Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 77: whaling

The latest website: Yuanlan Star, Beihai.

The black waves are ups and downs, magnificent and boundless. Looking around, the deep North Sea has no end, and the black ocean is like a cosmic starry sky.

The giant ship is like a huge dark cloud, suspended in the high sky, Zhuo Kong and the dragon hunters are coming, and they want to wake up the Origin 72.

They took a small ship, swooped to a low altitude, sank into the pitch-black North Sea, and descended all the way into a giant ocean trench.

Under the sea, thousands of meters deep, where you can't see your fingers, normal creatures have long been unable to survive. However, this trench is not a place of extinction, there are all kinds of strange species, and even a large number of glowing turtles.

Occasionally, when a large group of people swims by, the colors are colorful, and the trench has a hazy light. A black-cyan robot is half-buried by the sea sand, and its interior is glowing.

"No. 72, it's time to wake up." Zhuo Kong called this sleeping mechanical life form with special spiritual ripples.


The eyes of the black-cyan robot lit up suddenly, like a thunderbolt, illuminating the dark seabed, and then he moved, the sea sand churned, and the sea water was extremely turbid.

A gigantic robot stood up, twenty meters tall, far exceeding the pitch-black No. 63. At the same time, the fire in his body was also releasing power, his whole body was hazy, his vitality returned, and he truly woke up.

In an instant, strange mythological factors flowed, and he possessed a powerful extraordinary power, and with a short and rapid improvement, he was comparable to an earth immortal.

Then, when he rushed to the sea, he raised another level. In this harsh environment, he can still have such extraordinary power, which is enough to make people horrified.

The origin of fire, this universe has only two small pieces, which are extremely precious. Only when he fuses one piece can it still have terrifying power in this era.

Both Zhuo Kong and the dragon hunters felt a sense of oppression and felt dangerous across the metal spaceship bulkhead.

Fortunately, when No. 72 was excavated by them, its mechanical heart was refined by the two of them. This is a puppet they controlled that surpassed the Earth Immortal level.

On an island, No. 72 took over the Great Scarlet Heavenly Sword, and as the power of fire flowed, the red Heavenly Sword enlarged and ripped apart the void.

In an instant, with the island as the center, the entire North Sea turned red, the sky above the sea shone with chia rays, the sea and the sky were the same color, dark red, and extremely dreary.

"Can it be refined?" Zhuo Kong asked, wanting to truly master this prohibited item.

"It takes thousands of years to grind slowly, and it is possible to succeed." No. 72 responded indifferently, with a sonorous voice, a veritable steel plate friction sound.

Zhuo Kong nodded and said: "Although I have some regrets, I am a little relieved. Hundreds of years ago, the Dachitian Saber was still broken. No. 63 wants to refine it, but there is not enough time."

The dragon hunter still covered his body in black robe, and said, "Take the time to get used to it, check whether there is anything strange on the knife, fully baptize the knife body with fire, and prepare for battle!"

"Who needs to wake me up?" No. 72 asked, a 20-meter-tall black-cyan metal body, holding a scarlet long knife that grew to a dozen meters long, with eyes like thunder, like a Chaos Immortal who can split the world. magic!

"An aboriginal with supernatural powers, remember, you must do your best to hunt and capture him, he is connected to a stable supernatural power space pool, in a sense, he may be more precious than top prohibited items ." Zhuo Kong reminded.

This statement immediately caused No. 72's whole body to shine with the light of fire, which diffused out of the body, and the whole body seemed to be on fire.

The hunter warned: "Be careful, he has dangerous objects on him, one of which is the first treasure in this universe - the flagpole of the Yudao Flag, which turns into a long spear and is extremely sharp."

"From time immemorial to the present, the most glorious period of this universe was only slightly closer to the center of the extraordinary world. After many deviations, this place has long been considered a remote place, and it is too far from the big stage of the extraordinary central world. With extraordinary power, it is only holding the treasure of the countryside, can it collide with a top-level prohibited item like the big red sword?" No. 72 said calmly.

Or prejudiced, but he also stated a fact that the treasures far away from the transcendent central world have not experienced the baptism of the strongest war, have not been tested by blood and fire, and have no ranking.

Zhuo Kong sank his face and said, "Don't be careless, the Imperial Dao Spear once collided with Gu Jin, and it didn't break."

"Oh, give me the details." No. 72 took it seriously.

Soon, all kinds of video and data were transmitted, and he learned about Wang Xuan's fighting style and saw the hazy outline of the terrifying black wooden box.


In the sea of ​​​​stars, it is not calm. There is a commercial fleet that once approached Wang Xuan's battleground. Of course, when they were extremely far apart, after scanning the terrifying picture, they turned around and left immediately, not daring to. really close.

Even this caused an uproar. Although the scanned picture was very blurry, and even the figure of the flesh and blood could not be seen clearly, many people believed that it should be Wang Xuan.

In the era after the collapse of the myth, who else has supernatural powers and can use cold weapons against the cosmic fleet? There is only one person at the moment.

"The Star Destroyer was dispatched, and the distant planet was destroyed on the spot, but there was no way to destroy a flesh-and-blood human being?"

In the universe, all the stars and lands, many ethnic groups, and many creatures are all in a trance. Are they still human?

Now is the era of exhaustion, and that person dares to rush to the Star Destroyer, which does not conform to the rules and principles of this era, and is too "scientific".

Whether it's among the extraordinary species or on the technological planet, all races feel dizzy, this is getting more and more magical. Six or seven years ago, he was still playing ordinary warships, and just a few years after he calmed down, his strength has improved again. ?

Even the immortals and gods who have become ordinary people have changed their eyes, staring at the blurry picture, unable to speak for a long time.

"Are you sure it's Wang Xuan? After all, I can't see clearly. Only the transcendent light is passing by, and even the weapon is submerged by the runes. It's not necessarily him, right?" Someone was suspicious.

"Could it be a strange person who was accidentally attacked, and then suddenly broke out!" Some people also put forward this idea, but it was only discussed in a very small range, because not even the senior people in the immortals knew about it" Strange people".

"It should still be Wang Xuan. Although the extraordinary factor is particularly dazzling this time, it is different from the past, but after comparison and analysis, it is still the same substance."

In the sea of ​​stars, many people of all ethnic groups were stunned, and the gods were extremely disappointed. I couldn't understand how he could still cultivate and become stronger.

Some gods made up their minds to visit the old land and send representatives, just like Lie Xian asked Zhou Yaosheng and Li Tianxian to talk secretly.

The gods have all kinds of thoughts, and they hope that one day, they will recover with the immortal king and leave this big universe. Even if they are allowed to be pawns and explore the way, they are still willing.

What kind of grievances and grievances in the past, these problems are not big, just the grievances of a very small number of people, you can let go and apologize sincerely.

After Yuan Dao saw that kind of picture, he immediately judged that Zhuo Kong and the dragon hunters were about to take action, and there would be a violent offensive like a storm.

Because he knew those two people too well, and at the same time, his expression became more and more cold, and the two really wanted him to take the lead, treating him as cannon fodder.

He is one of the four fallen ones, has he actually fallen to this point?

"The tomb hasn't moved, you come out to dominate everything, I wish you all overturned!" He cursed maliciously, and was really annoyed by the two.

In the depths of the universe, Wang Xuan wandered with the mechanical bear. There was no danger, and he was not too worried. There was a normal waterway here, and it was not very far from a wormhole.

This is the first time for him to travel under the stars, relying on the physical body, maintaining the strength of the main level, and carrying the Imperial Dao Spear, without any fear at all.

On the contrary, he regarded it as a special experience, what kind of extreme environment, the vast sea of ​​stars, even if he is indeed as small as a dust, he will not die.

Two days later, they saw the commercial fleet. When they approached, they really frightened a group of people. Is this... a living person floating in the icy universe? Approaching fast!

At this point, there is no need to show off muscles, everything is peaceful, Wang Xuan and the mechanical bear successfully entered the spaceship and received the most ceremonious and warm reception.

Wang Xuan didn't embarrass them, and at the same time didn't want to implicate them. If he was targeted by the Fallen and attacked again, it would be bad.

He asked the captain if there were interstellar pirates nearby, got a positive answer, and after being instructed, he approached the dangerous area a little, and the two sides separated.

Soon after, Wang Xuan and Mechanical Bear once again had their own large battleship, the Red Skull.

He didn't hide it, and began to send various messages to some gray organizations and major forces in different stars to collect information on enemy tracks.

Soon, he really received a special signal. After the mechanical bear deciphered, someone was sending a message to him, and the Fallen was going to attack him.

The name of the opponent's operation this time is - Whaling!

He was told that a powerful whaler had appeared and that danger was approaching.

In fact Yuanlan Xing, Beihai, on an island, Zhuo Kong, Dragon Hunter, and No. 72 are indeed preparing for battle, and they will act soon.

"He is indeed very special. The alien space pool connected with the body and spirit is priceless. However, it would be an exaggeration to say that the first treasure in this universe can block the past and the present. The weakest state. Second, the Yudao Spear collided with the black wooden box, not the real ancient and modern inside."

No. 72 stroked Chi Yingying's blade with metal fingers, calmly and confidently, and said: "The treasures that have not entered the transcendent central world are not really prohibited items. There are many so-called holy objects. It will no longer be psychic, and a slightly more powerful treasure will take a long time to adapt to the rules of the transcendent central world, and at that time, I don’t know how many masters will be changed.”

Although it is a mechanical life form, his metal face still has a vivid expression, showing a cold meaning, and said: "The scariest thing about Da Chi Tian Dao is that it can still shine even in the remote universe. The Great Chi Tianguang from the transcendent central world, and the Yudao spear that I have never heard of, will most likely become a treasure in the countryside after being baptized by the rules of the central world. Hunt, I am ready to hunt whales!”

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