Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 99: The world behind the door

Yudao Banner was fierce and fierce, carrying extraordinary meteorite fragments, wrapped in a small amount of planetary wreckage, and slaughtered from the dark world.

As soon as it returned, it went to war again and fought to the end.

In the distance, a blurry pattern appeared, chaos flowing, where endless murderous aura was transpiring, and a long knife could be seen glowing in the middle.

The first killing formation map, which was recently being sacrificed by the flag, really showed signs of fusion. Now that I heard the call, it did fluctuate and gave a positive response.

It only appeared dimly, and it shocked a large number of people. What is that? In the picture, there is a Chi Yingying Tiandao embedded in it, and the cold light is terrifying.

"Big Scarlet Heaven Sword!?" A group of people are numb, what the **** is this operation, that is a forbidden item that is famous in the extraordinary universe, was it smelted?

A group of immortals and demons who have recovered to the peak state are horrified. Today, there are various accidents, and the advice of a wolf emperor has exploded so many "great gods".

The Royal Road Spear and the flag were unified, and the real first treasure was born.

Ancient and modern are forced to face each other, breaking the sky of history.

The pool of life has come out, and it has ended.

Opposite the big universe, there are unpredictable creatures digging through the cracks in the universe, and they are suspected to be attacking across the border with prohibited items.

Now the so-called killing formation map is also about to be born, and it actually contains the big red sword, and it is really about to fight. This level of melee is simply unimaginable.

At this point, many immortals and demons who want to follow the ancient and modern expeditions have no longer looked down, and they are not so hostile to Wang Xuan.

On the contrary, they stared at the silver Sirius with only half of his body left and a tall mountain in the distance, blaming it for being troublesome!

If it wasn't for this demon emperor to cause trouble and make random suggestions, where would there be such a level of war, it would have already begun to cross the border.

"Wolf King, you caused the trouble yourself, heal yourself!" The extraordinary person from the Immortal Land, the top powerhouse at the same level, was not very afraid of the Wolf King, so he said this directly.

There is also a man from the land of the gods, whose real age is more than 5,000 years old, older than the originator of the former Chaojue Palace.

The wolf emperor was in severe pain, and the second half of his body was gone. Now hearing this sound, his lungs almost exploded from the broken half of his body.

But it didn't say anything, quietly shut up and waited, its fate is not determined by these people, it is determined by ancient and modern.

Of course, it was really uneasy, and it never thought that the flag was here, and the first treasure that was truly intact was born.

Especially, when it saw the big scarlet sword in the killing array, it was dizzy and regretted secretly. Today, Meng Lang has gone too far.


The terrifying sound of the Great Dao ripped apart the world again, and the two treasures once again fell into the silent universe of the unknown era, shaking one after another.

"I said, I don't want to fight today, my real enemy is in the transcendent central world." Gu Jin said, still calm.

It can be seen that it is really powerful, and it has not left the black wooden box yet, and it is always mysterious.

"I don't want to go to war, why did I go earlier? At that time, let me kill the wolf animal, and there is no such thing. You protect it is to be my enemy." After all, it was once one.


The void shook, like a cosmic tsunami, shaking the entire plane canyon, the light of the supreme rule spread, and there were changes in the passage between the two realms.

The gap has widened. This time, it is not ancient and modern, but someone on the opposite side is shooting, to penetrate this road and connect the two great universes.

Obviously, the keys of the two places moved in unison earlier, and the ancient and modern are too powerful, so that the sealed area is full of cracks, and the light has penetrated, and you can see the scenery on the opposite side. Now if you are hit hard, it will naturally collapse.

"Last time, when you brought me here and asked me to fight with you, did you use the strength of you and me to send a signal to the opposite side?" Yudaoqi sensed various subtle changes in the outside world in the pitch-black world, and his murderous aura became even more intense. Intense.

It believes that the search for ancient and modern times, from the moon to Yuncheng, and then here, was used by the other party.

"Accidentally, how did I know you would come." Gu Jin made waves.

The Imperial Dao Flag erupted and collided with the black wooden box dozens or hundreds of times. Fortunately, it was not in the present world, otherwise the nearby immortals and demons would not be left, and they would all be destroyed.

When Wang Xuan was about to kill the Wolf King again, ancient and modern appeared again, and time seemed to him just like the scenery in his travels, and he could easily travel through it.

The Imperial Road Banner came out, filled with chaos, and confronted the ancients and the present.

The terrifying sound of rules came, and the road between the two universes was penetrated!

The remnants of the closed door were broken, and an open passage appeared.

For a time, the extraordinary factors were turbulent like rivers and seas, and spread more regularly, and the mythical age of the opposite universe radiated to this side.

Everyone shuddered, immortals, gods, and demons, etc., all pupils contracted, staring at the strange and powerful new universe.

The world behind the door really appeared, and it caught everyone's eyes, making the immortals excited and nervous. Is that the extraordinary world they want to set foot in?

On that side, there is the vast starry sky, the deep universe, without end, the desolate, grand, and unknown Dao rhyme that comes through the void and is suppressed in people's hearts.

In the vicinity of the giant gate, there are densely packed spaceships, overwhelming the sky, as if waiting for a monarch to return, this is a steel jungle.

In addition, there is a huge altar suspended in the starry sky, with a mace up and down on it. It is a super prohibited item, and it hangs down to the highest rules.

A large number of spaceships, the treasure mace on the altar of mythology, the contrast between this technology and the wilderness is very striking. The two civilizations are blending, waiting for the return of ancient and modern together.

There were also some strong men standing on the altar. The man at the head was a strong man, who could be more than four meters tall, with a naked upper body. His bronze skin was like the coiled tendons of a horned dragon, giving people a feeling of unparalleled strength.

His black hair was loose, his green eyes were terrifying, and the prohibited item, the mace, was hanging above his head, which was closely related to him. Obviously, he was the one who shot with the treasure just now and shattered the final door closing rule.

There are some creatures on both sides of him, from different races, such as mechanical dragon beasts, order-ridden giant apes, brown-haired spider women... More than a dozen creatures, all extremely powerful and unfathomable, staring at the depleted universe .

"It turned out to be a dispute and a conflict. It's not easy to have such a powerful flag-type prohibited item in a remote place." The giant man opened his mouth and communicated with the people around him. Of course, it was in the form of consciousness. .

"Since the ancient and modern adults have already said that you are not allowed to keep the silver wolf, and if you want to bring it across the border, then you must obey." The giant man's eyes were full of light, and he turned his spirit into a bunch of runes, agitating. Come to this big universe.

"Since there is a helping hand on the opposite side, kill the formation map and fight with me!" Yudaoqi said.

At this time, in the extraordinary universe, on the altar, the giant man grabbed the mace hanging above his head with his hand and pointed to this side.

This time, Gu Jin took the initiative to take action, because when it saw the Yudao flag attack, Wang Xuan urged the life pool to take action, wanting to kill the wolf emperor first.

I have to say that this treasure related to time has unpredictable power, blocking Yudaoqi and Wang Xuan.

On the opposite side, the giant man held prohibited items, and his mace exuded terrifying brilliance, took away half of the wolf emperor's body and let it board the opposite altar.

"Thank you!" Wolf Emperor Bai Ye thanked him immediately and let out a long sigh of relief.


The first killing formation map was born, with a big scarlet sword inside, hanging in front of the passage between the two realms, the chaotic energy permeated, and it was necessary to deal with ancient and modern.

"Slow!" In the transcendent universe, the giant man on the altar opened his mouth, and his green eyes flashed a breathtaking light, and said: "The ancient and modern adults have not been born, and do not want to wake up its real enemy, why do you do this."

He added: "Well, you want to kill this old wolf, and the ancient and modern adults don't want to make a big fight, why don't you fight with me. This silver wolf is here, if it can beat me, you can kill it directly."

"I will kill the wolves after I defeat the rotten box." Yu Dao gun felt that the opponent had raised the ancient and modern too high, and it was the first to be tough, whether it was the state of the gun or the state of the flag, the "original intention" started from unchanged.

"It's very close to the old land..." Wang Xuan sent a voice transmission to it, don't stubbornly fight here, if you kill the red eyes, punch a crack in the plane, cross the profound world, and spread to the old land, it will be tragic, maybe will be hit directly.

"Let's not say anything else, I'll kill the wolf animal first!" After hearing the words, Yu Daoqi flew into the air, not at all embarrassed, and went directly across the universe to kill the wolf emperor.

This kind of scene, this kind of picture, makes everyone's heart shake, is this going to cross the border?

The four-meter-tall giant smiled and said, "Are you only here to fight? It's not good. It's better for people and prohibited items to participate in the war, and it's fairer."

"It's enough for me to fight!" Yu Dao Spear sent out a wave of consciousness, because this would be a cross-border blow, a big collision at the highest level. It was afraid that Wang Xuan's realm was too low. If it was not good for protection, he would be arrested. Shattered.

The giant man smiled and shook his head, and said, "No, this is also an exchange between different civilizations in the universe. If there is a collision of prohibited items, it is natural for people to learn from each other."

What's the meaning? Originally, Wang Xuan wanted to unite with the Imperial Dao Banner and prepare red substances for it, but does this giant man still want to put down the treasure and learn from him alone?

How does this work? The two boundaries are too far apart.

Yudaoqi naturally refused, but it didn't want Wang Xuan to die.

The giant man held a mace and said: "It's a bit unexpected. You and the adults of ancient and modern dare to confront each other, why can't you learn from the people on our side? The exchanges between different civilizations can hit the most gorgeous firelight."

On the opposite side, the strong men on the altar all stared at them.

On this side, many immortals and demons were silent.

"Okay!" At this moment, someone suddenly spoke, and a huge hand appeared out of nowhere, as if it had communicated with Yudao Banner, causing the banner to glow.

The big hand grabbed the rapidly growing Yudao flag and slashed towards the opposite side.

The giant man's pupils rushing up with a mace, facing the skyrocketing Imperial Dao Flag, and smashing violently at the first treasure.

With a thud, the light of the supreme rule burst out, and the mysterious giant held the Imperial Dao flag, and actually... directly hit the mace and flew out, falling into the deep space of the universe.

As for the giant man, it shattered once, but was sheltered by the light of the rules left by the forbidden items, and reorganized in the starry sky, his cold hair stood on end.

The big hand let go of the Imperial Dao Flag, and with a flick of his hand, the giant man was fanned flying, causing him to explode once again in the starry sky.

Then, the big hand grabbed the wolf emperor, and with a puff, it burst!

Starting point sword fairy Jiang Qingyao's birthday event, send a beautiful photo of her. By the way, I would like to ask for a double-period monthly pass, thank you.

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