Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 64: The world restarts 2 times

Latest website: Chasing the black wooden box, following its footprints, it came all the way to the door of the house, which made Wang Xuan look dignified and did not dare to act rashly for a while.

Is this the real old soil, or is it still in the "scene"? In the face of an unknown, an uneasy feeling came to his mind.

"Is it true?" He asked about the two treasures. His spiritual eyes were exhausted, and some couldn't see through. This was very rare.

Like a thin layer of thin smoke, a layer of mist, in that small city, among the familiar streets, curling up.

"The city should be fine, unless that thing is so powerful that it turns fiction into reality, or even creates things, even we have been deceived." Xiaoyaozhou responded.

If the city is real, shouldn't it make the cloud city part of the scene? Wang Xuan always felt that he had not gotten rid of the influence of the black wooden box.

He definitely didn't want to turn this place into a battlefield, and said solemnly: "This thing is too demonic, why don't I leave first."

If there is a battle of the treasures, this small town is estimated to be destroyed at once, and not even a little residue is left.

"I can't go back, the road... is gone." Yu Dao Spear sent out a wave of consciousness, behind them, it was pitch black, and they couldn't see the way back.

Is this really a "scene"? Wang Xuan glanced, the way, those flaming luminous footprints, really disappeared.

However, the current scene attracted the real Yuncheng, and it was a bit tricky. He didn't know if a major incident would happen if he stabbed it.

"Tear off the darkness, you should be able to return to the normal world, right?" Wang Xuan stepped back, away from Yuncheng, preparing to make a strong break with Zhibao.

When he thought of it, he did it. He took the long spear and stabbed it all the way. The imperial spear was covered with gold and silver lines.

The whole world was shaken, shaking violently, and a terrifying big crack appeared in the void, as if to tear apart a wall, break a black box world, and break free.

However, Wang Xuan's body became cold. He saw the Yuncheng below, the surface shook slightly, and black gaps appeared. Is this an earthquake?

"The city will be implicated. Is this a targeted response to people's hearts, or does the footprint it left in the past really involve Yuncheng?"

The black wooden box is far more powerful than expected. This is only indirect contact. It didn't take long for Wang Xuan to feel that it was extremely troublesome.

Is this the scene it left behind, or is it that it was in Cloud City at this time, causing some unknown impact on this city in the real world.

He couldn't think too much, he himself was born here.

"Your home is here, shouldn't it have anything to do with you?" Yu Dao Spear fluctuated, and after many special times, it thought more.

It was silent, carefully sensed, and explored whether this was a game set up by Kuroki Kuroko, or whether the place itself was strange.

"I have a bad feeling." Xiaoyaozhou sent out vague fluctuations of consciousness and proposed a hypothesis.

Wang Xuan was born in this city. If it is related to the wooden black box, then he is also part of the scene?

"In this case, Yudao, when you are held in his hand, is it considered that you are accepting the drive and control of ancient and modern?"

As soon as this assumption came out, Wang Xuan was restless.

"If you want to mess with my Dao heart, don't talk nonsense." Yu Dao Spear also sent out strong fluctuations, it thought to itself, no matter what the situation is, as long as you don't care, it can pierce the scene and rush out.

As for Wang Xuan, who was holding it, it was hard to say whether he had one hand left or half of his body.

"Enter the game, enter Yuncheng and take a look." Wang Xuan temporarily didn't want to tear this world apart with Zhibao, so as to avoid damage to the city below, and explore "gently" first.

When they landed, the whole city was quiet, the busy traffic disappeared, and the crowded streets seemed to have evaporated.

At the same time, with the breath of time, this small town is becoming... obsolete, and many tall buildings are disappearing, leaving only some shorter buildings.

Those landmark buildings, the tallest buildings, and the newly built squares were all gone, replaced by buildings that were a decade or two old.

At the same time, some streets were also narrowed.

Wang Xuan stood quietly, he was no stranger to the old city in front of him, and it was similar to the environment he lived in when he was in his early ten years.

This is against time, the whole city has returned to the past, and there is no one in the city.

"This forbidden item in ancient and modern times is too difficult to deal with and extremely dangerous. This is not a direct confrontation in terms of combat power, but pulling people and other treasures into the scene it sets, and it is hard to prevent."

He fell from the clouds, stood on the quiet street, put away the free boat, thought about it, and stuffed it under the life soil, so that it could absorb enough red substances and prepare to escape.

He held the first treasure in both hands. If the Imperial Dao Spear could not withstand the ancient and modern times, he could only escape.

"It's a mistake, I didn't expect the black wooden box to be so demonic."

Suddenly, there was movement on the street, and an old man appeared and looked familiar. This was... the old man who sold wontons on the street back then?

It's been a long time, although Wang Xuan can still roughly recognize it, but his impression is really blurred. He only knows that his surname is Li, he is very old, and he always sells breakfast.

However, the old man's ending seems to be a little bad. In order to make a living, he sold wontons on a rainy day. It is said that he was struck by lightning and could not be saved.

Why do you see this old man here? The streets were foggy and raining lightly, and other pedestrians were still invisible.


Suddenly, a time-space vortex appeared, turning the world upside down, and a black wooden box appeared in the distance, making the scene chaotic, Wang Xuan's hand loosened, unable to grasp the treasure.

"Real projection?"

Yu Dao Spear fought hard, breaking the mysterious lines around it, and then stabbed straight out, rushing towards the hazy black wooden box.

In the distance, the old man who sold wonton strode into his eyes and slammed into Wang Xuan with a punch.

This made him feel that time and space were confused. A person who died in the past had such a powerful strength that he attacked him.


Wang Xuan counterattacked, the sword wheel appeared in front of him, resisting the extremely terrifying fist mark of the opponent, and a dazzling beam of light burst out between the two, like lightning intertwined.

The street was penetrated, which was the result of Wang Xuan's rapid vacancy, otherwise, a large area of ​​the building would be destroyed.

"A powerhouse at the level of Earth Immortal?" He was moved, what kind of weird scene is this, an old man who sells chaos can be so outrageous? He finds it ridiculous.

A strange thought popped up in his mind, is this scene illusory, or is it more real? According to the previous situation, the forces motivated by ancient and modern seem to have existed.

"The old man killed by lightning was a strange man back then?" He was shocked.

At that time, the myth was not completely over. There was a very strong person who had already left the curtain and sold wontons on this street?


The old guy's fist slammed over again, this time his strength surpassed the Earth Immortal, and now the Imperial Dao Spear is in the distance, entangled by the real power of the black wooden box.

"Wonderful man, before the fairy tale ends, he must have extraordinary power, but now he is in the scene after all, I hope he does not have the peak power of twenty years ago!"

Wang Xuan's body glowed, and he used his heartstring to stab the sky, but the light beam that killed Yuanshen flew out, but it was blocked.

The Xeon's arrow light was shattered by a punch, and the old man who sold Chaos was too strong, and now he showed a power far exceeding the power of the Earth Immortal.

Wang Xuan picked up the Xiaoyaozhou below the life soil, but was very cautious, for fear that he would be disturbed by the time-space vortex of the black box again, and let him and this treasure be separated.


In the sky, a gap opened, and light fell down. It was too dazzling. A big hand with electric light slammed into the old man with a bang.

The old man immediately let out a scream, his body was charred, fell to the ground, and corpse in the street.

The moment the big hand dissipated, the crack was expanding, as if to tear apart a strange scene.

Wang Xuan was holding the shrunk Xiaoyaozhou. Before he could move the treasure, the old man died. Just like when he died, he was chopped into coke? Could this be the truth? Whose hand is that?

The clouds were torn apart, and vaguely, I saw a crack in the plane, swooping down all kinds of rays of light, black wooden box projections, boundless darkness and light were separated by a dividing line, coexisting, light and dark appeared together, flowing, towards Wang Xuan Press down.

Wang Xuan stood on the Xiaoyaozhou, and at the same time the Yudao Spear finally returned to his hand, emitting a bright light and stabbing forward.

With a bang, Yuncheng blurred and disappeared, and the whole world seemed to return to zero.

Siye was quiet. After a long time, Yuncheng appeared, the world seemed to have restarted, and everything was restored.

"The scene is restored, but I still haven't gone out." Wang Xuan frowned, the figure of the old man selling wontons appeared in his mind, is that a strange person who really existed? Back then, was he beaten to death by a big hand with thunder and lightning?

Cloud City, time has flowed back, turned into a village and town in an instant, and then returned to the original, becoming a wild mountain forest, and finally a mountain gate appeared in the Dahei Mountain outside the city, and there was a powerful Taoist line there.

Half an hour later, with a thud, the aura of the treasure was surging, the scene was shattered again, the world restarted, and it returned to its previous appearance.

"What is it going to This world has been restarted twice. The black wooden box is really powerful and outrageous. It is projected over, and it is always hiding in nothingness."

For the third time, the light and shadow of the scene flowed, returning to a more ancient era, where there are fewer human races, and there are many strange-shaped ethnic groups.

Moreover, in this place, there is a huge city, all kinds of technological spaceships, magic warships, everything.

From time to time, ships set sail, breaking through the atmosphere and submerging into a... secret realm.

There is a secret realm in the outer space of the old land. It is connected to the spiritual space, and there is a cosmic crack hidden there. The Yudao Banner civilization also built important places there.

"This time the scene has become more magnificent. From Yuncheng to the secret realm of outer space, those spaceships must be entering and leaving the cracks in the plane!" Wang Xuan was surprised, he felt that ancient and modern are performing something.

Is this the real scene of the past?

"The rift in the universe, shouldn't it have been a busy passage back then, connected to the transcendent central world?" Yu Dao Spear also sent out a wave of consciousness.

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