Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 68: children will be born

The latest website: By the sick peach forest, on the table, two red peaches are fully ripe, the peach hairs have fallen off cleanly, with an attractive fragrance, most of them are bright red like red coral, crystal clear and tender, and a small part is yellow and white. Like warm jade.

The rich fruit fragrance floats in, refreshing the heart, and at the same time, it also floats into the spirit, which instantly makes people calm and refreshed. It is worthy of being a top-notch fruit.

The remaining peach pits should only come from the preserved fruit, and the dried peach flesh carries the pits and has not been removed.

Wang Xuan was surprised, this was really taking care of the latecomers, leaving two fresh fruits untouched, and those who left only ate some preserved peaches, so they drifted away.

He was in a trance, the people who can come here must be strange people, the world is huge, the universe is vast, there have always been special people who can withstand the extraordinary cold winter since ancient times, and they may have lost most of their mana, but they can still endure it with difficulty.

Around the stone table, there are four futons, and there are no traces of people, and they have left for a long time.

Yaochi, as a higher spiritual world, has existed in more than one mythical age.

I want to come to those few strange people. When the myth was at its peak, no matter what period or civilization they came from, they were the most distinguished guests at the Yaochi event.

Now it's cold and quiet here, a few people sitting here, I'm afraid it's also a different feeling. After the collapse of the extraordinary era, all the immortals at the grand event of the past have disappeared.

Wang Xuan searched, and finally urged Xiaoyaozhou to scan the nearby spiritual world with his spiritual eyes all the way, but found nothing.

"It's too late." He felt that he might be able to meet him if he waited half a day in the morning.

He carefully inspected the fruit, and there was no problem, it was all rare, but in this era, it is difficult to exert its original medicinal effect.

It is really not easy for two fresh peaches to be preserved to this day, at least it has gone through a thousand years.

Wang Xuan sits quietly, he is waiting to see if there are still others.

He waited for a long time, and it was silent here. During this period, he even entered the real world and told his family that he had to travel a few days for something.

A few days have passed, the days of the Yaochi event have passed, and no one has ever visited here. Wang Xuan took all the fruits and left here.

He originally wanted to go to the highest spiritual world, but he finally stopped. It is reported that that place was also a bit strange in the era of extraordinary annihilation. Now that his wife is pregnant, he did not want to take risks rashly. This time, he held back. .

"Yaochi, Pantao?!" Zhao Qinghan was surprised, his eyes were wide open. That was the pure land and fairy fruit in myths and legends. Wang Xuan disappeared for a few days, but he picked Pantao?

"Pantao Garden, the leaves on the trees are about to fall." Wang Xuan said what happened, then handed her a fragrant peach and smiled: "People who once became immortals said that eating pan peach can raise a baby. , the children born are blessed by heaven.”

When the two were alone, Zhao Qing was not shy, but laughed at him. He just decided to have a baby, and he thought of having a baby, which was too early.

"For the sake of the child, you took a trip to Yaochi and brought back Pantao..." Overall, she felt a little dreamy and unreal.

Not long after, Wang Xuan went to Yuncheng to deliver preserved peach fruit, but two days later, he found that his parents had brought it back.

It didn't take a month at all. In fact, it didn't take long for Wang Xuan to be sure that he had descendants. After all, he had spiritual eyes and found out that they were two children.

"What, really?" Zhao Qinghan's figure was still as graceful as before, she couldn't see any change at all. She was still exercising, but now she was in a trance.

In recent years, the years have come to a standstill on her. After multiple inspections, her physical indicators have remained in her early twenties. This is the characteristic of some extraordinary people after the end of the myth.

But obviously, when she is fighting against time, she is more prominent, perhaps it is related to the life pool, after all, she wears it on her body for a long time.

Now, she takes the initiative to eat pan peach, and her whole body is covered with a faint radiance. The medicinal effect is very strong, but it is still incomparable with the past.

In the past, peach can live and die, but now even if it is kept in the pool of life, it is still suppressed by the environment of heaven and earth after being taken out.

Three months later, even though Zhao Qinghan was tall and slender, she still couldn't hide the fact that she was pregnant, and many friends sent blessings.

Not to mention Chen Yongjie and his wife, Qin Cheng, Zhou Qinghuang and other acquaintances, a group of friends from Xinxing also came here specially.

Zhao Qinghan's best friend Jingyue is happy for her, but she is also in a complicated mood, because every time they meet, they find that the years have left no traces on their friends.

"Zhao Zhao, don't you want to become an immortal too?" In fact, Zhao Qinghan's friends all feel this way, she seems to be able to stay young. The same woman, even a good girlfriend, is envious. Who doesn't want to resist the years and be beautiful forever?

Zhong Qing and Zhong Cheng also came. They had entered the interior with Wang Xuan many times to practice. Although they are in their early thirties, they still look like they are in their twenties.

However, Zhong Cheng discovered a sad fact that he was not like the old Zhong Young who lived in the old land, which made him slander and doubt his life. Then he stayed in the old land and insisted on practicing together with Wang Xuan. The dream of becoming a fairy in his heart has not yet been extinguished.

In particular, a few years ago, Wang Xuan smashed a giant ship with a gun, which he would never forget in his life. He often watched those videos to motivate himself.

Zhou Yun, who is in his early forties, sighed when he saw that his former friends, whether it was Huang Ming, Zhong Cheng, or even Qin Cheng, could keep his youthful face.

Only he left traces of the years, a little old.

Only Zhou Yun, at that time, refused to practice asceticism and did not enter Wang Xuan's interior. He felt that the myth was destined to come to an end, and there was no need to practice at all.

"Congratulations to Zhao Zhao, I heard that one boy and one girl have a complete life." Wu Yin came, sent her blessings, and brought the little fox fairy.

"Will the extraordinary come? I also want to practice. Even if I can't keep up with your footsteps, I want to watch from afar." When Wang Xuan sent her out, she whispered, and then went away, that day Come, return to Nova that day.

In the past few months, some friends who have not seen each other for a long time have appeared, reminiscing with Wang Xuan and his wife, there are former extraordinary people and ordinary people.

Among them, Zhang Qifan, who is often seen with each other, is the most active. He often looks for Wang Xuan. He is a "big taker" in the laboratory of the Institute of Life Sciences. Every time they meet, he wants Wang Xuan to use his evolutionary medicine.

Wang Xuan was really afraid of him. He always felt that his medicines were unreliable. He was afraid of giving birth to monster children, so he didn't dare to use them at all.

Even the famous Li Tianxian and Zhou Yaosheng appeared. This time it was not for live broadcast. In fact, they did not dare. They really dared to explain the matter of Wang Dixian having children. The two black mouths are afraid that they will not see the next day. of the sun.

Their mouths are more powerful, asking for a way out for a group of lonely extraordinary people. Those people have been silent for a long time, and almost all of them have become mortals.

"The immortals are sinking. Except for a few people who can stay in the extraordinary stage, the others have become mortals, and gradually they will become rotten. One day, they will die of old age in the years, and everyone is desperate."

"If there really is an extraordinary universe, if you can go on the road, please bring Li Xian, even if that day comes, we are all old and become decayed old men, old women, and I hope to go with you. Once you enter the extraordinary universe In the world, many people can still be helpers, they can recover, reproduce their former combat power, and go to war with you!"

The two represented a lot of extraordinary people. They were very sincere and sincere. They said a lot of words.

The years passed silently. In recent years, some old men Wang Xuan knew had business dealings with Xinxing when he opened the Health Palace, and many passed away one after another.

Those with high life expectancy, there are people around 110 years old, such as Song Yun, the core figure of the Song family, who lived to 112 years old and died last year.

Time is ruthless, and in this big environment, no one can make an exception. After all, even the perverted Xiao Song is middle-aged, let alone the older generation.

Qin Hongyuan, the head of the super chaebol Qin family, also died. He dared to order Qin Hong to bombard Lie Xian in the big screen with a battleship on the new moon. He lived to be in his 100s and died a few years ago.


"I can't wait any longer. In this harsh universe, it is difficult for us to even harvest our spiritual power. If we lack extraordinary factors, our spirit will also decay!"

Whaler - Yuan Dao, restless, the worst time is coming, several of his recently selected targets have disappointed him, and the darkest moment is approaching.

In the eyes of some people, the years are quiet, the world is peaceful, and everything is peaceful, but some people are anxious and go through torment in their hearts.

"Eight months, a pair of little guys are very healthy, punching and kicking every day, shouldn't they really hear the supreme scriptures I recited, and they are practicing now?"

Wang Xuan was sitting at home. He had not traveled far even once recently. He just wanted to accompany his family and wait for the two little guys to be born.

Zhao Qinghan's beauty is still the same. Every day in a reasonable schedule, she often whispers with the child in her womb, exuding a soft maternal brilliance.

Wang Xuan's parents also came over from Yuncheng and took care of them nearby, preparing to see their grandson and granddaughter.

Aoki, Chen Yongjie, Lao Zhong, etc. have also settled here for a long time, and they are very close to each other, and they can walk there very quickly.

In their hands, there is always a treasure, sometimes a happy boat, sometimes a life pool, to prevent any accidents.

The treasures are spread out and can protect the relatives in all directions. However, obviously Wang Xuan has thought too much, and now no one dares to die.

In fact, Wang Xuan was just on guard.

"Wang Xuan, there may be an accident!" Ming Lun appeared with a very serious expression.

"We can't get in touch with the extraordinary universe, and we can't go back at all. However, we unexpectedly discovered that our enemy may appear." He was very depressed, and he could see the incomparable tension, from the extraordinary universe. An unpredictable opponent is coming?

"Can they cross the border? It's unlikely." Wang Xuan was surprised.

"It's very difficult, and we don't believe it, because the cracks in the universe are very stable, there is no abnormality, and no one has penetrated. However, we found clues, maybe they came a long time ago, and now the traces are revealed, maybe there are us It's unsettling that they're approaching in an unknown way!"

"It's useless for you to find me, I don't know your enemies, and I won't leave now." Wang Xuan said, at this juncture, how could he leave home?

Minglun was anxious and wanted to ask him to help him find and investigate. He said, "Wang Xuan, the problem is very serious. You don't understand those creatures, and we are destined to become mortal enemies. This is related to the survival of the race. It's not just us, but you too. People from the universe may also face a huge blood-colored storm!"

Wang Xuan still shook his head, he just wanted to stay by his family's side, and said, "That's the battle in the transcendent central world, and under the harsh general trend of error correction in this universe, I don't think they will burn the war here. "

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