Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 62: moon circle

The latest website: "Have you even pierced it?" Wang Xuan asked, looking at the treasure with a long thumb, hanging on the Yuanshen chain on his wrist.

A tie, plus a ye, caused waves in Ming Lun and Xianyue's hearts.

"Probably had indirect contact, but didn't pierce it." Yu Dao Spear's consciousness fluctuated, and then calmed down again, as if he was thinking about something.

The moon has countless craters and pits on the surface. Because there is no atmosphere, when you look at the universe from the surface, it is pitch black, as deep as you are staring into a terrifying abyss, silent and secluded.

The temperature difference between the surface and the underground is huge, the side of the ground facing the sun can quickly cook ordinary people, and the cold world underground can freeze people in an instant.

Wang Xuan just wore a single shirt, which was quite casual. Minglun and Xianyue were envious. Both of them were wearing protective clothing made of special materials.

It's not that they can't stand it, but in a harsh environment for a long time, it is a kind of consumption after all, which is not what they are willing to face.

The former pit was later sunk and collapsed by the battleship, and the meteorite blocks buried the terrifying underground world and deliberately concealed it.

Beside Ming Lun and Crescent Moon, followed by a team of robots, they cleaned up and dug properly along the way, and traveled unimpeded along the way.

Underground, it was dark and icy cold, as if it was close to hell, and then was locked in a dark box.

"This area, as well as the collapsed area on the left, and the deeper hollow area, are the most dangerous areas. Although we have been here many times, we have not found anything." Ming Lun introduced.

It's very strange here. More than 90% of people can't see anything here, and can't find anything here. After a few people trigger some unknown elements in the environment, they can vaguely see the strange circle.

"Extremely few people, if they are unlucky, they may fall into it." Xianyue reminded.

Wang Xuan nodded, darkness is nothing to him, this place is really strange, the space in front looks calm, but there are twisted nodes.

Everything is because he has spiritual eyes and can see the most essential things.

He walked and walked into the extremely dark area, like a magic box with an open corner, deeper and colder than other places.

He glanced at it with his spiritual eyes, and he could naturally see through everything. A wisp of red substance overflowed from his fingertips and sank into the corner of the dark void.


After the red substance was submerged, there was light flowing. It was not the transcendent factor injected by Wang Xuan that was burning, but a space vortex emerged.

It can be seen that it is a small group of special spaces, where the old scene of the past emerges. There is a small world of its own, and there are blurred images from a long time ago.

"You saw the strange circle so soon?" Crescent Moon was taken aback, but after a closer look, there were no people who could see the infinite loop inside, only one spaceship was shattering.

"It's just a fragment, a special halo space." Wang Xuan said.

Ming Lun let a robot enter the halo, but it went straight through. The halo seemed to be out of the world and out of tune with the main world.

Wang Xuan continued to move forward, staring at one special node after another, injecting red substances one after another, activating a large area under the ground, causing it to gradually become brighter.

The ignition of one node after another, and the hazy emergence of one space segment after another, seems to be constructing a strange scene.

"This is bit by bit... the strange circle was dug out?" Ming Lun was cautiously alert, but he had seen the old scene provided by Robot No. 5.

"It seems that there is a strange extraordinary veil covering this place, and now it is only a corner." Wang Xuan responded.

On the bottom of the moon, they are all communicating in spirit.

Since they met, Ming Lun and Xianyue have not concealed, and frankly admit that in today's era, their extraordinary abilities have seriously declined, and only mental energy can barely maintain it.

After Wang Xuan ignited many space nodes with red substances, the large area of ​​the underground world seemed to resonate, sketching a space-time picture.

A dazzling light appeared, a distant, hazy scene, and a faint mourning sound, someone seemed to be in great pain and went mad.

"It really appeared, we have witnessed the process of the strange circle from scratch?" Xianyue opened her eyes wide, her innocent and bright face was full of surprise, and she became cautious at the same time.

The two brothers and sisters stood still. They knew that even the first master among the fallen, Tomb, who came here to look for Xuan, failed in the end and fled with injuries.

"It may be very dangerous here. If we get stuck in it, we may also become people in infinite reincarnation, and we will never be able to break free." Ming Lun reminded.

He didn't dare to step, his father Yandao once warned, be careful to investigate, collect information carefully, and don't really break in.

"The strange circle is blurrier than before, and a little dim. After the extraordinary is over, will the strange circle here also end?" Crescent Moon said.

"Can you go in?" Wang Xuan asked Yu Dao Spear secretly. He was really curious about the so-called strongest prohibited item, and he didn't know whether the treasure in his hand could be dealt with.

"Okay, go after it and have a look. I also want to know what it looks like." Yu Dao Gun responded that it had indeed seen a similar scene.

It secretly told Wang Xuan that that thing was indeed dangerous.

Back then, the civilization where Yudao Banner was located, a top expert, once saw a huge extraordinary meteor cut through the dark universe, exuding an unparalleled extraordinary factor, that person chased it all the way.

"As a result, he disappeared for a long time, until four hundred years later, he was unexpectedly discovered, trapped in a special scene, and went mad."

That was the top expert in the super splendid civilization of Yudaoqi, but as a result, he was still trapped, no one was a ghost or a ghost, and many memories were cut off.

Afterwards, the giant of civilization, an old man who had lived for thousands of years, held the Imperial Dao Banner and rushed there in person, and finally broke through the strange circle and rescued the mad master.

This kind of secret news moved Wang Xuan, and Yu Dao Qi had indirectly dealt with Xeon banned items.

"You didn't find it, no confrontation?" Wang Xuan asked.

"No, it left vague traces and has gone away. It is understood that the inexplicable prohibited items contained in that special and huge extraordinary meteor fell from an unknown crack in the plane." Yudao Gun informs.

Prohibited items from other universes are hidden in the stars, and they seem to have a hang-up with the war. They fell into this universe along the secret passage.

This made Wang Xuan's heart quite uneasy. The man and woman beside him once told him that as the transcendent central world shifted, the universe and race were also undergoing drastic changes. Rise, everything changes.

On the extraordinary stage, in the splendid light curtain, giants and heroes are also ups and downs, and even prohibited items are also being born and destroyed.

There are only a few prohibited items that have never left the extraordinary historical river, and will rise into the sky after a period of silence. This one on the moon is one of the strongest items.

Can the Imperial Spear ever fight? Wang Xuan knew that the Yudao Spear was very special, very strong and invincible, but it had never entered the center of the extraordinary world.

The two brothers and sisters have said some things. After the treasure changes to another world, it may need to transition and adapt slowly.

This item on the moon is one of the few items whose power is undiminished in any world. It can be said that the "violation" is extreme.

"It's not in the scene ahead, but it left traces, maybe it can catch up, I want to take a look, I'm a little unwilling to pierce it once." Yu Dao Spear is full of fighting spirit.

This time, it did not hide the fluctuations, making Ming Lun and Xianyue speechless, looking at it again and again, really dare to speak, dare to fight with Gu Jin?

The two brothers and sisters have heard that the black wooden box was opened, and after the "ancient and modern" inside was revived, several pieces of illegal holy relics, which were famous in the history of the transcendent central world, were destroyed!

"We... don't dare to follow up. That wooden box is too dangerous. Although it may not be there anymore, once it appears, it will be disastrous. It requires special means and methods to collect it. At present, the two of us do not have control over it. , Our parents are also looking for a solution, and now they just want to determine its whereabouts and find traces."

Ming Lun said, a little embarrassed, this is the truth, he really dare not approach the black wooden box.

Wang Xuan touched the Xiaoyaozhou in his pocket, and this time he brought two treasures. In case of encountering "ancient and modern", in this universe, it is considered a home battle, so it shouldn't be too miserable, right?

After sensing his mental fluctuations, the Imperial Dao Spear suddenly expanded with splendid textures. It only had one sentence, go to the black box and pierce it!

Obviously, the first treasure is very temperamental, even if he is only bare now, he is still not convinced, and he has to take the initiative to find ancient and modern to fight!

Xiaoyaozhou also recovered. It didn't want to fight, but wanted to see Yudao Spear meet its opponent. It always felt that it stabbed this and that, it was too domineering, and it was better to meet an opponent.

Wang Xuan stepped into the scene with two treasures, because both Yudao Spear and Xiaoyaozhou said that the strange circle they saw could not trap them. Just change the name to Waste Treasure.

With a buzzing sound, Wang Xuan walked forward, his figure gradually blurred, as if he was about to disappear from this strange scene.

There was a harsh scream here, Wang Xuan saw the light, saw the robots melted and evaporated, and saw some people die tragically and turn into beams.

A small number of people are alive, wailing, numb, and walking into the distance one after another.

"Is the road left by the black wooden box on purpose?" After the Yudao Spear was revived, the texture expanded and sensed the ground ahead.

It doesn't look like the lunar subterranean. At the end of this scene, someone is struggling to enter another world, the so-called infinite loop, and there are follow-up chapters. Another scene was not recorded by the mothership and passed to the fifth machine. Humans belong to the unknown.

Xiaoyaozhou glowed and disappeared from the first magnificent scene carrying Wang Xuan.

Outside, at the bottom of the moon, Ming Lun and Xuan Yue were shocked. They saw the strange circle and saw some people struggling in the vague area.

"He broke in and merged into the vicious circle, which is considered a personal participation, but he disappeared again. Was this obliterated by ancient and modern?"

"No, the strange circle seems to be only the peripheral area, and there are core scenes. The five motherships in the past have not been recorded. Oops, wouldn't he really get the past and present?"

The two brothers and sisters looked at each For more than a year, their father and people have been negotiating, trying every means to get in touch with the hometown universe, but they all failed. Don't say it back, even the signal can't be transmitted.

"It's okay, ancient and modern are too strong, there is no special method, no one can tame it, and, once it appears, it may shake the cracks in the universe, open the channel again, and maybe connect to the homeland."

Wang Xuan set foot in a strange place. What he saw in front of him was very strange. It made him ecstatic. The soft light and rain floated in a sacred place. A huge osmanthus tree took root in the pure land, and a vague palace emerged.

"The laurel tree?" He stared at it, but on the sacred and peaceful tree, there were corpses hanging one after another. What was the situation?

Under the tree, there is the wreckage of the spacecraft, and there are also on the tree, like fruit on the branches, swaying in the light and rain.

Next chapter around 10.

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