Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 80: 3 unique articles

In an instant, Wang Xuan's fist was extremely dazzling as if it was carrying the power of the stars.


This is the explosion of his high-end power. Although he has not yet been promoted to the main level of health preservation, it is enough to kill the strong mechanical clan.


Mainly because he is hiding, what if there are big fish? It's not good to just scare away.


In the light of the fist, No. 72's body collapsed in many places, and then cracked, and some places even penetrated the front and back.


The rune of order shone like a star, and Wang Xuan, who was nearly a thousand meters tall, walked on the falling crystal laurel flowers, and blew up the only remaining arm of No. 72.


There was a thud, this was the sound of rules, and the divine light poured out from the halo of Wang Xuan's backlight, all of which hit No. 72's metal body.


In the next moment, the strong man of the mechanical race disintegrated, and the metal body nearly 900 meters high was torn apart, continuously blasting, and breaking into pieces. A mass of fire swayed and disappeared in a flash.


"Huh!?" Wang Xuan was keenly aware that this little world was a little different, he was alert, and completed the ancient spell at the last moment on the 72nd.


On the verge of death, the spiritual power of the strong mechanical people is roaring, and they display a secret technique that does not know what effect it has, which is very strange.


In an instant, Wang Xuan sensed the aura of No. 72, and it was about to reappear. That technique is really not simple.


In this piece of heaven and earth, there are waves of light rising and falling, like the reflection of the stars and moon on the calm sea under the moonlit night, and the stars on the sky dome complement each other, making it impossible to distinguish between the sky and the sea.


At this moment, Wang Xuan and the void congealed into one, and the runes that exceeded a large portion of the Earth Immortal were flowing all over his body, like a starry sky.


On the opposite side, with the help of the fire, No. 72 reappeared, condensed the metal fragments, and regrouped in an instant.


His body, like a mechanical bear, is mixed with active metals, and even if it is melted and broken, it can quickly regenerate.


Runes similar to Wang Xuan's flowed out of No. 72's body, and his Taoism was much improved than before!


Now, he is like a reflection of Wang Xuan, with similar realms to each other!


This caused Wang Xuan's pupils to shrink. The other party had previously called heaven and earth as the public, and the universe was assimilated into one. Do they want to bring the two together in this world?


Waves of light rippled and spread in the void of the universe, and the two stood in a strange rune world.


No. 72 was silent for a while. The opponent was really amazing. In an era when it was impossible to practice cultivation, after reaching this height, the combat power might be close to the health master, right?


However, he is not afraid, even if the opponent really has the strength of the main level of health preservation, he does not care, because he successfully displayed one of the three unique chapters of the mechanical family!


He was silent because, how old is the other party? But to reach this height is too amazing.


Once the Sanjue Chapter is completed, the first chapter can be temporarily transformed into a killer-level secret technique for the opponent. As long as the opponent performs it, it can be imitated immediately and brought to the same level.


If the second chapter is successful, it will be a temporary imitation of the Taoism of people who are higher than oneself, and become a person of the same level, and can use this to start a fair duel.


The third chapter is even more bizarre. When encountering an invincible opponent, you can temporarily copy the opponent, and you have all the means of the opponent. However, there are not many strong mechanical experts in this article.


Of course, the premise of using the three unique chapters is that one's own background and abilities should not be too far from the opponent. Otherwise, no one can afford that kind of price, and it may collapse first at the beginning.


No. 72 is not worried that he will collapse, because his background is strong enough. If it weren't for the error correction of the universe, he was the top powerhouse in the age of mythology.


He completed the first two chapters, and the third chapter was only completed by three or four people, including the Mechanical King Kong from the Transcendent Central World.


A latecomer, a human who has not practiced for many years, actually forced No. 72 to perform the forbidden technique in the Sanjue chapter, which made him lose face.


Wang Xuan looked calm. Near him, the linden tree was swaying, the laurel flowers were fragrant, and the light and rain were bursting. Behind him, there was even a piece of feathered bamboo. Over the years, he has studied the Shakyamuni scriptures, slate scriptures, golden Bamboo slips, etc., are accompanied by a variety of wonders that resonate.


His mind and body were empty and clear, he sensed the truth, the other party's Taoism improved, and he was at the same level, and then he thought of the other party's ancient mantra.


"Heh, the dignified super-powerhouse of the mechanical race, who has lived all the way from the age of mythology, has lived for an unknown number of years, but he took the initiative to have a so-called 'fair' duel with me. It's interesting."


With a slightly cold smile, Wang Xuan's spirit rippled up and down. This indifferent taunt made No. 72 a little embarrassed.


Of course, this didn't affect him, and it was only a brief moment of turbulence in his heart. His metal body glowed, and the fire in his body was fully activated.


"Your Alien Space Pool is amazing. It has brought you to this point. Let me see what secrets it has."


No. 72 calmed down and had no pressure in his heart. Now he just wants to hunt whales and take down Wang Xuan, no longer bothered by the loss of the battle just now.




Above their heads, the two weapons were colliding. It was a confrontation of Dao Ze, which was extremely terrifying, and they both wanted to destroy their opponents.


Threads and strands of Dao patterns spread down from above, connecting Wang Xuan and No. 72. One is to protect them, and the other is to extract extraordinary factors.


Yu Dao Spear shoots out real fire, driving the supreme order, such as cosmic fire raging, piercing the starry sky, releasing rules, and the big red celestial sword every time it shakes hard and never evades.


Although the void does not transmit ordinary sounds, the Dao vibrates, and the sound of the rules of the collision of the treasures is sonorous, but anyone who is extraordinary can hear it when they approach this star land, which is extremely terrifying.


The Great Chitian Saber, which cuts through the dark universe every time, travels through the vortex of time and space, is everywhere, and fights fiercely with the Imperial Dao Spear.


"The number one treasure, your prestige must not be lost. Others regard you as a treasure in the countryside. If you don't defeat your opponent, it will not be enough to wash away the shame." Wang Xuan said.


He was really worried. If the Imperial Dao Spear was cut off by the Great Chitian Saber, no matter how strong he was, he was far more powerful than No. 72, and it was estimated that it would end in tragedy here.


"Da Chi Tian Dao, if you don't interpret your invincible myth now, when will you wait? Use Da Chi Tian Guang to fix it. In this remote place, it is indeed a rural treasure, and it has not experienced the baptism of the rules of the transcendent central world. Not really a prohibited item."


No. 72 also secretly transmitted his voice, making the Dachitian Saber more violent. However, no matter how secretive the sound transmission was, the Imperial Dao Spear could still hear it, and it suddenly became more fierce and murderous.


Especially at this time, the endless murderous aura poured down from above, and Yu Dao Spear wanted to destroy the strong mechanical clan first.


However, with the Great Scarlet Heavenly Sabre here, it is impossible for the opposite treasure to kill No. 72 like this. The scarlet-red saber body radiates billions of rays, and the Heavenly Sabre's rules are unparalleled.




At this moment, Da Chitian Dao violently extracted the strange power of the fire fragments from the body of No. 72, and the whole body glowed, as if it communicated with the extraordinary central world.


For a time, it released the most divine light, which was contained in its body, in its memory, the supreme law of the transcendent central world.


The Yudao Spear was indeed affected, as if it was stuck in a quagmire, it was quite difficult to move.


This is a bit terrifying. In a short period of time, it is possible that the Great Scarlet Heaven Sabre will bind the most precious treasure in this universe?


Wang Xuan's heart sank, is the light of the rules at the center of the transcendent world so terrifying, and has such a great influence on the Yudao Spear? He communicated secretly.


"It's okay, although it's not smooth, I feel that I'm adapting quickly and improving gradually. I'll use the great red sky to sharpen myself!" Yu Dao gun responded.


This shocked No. 72. He also heard it. Is the "earth treasure" in the remote universe so exaggerated? Impossible, a dead duck has a tough mouth!


In any case, the Dachitian Dao temporarily restrained the murderous gun, which gave No. 72 confidence. He might be able to borrow some of the power of prohibited Unfortunately, he was disappointed, the Yudao gun really The incomparable ferocity and violent writhing made Da Chi Tian Dao unable to distinguish the remaining force, and urged Da Chi Tianguang to suppress it with all his strength.


Yu Dao Spear naturally understands Wang Xuan's situation, it will not let the scarlet celestial sword slash at him, it is fighting, and it is feeling the reality of the supreme rules of the transcendent central world.


Wang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, the Yudao Spear really encountered an opponent today, and he needed to go all out to confront it. Fortunately, it could withstand it.


He set his sights on No. 72, ready to kill the robot, seized his shards of fire, and cut off the transcendent factor needed by the Great Scarlet Heaven Sword.


In fact, No. 72 also stared at him, with the same purpose, to deprive him of the Alien Space Pool.


No. 72 approached and said: "Time is on my side, the longer it drags on, the more unbearable that fierce spear will be. The Dachitian Dao was born in the famous Dachitian universe. The Transcendent Central World has been shifted many times, and the Great Scarlet Heavenly Sword has withstood the test and has always been favored by the heavens as one of the strongest prohibited items."


"Do you want to cause trouble for me, or do you want to create pressure for Yudao Spear? Ridiculous, background, root, what are those! I was born in the 'remote universe' that you call me, and I have only practiced for more than ten years, and you are from The Transcendent Central World has walked all the way through the age of mythology, what can I do? I didn't blow it up! Now, you have used a secret technique to fight me in a so-called 'fair' fight, it's fair Come on, blow you up again!" Wang Xuan was disdainful, standing under the starry sky, extremely powerful.

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