored lightning, burning his whole body red, and even part of his skin turned black.

"If it is fully released, it will not work." His burned pores were glowing with red glow. This extraordinary attribute was too strong, and it was fatal to Earth Immortals.

At this time, the activity of his whole body cells was greatly improved, that is because, constantly changing, some of them were burned and damaged, and under the nourishment of extraordinary factors, they were born again.

"It needs a transition period, it's too violent right now, and there's no way to do it in one step." He was very vigilant and did not rush for success.

The most important thing is that the primordial spirit has just entered the life soil, and has not really returned. The extraordinary soil below that has been burned is red, as if it is about to melt.

Now, the combat power he possesses is not the result of the return of all the primordial spirits, but that most of the primordial spirits have turned into divine light and irradiated them.

"Are you close to the health care master?"

Regardless of whether the realm is reached or not, he believes that if the primordial spirit completely enters the world and becomes one with the flesh, it should be close in terms of combat power.

He attaches great importance to it. In the next practice, perhaps it is time to let the primordial spirit and the fleshly body **, and gradually integrate into one, and can no longer be separated like this.

He had an urge to give it a try, how strong he was in full body state, but after a little try, a large area of ​​his body was charred black.

"I seem to be really...strong!" He said to himself, there is no doubt about surpassing the Earth Immortal. Now, if he encounters Shang Yi again in the real world, he dares to rush over with the imperial spear and take the initiative to hunt Kill the sword maniac.

Back then, Shang Yi surpassed the Earth Immortal and let him experience life and death disasters, and even the interior scene was killed by the opponent, and now he is worthy of the realm.

With his more and more powerful spiritual eyes, he saw the truth under the life soil. In addition to the primordial spirit transpiring red matter, he also saw two other light spots.

One represents the new interior scene, the other represents the essence of flesh and blood, and now both have vigorous vitality and overflowing red substances.

Wang Xuan's brief attempt to communicate the return of the spot of light that represents the flesh and blood, if it is related to the current flesh and blood, perhaps the physique can be directly improved!

In an instant, his complexion changed, and that light spot glowed red, which was no different from the domineering red light inherent in the primordial spirit, which would burn through the external flesh.

"Actually, my cultivation of flesh and blood is not considered a fall. As long as the light spot is fully fused back, my physique will be transformed."

It's just that it can't be done overnight. His current body corresponds to the myths of the old era.

In the final analysis, it needs to be transformed slowly, just like the primordial spirit, it cannot be achieved in one step.

In the tranquility, he resonated with the primordial spirit, that is him, he is the primordial spirit, regardless of each other, and soon he understood the details of so many years.

Yuanshen is far away, and he is always in ascetic cultivation, like a lonely traveler, going on the road alone, opening up new transcendent fields and searching for new worlds.

As for his thoughts in this world, he naturally left a part of the spiritual core imprint, and at the same time, it can also be regarded as the consciousness radiated from the primordial spirit.

The two are entangled, there is not much difference, they are both practicing, one is exploring a dangerous and transcendent new field, and the other is realizing in the real world.

Both of them are Xiaoyaoyou, one is a spiritual wanderer, and the other is a physical wanderer.

After all, that's how the environment is.

However, once the world is changed, his experience in the real world, the various classics he comprehends, etc., can be quickly transformed into real strength.

And the new environment explored by Yuanshen can bring back endless transcendent factors, which is equivalent to changing the world, allowing him to obtain power from within himself.

"The strange people in the real world have been trying to improve their Taoism and give them a new world. If they enter the extraordinary universe, they can instantly turn their perceptions into power."

In fact, if the rotten Lie Xian enters a brand-new extraordinary universe in his lifetime, it is not a big problem to restore it to the original level, not to mention raising it.

"The red transcendental factor I have now is not suitable for the people around me. It is too domineering. Some people may be able to absorb every trace, but it is meaningless."

Wang Xuan communicated with Yuanshen and found that "Butterfly" was working hard, and recently wanted to enter another extraordinary source of different colors.

Yuanshen wanted to find a new substance that was less violent and softer, so that people around him could absorb it and improve their spirit and physique.

Perhaps, that is the real new way, suitable for more people. Now, all he has found is his own way, not universal.

For the next destination, he gave up the silver-white super-material source of killing Qi, and instead focused on a splendid golden world.

That kind of light is ubiquitous and sacred, as if it can illuminate all things and feed back all spirits.

"Is it feasible?" If he breaks into the second supernatural source, not only can he help the people around him, but his own strength will be greatly improved.

At present, his primordial spirit has discovered dozens or hundreds of "source worlds", which are embodied in various extraordinary powers, like every inch of flesh and blood corresponds to an extraordinary source.

"If it goes away like this, there won't be another year of silence and Yuanshen suddenly disappears, right?" Wang Xuan murmured, he didn't want to sink for another "ten years".

It has been almost nine years since the end of the myth, and he is either sleeping or running around, although it can be regarded as "travelling" in the real world, comprehending and practicing.

However, this kind of road without powerful mana and lack of supernatural powers is very boring and difficult. If it is locked by the fleet, it may be killed.

Yuanshen feedback, this time will not disappear, the two are one, regardless of each other, the butterfly that has gone away can come back at any time, and instantly return to the body.

Moreover, his physical body also needs high-intensity "training" now, and slowly adapts to the red substance, and now he can't bear the full fusion of the primordial spirit.

Part of the red substance on his body receded, and it returned to the world below the life soil, leaving part of it, gently baptizing the flesh, slowly adapting and transitioning.

Afterwards, he began to study the treasures. Today's harvest is so great that he actually won two complete treasures in one breath.

Xiaoyaozhou, one inch long, is like a fine art carved from an olive pit.

"Reversible travel through time?" He didn't inject super-substance. At present, this treasure is too high and cold, and he is not going to provide it with super-factors. When will it be used?

He watched it carefully, and captured its internal texture with his spiritual eyes. It was chaotic, blocking his sight. The corner of the pattern that he occasionally saw was as vast as a sea of ​​stars.

Driving Xiaoyaozhou can briefly rush into the sky of history, but it needs to pay a price, and in his current state, he can't bear it at all.

That kind of taboo field can only be set foot after at least reaching the super peerless level. Now he will not touch it, and avoid putting himself in it.

Then, he looked at the pool of life.

"Unfortunately!" Wang Xuan searched, there was no Dao pattern of the burning Dao lamp in the pool, and the sacred rules that were embodied in the group were gone.

In this regard, Wang Xuan also understands that the final confrontation between Ran Dao Deng and Yu Dao Qi was finally broken, and he lost the qualification to compete for the first treasure.

Now that it reappears, it is impossible to get along with Yu Dao Spear, and it must be gone.

And Yu Dao Spear was silent the whole time, without blocking or embarrassing it.

"Wait until the next age of mythology, if it can find the rough embryo of the treasure, it may reappear." Yu Dao Spear reported such a fluctuation of consciousness.

In addition to the scratches left by the Imperial Dao Spear and a terrifying pit on the life pool, there is actually another "**" at the bottom of it, which has been injured!

Is this the trace left by another extraordinary universe?

Even the Imperial Dao Spear was amazed, took the initiative to recover, communicated with the life pool, and asked the origin of its scars.

In the end, Life Pool responded and informed that it was suspected that there really was a transcendent world, and that it and another "prohibited item" - a silver shield, struggled to open up a vast world.

The supermatter poured out there, and it was attacked by another big universe. In addition to the expansion of the power of the supreme rule, there was an extremely terrifying knife light in the upper passage, which hit it and left a "wound" at the bottom of the pool. .

It was shot down, and another treasure-level prohibited item, the silver shield, was actively accepted by the universe and returned to the big world.

In fact, the ability to penetrate the cracks in the universe is mainly due to the silver shield of the prohibited item, which resonated with the universe, otherwise most of them will fail.

"Interesting, with the terrifying knife light blooming, it can leave scars on the treasure of this universe. I will see it in the future to see if it can be broken." The imperial spear waved.

Wang Xuan was also thinking, a shield, an unknown terrifying long sword, could it be a set of weapons and equipment? This seems a little scary.

What's the situation on the other side? To actually split the life pool and not let it run through the universe, it's really weird.

At the same time, he also knew that two of the three powerhouses from the land of technological life were hiding in the pool of life, and were directly obliterated by the knife light.

The other person hid behind the silver shield and rushed into the extraordinary universe, not knowing what the final result would be.

"If there are no prohibited items belonging to that universe, can that passage be forcibly opened?" Wang Xuan wondered, can he blast it away with a complete Imperial Dao flag?

The forbidden item, the silver shield, originally belonged to that extraordinary universe, and was brought here by the experiencer of the past, the mysterious "herald of the frightening spirit".

Two days later, Wang Xuan walked out of the Great Montenegro and returned home, and found a lot of news accumulated on his mobile phone, all of which were left by acquaintances.

The first is a message from his parents. The two are currently not in the old land, but in the new star, telling him not to delay. At present, the two of them are drinking tea with Zhao Zejun and discussing his and Zhao Qinghan's wedding.

"I'm getting married." Wang Xuan was a little lost. (To be continued)

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